Astral Sex
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)12:16:52 | 28 comments | 2 images
Why is astral sex so damn good? You ain't sweating, you don't get tired, movements are flowing like a feather yet so pleasurable and easy. Bonus if you are a man you don't even need to ejaculate and can keep your semen in your material body for a real woman. It's just great.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)12:23:57 No.39691422
I'm afraid I have to ask you, op, to elaborate on this. How do you have astral sex? Do you have astral sex with your irl partner or just randos or maybe inhuman entities living in the astro plane?
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)12:24:50 No.39691427
He probably summons a tulpa golem and uses it as a astral cumsock.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)12:50:05 No.39691557
this sounds too good to be true op.
lets say im interested
do go on
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)12:51:09 No.39691564
Wizards are ascended gooners.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)12:53:37 No.39691578
everything is better in the astral
music isn't affected by damaged ears
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)12:56:11 No.39691595
I sometimes get musical auditory hallucinations cause I play piano and can make orchestrated harmonies in my head. Even had dreams where I astrally projected to my other room to play the keyboard, but the keys were tuned in a weird way.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)12:59:54 No.39691620
why did you feel the need to talk about ejaculating, with other men on an anime forum
OP 01/22/25(Wed)13:01:36 No.39691634
why the fuck make a thread that goes "Why is ___ so good" rhetorically. Zero interesting discussion. Zero potential. Its not funny. Its not interesting. Its fucking slop. Post something interesting or just forego staining the catalog altogether, preciate it
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:01:42 No.39691635
Lets just say, life, uh... finds a way.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:42:35 No.39691863
>How do you
break it down inti an abstract form which is detached from physical reality. It's intimacy because you are close to another spirit. To be able to experience that requires you to see another spirit truly, have a depthful conenction and the ability to manipulate your energetic body or immaterial body. If you are asleep or immobilized there is little you can do.

It's also not advisable to pursue it before you know your tutelary deity, your main spirir guide and your spiritual partner or companion. You dont want to lie down with just anyone lest youre dragged down into lower realms or along lice/vermin, just like in real life. Your intent can attach cords to anlther spirit even if youre not aware of it. If you are not aware of your spiritual body and its faculties and have no context and an established immaterial part of life then it will just lead to shit.

That said it's wonderful to do eyegazing with a spirit youve known for far longer than one life. One once initiated me (they werent human really) into it a few times, but it never got stuck as a really strong desire or a bind of sorts. Just sitting together in ones aura is even better than the act itself. That's where a healthy connection heads to and what you should expect from such an encounter.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:55:41 No.39691964
>It's also not advisable to pursue it before you know your tutelary deity, your main spirir guide and your spiritual partner or companion.
so what if one has played with fire a lil before knowing all that;
how does one cleanup their bodies (physical, spiritual, aetheric/electrical/aura/ect), delete any and all vermin or lice and get to a healthy baseline again?

and when that is done, how does one know their tutelary deity, spirit guide and spiritual partner, if that even is real? unfortunately/fortunately im rather sketpical so the whole concept of spirit guide(s) or tutelary deities sounds to me like new age stuff, which can and is sometimes used to lead people astray.
even if you chose to answer only the first part of my post truthfully and in good faith, i will already be very thankful anon.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:00:33 No.39691994
>how does one cleanup their bodies
You feed the dead to Nilhogg and the wolf.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:37:32 No.39692248
>detached from physical reality
>ability to manipulate your energetic body or immaterial body

Any tips on that for beginners?
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:46:50 No.39692310
> When she announced that she had touched the phantom limb to her cheek, activity was monitored in the area of the somatosensory cortex that corresponded to the right cheek. At times during the experiment, the subject was asked to move the phantom limb to a location that was obstructed or otherwise unfeasible. In these instances, there was similar activation of the motor cortex but no such activity in the somatosensory cortex.
>Recent research has discovered that the pedunculopontine nucleus is involved in the planning of movement, and that different networks of neurons in the pedunculopontine nucleus are switched on during real and imagined movement.

So the idea is that you move your immaterial body with your mind by imagining you Out of body doing the action.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:49:24 No.39692328
>>be OP
>>ejaculates while sleeping
>>post this
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:50:54 No.39692333
Do these experiences in the astral plane have any influence in physical reality? I feel a connection with someone in physical reality and my intuition is they feel it too, and I've had several dreams about her. Its weird because I don't really consciously think about her ever.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)15:07:00 No.39692428
Thank you very much!
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)15:12:18 No.39692458
Can confirm that imagined motions do produce sensations. I imagined my hands reaching forwards the other day and this white light appeared as ethereal hands seemed to pierce the darkness in front of me as I tried to reach out. The difficult for me is that the effect is so startling, its hard to remain relaxed enough to keep the mind from immediately leaving the state the produced it.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)15:21:44 No.39692534
Ok very interessting.

So I understand what practices are need to experience OBE, but how do you meet these other souls/entities? Does it just naturally happen the longer and often you stay in this OBE/Astral state or do you do something specific? Do you also, in that sense, "imagine" them?
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)15:24:52 No.39692559
>imagining you Out of body doing the action
can you please paraphrase this as im esl and english is rather inaccurate to describe such delicate things
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)15:34:04 No.39692621
Imagine you are beside yourself where you are sitting, but say standing with your own two legs. You are then astral projecting into ambient space and this is your phantom body.
The trick is to imagine seeing your body as you do, with whatever clothes you prefer and operating outside your body through your own imagination or phantasia.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)15:42:03 No.39692679
>how does one cleanup their bodies
ethereal beings construct some kind of mental maze where your spirit gets entrapped in. It's a matter of spirit retrieval from shamanic practice, but you do need to whack yourself and your psyche awake.
Having some other scary being threaten them can be helpful, but it doens't always work. It's also best to do this with beings that are not from the sus spaces. There are beings that can just loosen and unwind the snares with ease.
also think of the qigong brocades, they are kind of similar. Energy work by robert bruce is also a good read to skim through. Take the things that work/resonate with you?
>Do these experiences in the astral plane have any influence in physical reality?
generally no. If you're both free in navigation then yes the possibility is there, but that still requires two relatively mature people who are in line with their ethereal "selves" and if they share the same space. People initially come intot he world in a wrapping of sorts so their idle thoughts and focuses affect their surroundings not so much. That unfurling happens while purifying and solidifying your will.
Generally, do not involve other people in spiritual craft without their consent. Once met a younger spirit, gave them a hug and their response to being close was attaching a cord to the root which started buzzing with sensual sensations. It wasn't a healthy thing at all.

You navigate astrally with your mind and what you focus on. If you have persistent throughs they might also not be your own, but images/things flashed into your surroundings by other beings. My best take is don't do anything sus even if it's suggested by dreams, unless you can really have a good conversation. A thoughtform is generally "stupid" and programmed or idly. A willful travel takes more than just a thought. I would focus on having control over all your astral encounters. Also talk to real people. Ground your bs.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)15:54:09 No.39692772
>It's a matter of spirit retrieval from shamanic practice, but you do need to whack yourself and your psyche awake.
unfortunately i do not know what any of these words mean. i cant comprehend which is rather unusual for me.

what i wanted to know is, what physical or mental practises i can do to cleanup my own body.
maybe youve seen that meme where theres a drawn pic of a human body and astral worms and parasites ect latched onto the body (maybe aura, maybe astral/aetheric body; doenst really matter)
lets say i think that i can feel these entities attached onto me. how DIY burn them away?
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)19:13:50 No.39694114
it's hot ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)22:58:38 No.39695367
this is a nutty concept
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)23:03:43 No.39695389
There is no astral and you'll never have actual sex.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)23:05:32 No.39695395
No astral 4 u, only for kewl people like me.
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)02:04:58 No.39696244
So basically just sex in your imagination?