/v/irgin made a video game called Ghost Defense
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)08:32:55 | 26 comments | 1 images | 🔒 Locked
lickquidator (1)
I made a video game and I need REAL feedback.

I already got my own list of things to add add;
Different types of enemies need to spawn at different levels instead of all at lvl 1.
Separate gamemode for the colored enemies.
Gamemode where Allies are removed. Add more difficulty modes. Add cycling for weapons in-level.

I plan on adding a gamemode with the Google Halloween Game drawing mechanic, but I'm figuring out what to replace the W, V , ^ with since they're basically 2 symbols. I can also use arrow keys which should have an easier input, but won't be as unique.

I'm not sure about adding more support abilities or extra abilities for the other 2 playable characters.
Or even a charge-up attacks and different ways of launching your projectiles, I already gave a decent amount of weapons to the offense guy.
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)08:36:30 No.701005243
Buy an ad
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)08:36:48 No.701005264
Suck a cock, bot.
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)08:43:20 No.701005698
Also going to ask for feedback in /g/'s game engine thread.
If you got any good feedback and the thread died leave it in the itch comments section or leave me your DIscord.
Game takes about 20 minute to see what it's about.
Every 5 levels you get a night time lvl
And every 10 levels you get a tower defense segment.
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)08:53:54 No.701006343
And please for the love of God read the DESCRIPTION before you accidentally press Space, start pressing Z,X,Y thinking it's a platformer game, THEN use the mouse to shoot but you can't because you've accidentally smashed Space and you're currently selected on the resource-gatherer character that doesn't attack.
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)08:54:11 No.701006368
fix your buttons, i click one and it rapid fire buys everything on screen.
other than that this feels like the kind of game i'd expect to see on an atari. Your biggest problem is you've dumped the player into the game with a bunch of choices without explaining what they entail, before they know anything about your game.

If your going for a grinding game, start the player off with the most basic shit, fighting the most basic enemies. Slowly introduce new abilities and new enemy types, and make sure to hand hold the player through your controls at first. Adopt valves design - first you teach, then you give the player a sandbox to experiment with what you just taught them, and then you make them think about how that could be applied in other ways.
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)08:55:14 No.701006434
players are adverse to reading, if they need to read a README before they play your game you've already failed as a game designer. Spend some time teaching them the controls and what each character does.
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)09:02:23 No.701006897
I come from the NES & Genesis era where players just smashed buttons in combinations till they learned or read the Nintendo Power.
But I definitely need to add a tutorial and some explanations for what less obvious stuff does such as the vulnerable freeze upgrade.

This is a prototype where I threw in everything including the kitchen sink to get a feeling of what I need to add & remove.
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)09:04:58 No.701007053
well definitely start with removing the kitchen sink. You have a ton of features but you throw them all in your players face before they have a chance to understand what anything does.
I said this earlier, but start the game with zero abilities and only the shooting character. Explain to them they have to click to shoot, have them kill a couple ghosts, and then introduce the resource gatherer. Then throw a big ghost at them and introduce the freeze guy. From there, you've taught the player how to play your game and the rest falls into place.
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)09:07:27 No.701007221
fpbp, stop bumping your own thread faggot
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)09:08:51 No.701007323
>No capitals and no punctuation.
Whatever you say, bot.
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)09:09:20 No.701007358
he isnt bumping his own thread, but you're just gonna say im him anyway. I guess we can blame the mods for removing the ip count
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)09:10:20 No.701007421
bro no caps and no punctuation is sorta the default for 4chan. Using proper grammar and shit is kinda showing of a newfag.
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)09:10:27 No.701007430
why is announcing a report illegal here anyways
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)09:11:21 No.701007493
because its locked, very locked. its not keyed at all.
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)09:16:21 No.701007834
They don't want a similar repeat where you can actually see the janitors & mods' usernames like on Reddit, but for users.
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)09:39:33 No.701009270
I think people would rather watch a video than play it.
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)09:52:49 No.701010101
>/v/ideo in a nutshell
For example what different symbols would you use for this game, /v/?
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)10:07:22 No.701010974
yeah I highly doubt you'll get any "you should refine this feature of yours like this" but just "it would be nice if we had more enemies/upgrades/weapons if there was a story"
that coming from ppl that won't even check all the upgrades or even reach the boss
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)10:24:46 No.701012063
have a bump
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)10:40:31 No.701013196
C'mon /v/ , you always complain that devs don't listen to you. This is your chance.
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)11:20:43 No.701016063
>No capitals and no punctuation.
how fucking new are you?
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)11:25:56 No.701016440
How old are you?
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)11:32:13 No.701016868
old enough to not care about trivial bullshit
now fuck off to vg/agd or purchase an advertisement slot
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)11:39:03 No.701017372
HAHAHAHAHA Aaahh that is true.
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)12:08:39 No.701019503
I'll play it.
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)12:17:30 No.701020156
Screenshot (1777)