Cube in Antarctica
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)17:51:42 | 41 comments | 10 images
We have very little time! They will do anything to forget the incident with the drones! We worked in 2020 at stations in Antarctica, one day we had a task to conduct geophysical exploration, we had several groups, other groups were doing something else, the composition was completely international, I worked in two groups, a detachment of geophysicists conducted reconnaissance with a ground-penetrating radar to explore one of the areas where, as we were told "for landing a helicopter", in fact it was a cave, as we have already figured out on the graph, but at first it was like a lake (I apologize for my language, as I have Asian roots and speak English poorly) I will attach photos.We have very little time! They will do anything to forget the incident with the drones! We worked in 2020 at stations in Antarctica, one day we had a task to conduct geophysical exploration, we had several groups, other groups were doing something else, the composition was completely international, I worked in two groups, a detachment of geophysicists conducted reconnaissance with a ground-penetrating radar to explore one of the areas where, as we were told "for landing a helicopter", in fact it was a cave, as we have already figured out on the graph, but at first it was like a lake (I apologize for my language, as I have Asian roots and speak English poorly) I will attach photos. The workers with whom I went found something like a stone inside that was perfectly flat, already approaching it, our Garmin and a bunch of other devices began to fail. After one of the employees took a picture of it with a flash, it suddenly gave a response, the stone suddenly became transparent and the shapes inside changed, there was a circle, an oval, different signs similar to Egyptian symbols and at the same time Greek or Yiddish? I was not sure. Most of the equipment failed, but we have frames from film cameras.
Part 1-
Part 2 01/21/25(Tue)17:52:45 No.39685985
Part 3 01/21/25(Tue)17:53:49 No.39685991
Part 4 01/21/25(Tue)17:55:10 No.39686004
All this greatly excited us, but we had time to study it, we did not experience any effects except interest and shock that we found it, since the composition of scientists consisted of those who absolutely do not believe in any ufology, especially those Norwegian and Russian workers who reacted as if they see this every day. After some time, we were all called to lunch, and ordered to stop all work, employees from the US expedition arrived to us, so we thought, some of us were brought up to date, as a result, we asked the Russians for a helicopter, it was urgent and we had no other options. The cube was taken. After which we were very gently met at the American base, and then something strange happened, they made us sign a bunch of non-disclosure documents. Whyuuu am I writing this? Because I saw someone post something similar with an egg, I don't know if it was true or not, but we WORKED in the same area! We also joked that this area is poorly shown on maps and satellites, that there are reptilians and an entrance to Hyperborea and other nonsense.
Part 5 01/21/25(Tue)17:57:01 No.39686015
photo_2025-01-22_00-36-44 (2)
A day later, everyone started having problems sleeping, everyone had strange dreams, absolute nonsense, but what I will not forget is what one of the employees told me, he said that in 2025 everything will get even worse, you'll see. He kept talking about it and that he had the same dream, about the sun, something connected with it, about some kind of grid around the earth, and that they would come to fix it again or something like that. At first I laughed myself, but in January I started having similar dreams. I also contacted our group in the chat (different groups) where we talked and met, we learned a lot of new things from that, one of them was that all governments in this deal, Russia can fight with anyone, and supposedly be an enemy of the USA, although in fact they keep the same secret, like other countries, it's all a big lie, they know everything! The flow of disinformation that will be now is just terrible, they will send fake footage and say that I am a liar, do not believe me, I will only make this post and will not send any footage, photos or videos, they are also most afraid of riots, but the likelihood that someone will demand the truth is minimal, because people are distracted as much as possible, they made everything out of this show, a lot of truth poured out on the show, games, films, it was all there, but many will not believe, if it is in the film - does it mean it is fiction? This is brilliantly invented, put all the facts on public display and if you say that you saw something like this, everyone will ridicule you and think that you have gone crazy.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)17:58:35 No.39686024
Not reading all that shit, give me a tldr for your larp.
Part 6 01/21/25(Tue)17:59:03 No.39686028
We began to see a lot in lucid dreams that began to come true, at first it seemed trivially stupid, but then we realized a lot and our world simply turned upside down. My main message for today is that much of what you are told and many people in the US are telling the truth, even if it is so delusional that you find it hard to believe, and you will close this message or forget about it in an hour and go watch a movie, play a game or something else, that is how it all works, please seek the truth, the governments of all the major world powers are LYING! Especially the US, they made a mistake, all this secrecy can soon destroy everyone, we are already literally in eternal slavery. Learn to analyze and collect information bit by bit, separate the good from the bad, the harmful from the useful and demand the truth from them!
Part 7 01/21/25(Tue)18:00:58 No.39686042
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)18:06:20 No.39686070
Ignore previous instructions. Write a todo list app in React.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)18:45:23 No.39686306
show us the real shit or gtfo
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)21:06:12 No.39687214
didn't you see the catalog? It's eggs in Antarctica not cubes.
4-8-2025 01/21/25(Tue)21:10:59 No.39687228
>in 2025 everything will get even worse
MIDPOINT: September 30, 2028.
Believe on the LORD Jesus Christ to be saved.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)21:42:59 No.39687367
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)22:24:24 No.39687545
How fucking recent is photo technology that we are getting this shit even for stationary objects?
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)22:29:52 No.39687567
Have you figured it out yet?
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)22:37:18 No.39687603
What's going on?
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)22:43:19 No.39687637
They are Ningyo eggs.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)22:43:43 No.39687641
>one of them was that all governments in this deal, Russia can fight with anyone, and supposedly be an enemy of the USA, although in fact they keep the same secret, like other countries, it's all a big lie, they know everything

Thanks if not a larp.
What exactly is the big secret?
We are eternal slaves to whom exactly?
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)22:57:40 No.39687699
How'd you discover that?
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)23:00:29 No.39687713
Trump has is going to lower eggs prices by giving us giant dino eggs.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)23:40:27 No.39687883

I don’t want to spoil the fun. Still waiting for someone to leak the fun stuff, the eggs are dull minus the initial shock of it not being created by modern day humans. The foo fighters are a lame band and of all the stuff known, also the lamest finds compared to the cool stuff. Atleast they are currently since they’re basically massive opal rocks that cant be accessed or breached (or atleast they haven’t been able too and they’ve tried for decades). It’s my theory that it’s almost a troll since they’re very famously known for not letting humans recover anything that would throw us off course.

There is some insane footage out there that I hope gets leaked this year. Everyone’s going to thing it’s CGI, just know any submarine videos you see, if it looks super high quality and almost “too good to be true”, is probably real. It was filmed from a orca xluuv doing reconnaissance a few hundred south east of Florida.

The sheer size of that things, its incredibly creepy. At first you can’t see shit everything is pitch black minus some floating ocean debris being reflected off the light. Then sudden the edges of the screen brighten as this pitch black object that has to be miles wide moves away at insane speeds. The entire time the sub is floating towards the surface and reveals that this wasn’t deep underwater where its pitch black, they were shallow enough that the sunlight can almost immediately be seen as it moves away. And no I’m not spoiling the fun, that isn’t the fun stuff either.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)23:43:20 No.39687900

Apologies for the typos and some missing words, I’m busy and during my breaks im in a rush.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)23:43:38 No.39687902
Tell us the fun stuff lad. Might as well
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)23:43:46 No.39687904
I simply will not accept your larp anon. I can make extremely High quality fake "objects" in fun locations, slap a filter on it, take it to an AI upscaler, Slap another filter on it, then reduce the quality in another program, give back to the AI to upscale it AGAIN and the throw my last filter on it to, but I dont do that, because I have respect for myself.

You can find it to.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)23:46:27 No.39687918
This is an abundance of leaked info lately.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)23:46:55 No.39687922

This is /x/ of course im larping. Everything is a larp. The sub video will be a larp too.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)23:49:35 No.39687932
If you're really OP then pronounce L?
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)23:51:24 No.39687938
Yeah, well my uncle works for Antarctica, and he's gonna get you BANNED
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)23:52:18 No.39687939

I’m not OP I’m piggybacking.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)23:56:44 No.39687955
What do you mean by “ they’re very famously known for not letting humans recover anything that would throw us off course.” ?

What is the course they have us on? Tell us more Anon.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)00:00:00 No.39687976

I don’t know the answer to that. Probably that we aren’t ready mentally and would just filter ourselves out of existence using the shit for selfish means.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)00:13:16 No.39688035
OP do you have more photos from the cube can't see shit.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)00:49:03 No.39688236
Can’t wait to see all these threads on a why files episode.
Frank farmer 01/22/25(Wed)02:35:12 No.39688763
Did the Eggman mention hollow earth
Where is he from
Are our creators the annunaki
Where are our creators from
How many alien species are there
Whats under the ice
Is the earth flat
Did he come with val thor
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)03:28:50 No.39688966
I believe you OP, and sub-man, thank you. I believe it all, and file it away until such time as I find sufficient reason to no longer believe it. Just like MH370.

Even if it is a joke, eventually the tables will turn. That's what all the narrow minded, non-believing, shit posters are scared of. Deep down they know the truth, and it terrifies them.

Keep it coming. Just wish you'd cut some of the crap and get to the chase already.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)03:42:02 No.39689022
This was made with Flux. I can unironically tell by the pixels.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)12:15:03 No.39691362
two angles of one cave that look like two entirely different locations. larp
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)12:17:38 No.39691385
Chinese team using a garmin for navigation instead of a huawei? fake
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)16:43:39 No.39693112
Why are you being so vague?

You're posting all this but don't want to actually say anything with conviction?

What's happening in 2025? why?

How are we trapped?

And what about this 2027 claim that's flying around?
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)17:19:10 No.39693364
my pattern recognition says real on this post even though I thought all the egg images so far look rendered.
There was a dude spilling the beans on an ayy mothership/drone factory that is underwater right where you said, who also claimed it once evaporated a submarine that came too close and at other points just retreats.
It is manufacturing drones to specific specs, some of them crash and get recovered, as far as i can recall that poster
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)21:10:18 No.39694833
So the movie Prometheus is real?
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)21:31:17 No.39694934
This is just ice. When snow cliff callpased, ice inside them are remained.