/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Anonymous 01/18/25(Sat)20:00:55 | 275 comments | 37 images
Ascii-F keyboard
prev: >>103873279

The group buys are getting interesting again edition

>Keyboard recommendation template:
(Helps also to mention if you're open to soldering or not)

>Find vendors

>This keyboard stuff is so expensive!
https://aliexpress.com (or Taobao if you are China-savvy)

>Layouts and switches

>Practice typing

>What does ______ do to a keyboard's sound
https://blacksimon.tv/science (Google sheet by a twitch streamer)

>What's the deal with backlighting?
https://rentry.org/mkg_backlight (WIP, suggestions/corrections welcome)
Anonymous 01/18/25(Sat)20:02:49 No.103949326
If those things didn't look like an unfinished product I might actually be interested.

I just can't stomach the 3d print marks and feel those things would have.
Anonymous 01/18/25(Sat)20:04:34 No.103949346
Where's the delete key?
Anonymous 01/18/25(Sat)20:05:00 No.103949350
they deleted it
Anonymous 01/18/25(Sat)20:31:41 No.103949584
i really like my WS morandis but i want a lighter switch. i type a fuckton for work and i'm tired of the morandis.
what do you recommend /mkg/
Anonymous 01/18/25(Sat)20:32:23 No.103949591
layout 65+numpad
Ascii-f is very nearly the exact thing I've wanted:
- brass or copper bottom: yes (brass)
- 60% + numpad: very close (65%+numpad)
- front cherry lip: sort of
- plateless top mount: yes
- numlock led indicator: yes
- oversized case: not really

This is so close to my ideal board that I know exactly what I'm going to do: not buy it and then feel bad about it

The . on the numpad is a delete key, fn + backspace is also often used for delete, and all those switches can be changed out to be delete if desired. I would probably do something like this myself
Anonymous 01/18/25(Sat)20:38:05 No.103949665
why can't I buy plate mount cherry mx orange switches?
Anonymous 01/18/25(Sat)21:12:06 No.103950002
I just picked up the Logitech K845 with red switches!
Anonymous 01/18/25(Sat)21:38:26 No.103950255
>numpad on the right side
this is the ultimate layout
Anonymous 01/18/25(Sat)21:56:29 No.103950389
>programs a layer in Via that puts the numpad on the left side
heh... nothin personnel kid
Anonymous 01/18/25(Sat)22:00:41 No.103950424
Makes sense. Numpads are used heavily by finance ghouls so they should be on the left (sinister) side.
Anonymous 01/18/25(Sat)22:17:48 No.103950581
Layer lines don't bother me at all to be honest. Also the boards I print are pretty sturdy. The "switch plate" is 4.5mm thick, and doesn't flex at all under normal typing.
Anonymous 01/18/25(Sat)22:21:08 No.103950609
Ascii-F beige
Anonymous 01/18/25(Sat)22:51:46 No.103950858
I don't mean typing feel, just the material itself doesn't feel amazing. I like solid metal cases for my keyboards.
Anonymous 01/18/25(Sat)22:57:42 No.103950923
Yea I used to only want my boards to be metal, but I'm not really missing it nowadays to be honest. My old ergodox was >7lbs of aluminum for example.
Anonymous 01/18/25(Sat)23:08:41 No.103951007
Finally got off my ass and built the dactyl to replace my scylla. Ball bearing switches with 65g springs and slk dessau. No stem wobble at all with the switch and slk dessau feels like sex but legend alignment is ass and the kits didn't provide a second 1u ctrl and 1.5u space.
Anonymous 01/18/25(Sat)23:10:57 No.103951027
Nice, what filament?
Anonymous 01/18/25(Sat)23:13:34 No.103951049
Anonymous 01/18/25(Sat)23:15:26 No.103951071
logitech with romer g
>be logitech
>have Omron develop a special mechanical switch that actually does rgb correctly
>10 years later, it is forgotten
What went wrong?
Anonymous 01/18/25(Sat)23:15:45 No.103951076
Yea looks pretty, wish it wasn't so expensive though.
Anonymous 01/18/25(Sat)23:16:01 No.103951080
I don't need something that chonky, i can even do thinner aluminium shell with a decent weight in the bottom as long as it doesn't sound super hollow to type on.

Oh well.
Anonymous 01/18/25(Sat)23:18:19 No.103951110
afaik it had wear issues.

Just use metal filled pla. I'm doing that on my next build with an aluminum base plate.
Anonymous 01/18/25(Sat)23:24:34 No.103951175
>metal filled pla
that'll change how much flex you get through the case and could impact typing feel.
Anonymous 01/18/25(Sat)23:42:24 No.103951320
I mean if hollow sound is your concern I do have some sorbothane that I can throw into the case to absorb sound.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)00:19:07 No.103951599
Just get whatever linear is lighter. Personally I have some Akko Creamy Black and I like them a lot, but maybe they aren't light enough for you.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)00:20:08 No.103951611
I hope you stole that, what a fucking ugly board.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)00:23:11 No.103951628
are there any keycap manufacturers that are actually good bang/buck?

$80usd+ for a set of keycaps seems like bullshit compared to the cost of the rest of the keyboard.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)00:25:03 No.103951646
Those prices are usually way inflated, which is why many of them go on BOGO sales so often.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)00:25:27 No.103951650
Maybe just get some lighter springs on aliexpress?
You already know what you like, just make this small change and you'll have the perfect switch.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)00:27:29 No.103951673
If you need cheap keycaps then you should buy from Chang
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)00:29:03 No.103951687
The last set I bought off aliexpress was very disappointing, legends were all over the place.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)00:31:33 No.103951712
>seems like bullshit
Feel free to open your own factory that can do a full double-shot base kit of decent quality for cheaper. It's not that easy.

There's nothing sub $80 that will compete with Keykobo or GMK on the sharpness of the legends, accuracy of the colors, etc. But there are some half-decent cheap substitutes that are not total garbage. E.g. Swagkeys.

There are also dye sub PBT sets. Beige dye sub is cheap and it looks good.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)00:32:23 No.103951718
That's why you only buy things that have reviews with images, regular reviews and star ratings are worthless because people are stupid, you can only trust images.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)00:34:44 No.103951747
>there are some half-decent cheap substitutes that are not total garbage
That's what I'm looking for. I don't care to pay for the thickest keycaps on the planet with color pigments harvested from dead african children, I just want some solid keycaps that have generally consistent legends and that aren't completely fucking retarded with the design.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)00:38:10 No.103951770
I got an SA set from signature plastics on drop for like $45 on sale and they have BOGO sales often enough on a lot of their stuff.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)01:01:38 No.103951924
Why bother with the arrow keys? Just get them out of the way.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)01:10:31 No.103951980
I'm sorry I didn't opt for one with the LGBT lights.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)01:34:39 No.103952184
do they really not sell plate mount versions?
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)01:37:27 No.103952202
just clip em
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)01:39:41 No.103952221
I'm afraid of fucking up my switches
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)02:00:26 No.103952374
I just bought a second 60% keyboard so I can upgrade my custom machined aluminum Tofu style case with a board that will hopefully now be hot swappable.
I hear there are people here that don't like 60% keyboards. I think those people lack imagination.
What's a good key switch for a 5+ pound 60% keyboard? I just got some Gateron Blacks I think I might use with it.
Also: Is there a real use case for Kailh Speed Pinks? I got set for real cheap.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)02:01:38 No.103952383
What does imagination have to do with liking a certain keyboard?
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)02:07:34 No.103952427
"Speed" switches generally actuate higher up on the keypress compared to a standard switch, so you don't have to depress the key as much for the input to register. It may also result in more mistakenly pressed keys, depending on how you use your board.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)02:19:46 No.103952504
Brass-bottomed ascii-f is like 3.5kg unbuilt...
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)05:44:04 No.103953656
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)05:45:01 No.103953661
I hate this stupid fucking trend so much. Minimalists should be dumped into minimalist mass graves.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)05:46:44 No.103953668
wtf are you talking about
there isnt anything minimalist or trendy about it
take your medication retard
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)05:48:38 No.103953683
>gaudy designs all over the place
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)05:55:54 No.103953718
i sadly could not find blank mt3 caps, and i liked the colorway of the black speech set but the legends are retarded i have to admit. i needed high profile keycaps so thats what i went with. i don't think it's necessarily gaudy though, especially compared to some of the boards i see here. i'm also not much of a green guy, it's a bit too bright/flashy for me. i'm usually a black case or aluminum.
i think he means minimalist layout though, not in aesthetic terms. he thinks 60% keyboards are minimal.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)05:58:52 No.103953737
yes, I understood what he was saying. I was pointing out that he doesn't know what the term means
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)06:04:12 No.103953769
t. minimalist
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)07:41:54 No.103954410
anyone have a preferred brand for a curly usb-c cable?
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)08:26:56 No.103954666
>live in Germany, need ISO DE layout
>not gonna start soldering
>only companies with hotswap ISO layout support are qwertykeys and Keychron

Fine if you don't want my money, I'll throw it all at these two

Or is there a way to get fitting ISO hotswap PCBs for specific keyboards?
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)08:48:42 No.103954822
I need something like the keychron k9 (small 60% form, no edges) but not low-profile and hot-swappable. Price doesn't matter.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)09:07:37 No.103954959
>posting my keycaps
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)09:15:52 No.103955014
Gib me a link to the Russian set, it's kino
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)09:19:49 No.103955049
It was a clearance sale, paid $50 total. But the alphas sold out a week ago.


Dual alphas were $20, dual modifiers were $30.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)09:28:32 No.103955118
Nobody needs anything more or anything less than this beauty.

Does anyone know to turn off the num lock backlight?
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)09:34:45 No.103955156
I bought this 8bitdo Model M styled wireless keyboard and numpad for 100 Canuckbux. I don't use the stupid buttons, but did place the numpad in the opposite side which allowed me to place my Elecom Huge next to it
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)10:04:49 No.103955416
For some reason my wpm increased despite not practicing for months, can anyone explain this?
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)10:30:10 No.103955675
>despite not practicing
well were you typing?
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)10:44:36 No.103955823
I spilled an entire cup of coffee on my 4 year old corsair k95. I'm almost certain that the board is dead.
Any suggestions for a replacement in the $150 - 200 range?
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)10:57:43 No.103955912
Corsair K100 if you want to keep the same RGB lighting capability.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)12:42:06 No.103956908
That's not minimalist. >>103955118 might be considered minimalist. Dark foundation with light keys, perfect contrast and inoffensive colours -- focusing on what's important. And to add some interest a little splash of red so it's not too boring, but also understated enough that it doens't look like it's trying too hard or jumping out for attention.
Could be more minimalist with blank keycaps, but whatever it's not a competition to be the most minimalist.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)12:47:29 No.103956991
Why doesn't GMK or SP have any triple shot molds?

They only do double shot, and the only triple shots I can find are Ducky sets which are dumb (the 3rd layer is literally just lowercase alphas in the same language as the primary alphas).

I would love to get a set of triple shot alphas with English/Russian (or Japanese) each in a distinct color. The current dual alphas sets from GMK and SP have both alphas the same exact color which makes differentiating them harder in lower light. Not a HUGE deal I know, but it would be nice to have.

Pic related are the dumbass ducky ones. Grey keycap, White primary alpha characters, light blue secondary alpha characters.

If they did this but with russian secondary alphas instead of lowercase english, i'd be all over it (though maybe a different color way).
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)13:04:35 No.103957199
>Why doesn't GMK or SP have any triple shot molds?
because it would cost money to produce new molds and they're older sold up for custom orders for 6-12+ months in advance anyway so why would they bother?
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)13:05:43 No.103957211
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)13:35:50 No.103957601
Do you or anyone else have a picture/diagram for how the wiring is done on the thumb cluster?
On my previous build I messed it up on both halves so programming it is screwy.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)13:39:35 No.103957660
>no edges
If you really object to the tiny edges on the Keychron K12 Pro and millions of aliexpress hotswap 60% boards have then you're gonna have a hard time because a little room is necessary to accommodate the keyboard's internal bits
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)13:54:36 No.103957878
Just get good quality dyesub PBT caps.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)14:00:38 No.103957960
i have acidic sweat and it eats through dye subs pretty quick
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)14:09:35 No.103958081
>Does anyone know to turn off the num lock backlight?

First, download QMK MSYS.

Now replace your qmk_firmware folder with Keychron's fork:

Now open QMK MSYS, make a copy of the particular keyboard you have (the Ansi variant of whichever one that is).

Open the config.h file and delete the lines defining index values for the caps lock and num lock indicators. That's all these values are used for, and removing the definitions stops the backlight behavior. (Alternatively, adding the definition for SCROLL_LOCK_INDEX enables a scroll lock indicator, which is how you know that defining or not defining these indices is the intended method for enabling or disabling the lights.)

Using QMK MSYS, compile the firmware. Then unplug the board and plug it in while holding esc, then flash it using either QMK MSYS or QMK Toolbox.

I had to figure this all out this while trying to make scroll lock light up on my V6 Max.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)14:34:25 No.103958334
the whole point of numpad is that you have that big 0 under your thumb retard you're supposed to mirror it
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)14:35:26 No.103958345
i need a black keyboard and no knob
that's why i'm selling mine
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)15:07:04 No.103958711
Why doesn't QMK have something like a client for real time binding? I made vial firmware for the rp2040 dactyl a year ago and now I can't find the firmware and I can't be arsed to remake it because it was a massive pain in the ass.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)15:09:56 No.103958751
it was mirrored on my original
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)15:15:50 No.103958809
I have never seen a mirrored numpad.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)15:19:33 No.103958847
keyboard-layout (1)
>I have never seen a mirrored numpad
No one bothers to put in the effort and mirror them on southpaw keyboards because no one actually uses the fucking numpad anyway.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)15:22:51 No.103958876
Rebinding numpad (.) to 0 would be pretty simple and would still allow you to have your thumb in a natural position for lefties.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)15:30:03 No.103958946
I've mostly seen it on higher end group buys.
If you're willing to wait 8-18 months and spend $350-700 on a keyboard (without keycaps) that you have to solder yourself, you can get almost anything you want.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)15:34:36 No.103958998
The $100 daring run flip 6p comes with a southpaw numpad
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)15:35:36 No.103959009
my bad, $100 was the b-stock price. The $150 daring run flip 6p
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)15:37:12 No.103959025
>wait 8-18 months and spend $350-700 on a keyboard (without keycaps)
lol, just make it yourself at that point
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)15:39:13 No.103959054
keycaptards can't into rawswitching
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)16:08:32 No.103959385
I rawswitched your mother last night.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)16:17:07 No.103959489
It's follows pretty much the same scheme as the standard dactyl-manuform thumb cluster. Here's the schematic.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)16:18:07 No.103959505
And here's the thumb PCB itself so you can compare with the schematic.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)16:36:22 No.103959719
You can use circuitpython and kmk for rp2040 which you can edit the code.py keymap with any note program.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)17:16:54 No.103960122
>get hyped for keyboard
>no iso layout available
at this point i'm just going to buy a wooting 60
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)17:19:45 No.103960165
Where do I learn about switches and get recommends on them, doing my first keyboard from scratch and I'd like to get some knowledge on switches as I have the board and the keycaps.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)17:20:51 No.103960176
I prefer proxy keys over no key labels
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)17:36:21 No.103960339
I might make a rentry to summarize the info for noobs
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)17:38:38 No.103960363
>wooting 60
congrats you now have one of the best keebs of all time
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)17:41:10 No.103960395
Cool, but that doesn't help me right now, are there any youtube videos or guides that are pretty trustworthy?
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)17:42:27 No.103960408
I've been thinking about picking up the Optimum collab keyboard wooting has.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)17:48:14 No.103960464
It does if I hurry up and get it done tonight

Blacksimon is mostly trustworthy on keyboard stuff. The stuff he's wrong about is usually small. Taehatypes and Alexotos are also somewhat trustworthy youtubers. Don't know if they've done any 'guides' though. Most serious keyboard guys don't go in for every meme switch they hear about.

Theremingoat has reviewed a billion switches, and ClickandThock on youtube has lots of very good switch videos. I don't trust them for opinion as much but they have the most switch content.

I'm gonna write that guide after dinner.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)19:05:28 No.103961211
What are you looking for in a keyswitch? Have you experienced mechanical switches before?
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)19:21:57 No.103961364
Most keyboard stuff is fairly subjective, so the best way to learn about switches is to get a cheap switch tester on aliexpress, ideally one with a good spread of tactile and linear switches just to get a decent idea of what you even like. Once you know if you prefer linear or tactile, what your budget is and what spring weight you prefer? At that point it's easier to narrow down your selection to one or two switches.
Alternatively if you think this sounds stupid and/or would rather just get switches for your keyboard asap, give me a budget and I'll throw a random recommendation at you which you'll probably like, maybe.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)19:31:53 No.103961456
Seconding this, it's impossible to make much sense of reviews without a good frame of reference.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)20:20:15 No.103961876
>finally tried boba u4ts

Holy shit. This is the first hyped switch I've tried that genuinely felt and sounded like a revelation. These things are amazing. It's probably ruined every other tactile switch for me forever.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)20:23:08 No.103961905
You're late to the party, but i guess better Nate than Lever. I think I bought my first set in early 2021.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)20:25:47 No.103961937
I only really started to get into mechanical keyboards about a year ago. I have been using some Baby Kangaroos and they're pretty good but when I got a more muted keyboard I knew I needed some long poles so I got a set of u4ts from a local guy. By far the best switch I have ever tried. They really are *that* much better.

Have you tried the OG holy pandas? How do they stack up?
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)20:34:20 No.103962010
I prefer the U4Ts

I've had OG Holy Pandas, drop's remade Holy Panda X's, U4T, Zealio V2 and the Bobas are my favorite.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)20:36:47 No.103962034
Tactile switches are more complicated, but for linears, it's best to categorize them by manufacturer (not brand), and each manufacturer has a list of proprietary plastic blends for different sound characteristics. Popular options right now are HMX (all long poles except for snow crash switches) and Keygeek (exclusively long pole switches). Some like cherry switches for their sound profile but they're not really up to today's standards, and Gateron switches used to be a popular budget option but they're honestly not that great and sell a lot of overpriced stuff with very bad factory lubing these days. Outemu makes good as well as terrible switches, lichicx made the best silents but went out of business, and there are a lot more manufacturers you might encounter like jwk (should be avoided), jerrzi, lcet, haimu, bsun, swk, and huano, to name a few.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)20:40:58 No.103962066
>being elitist about fucking keyboards of all things while not knowing how to type
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)21:28:34 No.103962532
Funnily enough I was pretty "meh" about U4Ts and all their clones/derivatives, most tactile MX offerings in general. Ergo Clears/Purples or Topre are bit more interesting to me.
Clickies have been more interesting in general over the years, so I tend to gravitate towards those.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)21:31:17 No.103962553
The only switches I have are ones from kbdcraft where are ass, S2 engine swiches (eva reference lol)
Why alibaba and not microcenter, just out of curiosity? I've heard people constantly jerk off about cherry reds so maybe I should just go with those first?
I'd prefer silent swtiches but that's really all I know, maybe I should get a key switch tester and try some out.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)21:33:41 No.103962571
The last few Outemu switches I've tried have all had pretty bad stem wobble.
Not that bad when paired with MT3 caps which encourage more on-center keypresses, but still.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)21:35:03 No.103962585
The boba switches (made by outemu) have pretty low stem wobble.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)21:46:40 No.103962670
Any recommendations on inexpensive barebones keyboards? Looking for a standard TKL ANSI without any extra shit like a volume knob or screen. And free shipping to canadia preferred

Looking at getting https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005007953026716.html
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)22:34:40 No.103963101
redpill me on cherry mx blacks
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)22:38:21 No.103963125
Linears for people with gorilla hands (or if you need a stiffer linear for your spacebar).
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)23:08:54 No.103963373
Linears for people who rest their fingers on the keys.

Seriously I accidentally press Reds so fucking much it is unbearable. Blacks solve the problem, or basically any tactile switch.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)23:15:57 No.103963442
I bought a Monsgeek recently and I'm happy with it. I bought it fully assembled but I think they have barebone offerings as well. I swapped the switches because I wanted to use silents, but I was really impressed how good the stock setup looked and felt. I had ordered a replacement set of keycaps at the same time, but I ended up staying with the stock keycaps because they actually look better than the chinkshit pbt I had intended to use.

Also fucking shocking how few standard layout TKL boards there are now. Everything has knobs, rollers, screens, or F13 keys.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)23:52:37 No.103963675
Feker Galaxy 80 is cheap on Amazon and quite good for the price
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)04:01:22 No.103965398
Page 10 bump
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)04:06:28 No.103965431
Ad hominem. I could think of many worse things to say about Blacksimon, but none of them matter because when it comes to keyboards he's mostly right. I was a two finger typist one year ago and now I've almost beaten my old two-finger record with ten fingers, so I've fully switched over, and it didn't change a single opinion of mine as far as what keyboards ought to be like.

And he's hardly elitist. I don't know how you came up with that one, other than that he owns some expensive boards and says they're good. I bet that's all the reason you needed to hate the guy.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)07:12:47 No.103966586
I want to upgrade my GK61 stabilizers. Any recommendations? I want to be able to buy them in EU.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)08:30:03 No.103967290
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)12:33:03 No.103969605
Page 10 bump
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)14:20:15 No.103970723
>plate mount
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)14:27:31 No.103970800
I haven't been keeping up for a while, what's the deal with hall effect switches?
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)14:36:19 No.103970867
Programmable actuation points since they're analog switches. If you're not getting a keyboard for gaming, I wouldn't bother.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)14:58:31 No.103971031
A complete and total meme save for rapid trigger if you suck as spamming/mashing keys.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)15:49:41 No.103971485
>rapid trigger
but that part is the meme. That's why people get them
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)16:00:12 No.103971619
It's the least meme part of it with the only real, tangible benefit to gayming. Is it worth spending ~150-200+ dollars for, instead of just learning to spam/mash keys properly for consistent, intentional actuations? Maybe for some people, but for me and others I'd say it's meh.
Rappy snappy/whatever other fag companies want to call it has more utility + it's just intuitive, but it's being banned for cheating so that's another strike against HE boards.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)16:15:01 No.103971742
>It's the least meme part of it
dunno, that's the main thing I hear people say about them. Everything else is just considered side benefits
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)16:25:40 No.103971854
I got a keychron q1 HE, did I make a good purchase? Are there better custom keyboards specifically for games like deadlock?
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)16:38:50 No.103971998
do u guys ever post ur own keyboards here or is that uncouth?
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)16:39:54 No.103972013
Yes, anons do it all the time. Why would it be uncouth?
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)17:05:19 No.103972263
I normally post whenever I get something new.
I just haven't got anything in a while, the last thing I purchased was this GMK26 because I thought the knob + macro keys might be interesting to try on the left side.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)18:02:39 No.103972806
Sure, nothing uncouth about it.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)18:33:21 No.103973089
my 60pct numpad
Sometimes. This is the one I'm using now.

Be prepared for unsolicited opinions and helpful advice like "this $50 aliexpress board would look better with $130 GMK set" (it would though fr)
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)19:52:31 No.103973699
do u guys know when nuphy restocks? i want to be jade switches for the halo65 he but it seems like theyve been out since November
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)19:54:46 No.103973719
You could probably email and ask
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)20:01:30 No.103973776
Been a while since I've cared about keyboards. Have a half built frog tkl just collecting dust and might as well finish it up. What are current meme switches? Is mx black with lube/spring of my choice still good?
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)23:47:08 No.103975918
Recommendations for southpaw keyboard?
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)23:49:25 No.103975933
keychron has a few

If you want anything really nice you'd probably need to find a group buy or someone selling a 2nd hand board.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)00:27:05 No.103976273
>build first custom using linears
>wow this feels amazing
>build second custom using kailh click bars
>wow this feels amazing
>go back to previous linears
>feels like shit
Don't fall for the gaymer linear meme
Learn from my mistake
That said, recommend me some tactile switches to complete the trifecta
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)00:42:58 No.103976435
I use tactiles, but I like linears on my shift and modifier keys, especially ones that I press with my pinky.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)01:01:49 No.103976573
There are probably already 100 different youtube sound tests of a frog tkl with mx blacks. I'm sure it's a nice way to build that board, but for me the whole point of being into keyboards is putting some weird combination of bullshit together like alchemy, trying to reinvent the wheel with each new keyboard. That's why I have dogshit double-typing Gateron Longjing Tea switches in my keyboard right now. (Don't buy those.)

Unfortunately most of the "variety" of "new" "unique" switches are all basically the same, all slightly worse than MX reds/blacks but "smoother" or "thockier" (in the most superficial way, that is, the foremost resonant note is a little deeper). So it almost is less creative/interesting than just using mx blacks for the 101st time
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)01:02:39 No.103976581
Which tactiles are you using?
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)01:05:27 No.103976606
I hate tactiles
They're either just worse linears or worse clickies
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)01:09:00 No.103976639
Boba U4T, or Zeal Clickiez when I'm feeling frisky.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)01:09:20 No.103976642
> worse clickies
How can that be when they address the main issue with clickies
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)02:21:46 No.103977211
I'm on arctic foxes after trying out box whites, jades, navies, and pinks and they all feel better than just about any other non-click bar switch. That being said, a lot of them are pretty fatiguing for long typing sessions and the foxes seem like they have a proper compromise between the click bar tactility and spring tension without giving too much on the sound.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)02:29:49 No.103977273
The click bars I'm using are Box Pinks and I like them a lot. So far I haven't found them fatiguing after a decent length coding session.
Arctic Foxes look like they're another clicky so maybe I'll check them out if I build with clickies again (if I don't just go Box Pinks again)
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)02:36:55 No.103977318
I tend to use whatever keyboard for typing and gaming, so it's most likely the repetitive actions that build up the fatigue a lot more. Sometimes I'm doing the same action for over an hour and that fucks up my fingers, even on pinks.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)02:44:25 No.103977367
update on this: almost done a few sections, but still much to do. It's more work than I expected, and I'm lazy
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)05:26:20 No.103978526
Are plate mount stabilizers so bad? Youtubers say if you mod them correctly they are equal to PCB mounted stabilizers.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)06:16:34 No.103978797
They're right, but it's a pain. PCB mount is so easy...
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)06:30:26 No.103978887
I have hot swappable switches if that helps.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)07:42:30 No.103979289
Thoughts on Royal Kludge? Planning to get either the RK87 or R87 Pro, but I don't know the difference.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)08:58:52 No.103979924
I finally have a keyboard that checks all my boxes in terms of feel, sound, and aesthetics. It took my about a year. The keyboard is a Matrix Corsa built with U4Ts.

It feels good but also a bit strange since it means I'm probably done being "into" keyboards for awhile. I guess that is the paradox of finally having an endgame board
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)09:01:37 No.103979953
In this case I would go with the R87 Pro because it has VIA support, which is much better than having to download dodgy Chinese software. A slight step up would be the mchose GX87, which also has VIA support but with an aluminium case instead of plastic.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)09:07:55 No.103980005
RK is usually fine out of the box but many people report issues with them after a pretty brief period. I experienced that myself. I'd recommend sticking with something like the Galaxy 80 or Crush 80 or if you are okay with a slightly smaller layout the Rainy75 or Bridge75. Out of these Bridge75 is the best value for the price, actually a pretty insane keyboard that you can buy for less than 100 bucks.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)09:35:39 No.103980203
shits clean what keycaps are those?
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)09:39:08 No.103980231
Honestly, bros. I wouldn't be considering Royal Kludge in the first place if I wasn't strapped for cash. And those keyboards you guys are talking about aren't even being sold here in the Philippines, I'd have to deal with the jacked up shipping price if I wanted to get one, but chinkshit are abundant though. Between Aula F87 and R87 Pro which one would you guys get?
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)11:25:46 No.103981276
The popularity of linear switches will always confuse me. To me that just feel completely worse to type on. They are better for gaming in certain ways but that is all
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)12:02:23 No.103981629
fuck you keyboard
hey, im looking to buy a keyboard

less than $100, nothing too fancy. i dont mind if i have to do some modding
>Location (continent at least)
>Preferred switch type
dw bout it
>Form factor
65%. i like how the kbd67 looks, but its never available
doesnt matter
doesnt matter. as long as its white or black it'll be fine
>Previous/current keyboards
currently using an aula f99
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)14:25:31 No.103983127
You could grab a Lucky65 v2 on AliExpress, then spend $10 for switches, something like MMD Princess would be fine, then get some $10 Womier keycaps because they’re the only $10 keycaps I’ve seen that don’t look horrendous. Whole build should be about $70ish if I remember correctly.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)14:27:48 No.103983147
Out of those two I’d take the royal kludge just because it has VIA support.
And since you’re in SEA, check out the Inky75. I’ve seen a ton of Indonesians with it so there might be a local retailer selling it really cheaply. Maybe not but it’s worth a look.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)14:41:41 No.103983308
does the lucky65 require modding or is it a prebuilt?
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)14:56:19 No.103983453
It’ll come barebones, so you just need to add switches and keycaps and it’ll be ready to use. If you haven’t used hotswap sockets before then it’s like Lego, you just press the switches in.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)15:05:29 No.103983554
oh, i meant like if i had to lube stabilizers and put in foam and otehr shit myself, but that sounds nice
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)15:17:06 No.103983703
sound deadening, dampening, lubing stabs, lubing switches, lubing keycaps, etc are all optional stuff for autists. well, lubing stabs actually provide a benefit, but yeah. it's like buying 6n occ oxygen free 100% silver cables (iykyk) for your headphones.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)17:00:49 No.103984894
Most of that stuff is done already to an acceptable level, and budget switches come with decent factory lubing these days, so you'll only have to do any mods if you want to do them.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)17:03:15 No.103984922
i modded a gk61 for an ex gf during the pandemic. things have changed i guess
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)17:04:18 No.103984938
>issue with clickies
Only if you live with roommates/are a wageslave/are literally autistic.
Box Pinks need a somewhat lighter and longer spring and they'd be pretty much perfect IMO. Arctic Foxes are a nice, lighter clicky that's just a nice "all purpose" switch for gaming or typing for extended periods. Do have to say I like how they sound the most out of pretty much all clickbar switches though, the others just sound muted by comparison. Guessing their all PC housing helps with that. I'm interested in what one with an all Nylon housing would sound like.
Also I think it's weird how there's still not a single force curve for Box Pinks out too, only the Speed version.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)19:03:30 No.103986441
I used to not like linears until I tried some with a spring weight that I liked a few years ago (nk creams). Once you get really smooth linears with a spring weight you like it's pretty nice.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)19:10:06 No.103986521
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)19:13:13 No.103986554
Most mid-budget and the good cheap ones are either designed in a way that those things are unnecessary, or the optional stuff is included in the box.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)19:19:17 No.103986610
Screenshot 2025-01-21 161721
>$350 for a chiclet keyboard
Somebody wants the Apple audience.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)19:36:31 No.103986791
He's very obviously talking about the number of keys, you absolute retards.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)19:42:46 No.103986864
ngl, I like the aesthetics but why is this bad outside of it being a "chiclet keyboard"?
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)19:43:05 No.103986871
Minimalist is something dumb like a 40% layout that prevents you from typing basic shit like numbers without using layers, not a 60-ish% keyboard like that one.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)19:46:03 No.103986902
You stupid fuck.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)19:49:05 No.103986945
Looking to replace the K120 I've had for 8 years. Is the Logitech MX Mechanical any good?
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)20:04:07 No.103987116
> Only if you live with roommates/are a wageslave/are literally autistic.
None of those apply to me. Not wanting something that artificially adds clicking noises is unfathomable to you? lol. I think we both know who the literal autist is.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)20:13:59 No.103987212
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)20:14:03 No.103987214
Beyond the Aesthetics why is it any good?
Doesn't look customizable at all. Doesn't look repairable at all.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)20:14:13 No.103987217
I think you can get something better for $170 that has hotswap and doesn't rely on Logitech's shitware.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)22:16:02 No.103988437
The keyboard market has come a long way since you first got that board, anon. Seconding >>103987217 - don't go back to Logitech (or any of the other "normie" brands). Hotswappability is basically a necessity at that price range (hell, even starting $100 less).
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)22:36:58 No.103988643
Good point
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)01:34:48 No.103990084
>n-no u
Struck a nerve, eh? You'd still cry about them even when the click is part of the actuation. Only autistics are distressed by noises.
Again, those are the only groups of people that complain about clickies. That or zoomers new to this space who have been conditioned by e-celeb trannies into thinking "muh thocc muh clack good muh click bad". Sure hope for the sake of your "argument" here that you're running a completely silent board that makes no noise whatsoever.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)01:43:39 No.103990146
pangea mini
how this make u feel
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)03:55:08 No.103991073
I got myself a keychron Q6 with hall effect switches to replace my mx keys. It's quite unusual for me as I have have been using nothing but QWERTZ ISO keyboards for more than 20 years now.
Now I only have to figure out how to setup macros to type äüö߀ without installing additional software, it's easy on my work supplied mac and needs no additional setup but it's a different story for Windows.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)05:08:07 No.103991575
Is picrel the hottest new meme? I was checking some reviews of Ali's sellers and this thing keeps popping up everywhere.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)05:28:53 No.103991706
> You'd still cry about them even when the click is part of the actuation
No, none of my boards are completely silent. You sound really sheltered or something. You really find it that hard to believe someone doesn’t like *arbitrarily added clicks* to keypresses? Why? Autists having issues with noises is in no way the same as not wanting noises added intentionally to every interaction.

Pretty fascinating tho. What causes you to believe that everyone would prefer clicky switches unless they had autism? Did you buy a board then realize you didn’t like the clicks that much but couldn’t afford another one? Unless you have some severe social issues I don’t see what else it could be.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)05:37:47 No.103991741
Why troons love full-size so much? Do they compensate?
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)06:16:43 No.103991983
change windows to US-international layout
type "a to get ä
type "" to get "
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)07:04:28 No.103992390
>change windows to US-international layout
when I tried that yesterday windows (10, 22H2) just treated it as a regular qwertz keyboard instead
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)07:32:11 No.103992639
nta but I think having literally no finger guides or keys labeled are kinda dumb, I'd at least have the F and J key labeled as well as delete, enter, escape, and the "window/super" key, as well as maybe some way less used keys so I don't forget what they are.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)10:56:30 No.103994816
Looking for the most gaudily outlandish keycap set ever that would fit nicely on a black tkl. Below 80 bucks and preferrably aviable on chinese sites (europoor). Any suggestions?
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)11:14:46 No.103995045
I've never heard of such a thing and I just watched a video of a giant touch screen that's a keyboard.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)11:17:58 No.103995084
Nah, the chink knockoffs are just trying to imitate the wooting as closely as possible.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)11:24:59 No.103995180
what are the best wooting mods and switches? seems like there are at least 5 good he switches atm and the new friction fit module
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)11:30:40 No.103995233
The 80HE, so you don't have to type on a keyboard with its balls cut off.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:07:37 No.103996253
(long, sustained yelling)
i holy modded my stabilizers and they feel mushy now. i dont wanna have to take the whole thing apart but i think i gotta
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:15:25 No.103996359
Tuning stabilizers is an exercise in torture. I always breathe a sigh of relief when they work just fine without any additional bullshit.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:17:45 No.103996388
I investigated troon boards a while ago and discovered that they just have very standard taste with no particular identifiable keyboard preference compared to the general population of mechanical keyboard buyers.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:22:47 No.103996445
>gaudily outlandish .... fit nicely
I don't get it
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:24:11 No.103996468
f and j have nubs
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:26:23 No.103996500
oh they do, I could barely see them but at least have the "QWERTY" to let the user know its not some weird ass board layout.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:29:11 No.103996534
Was opposed to hhkb bottom row at first but then I thought about it: I've been on R3 control for a while now and
- Keycap sets frequently don't have a 1.5u fn key for bottom left
- bottom left fn is not comfortable for f-row combinations
- I never ever use right ctrl

Maybe it would be fine actually
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:29:18 No.103996537
Does it matter? If the board is running QMK, you can arbitrarily change the layout to whatever weird-ass combination you want.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:29:38 No.103996541
its easily the worst part of the keyboard building process. my space bar feels fine but the other ones are horrible
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:30:39 No.103996552
That's interesting, because the spacebar is usually what gives me the most trouble (often due to shitty QC and warped spacebars).
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:32:21 No.103996578
All the little tiny things you think would improve it would instantly make it more gaudy than just doing full legends. The effect is broken if even a single key has a legend character on it, there's no possibility of a compromise here.

For the record, I could not and would not do blank caps myself.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:41:33 No.103996686
I once made the mistake of soldering my brother's keyboard without checking all the stabs. Never again. Enter key had binding which prevented it from returning promptly. The only fix I could come up with that didn't require desoldering everything and redoing the stabs was I changed his 45g linear switch on that key to an mx ergo clear which had a snappy enough return, wobbly enough stem, and exact enough housing tolerances—his plate with the ISO cutout didn't do enough to help align the enter switch—that it didn't suffer the same problem.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:42:56 No.103996701
>The effect is broken if even a single key has a legend character on it, there's no possibility of a compromise here.
I'd like to see it myself before i agree with that if I'm being honest.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:03:11 No.103997003
It's funny that every custom keyboard freak loved the way foam sounds in keyboards after it was first used by the Jelly Epoch but started hating it after all keyboards adopted it since it's cheap. Literally just "well, it's popular and everyone has it so I hate it"
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:03:21 No.103997006
I'm already seeing it myself, because I have this mental power where I can conjure images to behold with my mind's eye
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:04:37 No.103997026
Yeah but I don't trust your aesthetical decisions, you strike me as someone who wants their computer to be a fucking techno dance floor with 900 colored lights blinking every 1/8ths of a second. No, offense.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:05:49 No.103997039
I was thinking about the HHKB today. It used to be that it was sort of worth the money if you like Topre switches because good mechanical keyboards cost hundreds of dollars anyway, but Chinese manufacturers lowered the cost so much that Topre boards are just clearly overpriced.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:10:44 No.103997114
I'm glad I got mine 11 years ago, because in today's market, it's totally not worth it. I love the board, though, and I want one of the new ones with usb-c and bluetooth, but I'm not shelling out that much money again.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:15:40 No.103997175
It's actually perfectly explicable without resorting to this kind of cheap analysis where everything is about perception of price.

>be keyboard enthusiast
>like the sound of customs better
>notice that some customs sound better than others
>the depth of the tone produced by keystrokes seems to be the reason
>but if you make a big hollow board the deep hollow sound is bad in a different way
>how can we make keyboards sound deep without sounding hollow?
>someone tries foam
>it eliminates hollowness, and sounds somewhat deeper
>this ticks all the boxes I came up with to describe what I like, therefore this is brilliant
>foam is the solution!
>..but for some reason I'm not satisfied with it
>maybe my criteria for judging keyboards were more shallow and insufficient than I realized
>the hunt continues
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:16:41 No.103997186
this is my keyboard >>103973089
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:22:30 No.103997259
I replaced all the switches in a pair of original Corsair K70s with Kailh box navies and jades like 5 years ago and I've been rocking them ever since.

It's a crazy value deal, you can buy K70's listed as for parts only on Ebay for like $20 because of gamers spilling game fuel on them, and since the PCBs are conformally coated literally all you need to do is replace the switches. You can get a fully featured RGB keyboard with a metal case and literally any switches you want for like $70 total.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:23:28 No.103997271
A bit too standard for my tastes but at least it doesn't have the gaymer lights in it. Does it have a backlight?
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:26:31 No.103997308
No backlight.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:27:50 No.103997325
I don't know why, but your keys are very nice. Are they PBT?
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:36:06 No.103997436
I agree. I have two Topre boards that I love that are more than 10 years old and I will stand by capacitive switches being the GOAT, but Topre builds are incredibly expensive considering what you get and they just can't compete with the quality and customization that is available from new cherry-based offerings. I would never recommend a Topre board in the current year.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:36:30 No.103997440
Shenpo dye sub pbt. It's these:

They're good caps, very thick.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:43:41 No.103997552
silicon mold mod is not a bad idea
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:46:51 No.103997590
>muh arbitrarily added clicks
But the point was always to produce noise, just like how it's the same with whatever material used in the switches you're using right now. The people engineering and designing every switch, especially these days, are trying to achieve specific sounds and that includes the click.
I'm sorry you seemingly don't know about any of this.
>shit I never said
Meds + hugbox time methinks, overstimulation to simple sounds (especially if repeated) is a sign of autism so please get diagnosed already.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:48:36 No.103997610
Every tranny I've seen loves minimalistic 75% or less trash though/
Bonus points for getting an actual dedicated numpad with their 41% board so the setup looks even more retarded and goofy.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:53:51 No.103997662
According to you guys trannys love everything and you talk about them so much I'm starting to get suspicious if you guys aren't just trannies yourselves.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)15:01:40 No.103997747
I only responded because an obvious <75% faggot had to have an obsessive spergout about full size boards out of nowhere, once again.
Full size boards and trannies live in his head rent free.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)15:01:49 No.103997751
There are even some boards that allow you do a Topre mod. I've god a Matrix Corsa (yeah it's overpriced if you check I'm a paypig) and I've got a EC PCB I swap in sometimes . The customizability of modern mechanical keyboards just blows Topre away
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)15:03:29 No.103997768
I just don't understand why aren't allowed to enjoy things anymore...
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)15:09:06 No.103997835
>aliexpress supposed to be cheap
>kits are $200
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)15:12:47 No.103997880
I personally like keyboards with a number pad, even if it is redundant. I don't really care what anyone else says about it if I'm being honest. I'd much rather have a keyboard that was reversed and just took off the top number keys but gave me a keypad.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)15:13:40 No.103997890
The same kit from a groupbuy in the west would be $350+.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)15:16:26 No.103997920
Eh that's not really ideal for me. The top numbers are nice for when entering passwords or just typing, but the numpad is nice for any repeated number entry or doing calculations.
8bitdo almost got it right with the separate numpad they offered having a built in calculator, but then dropped the ball by not having it be able to send the result to your system, and then dropped it even further by having no calculator on the full size version of the board that released some months later.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)15:17:21 No.103997934
Depending on what he's looking for, there are plenty of sub-$200 boards out there that will have everything he wants, at least from a features perspective.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)15:35:32 No.103998192
I touched the steelseries apex pro in store and the logitech g pro boards in a store and logitech board and switches feel horrendous in comparision
even the mx reds feel like ass compared to on the steelseries

anyways, should I buy a wooting 60he+ or wait for the 80he shipping later next month that is the question?

they are in stores in multiple places now ansi-cucks, I need the ISO
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)15:35:37 No.103998193
what keeb is this?
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)15:39:59 No.103998255
Looks like a Keychron Q6 or V6.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)16:22:10 No.103998805
Sikakeyb Castle HM80 > Wooting 80HE > Wooting 60HE+ > Apex Pro

was boardzy right?
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)16:22:52 No.103998816
The wait for HMKB to make another set of keyboards is honestly agonizing...
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)16:32:38 No.103998933
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)16:33:39 No.103998960
shocking kek
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)16:46:08 No.103999117
How can I tell if a aliexpress listing is showing a kit or a fully assembled one?
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)17:27:22 No.103999646
Is there any considerations I should make if I have linux? I'm looking at a RK ROYAL KLUDGE S98 or a AULA F99
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)17:30:43 No.103999692
Want to get a basic keyboard but I have no money. Decided that a lucky65, wuque morandis and a clone set of keycaps from aliexpress are the way to go.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)17:35:05 No.103999743
I haven't seen anything bad about those specifically. But no matter what you do, avoid Ducky. I didn't think it was possible, but they just don't work right with Linux for some reason.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)17:53:50 No.103999954
I'd like to keep it around $100 if able
>Location (continent at least)
>Preferred switch type
Open to suggestions, but I like quieter keyboards
>Form factor
65% is ideal, but open to 75%
Not required at all, I hate RGB but I wouldn't loathe a solid white backlight
>Previous/current keyboards
Currently using a NuPhy Air 75, it's not a bad keyboard but I want a normal profile board again, and I want something a bit smaller - like I said, 65% is perfect.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)18:32:08 No.104000426
>every cool set is ansi only
fuck it bought two different sets of xmi iso caps in a groupbuy fuck the rest
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)18:33:16 No.104000442
Is there a guide for making a silent keyboard build?
Like actually silent, I have made a silent build before and it was still louder than my laptop keyboard, I need something actually silent.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)18:35:06 No.104000461
Silent isn't possible.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)18:36:41 No.104000483
Use lubed silent switches, and lots of sorbothane both inside and underneath the board.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)19:23:52 No.104001100
Put the o-rings underneath your keycaps.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)19:53:40 No.104001394
Your best 65% bet right now is to do this - >>103983127
But I'll give you 75% options anyway, either the Bridge75 or the SK75 would be my two picks.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)20:00:01 No.104001463
Don't go smaller than TKL if you're a moderate-to-power user of Linux. But that doesn't seem like a problem for you judging by the example boards you brought up.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)20:00:06 No.104001464
To make your life easier, get something with VIA, or at least download the keyboard software first to see if they even have a Linux version. You don't want to buy a keyboard and then find out that it's dodgy chinese software doesn't work on Linux.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)20:06:53 No.104001549
I just got MX Clears on a whim, since I hate browns (and also MX Browns). These might be some of my favorite switches now. I had to switch out the keycaps though, since the stock ones (the thick big DSA-style keycaps that come with 8bitdo's non-C64 boards) are a bit too heavy for the switches and subdue much of the tactile bump.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)20:35:30 No.104001862
Just received my Keychon V6 Max (Gateron Banana), upgrade from a Corsair Strafe Cherry Blue I had for 7 years. A significant upgrade, the build quality difference is astonishing, keys feel way better too. Bought the silicone palm rest to accompany and it's amazing.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)20:43:13 No.104001935
Zoom 75 TIGA is looking kind of tempting. The cork plate "foam" sounds interesting, but I'm not sure how it would hold up long-term.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)20:55:19 No.104002062
It's /g/, of course I'm going to take every excuse to call someone I disagree with a tranny. Oh you like split keyboards do you... did you split open a neovagina where your cock used to be, too?

Cause guess what?
1. I hate everyone who disagrees with me
2. Troons are a good punchline
3. When I argue I am lazy and shameless
Don't like it? Dilate
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)20:56:52 No.104002078
cork holding up long term... yeah I don't quite believe it either. But I'd go for it because if it doesn't hold up then I'm just going foamless which was my next choice away
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)20:57:48 No.104002096
I'd probably get an extra foam kit to swap in if the cork disintegrates.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)21:01:08 No.104002135

>browns (and also MX Browns)
What did he mean by this
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)21:39:09 No.104002553
i got to 75wpm on my glove80
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)22:10:14 No.104002952
why won't they sell the exclusive switches?
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)22:13:00 No.104002987
im guessing jews but i have no idea what are you talking about
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)22:33:02 No.104003214
The Cherry Blossom Silent Linear switches made by MoErgo are only sold with their gay faggot Glove80.
You cannot buy them separately.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)23:15:57 No.104003582
Lucky65 V2 is all you need for a 65%
Get some nice clickies and PBT keycaps of your choice
You don't need more
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)23:17:05 No.104003596
Cheap aluminum 65 with some extra macros went live today

Seems like a cool compromise. You can get all your nav keys in on the right side and you can move escape over to the left corner to keep tilde in your main area. Many possibilities. And this time they actually offer a solder pcb option so you can do plateless.

I haven't been entirely happy with my Flip 6P, although I do like it and still use it the most of all my boards. Daring Run is great for what you pay, but you don't pay very much...
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)23:18:17 No.104003612
>decide to test wpm
>no warmup at all
damn son
actually way higher than my last test from several months ago
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)23:29:04 No.104003696
>no warmup
This is always when I put in the best scores. All day using the computer normally is the warm-up. Pushing it past a few initial tests just causes my hands to get fatigued and I start making mistakes.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)23:29:38 No.104003701
That looks really nice actually, I'm tempted to get one now even though I don't really need another keyboard.
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)02:46:33 No.104005106
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)02:50:55 No.104005138
What if I want a 75% or 80%?
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)02:56:36 No.104005186
I am a cute femboy and I use keyboard with 104 keys.
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)03:31:52 No.104005462
Same. First test always best test for me.