Complex analysis textbook
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:42:24 | 3 comments
Has anyone used Complex analysis by Bak or the one by Lvovski or the one by Boas? I would like to know which one of the three is the better one. And please list the textbook you used and write in a few sentences what your experience was with it and if you recommend it.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:24:44 No.16560273
What are your goals/needs with Complex Analysis? Do you need it for it's own sake, or because some applied task requires familiarity with functions of complex variables (e.g., Fourier analysis/Laplace transforms)?

In any case, the textbook I used was LePage's Complex Variables and the Laplace Transform for Engineers. The course didn't have an explicit textbook requirement, but this one was cheap and covered enough that for the undergrad course I was fine.

For grad school (as a pure math elective) we used Conway's Functions of One Complex Variable the semester I took it. Other semesters have used Alfohrs (which I haven't used but I've heard is better than Conway in some ways).
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:32:01 No.16560281
Thx, for self study, I plan on going through Bak then Boas because both have partial solutions, I just still want peoples experiences with their complex analysis course textbook because it interests me to hear people's opinions.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)16:50:16 No.16560441
all of this is meaningless mostly