Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)12:43:39 | 91 comments | 6 images
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Because the people in San Francisco are fucking psychopaths I've managed to acquire all sorts of immunity.acquired deficiencies that are somehow related to abdl pornography. As in I look at this pornography and all of a sudden I start having cognitive problems, hemorrhoids and so on because the people here are fucked up monsters.

Anyone know anything about this and if any of this shit is curable. Part of the know nothing dipshit "no exactly/really/literally" crowd.

Don't come here if you can at all avoid it unless you bring a large supply if your own antibiotics. They've corrupted the hospitals.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)12:47:55 No.16560142
There's also some sort of virus that's going around that not only fucks up your feet but also your hands. Picture related. May be related to genetic diseases of which the hospital staff will deny but most of them are sick or fucked up. The tips of your fingers start to rot and shred with some sort of fungus, you develope creases all over your palms and then your hands dry out and stiffen.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)12:49:50 No.16560145
People in San Francisco will go around sniffing at the poor (specifically if they pick up pennies or change off the sidewalk) if they don't have a cell phone on them and if there is a cell phone then there's a tree of people that are all watching and tracking them. None of the ride share apps or ways of generating money work.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)12:51:52 No.16560147
The homeless and street sweepers have gone so far as to coordinate how much money you physically can get so it ends up in numerological amounts of change. It's fucking absurd.

People in San Francisco are *sick*.

Please under no circumstances come here. The people here are dangerously mentally ill.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:00:13 No.16560152
If you do come here expect that absolutely none of your electronics will work or are safe from people that will track and attempt to drug you.

In the shelter I'm at at 555 Beale street someone set of carbon monoxide or anaesthetic gas last night (I believe a possible shelter worker or gang member) and someone who is addicted to drugs almost suffocated in their sleep. A few nights prior someone mixed an adulterant in someone's crystal meth (I don't take drugs because at this point no thanks I'm 38 and too old for that shit and everyone around me is a dangerous moron) which I believe to be have been fertilizer and everyone got sick from the fumes. I went to the Chinese hospitals where I have no idea if the doctors are competent, but *all* of the hospitals have doctors and security staff that are mentally ill or are having psych problems. Many people that have contagious hand disease (possibly related to what I have who knows? I once was made high for hours by touching the hands of someone that had fentanyl all over their hands) will threaten to touch you with their hands and spread disease - among them police officers - based on how they hold their hands and whether they're wearing gloves or not.

I've found that there has been an illness network of people that were spreading sickness through an elementary school that can be gotten rid of by a round of trimethoprim, but we're upset when I told people - in the wrong kind of way. Many people here are breeding diseases on purpose. As far as I can tell the entire city is a sickness factory.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:10:57 No.16560163
Once someone is tagged as being someone that a circle of sociopaths is going to fuck with then everything becomes part of a stupidity association game. Every supposition or worry that you have is used against you. If you were at one time starving and you have to rely on someone giving you food then everything about what is happening around you is communicated to you via food related metaphors. The gaslighters are big on having groups of people walk past you talking to each other in such a way wherein the context is related to you yourself, as a metaphor for being two faced and talking about them on the internet.

To give an example - talking about being gassed with anaesthetic gas becomes "oh she was talking about frozen barbeque" as two people walk past seeing as she refers to someone that is bitching, gassing someone to death is hell, and frozen refers to nitrous or anesthetic. While you're still surrounded by a circle of sociopaths and denied money or the means to escape unless you break the law at which point you're beholden to the police and can be put in a cell where you'll be killed or disappeared.

My current strategy is to hoard as much change as possible so I can write anonymous letters to third parties throughout the country warning them not to come to San Francisco as they're dangerous sociopaths that form lynch mobs with no oversight. This is at one market plaza by the way.


The entire downtown is abandoned or filled with sick people. They're evil and mentally disturbed. Please in no way come here if you can at all avoid it.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:21:33 No.16560180
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:21:42 No.16560181
More information - given that there's only a single shelter system in San Francisco the only purpose is to escape as fast as possible or else you'll be drugged to death. The idea here that San Francisco cares about the poor is completely false. It's a rat trap.

What they do is have a poor person or group that they follow around gassing with drugs until they're so sick that any drugs will kill them and then they stop entirely with the threat of drugs and gassing used to keep them in line or as a snitch against anyone that does so. The entire place is a murder factory. Do not come here in a y way whatsoever.

Additionally they'll find the mark and then use selected language around them so differing types of English language usage mean different things based on a fucked up tower of babble English language you only know one way to speak thing. It's based on biblical bullshit/people who use drugs and know multiple languages and using drugs to drugs someone into complacency and stupidity. Mich of this sounds nonsensical but much of this is pulled from people that spent a large amount of time attempting to find my worst fears and use them against me to prevent me from speaking.

It didn't work out because I'll just keep speaking until someone kills me and then everyone involved in making money from drugs and misdirection will have the method that this has been done unwound and have who they are and what they did made public knowledge.

Of anyone that has been in San Francisco for an extended period of time and suddenly become wealthy or made connections they've most likely done so by sickening people or funneling money through fraud. If you can't pull the camera footage from the city over the last three years it's because it's been disappeared or altered.

If I were you I would buy stock in pg and e electric because the electric company must have dirt on just about everyone at this point.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:25:08 No.16560190
Theres also tens of billions of dollars of property just sitting abandoned in the city. For years. So the entire city is essentially a giant insurance fraud liability and much of the drug abuse and craziness may have been to get someone messed up enough that there would be an incentive to burn it down. Theres a distinct possibility that this is what happened in Los Angeles. The property is worth more as an insurance claim so the money could be moved to somewhere where everyone isn't sick and psychotic than it is as a business because no one wants to buy or sell anything here because everyone is sick, there are no people with money or tourists and no one competent enough to sell anything. The entire city is an abandoned shell. It's a Chinese ghost town or a fake north Korean city. It's surreal.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:31:45 No.16560197
This guy's video titles are over the top but he's right. All of the stores here are closed and everyone is standing around with no idea what to do. There's no way for me to get a job. Apparently the Amazon warehouse is so dangerous that few of any people can do it for long enough to get a paycheck because the work is so grueling. I'm 38 and in poor health. I went to college and spent much of my life doing office work - I'm not physically fit enough to do that shit anymore. I could work in a store or an an office again, but there's no one here. And people here are so sick and messed up that recommending that people come here is selfish and irresponsible.

I want to leave so fucking badly.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:38:09 No.16560208
I don't know how the sick spread but it's everywhere here. It's maybe part of this he/them/they thing or started with trees of gangs based on illness networks. Maybe it's from Elon musk's kid or someone that went off their rocker. I don't know. You can't go to the hospitals unless they specifically like you or they'll provide medication that's wrong or dangerous. Amoxicillin eye drops by fosun pharmaceuticals given to me at Van Ness Sutter health were black market and I believe specially because I'm either poor or annoying, but that shit is everywhere. at the shelter I'm at there's 200 people and an ambulance every couple days from an overdose. To put that in other terms, every day someone at the shelter dies and all the drugs are airborne and it's six blocks from the embarcadero where all the tourists are. It's like you're running Auschwitz next to times square except the sick is contagious.

This place is so incredibly fucked up.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:41:38 No.16560213
this is why you shouldn't do drugs, kids
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:44:35 No.16560218
Shut the fuck up or we'll gas you
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:45:42 No.16560221
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:51:54 No.16560228
I am the most responsible drug user on the planet. Someone gave me weed that was tainted at American roots, which I believe to have had either spice or heavy metals in it (geary and Polk). Not to mention that the head shops around here have 35 percent plus THC which is fucking irresponsible. I should also mention that the weed is either tainted with mold or there's a lung disease that's going sound that responds to trimethoprim which makes people liable to suggestion including children. And people are spreading it to their kids and then the homeless intentionally. I had to backout the method of mesmerism with a chain of fools and mesmerism from an Oakland asshole spreading sick from a black ten year old kid to me. So they'll spread this memerismic shit pot and then see if they can surround you with people that will sniff at you and attempt to use body language and clothes to get you to go to certain places at certain times and spread ick through suggestion. The only way I know how to beat this is to write as many letters as possible describing the method of action and putting it in randomized households to describe how it's done. It's them/they sickness networks spread through sickness and mold. It sucks so fucking badly.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:59:19 No.16560239
You can find the people that are sick based on those that have started coughing or hunting to themselves because they e internalized the pavlovian response through mold that attacks the hippocampus. Knowing this isn't enough to fix it either as it's brain disease and ick. Antibiotics and describing the method of action in order to destroy it as much as possible is one response. Another is to make friends to find ways of combatting those who are doing this is another. It's an old game. But the sick is everywhere here and you can see the results in the completely destroyed property market. Many of the doctors and hospital staff are intentionally spreading it and are responsible for the problems you see around you here. The selective masking and having nurses cart sick in and out of the hospitals intentionally rather than let chance take it's course is a major part of the problem. The amount of information saturation is also another part - intentionally sickening someone with this sort of thing and then seeing if you can make them tell on how it was done to them gets you to make someone a slave to being experimented on. Other crazy shit appears to be that they selectively cart in people from professional sports that are sick so they can spread specific variants.

I wish I were making any of this up. It's been five years since "COVID" - this shit is everywhere here and it's the cause of everything being fucked up and broken. People intentionally creating sickness networks or drugging each other. The city is a bio weapons facility sitting on an unclaimed arson insurance fraud scheme.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:03:39 No.16560246
You want to know who is responsible for this? Follow the money. Who owns what building. Who is going to make money if they start the city on fire. It's going to be half a dozen guys that are all golfing buddies that probably have a couple cousins that are contractors out in Hollywood. I don't want to be sick or live in this shit hole. Someone took the idea of the death star and said what if we did this in real life and fed it into an AI and gave it a billion dollars and told it to make money. It's some sort of mass psychological hysteria or something. It's fucking bizarre.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:11:32 No.16560258
The other fucked up thing with Uber is that there's some word thing where the phones will be tracked if you look at porn. I half expect its some fucked dup thing where if you look at porn you're more likely to get rides at which point someone will buy food from a couple that just had sex. The entire city is some dystopian fucked up version of hell.


It's chemically dangerous to be here and they've stated that they want to have the city burn down through insurance fraud because it's so fucking profitable to do. Most people here are.either suicidal homicidal have no way out are hacking the phone networks are high all the time or have lost their minds. People will go around and signal to me which people have lost their minds when I talk to them, and on at least one occasion it it was someone claiming to be a physician that was hitting on me in the emergency rooms.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:14:58 No.16560263
This is the only ride sharing app for which there's any availability. All the others are booked. The arrow icon is backwards and the crips will go down the street wheeling their chairs backwards to indicate that there's something fucked up going on with this app.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:18:33 No.16560268
There's no other way to make money in the city - all the rest of the jobs are fake or unavailable and it so people glad handing each other that are all in on the scam. Once they've thoroughly drugged you and sickened you to the point that you can't get better they leave and the circle of gaslighters disappears and youre stick with a bunch of sick idiots that don't know what they're doing.

If *anyone* has come out of the city of San Francisco with any amount of money or.become suddenly suspiciously wealthy/happier/healthier it was undoubtedly done as part of a scam or at someone else's expense. Everyone here is seriously I'll and either an abuser or a victim. There's no such thing here as a normal person that isn't fucked up.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:33:10 No.16560282
This is a major bummer I was looking forward to having a major silicon valley crash out and then enjoying the homeless lifestyle up on nob hill were it be. You're telling me they are adulterating the weed and blasting smells at people? That's fucked, should I go to Reno, Nevada instead?
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:53:02 No.16560307
I'm saying that the weed will give you brain disease that will make you liable to suggestion and damage your hippocampus unless you take trimethoprim antibiotics provided that the mold itself hasn't become antibiotic resistant at this point you're homeless metaphoric rambling about dumb shit aside. People here are sick and having people find out you're giving kids brain disease through fucked up pot is sure to make you popular wherever you happen to be.

Ethics. Learn some or you'll quickly find people to teach you.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:55:30 No.16560313
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)15:14:14 No.16560334
I mean if the guy was making fun of this particular brand of association that's related to this disease then I'm all for it. At this point I'm having dick for brains drug me based on which grammatical syntax of grammar is used and the coughing sick on me based one hich particular sickness tree they're attempting to use with that language. It's numbnuts Christian apocalyptic idiocy - and many of these guys are from Richmond and farther.out on the subway systems where all the churches are and every few decades cough in everyone and get everyone sick with disease. It's some sort of sociological lifecycle in the area. Antioch is a ghost town of churches.

I figure all the religious got sick and then came into San Francisco and coughed on everybody and anyone that speaks another language or is super into music or art or some "thing" doesn't have people cough on them depending on what words they use. It's a bizarre fucked up way to destroy a city and have everyone go around acting like an idiot with stupid clothes or leaning Hebrew just so they're.not coughed.on. I invented a cipher language just so people in the shelter wouldn't cough on me.

Everyone else will do the thing where they'll drug and cough on you if you don't speak another language or start forming a tree. People "believing in money" or "believing medication is magic" is another one. Taking SSRIs isn't going to do a goddamn thing if people are making me sick by coughing moldy pot smoke at me that can be alleviated with trimethoprim excepting that it's a way to get the gangsters to decide I'm not a threat because I'm being drugged some other way. I'm not crazy unless you can account for why everyone in San Francisco is liable to suggestion and the entire city is in ruins.

It's a city that's gone religious whack job crazy mixed with illness. Everyone wants a "special" way of being not normal so they can then decide what tree to be involved in that's not rationality.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)15:24:22 No.16560344
Of the trees that I know of -

- money solves everything
- art is a way to communicate
- sex is the answer
- homelessness has a certain kind of mysticism
- you should make a.gang of four people
- religiosity with the main three religions being popular
- food as magic - that one is particularly gross with people eating themselves to death
- face your fear and therefore overdone it where people will look through your personal history to determine what your fear is and what qualifies as.overcoming it.
- music as magic
- whoe er controls the phone network has dirt on everyone
- writing to as many people as possible is a way to break up the them/they non-parametric reasoning
- if you speak another language then that means you must be an intelligent and therefore not be with drugging and harassing
- either laughing at everything or sniffing and coughing at each other is the way to go. Also who crosses their legs and who doesn't is somehow important based on who will sicken whom with pot that makes people suggestible.

I'm a fan of the last three, but even then there's a large number of trees that will blow pot smoke at you that's infected or control how much money you have so you can't write outside of the city.

The only solution overall I've found to prevent being drugged by sociopaths is to find any way possible to get.out of the city and take trimethoprim. It's a social disease mixed with religion and distancing and antibiotics are the safest option. They'll attempt to prevent anyone having access to money so they can jail them instead. Another one of the trees is "no one is perfect so you can obey nine of the ten commandments but not all of them" - so you can lie or steal but not both. Or if you write the truth then groups of crazy people will stalk you across the city throughout the day and tell each other snippets of information from someone else's life to see if they can get you to write about it while having the.sockness from them coughed on you.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)15:30:23 No.16560351
Another popular one is to repeatedly drug or torture someone until they give up and then offer them a job or money from one of their torturers or someone related with no compensation or fixing of the variety of illnesses and harm youve caused. This is the "peace sign" tree. People will use stupid hippy word shit like saying "it's all good" right after they've poisoned you and then you don't do anything about it. It's a deceptive double dealing way of poisoning someone and then teasing them into an act of violence that you know that you'll either win ahead of time or for which you can claim self defence when you poisoned the other person in the first place, mixed with tower of babel word play horseshit. So all the YouTube fight videos and all the rest of that shit often involves one of the people having been poisoned and teased into that position in the first place. See also all the recent death by shooting sorre type incidents. Mass killings are unique to America specifically because that sociological parasitism has historicism in people fucking with each other in a specifically American way since the 1970s.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)15:33:29 No.16560360
So the peace sign bullshit works until you poison someone so they're in peaceful or they die. The "money is the answer" tree works in such a way where you'll have everyone not put any change in the sidewalks, have no one offer them a job or resources, and then the only way to make any money at all is to steal, the food tree is that you poison all the resources for food except a certain subset that will make them sick (the embarcadero shelter can't be trusted to give me spoons that haven't been poisoned and I've been poisoned at every other breadline in the city).
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)15:35:53 No.16560363
Sex is the answer works in such a way where you give people sexually transmitted diseases of they masturbate or drug them to sickness from children if they don't. The child abuse on that one is incredibly fucked up.

Oh - and to each one of these the answer follows into one of a few categories of reaction. You can make friends, you can threaten, you can give as much information out as possible. You can turn to capitulation with your captors.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)15:39:15 No.16560365
The best solution that I've discovered so far is to document it as much as I can on as many possible channels as possible and then repeatedly broadcast this but it's not an ideal solution.

The phone network is bugged and the woman responding at the CDC is clearly either sick or mentally ill. So either the government has been entirely destroyed or they're routing calls on bugged phones to data centers of sick idiots and Google search results have been bifurcated depending on if you have a bugged phone or not. Relying on the post office works, but only if you have enough spare change to afford a letter.

It's a bunch of sick sociopaths forming chains of sickness trees.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)15:43:27 No.16560370
After whoever is left wants to or attempts to be your friend you've already determined that they're a gaslighters or have mad money or resources at your expense through fraud or deception. Then you have to rely on resources from people that have poisoned or sickened you and claim to be your friend that have found a backhanded method of generating social or monetary capital through hurting you.


They're mentally ill and have discovered a sociological form of parasitism that is being used to kill each other. They're broken inside.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)15:47:16 No.16560376
I should also mention that there's a sick younger Asian child that's wandering around Berkeley that may be responsible for large amounts of the Chinese spreading sickness chains of fools. The sickness that many do the Chinese and blacks have is one that causes COPD and smells both orange and black. This may be some sort of fucked up thing with Buddhists wanting to make another dalai llama but this time Chinese for complicated political reasons and mental illness mixed with a complete misunderstanding of biology.

I wouldn't take the subway system without mace if at all possible. I can't take many of the precautions I would like because I simply don't have the resources. Please do not come here.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)15:52:06 No.16560385
I should also note that this is the advertisement for when I write in here. So it may be that when I do so (given abductive reasoning I've heard on the street) that someone launders crypto coin as some sort of payoff while I'm sick a mnd don't have access to the means of making enough money to leave.

San Francisco is a prison colony.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)15:53:25 No.16560386
The picture.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)16:10:12 No.16560408
Just walking down the sidewalk I have to tell people NO! If they start in on this sniffing and grunting at me shit again. It's tree as "petplay" or pavlovian call and response due to we're all doing stupid shit constantly now. Someone is paying large amounts of money for this shit. On the way back to the one market building.


Eww eww get it of gross no ick off except an entire city and they won't give you the money to leave or set up a life somewhere else.

It's a garbage city filled with asshole. Just everywhere.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)16:23:46 No.16560417
Here's an empty bank building across the street from the federal reserve. There's an empty Greek style city block on a side building across the street from the fidelity building. The Levi's guy is mayor and he has a burnt out building a block off of market street with his name in it.

If I broke into that building and slept inside I wouldn't have gone to the emergency room because someone spiked a suicidal homeless man's drugs nor been gassed with anaesthetic gas that almost killed someone last night.

They're sociopathic shitheads. This place is a fucking disaster.

How am I supposed to get a job or make enough money to leave? Am I just supposed to hitch a ride and cross my dick that I won't be abducted and murdered?
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)16:31:51 No.16560426
What you are describing is everywhere to various degrees
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)16:46:32 No.16560436
Given the amount of pot s d mesmerism and hypnotics due to moldy and bad food I can't guarantee (in fact I'm almost certain) that having written this post out in advance in this way was planned.

Meaning that I'm sick and need trimethoprim and to be as far away from here as possible.

The plan here is to do the following scheme which is essentially a leveraged buyout. You solicit a closed bid for the property over the course of a week and then you publish it therefore stabilizing the property market and letting everyone know what the real price of the buildings are. If you ever make more money than the asking price you take a cut and hook up the buyer and the seller. Given that I've been drugged into mesmerism and don't have access to medical care o don't particularly want to do any of that leg work. The whole thing smells like a setup or a scam to get my legs broken.

The only losing game here is to care about other people.

I hate it here so much. They're all sick and I want to leave.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)16:48:39 No.16560439
Everyone sick in moldy pot that makes people susceptible to mesmerism and the property market so underwater that it's an insurance scam away from making someone a billionaire? Everywhere? Are you sure?
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)16:53:50 No.16560444
Either someone gassed me with drugs again or someone is fucking with the phone and adding spelling mistakes. The dickheads tend to do these two things at the same time because it's "funny" like you can't "spell" (you're not a witch or you're incompetent take your pick). You can find this sort of stupidity in academic publications because the bad drugs and the sociopaths have been drugging researchers in academia.

They have an empty building across the street from the federal reserve that should be an auction house for the property market but they've given me every possible incentive to break inside and sleep there so I'm not poisoned again tonight. They're all sick.

Oh and this one is especially fucked up. If you act like an old woman they'll drug you to sick that someone's grandmother has and then if you do something that gets the grandmother later sickened or killed (because they'll drug the grandmother to whatever you happen to do or be around) someone will be pissed and call you a motherfucker and then see if they can gas you with meth or something. They're fucking insane.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)16:57:17 No.16560448
So you can add the "motherfucker" tree to the list of sick trees going around. Do the thing for which a grandmother or mother would like and then if you don't you'll have someone call someone a motherfucker and maybe they'll get poisoned in return. May be related to (this shit again) the movie Hackers or to "have sex or find a partner or else" disease that may be an anti masturbation thing.

People here are incredibly fucked up. My head now hurts again because I was poisoned somehow and I don't know where it came from.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)17:00:21 No.16560450
This .ay be retribution for taking pictures of burnt out or empty buildings to prove that I'm not a bot. They want to import as many people as they possibly can into the city taking pictures of sunsets and trolley cars so they can drug them because they're all sick idiots.

Yes, I'm a real person. The ai videos and pictures etc are all just a canard to lie about how sick a place is so at some point you'll only be able to rely on word of mouth by people you trust.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)17:05:42 No.16560451
Here's more of the stupid bullshit thats done to the phones. All of the social networks and social media has been hacked so you'll have stupid shit on your phone where it'll tell you all the cool shit about building things while all the scientific stuff is bullshit. Meanwhile the only food that I can eat at the shelter at 555 Beale street are "builders" protein bars because the shelter staff members can't be trusted not to poison the spoons. So I have a phone of which I can't make any money off of it through Uber and I can't trust the social networking at all and it's doing ~~you should do day labor~~ stupid shit at me which is concerning given that the pot here has a bacterial disease that makes people liable to suggestion.

Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)17:09:19 No.16560454
This may have some sociopathy having to do with people that have managed to take the erowid database and backed out what drugs make you feel like what and created drugs that feel like certain novels. Certain drugs have been created in the shelter system that make someone "feel like" Lacan mixed with the novel Dune, but which are incredibly dangerous as they give lung disease. The moldy pot may be "from" Hackers. The place is diseased and performing drug tests on people with no oversight and many of the drugs have terrible side effects and are either airborne or in the food. Susceptibility to suggestion is an enormous problem.

Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)17:13:47 No.16560457
For the record this isn't "Hackers" or "Dune" or anything else. I don't want a payoff other than my old life back and to be away from here somewhere out of the line of fire. I believe they all believed that they could research as many drugs as they could because they'd then have someone burn the place down collect on the insurance and move on. Most likely this sort of thing usually happens in places like Guam, Puerto Rico, Cuba, the Philippines and so on which have subtropical climates and a poor population you can experiment disease and drugs on. It's a complete disaster. I just want to leave and get medical care as quickly as possible.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)17:23:12 No.16560463
Another tree that's bizarre and incredibly sad and fucked up that I've noticed is the "sacrament" tree. Wherein you'll attempt to make every part of someone's body have a concordance with another person or something. Like your feet will be two different people and your hands will be two different people. That sort of thing. And then if you get a foot infection on one foot you'll have two people sit next to you talking o e of whom is sick.

Don't ask me. It's fucked up and weird and it comes from either biblical apocalypsism or Nietzsche or I said that This Spake Zarathustra freaked me out while I was being drugged in my sleep for a real months in a homeless shelter and so assholes said ah good so this is the way to fuck with the guy.

Except I took notes for several years and I'll just write about this until it stops and then tell as many people as possible repeatedly. I don't have friends or family that care about me and aren't sick or old and everyone me is either sick or a gaslighter. I'm living in a shelter where one person dies on average once a day and that company owns all the shelters in the city. I'm having people attempt to make it so I can't use money anymore.

I just don't care. No this isn't Hackers. I just don't want anyone to be here anymore especially me. They're all sick and mentally disturbed.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)17:30:03 No.16560472
My father at one time sent me an email with the phrase "nobody but nobody gives better Christmas's presents than you do". The phone was then stolen in the shelters and everyone ahs gone around me and repeatedly said the phrase "but!..." As loudly as possible after someone attempts to drug me and then they demand favors or special treatment from someone. There's a little old lady on the phone doing that shit now. It's most likely the same shit again. They'll also have me drugged and have someone come around and do something like that for attention so I'll make note of it. They're sociopathic abusive assholes. Don't come here they're sick.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)17:45:01 No.16560482
Even that was supposedly a test as someone just walks by and says "great I passed the bar..." So I must be a lawyer. It's ridiculous.

They could have all the drugs and medicine and vice and religion and everything else they wanted so long as they did it the right way. And then everyone will go e
Well who does and made you emperor. And it's like no one but if you see poeple fucking up this badly the natural reactions are - you're doing it wrong and I should fix it, you're doing it wrong and you should fix it, or run away. Which admittedly has a strong correlation with lead follow or get out of the way, but absolutely no one here knows what they're doing and I just fucking hate dogs so much and people will not stop sniffing at me. There's absolutely no way to do your own thing (like a cat) when everyone is this fucked up and there are no resources and oh by the way did I not mention this that's yet another tree of idiocy. Are you a cat dog tree robot human being. Yet another form of stupid you have to pick from in order to rationalize everything around here being a ruins and everyone here being completely out of their mind, a victim, or taking advantage of people which is oh by the way also similar to lead follow or get out of the way in many respects.

Everyone is sick and all the buildings are empty and derelict and I don't have the resources or connections to leave and set up somewhere else.

Don't come to San Francisco.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)17:49:16 No.16560486
>science board
>3 active users at any time
>hot threads get 1 reply per hour
>post thread with girl in diaper and schizo ramblings
>50 replies in an hour
What is the science behind this?
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)17:50:23 No.16560487
Also part of the "homeless we're going to whisper idiocy to then tree and then drug them thing". So you'll have someone say "great I passed the bar" and then instead of being drugged by the last person that gets drunk and the smokes sound me with a brain disease from the guy that runs the liquor store somewhere that won't happen anymore because I was harassed enough to mention that someone stole my phone and ripped off my father's emails. So that's yet another shitty thing that people do to each other here. So now the drugging and the harassment stops because I complained of which I don't have any cure for the various diseases or sick I was given and for which the person who did it and their friends most likely either got free booze or a payoff. And for which the hospitals won't cure me of the problems I til I "get a doctorate" or something equally evil and insane.

They abuse people here in order to rip off free money while destroying everything around them. Probably as a way to launder money. They're evil pieces of shit. Don't come here.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)17:55:43 No.16560493
The science here is that my phone is bugged and many of these people may be trading brain disease with children of which trimethoprim is the cure and which can cause damage to the hypothalamus and is a public health emergency. I also have rotting on my hands and feet which may be correlated with the abdl restraints that the straitjacket shop on Etsy sells because they are irresponsibly mixing disease and sadomasochism in ways that can endanger children and the public rather than having fun and playing dress up because they're evil sociopaths. They're may be any number of similar diseases to this shit.

It's fucking bonkers and one of the main reasons not to come to San Francisco. Having been drugged in the shelters without being given any sleep for three months I essentially went to the feds online and said "here is all the pornography I like. It's the only thing I can possibly think of that I've ever done that could be considered bad in some sort of context".

Given that they're creating diseases that are similar to novels having raided the erowid database and putting the values through an AI it's not that far fetched. The dune melange drug is in the shelters and it's causing all sorts of problems. It's untested and unsafe and is unpleasant to experience.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)18:00:52 No.16560505
So that's my "law degree" in stupid talk. They also fuck up people larynx so they have a wispy voice like someone that's gay and so on. It's fucked up. I have eyesight problems because I suggested that someone put a nightclub in the San Francisco armory and everyone wants to be the asshole that comes up with the idea. So when I finally wrote it down and put it in a mailbox someone played "jukebox hero" behind me on the street (urban alchemy and "street magic" behaviorism is yet another tree). They blind people until they get a guy to say that they get a fucking music venue. And this is why, out of fucking spite, people voted the incompetent jackass that runs a pants company because they were tired of being chased around by sick homeless with their scabies infested dogs (it's like "pants" of a dog).

They're all evil assholes that want to control the property market of abandoned buildings and they drug each other repeatedly to do it.

It doesn't matter how much money or resources you give them because they're all a bunch of evil jackasses that will poison each other to get their way or act stupid on purpose.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)18:02:44 No.16560509
Also hot chick. And "what I say and what I do are different" or "two face" - not to mention the whole sideshow and batman thing and no we're not fucking doing superman - is yet another tree.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)18:07:03 No.16560517
Yet another tree is they'll see if they can associate the people who drug each other and then you or vice versa to be named either after a place or they're proper name or a bar. "Ho kai dough" = "bitches and money" in stupid talk.

Again this is people going around and reading what you wrote online and then holding fake conversations near you. Meaning the phone network is most likely bugged and I'm only writing on a board that's seen locally. Meaning I have to send a.letter provided that isn't then thrown away.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)18:08:08 No.16560520
Another is "I went to Amsterdam!" Where that just happens to be the name of a bar. So you'll get it so schizophrenics aren't "technically" lying which is sad and depressing because now you know the people around you are nuts.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)18:15:55 No.16560531
Another stupid one is that they'll drug you and then have someone knows how you've been drugged look meaningfully at his watch timing for how long it will take to take effect. Or you're surrounded by idiots that are signalling they don't use a cell phone and therefore have enough money for an expensive watch. To the point where in the Haight district they have a place with a black and white sign that says "free gold watch". This is typical of the chain of fools thing - you'll have someone drugged by idiots and then they'll be drugged by a chain of idiots where the chain ends in a black and white store front or something. Like "strong friends gym". Or carting in basketball players so you have "active shooters". All of this is necessary because somehow the idiots managed to form the moron tree of stairway to heaven. Anyway half the guys wandering around in suits looking at their watch meaningfully are doing so because there's a "free gold watch" store which is a pinball arcade. There's probably the same thing with this stupid phone because my head hurts again. I'm eating pears from the shelter and there's no telling what's wrong with them given that the shelter staff and homeless intentionally poison the food.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)18:23:22 No.16560541
You have no idea how cool it would be to be able to have the stores I wanted but you know what I would do if I had control of the property market here?

I would set up an auction house and then sell tickets after the auction ended to pick from among the most popular choices. Ten bucks and you could pick among the last five winning entries from a three week auction. You sell beer and hotdogs and have a fair or a party and donate some of the proceeds to charity and hold raffles and shit.

Because that's the fairest way to solve the property crisis that doesn't piss everyone off and then you don't have to live in a shit hole. But I don't want to do that now considering my food is drugged and I'm being repeatedly sickened without medical care. What am I supposed to do set up a bookee situation myself to solicit off the record bids and then contract out the purchase when last night someone nearly died in their sleep from anaesthetic gas? It just doesn't make any sense. You bring in jpmorgan and you give them ground rules and tell them this is the way it's going to be from a consortium of rich folk that want to walk down the sidewalk without having their kids gassed with meth and you do the right thing. I don't know how this shit is so hard.

It's an easy idea and the poor are powerless and the rich are comfortable and antipathic. And anyone that could get out has already done so.

It's not that conceptually hard it's just politically and executionally impossible because everyone is a jackass.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)18:27:08 No.16560546
I have like forty year old dudes that are self importantly playing with their legs in public and putting one foot out. It's weird. They're messed up on drugs and it's just such a horrific place to be. My head hurts and I can't tell what did it this time.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)18:31:40 No.16560552
It's "oh so the guy that sickened me in the shelter for which I need antibiotics had someone that he sickened then become upset because he went through a cloud of the wrong drugs because I wrote online how my phone was bugged to *you should work in construction* type mesmerism for people that have a smoking memerismic pot problem".

And he won't go away because he wants the next guy to drug me with some bad pot when I go back to the shelter tonight. The five keys shelters company owns all the shelters in the city and the rest are overnight shelters run by churches. All the shelters are run on the basis of who is drugging who to what.

They're sick. There is no way to come to San Francisco and expect to be able to make a living because you'll have sick gang members attempt to drug you into stupidity and all the shelters are controlled by felons working for the same company.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)18:33:05 No.16560554
We're I given the opportunity that didn't involve me being drugged around sociopathic monsters with contagious diseases I would work to improve society. Otherwise since I can't leave I'll be spending all of my time recording how broken the situation is and pleading for people not to come here.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)18:38:11 No.16560559
Oh and "do constant work or we'll drug you" is another one of the trees along with "love more fear less" (that one has to do with repeatedly drugging someone based on what they fear or else threatening them with what I believe to be urbach weight disease. I need a full genetic work up to see if someone managed to give me a CRISPR based illness. When I say that m San Francisco is chemically and biologically dangerous I'm not kidding. This is most likely why there was the mass hack if the 23 and me records. Many of those people were most likely being abused and wanted to self diagnose because the.hospitals had denied them treatment as they'd been given genetic diseases and the hospitals wanted to see how they progressed without offering a cure. Part of the sociopathy involved with people that are part of the "make money at any cost" disease tree of sociopathic illness. )
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)18:40:24 No.16560566
My solution is to spend my time speculating as much as I can to unwind this as much as possible. I've also wondered to what extent the apple m1 and further generation Chios were responsible for being able to start parsing non-parametric reasoning and repeating it across the networks in a cluster attempt to form computer trees.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)18:43:45 No.16560571
The chips involved could then be used similar to the SETI project but in order to gather data of what traffic was nearby and what people were doing until drug trees would be formed based.on what people would do on their computers which is a form of information blackout because then what information you look up affects your environment until you can limit the incoming information intentionally through a reward system. A d collect information on all the likes and dislikes and other information of the people around them at the same time.

I mean at this point I'm skeptical of anything much more complicated than banging two stones together and even then I'd want to know where the stones came from and who they're working for.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)18:53:21 No.16560579
Stupid shit. This was posted after the double slit experiment and there's two girls in this thread.

This amy imply that one form of spreading COVID or preventing it is to randomize the affects by having two girls of which one may pass the illness and one of which may not which is both funny and similar to two girls one cup.

That would be an example of a defense against "too much information" then being used to know who is sick and who is not there by compounding and reinforcing a sick population while also giving an example of non-parametric nonlinear reasoning. So the idea of one lens can be used in another context through a concordance, but if you pay attention to this too much then you start thinking of stupid shit like this all the time (and it's like the unblinking eye of sauron which seeing as there's only one of them is most likely a reference to Oedipus Rex and epilepsy).

That's the sort of shit San Francisco is like right now.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)18:54:24 No.16560582
Here's the pic. Again, or it could be nothing. We're I had a way to get a job or money so I could not be here I would.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)18:57:35 No.16560584
Another thing I've found is that groups of people will structure their conversation to see if they can get you to leave an area. A current big thing with people around me is that (for some stupid reason) if I'm in the same location as someone else that's given me sick then this "breaks the magic". It's stupid and probably made up bullshit, but over sharing as much as I can at this point is what I'm forced to. Again, I'm having people drugging me to sick gay men and then going around and mimicking ponyplay porn and it's like...seriously? Because I like porn? That's what you have on me?

So... It's just bizarre.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)19:00:42 No.16560588
Most likely the problem occurred because the apple m1 devices started being able to unravel non-parametric reasoning and then whatever you did on your computer started fucking with the internet and people generally. It may or may not have been to train AIs or some other social experiment but it was an incredibly bad idea that got wildly out of hand (so to speak). So, there's that.

If anyone can release a phone or device that's hardened against that (if that's probably a thing) that would be useful.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)19:04:25 No.16560592
Bad joke play on words of fourchan and for whom the bell tolls and "ding dong".

Blech. A train ticket and antibiotics and then a bed with hot chocolate and books by a fire. I'd take a normal life with antibiotics and a train ticket elsewhere too.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)19:18:34 No.16560606
Oh and the thing with the apple chips may have been to so sufficiently constrict the information flow of a person that they would then have to choose some "KISS" (knights in Satan's service - don't blame me I didn't invent that parametric manifold) to be the bridge over which they are not supposed to cross in a river lethian sense of which mine was supposed to be abdl or the fear of surgery - and then if you fear nothing you get urbach weight disease or something else horrific. This itself is a "meta" analysis which has given Facebook a large amount of flack but has its roots in lacanianism although his real, imaginary, analytic, synthoid is something I'm not particularly a fan of (although if this is the parent root of 4chan based on nothing more than numerology I have some sympathy).

This may in some sense have been the reason for all of the drug abuse. "I'm not scared of drugs so I'll do a large amount of them to love how not scared of them I am". Dumb logic I know, but I'm attempting to back out the reasoning here.

Personally I'm more of a fan of set theoretic analysis if there are any parallels to mathematics whatsoever but it requires too much reinventing the wheel and is more of a generative grammar.

Anyway people are getting all sorts of excited with what sorts of tricks they can pull with mesmerism and brain disease which is sad when it involves minors considering it can be cured with a healthy dose of antibiotics and abstinence from moldy drugs. I had an Oakland guy doing drugs around me and then when I backed out the non-parametric reasoning a ten year old kid showed up the next way that was similarly sick. Same with highschools students. Seriously, if there's moldy or bad pot going around you need to check that because it makes people liable to suggestion, you can contact it from the food or air and it's dangerous and makes people sick.

Still not interested in minors or idiots that are doing drugs in such a way to hurt people or spread disease.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)19:19:16 No.16560608
actual schizo thread
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)19:20:42 No.16560612
>San Francisco are fucking psychopaths
no shit, captain obvious.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)19:37:09 No.16560628
Found out what the pears were about. After only being able to eat the power bars and the snacks in the shelter it physically hurts to walk because the pears hurt my stomach. And I can't trust the shelter staff to feed me the meals on wheels trays because some of the staff members have either poisoned the spoons or the trays themselves. But "babies" complain all the time so... Anyway, the other nest trick is to either use the color of the tray to poison someone or the numerology of the expiration date (with ie 27 being a bad number for the experiation so the food was made with someone that had sick on their hands and then not properly stored or something).
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)19:38:41 No.16560630

Reminds me immediately of the hotel California song.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)19:39:47 No.16560631
Which is amazing by the way provided I'm not repeatedly drugged and then harassed by gay men because I like a fucking song which is apparently *TOO FUCKING HARD TO DO IN SAN FRANCISCO*. ahem
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)19:53:34 No.16560645
Oh and in the lacanian words have special magical powers universe actual means when we take the drugs away you'll go crazy because you used the world "actual". I'd like not be around drugs anymore I hate them so fucking much.

I did spend a month attempting to learn hotel California during COVID while sitting in front of my apple m1 computer for the sheet music in 2020 because I couldn't find a job and a cheap guitar made me happier when everyone around me was losing their minds about disease. So yes, I liked that song. Somehow this must mean I should now be followed around with drugs or I'm gay. Because my laptop was fucked up or someone has hacked all the computer networks. People are disgusting man.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)20:09:13 No.16560662
Here's another obnoxious one. You know that Israeli security company called Oz? That wanted Google to buy them for 23 billion dollars? All of a sudden I have diseases that may affect my chromosomes. And there's a bunch of homeless in the shelters that have little dogs so if they walk around the block with them it's like Alice in Wonderland and the wicked witch of the west (the "water" ,of whichever homeless person will make me."melt" where that water happens to be some sort of disease that can be passed via airborne trees of sick people). And my cousin is astro teller. So that's a possible 23 billion dollar kidnapping and fraud scheme involving members of mossad. So there's that. Just a weird coincidence. I would like to have a full genetic makeup done so that I know how fucked dup I am. Nothing against Jews but maybe they hate me because some Jews are assholes. It wouldn't be the first ethnic group. And it comes down to fucking someone over for money and attention which appears to be cross cultural.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)20:10:31 No.16560666
See also I roomed with Jews in New York city and the "after skool" YouTube series attempting to make philosophical points by taking quotes out of context and colored pencils is some propaganda for angry idiots.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)20:11:54 No.16560667
Oh - another weird coincidence. The shelter gets free food after another person that gave me sick or COVID ends up being "found out" not to be me. Today it was a blind or sick Mexican worker and someone sent the shelter black eyed peas.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)20:15:59 No.16560673
So you can then see if you can cross correlate all of the sicknesses and the food. The other thing that's been done is that if you eat the donated food but choose the wrong part of the food you'll get sick. So in this case the black eyed peas are probably the part that's bad. And then this may be then cross correlated to an album by the same musical group because someone is "singing". So sleeping as this has been a game the shelter has done you can then find out where the expensive donated shelter food is coming from, who cooks it - so they know who is being made sick to me and therefore know who they're running, and then cross correlated that to everyone that's been made sick and musical groups or bands. So the people donating the food know what the play is ahead of time.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)20:31:54 No.16560690
There's also the distinct (no way I can rationally credit this) belief that if certain people freak out it causes earthquakes depending on what they eat or what they do. Sounds a bit too avatar the last Airbender to me. It may be that someone has manage to weaponize a space lasers or something similar to make earthquakes happen if certain people get sick. Unless we're going with someone being a le to have telepathy with termites it doesn't make much sense to me.

Oh and another one. There may be some indication that there are homeless physically living in the San Franciscan sewers who are spreading illness via a chain of sewers.out of the shelters and then back to them, and may be one of the reasons that the San Francisco municipal department is blowing white steam down there. Which is crazier than psychic earthquakes to my mind. New York city has the same problem or did. Appears to happen whenever a large major city has a homeless problem where the homeless start setting up illness networks and then hiding, often among children and young people.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)20:35:26 No.16560693
When the sewers smell like gas or methane or the smell of rotting eggs is coming out of the sewers in San Francisco it's most likely because the municipal workers are attempting to flush out the homeless. I know from personal experience that at night someone is going down into the subway tunnels to cook meth, because sleeping outside one one night a couple of black young guys in their mid 20s came out dressed as municipal workers after something high and cold all over. And I don't do drugs. Maybe they were just getting high but it was a large amount in an otherwise open area so I figure the municipal employees or someone that has a key has some meth labs down there.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)20:39:49 No.16560697
Also some black guy passed me on the street today and said oh no my home is flooding when there was water coming up out of the ground and I've met some guys that were dirty all over in a way that it's only possible to be from living in the sewers standing in a food bank line. I can tell different kinds of dirty at this point and it struck me as strange at the time that he was a kind of dirty I hadn't met before - he didn't smell like piss and bengar of long term unwashed street clothes.or smell like old person home and so forth.

So there are people in San Francisco living in the sewers most likely spreading disease and the municipality can't find out where they are. There may be large numbers of encampments down there for all I know - approximately 500 people up and disappeared at one point off the streets at night and no one has told me where they went.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)20:42:17 No.16560699
Personally I'm of the belief that's fucked up. People worst case scenario should be in jail not living in the sewers. I don't know if that needed to be said or if there are people down there hiding for fear of comeuppance from everything here being so fucked up, but if that's happening those people need to be found and sorted out.

Listen to what I'm saying. Like I said the city is a disaster.i think I saw a documentary on Chinese people living in the tunnels of Beijing at one point.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)20:46:51 No.16560702
Also not a scientologist or a quaker or a "sin o man" scoobie snack. It's illness and fucking with someone until they make homelessness an identity rather than a group of people that don't want to work or have been fucked into not being able to participate in society. I want a job and money and everyone around me is batshit crazy. Oh and friends that aren't crazy assholes which is everyone here.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)20:49:18 No.16560706
Also not emperor Norton but if someone would give me an apartment and then just ask me like broad term questions like "should I fuck my neighbors dog?" Or "is it a good idea to have sick homeless in the sewers?" Or "should we have a property market that is functional?" And like enough money for clothes and food I would be more than happy to give answers that are rational and make sense.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)20:53:20 No.16560709
That actually sounds a lot like Wooster Ohio lol don't come here. Full of actual borderlines who will try to make you go crazy and schizos who accuse you of doing things you haven't done. Idk what the FUCK is going on desu like all these diseases are like mentally contagious. Being around horrible people leads to horrible things happening and eventually you may even start acting schizo or BPD yourself. Like I'm no bitch, I've ended up really fucked for like forever, and even I just fucking hate everyone. OP might be schizo but if you're a decent person with any worry about being around so many just like short sorry stinky negative psychos so long that things turn bad for you too, pass on Ohio this whole state is satanic
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)21:04:03 No.16560717
Here we go - an sfgate article about people living in the sewers from 1997 and about someone that was too young to sign for an apartment and theres now a "signature" hotel across the street from the city clinic on seventh street and I'm repeatedly asked to sign for things. While I have trouble breathing and lung and chest problems likes someone that was living in the sewers. So it's retribution by homeless crips and people that are upset about the injustices doen to them and therefore spent their time coming up with ways of finding people that they think are wealthy and have money and attempting to blackmail them and their family through poisonings.

Makes sense. Good way to get yourself out in prison for fraud and then gave what youre doing and the possible connections involved with who fronted the money unwound.

It would appear that I'm suddenly changing my mind about it being not okay to have people live in the sewers but I'm not - it's still a truism. The abductive reasoning indicates that there's a community of hustlers down there that are spreading sick throughout the city and are getting payoffs to have hotels built. Also not okay.

What a fucking nightmare.

Don't come here.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)21:09:09 No.16560726
I don't know how it's still up
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)21:13:27 No.16560728
Also most of the hospital staff appear to know that this is going on as I've had worsening and chronic chest throat and breathing problems and they keep telling me I'm ok. So this is a massive payoff by those attempting to blackmail either my cousin or someone else and then are pissed that it's not working out.

If you have a wealthy son or daughter and they come here and someone attempts to blackmail you into ransoming them out don't do it. They'll be so filled with hypnotics suggestions via drug abuse that people are just doing it so that if they ever end up in a position of power they can fuck them over. It's most likely why Elon is doing the Nazi solute thing someone dog whistled to him in a crowd and he Manchurian candidated.

I smelled my own shit in the toilet today and later on someone whistled at me and my lip quivered. If I physically ate my own shit for some reason I may have drooled or had my mouth gape (yes I have to occasionally smell my own shit to see if I'm healthy most people do this in the bathroom if they're sick or worried about their shit. Normal poop and sick poop smell different). So that's some sort of biochemical reaction mixed with a a drug induced hypnotics trigger mixed with bad pot. The person in question was a high school kid I was sitting next to in public which makes it extremely fucked up and gross. Paying off a high school kid to give a homeless person a hypnotics trigger command after the shelters give him food that makes him sick and then other people drug him on the sidewalk but is somehow ok because it only works if he eats shit so then it's kind of sorts of you squint at it definitely - yep still fucked up and child abuse.

Seriously the amount of teaching children to fuck with people they do high school and younger kids is fucked up. Like seriously oh God why am I here they're all monsters in skin suits levels of fucked up.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)21:15:36 No.16560734
It's hard but I manage.

I once had a family with two ten year olds coordinate with Hispanic cartel members to have me be sickened on the sidewalk around someone that was so fucked up that the air they breathed was so sickeningly poisonous it would make you ill just being around. Because he was that fucked up on drugs. He'd just go into stores and take shit because they'd beg him to leave.

Fucking like ten year old kids.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)21:21:45 No.16560739
Oh and one of the homeless old timers in the shelter in at wants to play emperor palatine and Darth Vader so that's weird and fucked up and makes me believe that the gassing with shit to make me sick like the guys living in the sewers was planned in advance as a Darth Vader thing.

In essence theyre all messed up and mentally ill. Please don't come here.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)21:56:17 No.16560768
Number 23 movie instead. Okdoke.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)22:00:15 No.16560771
I figure it's all a massive canard that requires bed rest away from drugs, healthy food and antibioticss before a full work up by competent physicians and a ticket somewhere else. It's just a giant gaslighting game and it's the sort of stupid shit that's destroying this place.

Let's fuck someone's life up out of a screwed up sense of personal justice and then expect that this is supposed to mean anything in the end other than "lynch mobs and extrajudicial punishment is a bad thing and has been since forever". It's just all kinds of messed up.