Saturn, Gnosticism, Timewave Zero
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)04:38:36 | 24 comments | 4 images
Saturn created the material world. Carbon, the basis of all life, is comprised of 6 protons, 6 neutrons, and 6 electrons. 6 million is 6 and 6 zeroes. Did you know that Halakhic Law prohibits counting Jews? They are "countless" - if a practicing Jew tells you there are X jews someplace, he will only choose a symbolic number, because he cannot legally conceive of a number of Jews smaller than infinity.
Saturn is the God of Waves, and Periodic Time.
He is El, Cronus, and Baal Hadad. To the Sumerians he was Ninurta, or Ningirsu.
He comes from primordial man's relationship with agriculture.
They conceived of Saturn as embodying the changing of the seasons.
If you were to plot the change in temperature - Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring, and back to Summer - it would resemble a sine wave. The change over a period.
Everything in our world is comprised of waves.
In the beginning was the word.
Acoustic waves, waves of light. A quantum particle is the smallest possible vibration in a quantum field. In other words, a wave.
Saturn embodies water.
An alternate reading of "Am Yisrael Chai" is "The people of Israel are like water".
Water is the masculine component of life. Heat is the feminine component of life.
Take 6 carbon atoms and 6 hydrogen atoms to create Benzene.
Fuse Benzene to Pyrrole.
Now we have Indole.
Indole is the building block of neurotransmitters and psychedelics.
Serotonin, DMT, Psilocybin, LSD, Bufotenin, Melatonin.
Pyrrha is heat. Deucalion is water.
All serotonin is produced in the gut.
The waves that move food through the body are produced by the same serotonin that cycles your brain.
Eat the body of Christ and you will know everlasting life.
3011_1877_75629 01/22/25(Wed)04:42:48 No.39689214
there's so much wrong with this post idk where to start.
you are delusional and are spreading lies and misinformation plus trying to conflate ideas to validate 'systems', you a are 'seen' and 'known' no matter the 'anime pic' you use.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)04:59:05 No.39689283
Time is the brain processing novel information.
This is why in an uneventful routine, time moves quickly.
On an eventful day, time slows to a crawl.
Terence McKenna through study of the pattern between the hexagrams of the King Wen sequence of the I Ching formulated what came to be known as novelty theory.
He mapped the ebb and flow of novelty, discovering that it was accelerating.
He predicted that novelty would reach maximum acceleration in 2012.
This is a sacred ritual for elfinpsyop-chan.
Why are you here?

Novelty began accelerating hyperbolically in 2012.
From 2019/Covid until now, novelty had been operating at a reduced level.
We are entering into hyperspace, we are accelerating towards peak 2016 levels and beyond.
You may have noticed that time has been passing quickly lately. Well, get ready for it to pump the fucking brakes.
Also, note that the passage of time is local.
Recently a new theory has emerged to do away with dark energy.
To put it simply, time passes at vastly different rates depending on the amount of mass present within a space.
Mass 'slows down' time, because the properties of mass must be processed on a quantum level as it undergoes decoherence or whatever.
Collapsing the waveform.
I have been thinking lately whether, as with the quantum Zeno effect, it might be possible to observe a single property of an object so quickly that it completely ceases to progress over time.
For example, gravitational attraction.
You can think of this like, ah, if you write a while loop and throw a println in there, the sheer amount of measurement at an uncapped rate will ensure that nothing else ever happens.
There's only so much processing power to go around, apparently.
Look into the quantum Zeno effect, it's highly unusual.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)05:01:36 No.39689294
3011_1877_75629 01/22/25(Wed)05:01:42 No.39689296
just thought I'd check it out...
water is inherently feminine
fire is the CHILD
AIR is the masculine btw
I'm not interested in anyone trying to conflate Saturn with 'abrahamism' like you
muh El, muh Baal
go fuck yourself
muh jews cant be numbered
eat Christ...
get real.
you're a fucking pleb
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)05:08:47 No.39689333
The Sumerian word for woman was a pictograph of a flame/vagina. The heat of the womb is the feminine contribution to life, as water/seed is the masculine contribution. Pyrrha, heat. The Greek flood myth is about Deucalion, whose name means seaman. In most of these languages the word for water was the word for semen as well. Rain is thus, well, you get the picture. And why there might be a man in the sky producing that rain. And we might come to think of him as a god of storms. And attribute to him our success and failure in agriculture.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)05:12:05 No.39689344
Some time around the 1500s, a cross was added to the symbol of Saturn.
It thus becomes a symbol comprised of a cross and sickle.
In 1918, Lenin made it into a hammer.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)05:15:20 No.39689360
What the hell do you think the last supper and ritual of communion are?
This is my body, broken for you. Eat it and you will know everlasting life.
Do you dismiss the Eleusinian Mysteries so easily?
You realize Christianity literally came out of Mycenae.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)05:23:11 No.39689390
I am here because I am predicting a confluence between psychedelics, gnosticism, aliens, jews, saturn, consciousness, quantum physics, and time. These concepts are growing in association by the day, and have been for years. Growing in darkness, like a seed covered by the earth. The longer it grows, the deeper its roots.
What will happen when it breaks the surface?
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)05:55:02 No.39689493
Think of I AM like a central database that contains all possible information, as well as an infinite set of processors, simulating infinite simulations. Everything in a simulation is a part of a narrative set. Saturn is an object and an icon within the narrative set of our universe. All the planets, stars, etc are, as are the many gods and goddesses and spirits etc. If you think of your brain as an antenna and a CPU, psychedilics (and any mind altering substance, really) change the way it receives and processes information.

Consciousness, by which all knowledge was perceived, is pixelated, every knowing broken up into shapes and discrete instances. Sight and hearing are the same. And if these are the implications of neurology and physics, that all is information over time according to the projection of physics engines, then truly, there is no fiction, and any alien you can imagine is real, as every possible reality can be simulated to the level of sensory detail we would call real. Time then, only exists in relative perception and processing.

Every memory exists forever in infinite databases, our lives are the processing of a set, but we can choose which sets to process, and the only true fight is against that which would limit the sets we can process.
3011_1877_75629 01/22/25(Wed)06:01:35 No.39689517
idgaf desu I would dismiss 'anything' abrahamic because I see how it RUINED the world
who told you this though?
the 'waters of life' are the 'womb', it's feminine
the CHILD is the flame/fire and the father is AIR.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:17:13 No.39692113
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:55:37 No.39692355
I am reading through this thread. I am pleased. Those who know will know without knowing.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)20:03:13 No.39694419
ritual status: delayed
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)20:27:49 No.39694556
It’s not like they hide it
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)20:35:09 No.39694597
Why so angry? Anger is a very low emotional vibration, you know. People of a higher vibration can feel you and avoid you based on feeling alone. Not on board yet?
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)20:39:26 No.39694627
Don't post that grifter whore gif
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)20:46:29 No.39694679
>They are "countless" - if a practicing Jew tells you there are X jews someplace, he will only choose a symbolic number, because he cannot legally conceive of a number of Jews smaller than infinity.
Oy vey what about the six million?
Christian 01/22/25(Wed)21:05:00 No.39694805
Idk whether I should say much, I don’t mean to hate on you, I’m saying this because I care about you guys.

Satan didn’t create the world, God did. satan wants you to think that he cares about you but he really doesn’t. He hates you. He knows if you follow him, you’ll go to hell, a place of eternal solitary confinement, fear, pain, thirst, agony, fire and more.

Jesus loves you!! He sent his son to die for you so that you can go to heaven. The most beautiful, wonderful, non boring place. A life with Jesus is abundant life. Pls watch this video
Thanks for being willing to read this! Have a blessed day!
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)21:13:07 No.39694847
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)21:22:22 No.39694897
Why do pagans so desperately want planets to be gods? There are litterally stars, far greater than planets, and then black holes far greater than stars, and then galaxies, far greater than black holes, and the actual God who made existence is far greater than all of these combined.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)22:01:11 No.39695107
yea, but you gotta think. the effects of gravity of nearby bodies are probably more cyclical and create repetitive influences in the local gravitational field, whereas the extreme distance of other massive bodies is more the ocean it's all happening in. hence, planets, and fixed constellations.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)22:38:41 No.39695288
They didn't have light pollution and could lay and look at the stars for hours many nights over years and decades. They were also animistic. They may have been able to perceive the subtle essence or "god" of the star whereas now people just speak about them symbolically. Neo-pagans yearn to perceive in that way again as it's in their genetic past. Yes, going to the Most High bypasses all of that.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)23:03:22 No.39695387
i love elfin so much i wish she would be my federally assigned government girlfriend
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)23:50:18 No.39695627
Sorry to break this to you, but the council of Nicaea tricked us into thinking Yahweh and Jesus are the same being. Homoousionism, and by extension the trinity is an intentional conflation of the two. The result is actually entirely illogical - what is Christ supposed to redeem and save us from? "Satan" became the common answer, but this interpretation is riddled with holes.
The original Christians believed that Christ would save them from YHWH, who is not Jesus's father.