Discussion: What field of Mathematics would you choose to master?
Anonymous 01/18/25(Sat)18:02:30 | 9 comments
As well all know math is extremely broad, nevertheless as the saying goes "Jack of all trades, master of none" what fields would you choose to become very advanced in, and why?
As a side question what would you say are the fields that are there just to bait midwits into a fruitless rabbit hole?
Anonymous 01/18/25(Sat)18:17:28 No.16555724
Basically any field that has lots of integers and algorithms. If the field is just words and variables that means it's a fruitless rabbit hole.
Anonymous 01/18/25(Sat)23:17:26 No.16555925
Topology with fields.

Geometry > Algebra > Trigonometry > Calculus > Discrete > Pure > Topology & Applied
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)05:50:18 No.16556081
Probably abstract algebra/category theory
It just feels like there's something hidden interconnecting everything
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)07:05:00 No.16556100
>what fields would you choose to become very advanced in
Algebraic number theory
>fields that are there just to bait midwits into a fruitless rabbit hole?
Algebraic number theory
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)08:32:54 No.16556146
Get educated in Pseudo Random Number Generators and win lottery.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)00:04:56 No.16558361
inter-universal teichmüller theory
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:41:07 No.16560212
>win lottery.
why pseudo-random?
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:25:45 No.16560274
prove me x.
anonneh 01/22/25(Wed)14:33:21 No.16560283
a computer don't make up random number, he fakes it with mathematics. Both human and computer are not able to be perfectly random naturally, one is sensible to extern output and one fakes it. they are so "pseudo-random". By studying the way a computer generate so called random nummbers you may be able to predict it