Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)05:52:17 | 21 comments | 3 images | 🔒 Locked
Why don't AAA devs just stop making ulgy, blurry games that are poorly optimized?
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)05:52:51 No.700996732
>Why is water wet
>Why to trannies cut their dicks off
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)05:54:53 No.700996840
(you) have a chance to fix it
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)05:55:24 No.700996863
AAA publishers want their games made as cheaply as possible to maximize profits.
This usually means hiring a large amount of cheap developers that aren't competent enough to learn a studio's proprietary engine or develop a new engine, instead the industry has adopted UE5 as the "standard" engine that every developer is assumed to know, but nobody excels at.
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)05:57:00 No.700996932
>AAA publishers want their games made as cheaply as possible to maximize profits.
>This usually means hiring a large amount of cheap developers that aren't competent
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)06:00:48 No.700997124
Why hire 1 white person when you can hire 5 Indians that achieve the "same" result for half the price each?
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)06:02:05 No.700997191
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)06:06:08 No.700997405
I wish we could convince developers that depth of field is bad and remove it from all games.

It makes no fucking sense for a video game. YOU decide what you're looking at and focusing on.
Imagine in real life if you were trying to look at something 20 meters away but it was a massive blur "because you're not supposed to be looking over there".

Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)06:06:38 No.700997439
Businesses don't like professionals, because they can say "no" to idiotic demands and unreasonable deadlines. The army of cheap workers doesn't have this option
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)06:08:11 No.700997518
Like many post-processing effects, it basically exists to make trailers, gameplay footage, and screenshots look better.
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)06:08:16 No.700997525
Thankfully it usually is on a toggle. It will only become a real problem when you can't disable it, like volumetric fog.
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)06:08:17 No.700997527
Why don't you cool it with antisemitism?
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)06:10:28 No.700997640
Because developing and maintaining an in-house engine eats an insane volume of resources. Also you have to train any new hires for weeks or months to bring them up to speed what makes all that even more difficult is that the only documentation that exists is written by your guys so what they don't know nobody knows. And if you, for some reason, decide to switch engines you have to train everyone again.
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)06:20:52 No.700998164
Why would they? Consolefags buy anything. For PC you're just getting told to turn on more and more DLSS options and when you can't do that, you will have an army of pajeets screeching "saar u poor poor benchod bloody" at you.
It also doesn't help that it takes dev time and skill, and they don't get any dev time and don't have much skill anymore.
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)06:28:59 No.700998604
everyone knows how to use UE
companies don't want to spend time training people
companies refuse to retain talent and instead fire tons of people between projects
because of this, there's no way for a company to realistically develop and maintain their own in house engine
the only way this stops is if the suits stop being greedy cunts, which ain't happening soon
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)06:34:03 No.700998843
>the only way this stops is if the suits stop being greedy cunts, which ain't happening soon

Or developers could be more specific in their pitch meetings showing that they, pretty much, have the game already figured out and only need 2-4 years of actual development time instead of sitting in pre-production for 5 years.
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)06:44:38 No.700999369
>Use UE5 so you can hire dev that can use it
>Proceed to hire devs that can't use UE5
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)06:46:52 No.700999496
>Implying devs get to choose how to develop their games in a AAA publishing market

No anon, you make the game the producers want you to make and add shit they want you to add. Not saying that devs can't be idiots and scrap full projects, but it has become more and more about what the producers/publishers think will make money rather than devs having a project they want to accomplish.
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)06:50:07 No.700999643
The same reason every company buys Windows for their employees to do the work. Everyone knows it.
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)06:58:52 No.701000112
>Proceed to hire devs that can't use UE5
No, you only hire designers that already know UE5 and don't require training.
>No anon, you make the game the producers want you to make and add shit they want you to add.
Well yeah. When i said "developer" i was talking about the whole studio from a publishers perspective. It usually works like this.
>lead producer at studio wants to make a game
>pitches said game to studio heads
>they help refine the pitch and present it to the publisher
>publisher will make some suggestions, influenced by marketing, and green light it
From there the publisher is usually hands off, unless the studio just keeps fucking up like missing milestones or the game is just in a bad state. Who now controls the project is the project lead and his team of head producers who each have a dozen producers under them who each have a whole department under them. If the studio management can't figure out the correct direction for the game the whole project suffers and that is exactly how you end up with games that sit in pre-production for the better part of a decade while the producers are playing trial and error. Then they cobble the game together in 2-3 years and release a broken and unfinished mess with everyone going "and you spend 10 years on that?!?!" to which they reply "well the game was only in full development for a couple years."
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)07:08:24 No.701000606
Maintaining an engine is a lot of work that is really not necessary when there are solutions available that are maintained for you.
Also, knowledge is easily transferable between jobs. From an employee's POV if you leave the company your skills are not totally worthless and you can get a job elsewhere, and from the companies POV you can hire people who are already trained to use the engine. Therefore, it's an attractive option for both companies and its employees.
TLDR, it's a good choice for everyone but (You).
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)07:36:54 No.701001970
why is bro wearing a gaming chair as a jacket