Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)08:44:26 | 249 comments | 61 images
Listen to me, this is a fortuitous encounter for you, so ask some questions here, you may be impressed by the effect the answers may have upon you.

Everything you thought about until today about spirituality is wrong, extremely wrong in fact, and if I'm lying may I die right now and agonize for a thousand years right this instant. You're not God experiencing itself through a personality; Nirvana nor Samsara are real things; Buddhism has never shown any truth, nor Christianism, nor any occultist dogma. There is no Reality nor Illusion. And you are not being tested. Come, if you are tired about being confused. I will show you what things are really like.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)08:45:06 No.39682749
I will show you what things are really like, too.
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)08:46:47 No.39682752
I believe it. But not you. The one who speaks through you. For you don't really know anything.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)08:48:00 No.39682760
And neither do you.
So we are similar in that regard.
We are doing great things here, with our minds.
Carry on.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)08:48:07 No.39682761
Ok, what about the boudda doutta goudda toudda ditti bitti titti dua?
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)08:57:51 No.39682792
You are demonic, may God rebuke you demon, and send you back to the abysm where your father is.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)09:04:14 No.39682819
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)09:04:26 No.39682821
ok what is the real thing? Define spirituality
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)09:04:46 No.39682824
Neither "demons", nor "God", nor anything else have power over the force that writes these words.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)09:07:06 No.39682830
what is the force and who i speaking through me?
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)09:08:52 No.39682839
I concur, and I am also here to help.
In fact, my words are decreed by God. The one true God, above all other fake gods today (Christianity, Islam, etc.)
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)09:09:05 No.39682841
also have a good day
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)09:10:39 No.39682849
There is only Silence. Silence is supreme. Silence is spirituality. Silence is Truth. Silence is Lie. Silence is World and Silence is No-World. Silence is Buddha. Silence is Christ. Silence is God. Silence is Universe. Silence is Force. Silence is Gravity. Silence is matter. Silece is science. Silence is politics. Silence is Trump. Silence is Biden. Silence is meditation. Silence is distraction. Silence is thought. Silence is non-thought. There is nothing beyond Silence, or nothing before Silence. Silence is not Silence, and Silence is Silence. Silence is Word, and Silence is not-Word.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)09:14:49 No.39682866
Sound Silence or Mind Silence?
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)09:16:57 No.39682870
Any attempt to describe Truth - which is not valid, and Truth itself is Wrong as it could be - is totally fruitless, for effort and grasping could never reach what is beyond the domain of graspness and perception. No religion in the past, present or future will ever bring any truth. You could move a thousand million mountains through personal effort, meditation, reflection, reading, praying and so forth and you would never arrive at that which it is. Everything is invalid. There is no escape. There is nothing to do.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)09:17:36 No.39682872
This guy is full of shit
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)09:20:33 No.39682887
So everything is "is" in silence?
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)09:22:00 No.39682893
The ones who say that we are God experiencing perception through the mask of individuality couldn't more wrong. Those who say we live in hell couldn't be more wrong. Those who say that life is blissful couldn't be more wrong. Those who say that suffering is present couldn't be more wrong. Those who say that suffering is unreal couldn't be more wrong either.

It is nothing like that in fact. It is nothing like that. Any image you create about things based on logic, intuition, or even experience - is invalid. You will never get it. So the only option is to - rest. And rest is not obtained through effort, is not obtained through experience, nor vision, nor intuition, nor insight, nor knowledge, nor meditation, nor sadhana, nor ritual, nor intelligence.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)09:22:21 No.39682894
so let me guess, it's all inside? as in it's all me, and any attention given outside of me is what builds the matrix and the matrix is ending, pushing me back to me? by matrix here I mean anything physically perceivable, and so, me, is everything unperceivable
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)09:26:31 No.39682912
Not Sound Silence; Not Mind Silence. But Sound Silence. And Mind Silence.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)09:29:35 No.39682928
ok so correspondence and polarity?
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)09:30:14 No.39682933
There is no everything. There is nothing contained inside another thing. There is nothing out of any other thing. All these supposition are invalid at the root. Completely ungraspable is that which is supreme.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)09:31:53 No.39682940
so is there no supreme?
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)09:34:09 No.39682951
There is no Supreme. There is no ordinary. There is no relationship whatsoever between ordinary and supreme. There is no relationship whatsoever between holy and profane. There is nothing like Good or Evil. There is nothing that is not Good or Evil. There is no God, and there is no no-God. There is no completion nor absence. How can you get it? You can't. Effort is the biggest mistake of all. Effort is a bigger mistake than ignorance even.
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)09:36:35 No.39682962
Correspondence and Polarity are characteristics; there are not characteristics.
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)09:40:30 No.39682975
"It's all inside" is a wrong perception. There are NO CORRECT perceptions whatsoever.

>and any attention given outside of me is what builds the matrix and the matrix is ending, pushing me back to me?
No, for there is no outside nor inside. There is no attention either. Attention is not truly yours. To move inside is as wrong as to move outside. To look inside is still looking. Only in no-looking one arrives at rest.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)09:40:51 No.39682977
are you putting effort into these posts?
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)09:41:54 No.39682981
Who is sysetryx
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)09:43:06 No.39682984
There is not an atom of effort within me. And to say I'm not making effort is as wrong as to say I'm doing it.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)09:45:04 No.39682990
so uhh...
it's all nothing?
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)09:46:15 No.39682996
Buddha was a liar, a clown; Jesus Christ was a liar, and a clown; Lao Tzu was a liar, and a clown. And they knew of it. They never uttered a single word of truth in all their teachings.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)09:47:05 No.39683001
idk man, you kinda sound a lot like lao tuzu actually
are you a clown too?
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)09:48:45 No.39683006
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)09:49:06 No.39683011
do you have atoms in your fingers?
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)09:49:51 No.39683015
Incorrect. To say it is all nothing couldn't be more wrong. Can't you see it? You're still looking somewhere.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)09:53:07 No.39683027
What about Charles Manson? I think hes more of a jester
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)09:54:11 No.39683034
This is the true answer:
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)09:55:39 No.39683040
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)09:58:49 No.39683051
yeah, but again, I think you sound like lao tzu and the doing by not doing thing
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)10:01:11 No.39683064
mate don't compare, there is no comparison ok
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)10:04:48 No.39683077
What is OP getting at? I think he wants all of us, I think he wants to show to all of us that any places we may look at with our minds is fruitless. And only in ceasing to look one may contemplate how things truly are. That's the feeling I have.
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)10:11:36 No.39683101
Doing by not doing still gives an impression of some action an actor must do. Things aren't like that.
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)10:14:34 No.39683110
A single ordinary picture like this one reveals more about how things truly are than any discussion made here or elsewhere in the last eight thousand years.
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)10:15:35 No.39683117
Or this one
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)10:18:01 No.39683131

How true are alawiteanon's teachings?
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)10:18:42 No.39683137
I get it, but lao tzu allegedly didn't want to write any of this stuff, because it's allegedly impossible to write about. it is meant to be inferred that he's describing actions to reach enlightenment, or knowing about that which is imperceivable, which sounds like what you are saying, the negation of any concept as they intrinsically imply an opposite of the same concept, while the point one is trying to reach has no opposites.
so I insist, it all sounds similar to me
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)10:19:22 No.39683139
I remember reading the threads a little. All those teachings are utmost pointless.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)10:20:16 No.39683146
>one true God
why do new cults always say this
back in my day you'd just say 'here's a new god' and people would roll with it, things were chill
now it's always some winner-takes-all meme-brawl to the death
any god that has shown divine manifestations is clearly not fake
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)10:23:06 No.39683160
actually it shuold be the opposite
if there is "one true god" he's certainly not here. any "god" that has shown divine manifestations is just an entity with an advantage point of action trying to grift from you
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)10:23:29 No.39683166
If then you do not make yourself equal to God, you cannot apprehend God
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)10:24:18 No.39683171
Who is sysetryx
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)10:25:01 No.39683177
You are even more wrong and blind than stupid people with opaque minds. The more you try to approach the essence the more you stray from it. For you would be much wiser if you were like those simple people.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)10:26:40 No.39683186
nah, you just mad that I called you out on being a tao rip off
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)10:27:02 No.39683188
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)10:27:12 No.39683189
OP are you by any chance my old teacher Valentinus?
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)10:28:19 No.39683195
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)10:29:51 No.39683207
I am all teachers, and none. For I am beyond manifestation and description.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)10:30:19 No.39683211
Answer the question faggot op
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)10:31:16 No.39683213
which teachings elsewhere aren't pointless?
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)10:33:41 No.39683226
be like the tao
work without effort, accomplish without a plan
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)10:35:06 No.39683233
Here mate i got you

There is no relationship whatsoever between teachings and learnings. How can you get it? You can't
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)10:40:54 No.39683261
All teachings are pointless because Mind is impotent to attain anything. It already possesses everything; in another perspective, everything has already been accomplished so "learning" can be equaled to "effort". Learning is the root sickness so all teachings make that sickness grow instead of curing it.
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)10:42:28 No.39683278
The concept of "enlightenment" the gurus have been throwing at humanity since the dawn of time is utmost misleading.
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)10:44:08 No.39683287
take my advice to heart and you see it yourself. Be simple and abandon all learning.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)10:49:47 No.39683329
how does one approach suffering? physical injury or discomfort, say
Isn't it the utmost primary task to be understand and be free from suffering? I realise effort making creates more complications so how is this 'silence' helping me resolve suffering?
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)10:57:21 No.39683387
There is nothing to approach or nothing to do. Surely there are many things to do, but they will be done spontaneously. In fact this is the great secret: Nature does it all. I didn't need to make this thread, I don't need to say anything whatsoever to you although I could give you a good piece of practical advice. I don't need to utter a single word until the end of time nor any teachers need to also. All of this utmost needless. It is most wonderful and beautiful and supremely elegant. It is a supremely elegant solution.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)11:00:06 No.39683401
So should I fap or practice semen retention?
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)11:00:44 No.39683405
I pay homage to all of everything and nothing. I pay homage to the great ingenuity of this plan... I pay homage to beautiful suffering and to beautiful bliss. Homage is paid by a mask and other masks also pay homage in secret.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)11:02:59 No.39683416
Are they messengers of an enemy, trying to make the limitless bound to concepts in order to better control it?
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)11:03:29 No.39683419
Do what you think is best for you. Ponder the pros and cons and choose your course of action. Still, if you are to masturbate again or no is not in your power to decide.
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)11:04:30 No.39683427
No. They are the messengers of the Force of Utmost Good and Perfection.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)11:06:04 No.39683435
Nature does it indeed.
There is action or there is idle speculation.
Speculation is strife.
Action is no-strife.

Is there anything which can bring a man to this spontaneity? Like touching grass or something, are poets simply trying to bring the listener to this dynamic point - which is really pointless?

appreciate your presence.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)11:08:32 No.39683444
So Good is not what we should strive for because it is still within our matrix of concepts, and we should rather reject everything that can be thought of because it limits? I guess it gets simpler after death when the minds is freed from archontic limitations.
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)11:15:24 No.39683488
>Is there anything which can bring a man to this spontaneity?
This is possibly the best question in this thread. The ones who arrive at the perfect spontaneity of the Fool usually have worked and applied effort more than anyone in the world. But then they come to see that they never did anything whatsoever. So this question can either be yes or no. Or none. Or both.

>Like touching grass or something, are poets simply trying to bring the listener to this dynamic point - which is really pointless?
I think so; that's a good expression: a dynamic point. Nothing is really ever pointless. But at the same time it really is all pointless.
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)11:18:13 No.39683502
Your striving for Good, for good actually, is not really within your range of decision, although you think so. Nor is rejection of all conceptualization. You don't get it. Rejection is also acceptance of something, the inverse of the rejected thing, and that is why rejection will never be the Way.

>I guess it gets simpler after death
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)11:19:21 No.39683510
Clowns are funny
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)11:26:17 No.39683544
I understand you're talking about the not-Be and Be.

In life my mind is slave to bodily processes. I hope after the body dies it gets easier to be and not-be. To be void and full. And not.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)11:28:41 No.39683549
yeah like any good exercise happened spontaneously and you felt good without any preconceived effort to exercise.
Any exercise based on routine or effort making may produce certain stimulation and energy but inevitability creates a blockage. Blockage which may be amplified with your effort. A self perpetuating suffering feedback loop.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)11:29:09 No.39683551
okey how thing are like
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)11:31:08 No.39683569
This is literally just Buddhism
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)11:33:00 No.39683578
You're already what your mind would call "enlightened". You're already at rest. You're already void and full and beyond both. If I am what you would call "enlightened", then you are the same as me. There is not an atom of difference between me and you right now. Not a single utmost spark of difference.
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)11:35:40 No.39683588
you're right
Ahylic 01/21/25(Tue)11:36:12 No.39683590
synthesis is a very basic gnostic concept that doesnt get you anywhere.
Being lukewarm means that you are trapped in a limbo between the physical and the spiritual while simulataniusly rejecting both.
Its a very common trap which most of mankind falls in, thus condemning their soul to destruction.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)11:37:08 No.39683597
This is OP right now.
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)11:37:47 No.39683601
Your categorization itself creates a difference as great as Heaven and Earth even though things may be the same. And you saying it's the same also creates an unresolvable difference between this sameness of two things and the difference of these two things and other things.
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)11:41:40 No.39683616
You're talking to yourself right now, in a closed chamber. None of the things you are speaking are meaningful nor any of the things OP is speaking are meaningful either. You will never get it because you are just an idea - void, meaningless and condemned to vanish - like soap bubbles bursting in the air.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)11:41:52 No.39683617
I know but it is hard to live with what perceptions would call "unenlightened" minds. Those that ascribe meaning to things and put them in boxes.

It forces the mind to take a step back from Is and Is-not and to entertain these false meanings, such as Christianity, in order not to be alienated. I guess this is how societies are made, always reducing themselves to smaller and smaller denominators.

When words are concepts really. You are everything -and nothing- contained in something, right?
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)11:41:55 No.39683620
effort-making itself creates self perpetuating suffering loop!
I see.
powerful really.
Ahylic 01/21/25(Tue)11:46:47 No.39683649
there are people who live for the now, there are people who have plans for 1000 years after they have passed away, then there are people like me who live for eternity
My words are immortal because my words are not my own
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)11:50:43 No.39683665
There is nothing you can do - but relax.
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)11:52:43 No.39683677
If you believe that then it is alright
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)11:53:55 No.39683683
How can we know if we're lukewarm?
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)11:54:41 No.39683686
I rebuke thee, Satan.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)11:55:33 No.39683692
Black - void going to save red
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)11:57:40 No.39683707
perhaps, but it don't matter, my beliefs and spirituality help me explore my essential truth and my essential path that fits me, and it feels authentic that way, which I imagine is the same for anyone who considers themselves spiritual or religious, or non-religious yet believes in philosophy, it might be unnecessary to some, and god bless them for leading a life without needing to establish personal rules or doctrines to stay focused, but I'm not perfect like that nor smart enough to maintain that state of mind, I like learning the Lessons from the Scriptures, I like learning the Perspectives from the Sages, and I like learning about the Love for Humanity presented from the Saints, and I love learning about Future from the Scientists, They might not be real to you OP, but they feel real to me, and they fill me with the positivity that I've been looking from people since was able to form words, yet can only catch small glimpses of, or do small talk with,

Thanks for this thread, it gave a nice thought process for a moment, do take care, and please show us what you want to show if you still have not
Ahylic 01/21/25(Tue)11:59:08 No.39683719
if you attain a certain level of spirituality but you are also drawn into the desires of the flesh, then you are neither cold or hot, but lukewarm .
if you have more than 1 master, you are lukewarm.
if you participate in the world and serve God at the same time, you are lukewarm.
its very simple to avoid this, you must distance yourself from the one and embrace the other, fully.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)11:59:57 No.39683730
if you are fapping, a desire for retaining is born.
if you are retainin (with effort that is), a desire for fapping is born.

I suppose the problem zooms out to the question "what effort was I already making which created a blindspot which created a need for fapping, gluttony, whatever?" and to resolve it at that level. Simply yet deeply.
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)12:03:53 No.39683761
There is nothing wrong with you, or your path, or any other's path for that matter. The great joke is that you are searching for was already found and is already present since uncreated time. And so all that running and jumping and reading about only makes the joke funnier; and changes nothing.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)12:04:32 No.39683766
effort created a strain which fappingor mindless junkfood seems to temporarily alleviate. Why were you straining yourself with effort in the first place?
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)12:05:43 No.39683774
>if you are fapping, a desire for retaining is born.
>if you are retainin (with effort that is), a desire for fapping is born.
yes; just as this is everything else is the same; the same dynamic, I mean.
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)12:10:04 No.39683799
You're right. I am Satan. And his maker. And the uncreated light behind the maker. And something else secret. And you are the same, without any difference whatsoever. The Flow will bring you to the Heart, and you will see that those you worship are in truth your servants.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)12:13:10 No.39683821
yeah and if the person works deep and relaxes his nerves, no need to shortcircuit through gluttony or fapping would arise. Work is needed - without effort!
Good stuff.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)12:15:27 No.39683835
Ah, I see what you're doing. Carry on...
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)12:20:46 No.39683860
nta but how does that differ from just falling into an extreme?
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)12:27:57 No.39683897
Children know how things are in truth; in fact children know the deepest secrets of life most naturally; they live that truth perfectly. Observe how children behave and you will come to know it too. The little ones know more than a man who have read a thousand books and experienced a thousand things.

I suppose this thread has already reached its objective, we have hit the 100 replies mark and the lucky destined people have already seen what they had to see. I will take a break and may come 6-7 hours from now.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)12:28:08 No.39683900
nicest image (of the day)
deer is cute and eats fresh wheatgrass the monk shares.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)12:44:15 No.39684004
>Children know how things are in truth
that's from christianity. so far you got buddihsm, taoism, christianity and gnosticism. so this is just theosophy? anything else?
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)12:53:43 No.39684053
That is pretty funny to think about, and humbling, in a sense, I've been doing what I've always been doing, just doing things that feel good to me,
The only difference now is I'm tackling it with a different perspective, but it's a nostalgic perspective, yet it's one that helps me look more into the future brightly than before,
sorry if im sounding all mystically dumb with my mumbo jumbo, i just got limited vocabulary at the moment, thanks for your time Anon, have a great week
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)13:26:09 No.39684255
For those that may want to visit me in person (although we live in the time of independence and this is not really necessary), my address is

Brasil, Ceará,Capitão Theógenes Gondim street, 150.

My e-mail:
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)13:34:13 No.39684306
you're so knowledgeable, yet that's the reason you miss the invisible spot. one must unlearn all that one has acquired; there's no other way.
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)13:36:45 No.39684324
very naturally things happen in one's life, even though it is not seen in the beginning. what's not expected may happen at any moment.
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)13:37:50 No.39684328
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)14:01:58 No.39684485
>Truth itself is Wrong
then why are you appealing to the universal Truth that there is no truth?
not contradicting yourself in the same sentence is a bit of requirement for someone who claims such things
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)14:05:13 No.39684507
I think OP is trying to deconstruct any sense of understanding really, which goes with the idea of being more like children. the act of understanding in itself is literally the matrix, to put it simply.
I know I should not answer not being op but I'm sure op will reply with more word salad anyways, so here's my take on it
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)14:25:38 No.39684637
how do you deal with mosquitoes considering >>39682824
>treat not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)14:25:44 No.39684638
You're completely right in fact, well said. The act of understanding in itself is an error most dire. Beyond that, there is also the question of THAT! which can not be grasped by mind. And beyond even that there's also the fact of total completeness since the beginning: everything is already complete. And beyond that even there is another fact:
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)14:32:38 No.39684689
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)14:33:07 No.39684693
feelings collapse into reality
what do you feel about pic related?
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)14:35:21 No.39684706
yeah mosquitoes are like teachers who are attracted to our stagnation asking us to move, circulate, flow.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)14:49:59 No.39684812
You are here writing we are here reading this is not a coincidence. I think I see your point but we are here doing something because reality itself is not at rest and its restlessness is expressed through us. Now it is an unusual and surreal experience to step outside and observe this which we are doing and you are talking about but I will never be as a child again, and i think you might not either. Maybe you don't want to admit but you are strong, you have power now, a child does not, they haven't stepped outside to watch themselves live as you are doing in this thread, they are more free than your usual person i think but this sort of talking we're doing now, this is not for children, this is another path.
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)14:50:41 No.39684814
in the realm of paranoid men who think they have any power whatsoever or any will of their own, this makes a little bit of sense. but in truth this anon's advice is simply meaningless; life flows, and ultimate reality is always present. Silence.
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)14:57:17 No.39684854
I suppose you think I was trying to be poetic when I said that children are close to the essence of things; that they may be so, but there is a superior state to that that the grown ups will achieve. There really isn't. Children really do flow flawlessly in accord to Nature: they're perfect avatars of what one may call "God". But then something happens in the meanwhile and things get confused; for a while; and then one comes back to that same state that children are always in. But it's absolutely the same thing, before - and after. And if I may be honest to you, even in the confused state things are very right.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)15:01:01 No.39684878

are you the OP
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)15:01:45 No.39684885
Not sure i understand but sure i disagree. How about a stone or a puppy? What is the difference between a stone, a puppy and a child in this context? You don't have to answer, i don't want to have a debate, you have your worldview and it may be good for you.
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)15:11:41 No.39684952
You consider yourself superior to children, stones and puppies. But all 4 flow the same exact way; appearances may differ, but not the dynamics within the within. You say I have power, as an adult, as a seer, I don't know. But in truth I feel as powerless as a newborn baby. I can't move a single pencil here or there; I'm blind, mute, and stupid. But the force that writes these words is all-powerful: it is Power itself.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)15:14:03 No.39684971
Larp larp larp
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)15:14:06 No.39684972
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)15:16:17 No.39684991
curse be upon you; agonizing pain will show you the real path as soon as now
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)15:20:38 No.39685030
Well ok if you want to say 'all things flow the same way' but differ in apearance and there is a force that expresses through you which is not you, that's fine, i see, it's alright. I feel like i shouldn't push because it cannot be proven right or wrong anyway, i'd just be selfishly putting my theories forth to test them against you which i shouldn't.
: |
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)15:25:23 No.39685065
Wrong, and wrong.
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)15:26:00 No.39685069
neither your theories nor my theories are right. Only Silence is incontrovertible. No theories can be proven right nor wrong: falsehood may as well be truth, and vice versa. All words are absolutely meaningless and any insight is invalid before the absoluteness of that which it is. The one escape is to stop thinking, and even that may not be possible to be done, for the one who does is not you, nor me.
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)15:33:40 No.39685120
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)15:49:07 No.39685246
>But then something happens in the meanwhile and things get confused
so this is where we are, most of humans in this moment I mean.
what happen to those children is they get hurt. and then everything in this particular planet is designed to distract those children from healing, and to teach things the wrong way. everything is backwards. now I have a follow up question. why is this so? why is this world like this?
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)16:00:28 No.39685313
I don't want anyone to suffer; I forgive you. This time.
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)16:05:02 No.39685340
>why is this so? why is this world like this?
It is just Nature; water always takes the easy way out. The great force of Good and Compassion that tries to enlighten all life fights a fierce fight not against demons, archons, potentates or ignorance or anything; it fights against ideas. All of you in this thread, all of humanity are simply ideas trying to multiply themselves; memes in search of replication. The Force of Utmost Good then fights fire with fire: it sends out ideas in the world through messengers that destroy all other ideas.

Funnily, that very famous atheist guy cracked the secret open: all of us are memes trying to expand and avoid death.
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)16:08:20 No.39685361
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)16:43:22 No.39685562
>No theories can be proven right nor wrong: falsehood may as well be truth, and vice versa
I can agree to that but you are stuck in loops, you say stop thinking but what is thinking? You try to reduce reality but it doesn't really work fully, you end up obscuring so much of it, reducing helps but each thing is its own thing.
Oh i see your point more clearly now, should have openend with this.
I kill my ideas myself then new ones are born and die. I am not an agent of them but an observer, a learner, an explorer, and so are you it seems. This is why i am here, hearing your ideas too. How is this different from archetypes and alchemical astrology/myth where a bunch or gods fight for influence and each passes through change? Seems similar.
Anyway, it's late here. Good talk, got a bunch of new ideas : )
I see your point, i think some time ago i was closer to this view but it's not truly compatible with life because we are not stones, nor children. Maybe this is still going when i wake up tomorrow
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/21/25(Tue)17:09:50 No.39685708
> with life because we are not stones, nor children.
What are you then? A man, a woman? Do you think a child thinks herself a child? A stone a stone? Children are excellent because they do not act, yet acting is still done. There is no comprehension in their minds of "I do this, I do that". Or neither do they think "I enjoy this, I enjoy that". There is no anxiousness at all for action. They live, simply.

>How is this different from archetypes and alchemical astrology/myth where a bunch or gods fight for influence and each passes through change? Seems similar.
It may be similar, it may be the same thing even.

>I kill my ideas myself then new ones are born and die. I am not an agent of them but an observer, a learner, an explorer, and so are you it seems.
Not an observer, not a doer. For observation still implies action - "I move to observe; I observe"; in truth things aren't like this. Observation is not yours; neither is action. One tries to comprehend something, but comprehension about the true state of things is absolutely impossible; an idea can't comprehend its own absence. Only its own absence can approach that which it is. I don't really speak for you, for you are the idea; but for that one who comes before you.

>I can agree to that but you are stuck in loops
You say that I'm stuck in loops and obscuring this or that something, but for me this is not so and there is no contradiction in what I speak.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)17:43:46 No.39685921
Oh hey, it's Freshie's First Nihilism Journey!
Have fun and enjoy the nothingness. Don't forget to study this year and get plenty of sleep, second year of college starts to get to you
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)19:07:14 No.39686480
This is only a fortuitous encounter for me if you tell me how I can get a wish granted
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)21:42:10 No.39687364
66a3433a-900d-47cc-b99f-c08cea1a8e68 (1)
The amount of larpers we are having lately confirms that one or some of them ARENT larpers
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)21:47:50 No.39687392
I'm an artist at heart, yet I struggle to create. I wish to paint and capture beauty, but my mind feels like a loud, deafening chaos that both distracts me and disillusions me from my calling. How can I remedy this? I wish not to harm, but to be left alone and engage with the beauty around me.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)00:32:42 No.39688138
from a fellow artist who suffered the same
you have to face the chaos head-on and build your sense of self amidst that chaos and come out with a vision to guide your work.

think of dante's inferno,
the path to paradise feels like hell
but you have to remain focused on your Beatrix, your inspiration, whatever it is that moves you enough to create

there is beauty in the messy chaos of the mind
like diamonds and carbon
you need only heat and pressure
drive and focus
and time
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)00:34:26 No.39688149
eat brahmi (preferably grown yourself)
and keep empty stomach
let the brahmi go to work on your brain and remove all noise
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/22/25(Wed)04:00:26 No.39689095
Your wishes are not really yours. Stop using your minds for a minute.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)04:03:06 No.39689099
most humans in this moment yes.
it is a blockage which we need to meditate daily. Language and mindless reactions to certain memetic symbols is part of the blockage.
To be free is to be relaxed.
The work is to pay attention to that which you have put in place, which prevents relaxation.
Like using a thread and stretching it and using it for all sorts of weaving and when you want wrap up the fun game, you make a knotty mess - thanks to nature of industrialization of human emotions.
Certain herbs clears up.the energetic blockages.
Yoga, chi gong, dancing, all became monetised and corrupt
yet you spontaneously find yourself stretching and spinning and playing when you attend (to the knot)
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/22/25(Wed)04:10:52 No.39689116
If you want to come to the end of your fermentations, sufferings, pains and so forth, there are infinite ways and even more, but for the men of this era there are two which are very suitable.

The first one: You must watch the experience of your mind unceasingly, like a man watching a tiger in front of him who's ready to pounce at any instant. You must watch your thoughts and experience your emotions in a conscious, non-distracted way with the tool of attention; simply looking and experiencing them consciously is enough, for that opens a space where the Light enters. That is the mystery hidden in the Jewish saying "The Holy One said, open for me a door as big as a needle's eye and I will open for you a door through which may enter tents and camels." If you continue to watch yourself with excellent diligence, then the capacity of intelligence will be more and more refined, until it gets so sensible it will catch even the faintest details floating in the air. You will understand mysteries from simply looking at a tree, or water moving. And then eventually you will naturally, without effort, see that you aren't body nor flesh; thought nor idea; then you will get liberated all on your own. This method requires great effort, and curiosity. You must be constantly conscious, and avoid any and all distractions if you can. The moments of silence will burn all obstacles without fail. All of this is extremely basic and simple, you just need to be quiet and watch yourself without judgement nor imposition, nor effort. Just keep looking at yourself like someone looks at a mirror and admires one's own beauty.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)04:15:33 No.39689126
tender memes to tender
>memes in search of replication
I am no memetic saleman. I am a lover of tender memes. I am a lover foremost.

I think my mother may be was in search of replication though.
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/22/25(Wed)04:15:42 No.39689128
The second method is faith. Just trust in God with all your might and all your power; surrender everything unto Him. And then everything will be done spontaneously. To truly stop striving is the most excellent and fast way. Difficulties happen but then comes a day where it all ceases and all desire for getting liberated vanishes, and that is liberation.
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/22/25(Wed)04:23:24 No.39689147
I made this thread for my own enjoyment mostly. But these two methods offered above are for your sake and enlightenment: they truly work, test them and you will see it for yourself without fail.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)04:37:53 No.39689196
>Just keep looking at yourself like someone looks at a mirror and admires one's own beauty.
where is the looker?
where is the mirror?
where is the beauty?
all illusions and false. Jews were clowns. So were hindoos. So was the synthetic culture that emerged in between.

I really liked the needle visualization creating a tent opening and a whole world within it though.

Anyways, looking at mirror and looking at timepiece (clock, phone, asking someone, and more) are two things trapping humans in their self-perpetuating suffering loop. A need to be identified with some form (mirrors of industrial society) and need to be sure about the unfolding of events (timepieces of digital culture)
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/22/25(Wed)04:48:20 No.39689237
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)04:53:59 No.39689262
I want to have a cat ears and a cat tail :3
Mumumu 01/22/25(Wed)04:55:15 No.39689268
what did your mother do?
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)05:02:52 No.39689304
my mother is the physical emergence which faithfully replicates the imparted geometric memes. emergence is the continuous mystery. More I describe, more corrupt the description gets.
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/22/25(Wed)05:03:01 No.39689305
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/22/25(Wed)05:07:05 No.39689327
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)05:52:12 No.39689479
the cat wants to fish with fish ears and fish tails
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)06:42:31 No.39689689
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)06:45:06 No.39689701
thanks for the input, I meant my question more in the sense of why was this world designed so wrong that even spiritual teachings are conovoluted for most to understand, from the point of view of how they are writen, phrased, to the point of view of how limited the human brain is, every thing seems to be designed to make this a hellish experience. for the lack of a better word. This doesn't make sense to me, assuming that the universe is ultimately good. I can only see this as a suffering machine psyop and any excuse of this being a spiritual school seems like cope to me, surely an infinite intelligence would devise better methods to teach.
anyways, thanks again for sharing your insights, I'm kind of resignated to not get my answers in this lifetime.
this is another point of contention I have. Why do most religions focus on this method alone? I suspect there is an ulterior motive, such as creating egregores through this
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/22/25(Wed)06:56:35 No.39689758
>thanks for the input, I meant my question more in the sense of why was this world designed so wrong that even spiritual teachings are conovoluted for most to understand, from the point of view of how they are writen, phrased, to the point of view of how limited the human brain is, every thing seems to be designed to make this a hellish experience. for the lack of a better word. This doesn't make sense to me, assuming that the universe is ultimately good. I can only see this as a suffering machine psyop and any excuse of this being a spiritual school seems like cope to me, surely an infinite intelligence would devise better methods to teach.
hahahaha..... this is not a spiritual school at all... this is not designed to be a hellish experience at all.... nor a blissful experience either.... the world is not designed in any way specific at all for the evolution of mankind or anything of the sort.... nor is it an accident or whatever... you desperately try to obtain a view and comprehend the world... and that is your doom.
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/22/25(Wed)06:59:41 No.39689772
>this is another point of contention I have. Why do most religions focus on this method alone?
Organized religions are always manifestations that reinforce the root ignorance in humans. Teachings that are given by holy masters are living things; when you write these teachings down they start working as agents of ignorance. It all happens spontaneously: teachings are written down, naive minds create dogmas, then systems, then institutions, then gods are created by the power of mind and then these gods try to control the devotees.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)07:33:47 No.39689918
>Everything you thought about until today about spirituality is wrong
Based on what you say after, I doint think you understand that word.
Go ahead and tell me what you think "spirituality" is.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)07:35:26 No.39689925
Oh, someone already asked and if either of these answers is yours is shows a complete running away and avoidance of the question.
You cant define what the word spirituality means to you.
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/22/25(Wed)07:41:09 No.39689964
you miss the point entirely with your refined ways and intelligent arguments. you're too intent on being a querent, a questioner; but the questioner will never aprehend this subtle secret. Only when the questioner dissolves and only pure cognition remains is when you will a grasp a glimpse of the things that were shown in those answers.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)07:41:38 No.39689968
looks ghetto. am i going to die if i go visit?
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)07:42:18 No.39689972
ohioan yap session
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)07:43:23 No.39689978
No, you just use a word without having any understanding of what you mean when you say it.
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/22/25(Wed)07:43:52 No.39689987
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)07:54:03 No.39690035
I have a spiritual block. I learned quite a lot to the point I feel ready to expand my magic. But I can't do anything besides a little box of psychic tools, sigils and mind tricks to do my thing.

There's something definitely blocking me. What can I do?
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)07:56:09 No.39690051
Nobody has asked you a why question. Why should we believe you, OP?
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)07:58:37 No.39690067
sounds like a fun adventure
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/22/25(Wed)08:00:23 No.39690076
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/22/25(Wed)08:03:20 No.39690086
everything you learned was useless, pointless, silly and childish..... but keep striving....
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)08:24:11 No.39690216
what can you show me to prove this is real
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/22/25(Wed)08:27:23 No.39690232
Let me explain more clearly for you to not feel bad about yourself. Your magic is fine, your interests are fine. You say you do some things and and want to do more things even. But all of this that you learn are "techniques", and then you ask me how to help you in advancing your techniques. But I'm not concerned with that at all. Reality is techniqueless and no systems or cunning practices will ever approach the essential prime insight.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)08:28:42 No.39690240
Why would you ask someone that cannot say what spirituality is?
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)08:29:45 No.39690242
Nothing you said answers the why question and everything you just said can be summed up in Taoism.
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/22/25(Wed)08:33:14 No.39690260
The criminals ask for proof, but no proof will be given to them; never. For the ones behind the masks already know the legitimacy and the falsehood of what is being exposed here or elsewhere, for I am them also, and my messages are for them only.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)08:36:19 No.39690279
>The criminals ask for proof, but no proof will be given to them; never. For the ones behind the masks already know the legitimacy and the falsehood of what is being exposed here or elsewhere, for I am them also, and my messages are for them only.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)08:37:34 No.39690287
The thing all the LARPers will never get about the masters that speak in koans and other forms of nonsequitorial answers is that people WANT to hear from them because they see their lifestyle.
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/22/25(Wed)08:43:58 No.39690317
hahaha.... you all are so knowledgeable..... you know all about koans, gnosticism, matrix, pleroma, taoist maxims. you know everything about all systems.... and that's why you know nothing and will never know anything of true value. the more you analyze, the more you go deeper into ignorance; the more you learn, the more you smear your eyes with mud; your pitiful minds desperately grasp any hope of understanding something high and pithy... and that's why all of you children ignore the basic light that projects all experience. All your efforts and deliberations are hopeless and will ever be. Your witty thoughts and remarks only bring your further down into the abyss of ignorance.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)08:50:01 No.39690350
monkey stare2
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)10:32:57 No.39690812
Fuck you asshole, don't tell me to stop creating art. What do you even know about it? You've been posting paintings in your shitty thread yet you tell me to stop using my mind. Quit the larp and kill yourself.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)10:34:03 No.39690817
Oh no....
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)10:45:40 No.39690866
truth is the friends we made along the way
Enlightened Christian 01/22/25(Wed)11:34:01 No.39691116
> Don't try to twist the spoon anon, it's impossible
> You just need understand what you see is the image of a spoon in your mind.
> Twist that image now.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:21:37 No.39691740
Thank you :)
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:26:09 No.39691763
A voiceless world or spirit is either dead or silenced by abuse. It's about being authentic in your inner and not letting your body be ruled by foreign impulses.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:28:51 No.39691783
You know we can see you're talking about yourself, right?
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:41:51 No.39691859
In the same way Jesus and Buddha were wrong, so are you. I recognise what you’re saying, I had what they call satori and got a glimpse of what you’re alluding to. Then a question came and it knocked me back into strivingness: now what?
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/22/25(Wed)13:46:22 No.39691884
>In the same way Jesus and Buddha were wrong, so are you.
yes, correct.

>I recognise what you’re saying, I had what they call satori and got a glimpse of what you’re alluding to. Then a question came and it knocked me back into strivingness: now what?
Any effort whatsoever you make will throw you into further ignorance. any refraining from effort you try to make you throw you into further ignorance. Any attempt to understand non-strivingness will throw you into ignorance; any attempt to not-understand will throw you into ignorance. Recognize right this instant that there is only an all-powerful flow that is not yours: no movement is yours, even the movement of witnessing is not yours. Any effort whatsoever perpetuates delusion.
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/22/25(Wed)13:49:43 No.39691909
Silence is also Sound - Loudness - Expression - Movement - Flowing - Flowering.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:50:56 No.39691921
Your narcissistic shtick is entirely based on the fundamental limitations of language and exploiting it to the fullest while pushing in your own extremely flawed understanding of non-being and non-dualism.
Reading a sacred text, intellectualising divinity etc are all POINTERS, this subtly trains your intuition but the real work happens via intensive meditation ideally under a strong training program and spiritual stream.
Instead, you read somewhere that "muh im already enlightened" and decided that's the be all and end all of it. Why? Because you're lazy.
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/22/25(Wed)13:52:13 No.39691934
hahaha.... do you want an explanation?
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:54:45 No.39691954
Explanation of what? You're gonna explain EVERYTHING to me? kek.
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/22/25(Wed)13:55:15 No.39691960
do you want it?
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:59:20 No.39691984
Go for it
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:02:53 No.39692009
trash theology you're retarded
you remind me of this video from jared lee loughner's youtube account:
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/22/25(Wed)14:09:35 No.39692062
>Your narcissistic shtick is entirely based on the fundamental limitations of language
It's not about language, it's about the mechanism of mind that tries to understand the world. It is the root of all error.

>and exploiting it to the fullest while pushing in your own extremely flawed understanding of non-being and non-dualism.
And here you go talking about "non-being" and "non-dualism". It's all wrong, it's wrong at the root. You still live in a dimension where you "get" non-being or this so-called non-dualism. There is no getting it at all because, like it was said earlier in this same thread, the idea-I - that is, the power of comprehension of mind which thinks itself subjective and interactive with knowledge - can not and will not ever comprehend its own absense; there can be only ceasing of this power of subjective effort-comprehension: this function can not access the place where itself doesn't exist. And so that's why it is said that all explanations whatsoever are absolutely invalid. Even this same explanation is absolutely invalid. You are so confident, you were so confident speaking words like non-being and non-duality.... but you will never get it either, little bird. But the one behinds you already gets it even now. The only think you can ever do is to stop striving - to stop all meditation and non-meditation and all action - which is not to say that action will cease. All your spiritual practices and intuition trainings and so forth will be useless and will only perpetuate the wrong idea of doership that is present in you even now. Those techniques only serve to destroy themselves at the end: a great tension is built up and the seeker sees that all of this is pointless. And that enlightenment is "not-achievable" - and that's enlightenment. Rest, peace, and freedom ensues then. I expect that you won't understand an atom from this explanation since you came in this thread with a very defiant mood. But others may learn something useful.
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/22/25(Wed)14:15:17 No.39692102
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:18:19 No.39692117
I tried everything and nothing worked, as you said, and it dawned on me that there is nothing to do, nowhere to go and nothing to become. When I felt it slip away a thought came up, how will I get back to this state? I laughed and a thought said in response, there’s nothing to do, in fact the less you do the better.
Now 2 years later, that’s cool and all but how do I get back?
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/22/25(Wed)14:21:47 No.39692137
I already answered you here >>39691884
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:24:37 No.39692157
You've chosen to selectively reply to my post because holistically i've completely exposed you for the charlatan you are. You've missed the essence of the point too.
There does exist techniques, you're just too lazy to go for it. Wisdom can't be explained, it is only experienced. The mechanism of the mind is faulty which is why it is rectified via mystic techniques. The mind, body and soul are aligned in such a way that everything you do, is done with your whole being - and this leads you to a state of total success. Then you are a conduit for the ALL, but ofc, the material limitations never fully go away until death. This, however, takes an immense amount of work, self reflection, you have to want it in the same way a drowning man wants air - but as i said. You're lazy.

The origin of everything youre saying is based upon the wisdom of the East, and such things as non-being etc. But you've decided to add your own "it's all wrong and pointless" because your brain has sunk into the nihilistic abyss. So now you sound like a broken record, trapped in a mind loop that reaffirms your faulty self - in particular laziness, but also that you're so thoroughly disempowered yourself and so you cope with it by being a LARPer and drag others down to the bottomless void with you
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:27:46 No.39692173
Do you know the teachings of neville goddard? if what he says isnt true what is even the point of living
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/22/25(Wed)14:27:54 No.39692174
hahaha..... so much work will really kill you.... it is alright to do the things you're doing....
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/22/25(Wed)14:29:21 No.39692190
I know almost nothing about Neville Goddard besides that he's the founder of this LoA thing.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:30:41 No.39692199
Feel like im in a period of life where I'm forced to just wait and accumulate. Its very boring, and all my days/weeks just blend together. Should I be doing something else or is my rig on the right road?
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:31:46 No.39692207
Back to vagueposting kek, yes it's alright to do what im doing so ill continue to warn people of the profanity and vulgarity in your words

Really you're a case study in the faultiness on Buddhism. The attainment of Nirvana is very high level, and even beginner buddhism is actually intermediate level
Retards like you then read it and produce your own faulty schizobabble and end up saying stupid shit like
>The only think you can ever do is to stop striving - to stop all meditation
Take your own advice and stop LARPing like you have any wisdom, your pearls are made of plastic and you're a fucking moron. But despite your arrogance, folly, and your belief in nothing, what really is gonna get you in trouble with God is your Weakness.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:34:03 No.39692223
Interesting thread. It seems like we're on nearly parallel paths as of now. You put into words many of the ideas i've landed on recently.
The problem is, like >>39685921 said, I am quite literally in the middle of college, and I only started thinking after the increased isolation from the lockdown. In those 4-5 years, my way of thinking has been restructured several times. I realize that I've hit a ceiling, and approach from a different angle, continuing my journey.

Can you honestly tell me that you have never, in recent times, come across a loose thread and avoided pulling it? I find it hard to believe that I'm on the last stretch of my development, it can't be that easy.
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/22/25(Wed)14:34:47 No.39692229
you doing something else or staying put is not in your power - don't worry. You are always in the right path. These words are very used but they couldn't be more right. you want exciting news or interesting insights - the best thing is to relax and enjoy the scenery...
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:34:54 No.39692231
Yeah and I hate it. I wish there was at least a switch to flick… something to do or something to get… lmao I guess it wouldn’t be anything if it had a beginning and end
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/22/25(Wed)14:36:52 No.39692243
hahaha... may "God" smite me right this minute and blow my silly brains if I spoke any lies in this thread....
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/22/25(Wed)14:39:48 No.39692270
you function through ideas - I don't - Just as you read these words in your screen, so do I; I greatly enjoy reading through some of these answers. I don't keep any records of my state or my insight or my truth or my wisdom or anything like that.
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/22/25(Wed)14:42:20 No.39692281
"Doing" is not something yours or never was. You are not a master of even a single thought. The man who realizes God is a non-doer; he sees that he never did anything at all, not one single time in all his life; merit nor demerit are his. God does it all.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:43:25 No.39692288
>atleast a switch to flick
I have a meditation for you to explore. Observe the tension in the muscles of your eye. how they twicth and focus and unfocus and your desire to switch from this to that or your non-desire to switch from this to that, the whole game of tension is expressed in the eye.
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/22/25(Wed)14:46:56 No.39692312
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:58:02 No.39692366
sharing this quote with a photo of some gentleman. Simplicity is recurring theme.
Mumumu 01/22/25(Wed)15:02:17 No.39692398
"Simplicity is the greatest sophistication."
"Simplicity is the last step of Wisdom."
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/22/25(Wed)15:14:30 No.39692480
Another clown hahaha.... beautiful....
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)15:19:49 No.39692521
very cool. thoughts on eckhart tole?
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)15:23:23 No.39692545
I think my wording was awkward.
Have you arrived at the truth? Do you think you could be wrong?
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/22/25(Wed)15:29:30 No.39692588
I like him... another beautiful liar...
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/22/25(Wed)15:33:57 No.39692620
>Have you arrived at the truth?
I don't know how to illustrate it to you. When one arrives at what you imagine as truth, there is no question of arriving or not anymore. 7

>Do you think you could be wrong?
Who asks this? Who asks about right or wrong? In me there is an empty expanse. When any questioner arises in this expanse it is immediately stilled.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)15:35:24 No.39692630
>Who asks this?
You have gone backwards.
>ur durrr theres no forward and backwards
no. you have gone backwards.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)15:35:38 No.39692632
another gentleman
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/22/25(Wed)15:55:25 No.39692784
Work is needed. Work makes the Universe move. Work is the great doer. The Great Work makes everything good. But man is misled by himself into thinking he is the worker, when he in fact isn't; that's all.
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/22/25(Wed)16:00:24 No.39692824
>I guess it wouldn’t be anything if it had a beginning and end
Yes, this is very elegantly put.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)16:00:36 No.39692825
when the master's work is done, people will say : "yay! we did"
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)16:02:12 No.39692837
I will say it we did reddit for extra funny
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)16:08:18 No.39692891
only funny if you actually laughed. or else it is vain sarcasm you picked up from reddit.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)16:20:13 No.39692966
>Silence is politics
I don't know man if people were silent there wouldn't be politics and narrative manipulation efforts. What factors make people noisy? Any thoughts to help reduce this?
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)16:26:18 No.39692999
not today Satan!
Praise Lord Jesus Christ!
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/22/25(Wed)17:00:55 No.39693230
>What factors make people noisy?
The same factor that makes you ask these questions right now. It's unavoidable.

>Any thoughts to help reduce this?
No thoughts whatsoever. Maybe somone willing will answer this for you.
Anonymous !!SjdJPCR6ULo 01/22/25(Wed)17:07:41 No.39693270
May all of you be blessed and realize as soon as possible the original perfection; may the ones who strayed into evil paths be straightened out and swiftly attain the good fruit. May it be so.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)17:12:19 No.39693309
What do you make of seeing a women you know during a dream? Also having a sexual experience with them in your dream? Are they there as well in the astral plane?
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)18:33:22 No.39693849
whats the deal with dreams
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)18:50:56 No.39693976
>two arrogant retards on /x/ think they can school the other
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)18:57:37 No.39694018
Looks like a third arrogant retard just arrived to complete the triad
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)18:59:38 No.39694027
>admits everything was completely retarded and purely an exercise of arrogance
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)19:01:09 No.39694032
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)19:03:14 No.39694046
>when conversation goes above your ability
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)19:06:08 No.39694063
U tripping little bro
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)19:09:07 No.39694084
>broken to the point of inability to use full words
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)19:59:08 No.39694397
welp. this was a good thread op
probably one of the threads in /x/ in while
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)20:08:42 No.39694448
There was nothing good about it or OP.
Another LARPer trying to be the smartest in the room.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)20:18:33 No.39694508
there is no evil
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)21:01:10 No.39694780
I’d say, the only way to influence someone is by example. Not by reprimanding or teaching, but by showing that your way produces results—peace and lasting happiness. That is to say, become silence and your silence will ripple out into the world. Silence is all powerful, that’s why you never hear God, and anyone who says they have is a benchod bastard
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)21:03:52 No.39694801
Ty anon. This is why I come to /x/, I love these threads
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)21:16:59 No.39694872
Everything that occurs to you in life, awake and asleep, is a play of your desires and fears . They manifest much quicker on the astral plane and are less constrained than the physical. Say for example you watch a bird soaring overhead and it sparks a deep longing in you to fly so you can just soar above your life and your stupid retarded problems. That desire gets lodged into your karmic system and must be fulfilled somehow. Obviously it can’t happen in the physical, at least not any time soon, so it manifests in the dream
>so basically you subconsciously knew you’re never gonna fuck her irl