Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)02:00:45 | 6 comments | 🔒 Locked
One of Japan's biggest boy band stars and best-known television hosts announced his retirement on Thursday after being accused of sexual misconduct, Japanese media reported.

Masahiro Nakai said in a statement to his paid fan club that he had "completed all discussions with TV stations, radio broadcasters and sponsors regarding my termination, cancellation, removal and contract annulment," the Mainichi newspaper said.

"I will continue to face up to all problems sincerely and respond in a wholehearted manner. I alone am responsible for everything," Nakai reportedly said
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)02:05:49 No.208098977
It’s honestly pathetic just how many guys care more about sexual gratification than they do their own careers. Remind me of Neil Gaiman
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)02:08:45 No.208099019
TV personality Masahiro Nakai announced that he will retire from show business on March 23. He made the report on his paid fan club website. The full text of the comment is as follows.

I, Masahiro Nakai, will retire from entertainment activities as of today. As for my company [Kabushiki Nobirinakai], it will be closed down as soon as the various remaining procedures and operations are completed.

I would like to announce that all the meetings I have had with TV stations, radio stations, and sponsors regarding termination, drop-out, cancellation, contract termination, etc., have been completed today.

We do not believe that we have fulfilled all of our responsibilities. We will continue to deal with the various issues sincerely and in good faith. The entire responsibility lies with me personally. I am very sorry that I have caused so much trouble and loss to so many people.

Once again, I would like to extend my sincerest apologies to the other party as well.

To all parties concerned, I apologize for any inconvenience caused. Once again, we apologize. We are very, very sorry.

To all the Zura (*fan club members), even once, I wanted to meet you. I couldn't meet you. I had to meet you. I am so, so, so sorry for this goodbye. Goodbye...

January 23, 2025 Masahiro Nakai
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)02:28:00 No.208099235
Oh goody, the era of "just ruin any successful man you like" has arrived to Japan. Now they can share our metoo joy.
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)02:43:08 No.208099411
nonconsensual, they can't say "rape"? more surprised the SMAP guys are straight
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)02:56:22 No.208099567
all those geriatric smap faggots need to sudoku
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)03:08:22 No.208099705
>nips being weird sexually
what a shock