Anonymous 10/13/24(Sun)18:46:54 | 208 comments | 23 images
Why are ants like this?
Anonymous 10/13/24(Sun)19:20:41 No.16429758
I guess you could say they're ANT-isemitic
Anonymous 10/13/24(Sun)19:42:03 No.16429803
Margarine has 0 vitamins and minerals

Is LITERALLY solidified non saturated fats/cooking oil
Anonymous 10/13/24(Sun)22:32:36 No.16430065
imagine being dumb than an ant and eating goyslop
Anonymous 10/14/24(Mon)00:49:32 No.16430272
Anonymous 10/14/24(Mon)01:56:46 No.16430365
They have no social norms the way we do .
They're purely functional.
If I was an ayy, ide say this is an ant planet.
Anonymous 10/14/24(Mon)01:59:23 No.16430367
Nah, they really are the smartest beings on this planet.
They can perform calculations in ways we can only imagine.
Ai can suck a fat chode, if you want to get something done, throw ants at it.
Anonymous 10/14/24(Mon)03:10:47 No.16430429
>Nah, they really are the smartest beings on this planet.
by weight perhaps
Anonymous 10/14/24(Mon)05:48:54 No.16430582
I dont want ants eating my butter. Are you retarded?
Anonymous 10/14/24(Mon)05:54:38 No.16430589
If you are getting any significant part of your micros from butter you're already fucking up. Butter and margarine are for flavor and macros.
Anonymous 10/14/24(Mon)09:54:56 No.16430882
>if ants are so smart why do they keep falling for the peanut butter and borax trick?
Margarine is designed to be eaten by humans, the texture taste and overall use of margarine is so similar to our senses that we cannot tell the difference.
I am sure there is a way to make ants choose the margarine if we tweaked it for them.
Anonymous 10/14/24(Mon)10:04:15 No.16430903
I'll eat the food not covered by ants
Anonymous 10/14/24(Mon)10:08:29 No.16430906
On the topic of ants, anyone know why I have tiny ants infesting my unopened dry oats? Is it safe to eat
Anonymous 10/15/24(Tue)02:19:27 No.16432458
I thought ants liked candy.
Anonymous 10/15/24(Tue)02:30:12 No.16432475
You can't fill a whole deep fryer with butter bro
Anonymous 10/15/24(Tue)02:35:32 No.16432486
They got in somehow. Check for cracks and put down borax anywhere they might be nesting.
Ants are perfectly safe to eat but they tend to taste bitter/acrid.
Anonymous 10/15/24(Tue)06:11:39 No.16432657
There are 3 dumb as ants who ate the corporate shit and now they are fucking dead.
Doesn't matter, trans fats are poison. Simple as.
Anonymous 10/15/24(Tue)07:27:57 No.16432717
Surely ants understand what is healthy for them right, not just... go to whatever looks/smells better.
Anonymous 10/15/24(Tue)08:00:23 No.16432747
butter is a really high source of a number of fat soluble vitamins like k2
Anonymous 10/15/24(Tue)08:19:33 No.16432774
brb eating a rotten tomato covered in dirt in my backyard
the ants know best
Anonymous 10/15/24(Tue)11:04:45 No.16433009
You need 600g (4300cal) of butter to hit your DRI of K2. There are better sources for micros than butter.
Anonymous 10/15/24(Tue)11:08:07 No.16433011
ants are interesting fuckers.
apparently a bunch of ants were huddling up on high grounds in florida, like mailboxes and shit, right before the hurricane. its like they could sense what was coming.
Anonymous 10/15/24(Tue)12:23:46 No.16433124
one time i was jacking off into the toilet and spilled some on the rim and the ants started eating it the next day.
what did the ants mean by this?
Anonymous 10/15/24(Tue)12:25:38 No.16433126
ants are small enough to see food on a molecular level so its easy for them to tell whats healthy and whats bad
Anonymous 10/15/24(Tue)19:19:36 No.16433600
Once you cut margarine from your diet for a few months it starts to smell a little like petroleum.
Anonymous 10/15/24(Tue)19:52:30 No.16433646
guess i should eat nothing but alginate sugar hydrogel laced with boric acid and neonicotinoid then
i've slaughtered so many colonies with this one simple trick i could fill several trash bags with ant corpses
Anonymous 10/16/24(Wed)01:06:51 No.16433937
That's about the amount of butter that goes in to one chicken pot pie so I think I'm good
Anonymous 10/16/24(Wed)09:19:54 No.16434328
people think about ants in the wrong way
an ant is not an individual entity
the colony is a single entity and the ants are its neurons
a single ant colony is one organism that has an intelligence level comparable to human beings
Anonymous 10/16/24(Wed)09:31:58 No.16434355
false, retard
Anonymous 10/16/24(Wed)09:33:27 No.16434359
Ants don't know what's good for them. They act in their own self disinterest. They would receive far more energy from margarine than butter, but they stick to what they're familiar with. I'm sure with some training we can get the ants to act in their own self interests
Anonymous 10/16/24(Wed)09:34:07 No.16434360
Butter is unhealthy for humans, sorry welcome to reality, which is not looking at ants
>subjects following the Mediterranean-style diet had a 50% to 70% lower risk of recurrent heart disease,
>butter and cream replaced with margarine high in α-linolenic acid
Anonymous 10/16/24(Wed)11:26:49 No.16434517
wow i bet those smarty ants that went and sat atop a mailbox did okay in a hurricane, the dumb cunts
Anonymous 10/16/24(Wed)12:31:16 No.16434620
Isn’t the reason simply that butter has sugar and protein in it while the margarine is just fat. Maybe the pheromone signal dropped by the ants is stronger with the butter because ants prefer sugar, protein, and fat over just fat
Anonymous 10/16/24(Wed)12:50:57 No.16434653
And now they’re all dead
Anonymous 10/16/24(Wed)12:52:13 No.16434655
When I was a kid I used to squat on the patio with a rubber mallet and smash ants and pretend we were in a massive war
I’m not a good person
Anonymous 10/16/24(Wed)12:53:48 No.16434658
What else can they do, it was a world ending event for them, there was no escape they just went to the highest point they could find to be closer to god
Anonymous 10/16/24(Wed)13:41:18 No.16434778
we need to send ants to space again
Anonymous 10/17/24(Thu)01:17:07 No.16435792
Thanks, I was worried I was the dumbest person here and I was gonna mention that saturated fats are just alkanes and carboxylic chains
Anonymous 10/18/24(Fri)06:44:32 No.16437675
Anonymous 10/18/24(Fri)09:23:04 No.16437857
>muh epidemiological studies
plants are not food for humans, much less industrially made oils
kys retard nigger faggot
Anonymous 10/18/24(Fri)10:36:00 No.16437972
Margarine is bullshit. It's naturally grey colored, but they dye it yellow just to trick people into thinking it's anything like butter, when really they have nothing in common. It's not human food, it's imitation of human food.
Anonymous 10/18/24(Fri)17:45:30 No.16438712
be careful anon
Anonymous 10/18/24(Fri)18:00:31 No.16438738
I can't believe people still eat margarine. It's nasty tasting and also extremely unhealthy
Anonymous 10/18/24(Fri)18:14:58 No.16438767
Anonymous 10/19/24(Sat)14:21:07 No.16440103
more relatable, you can put an open can of diet coke on a city sidewalk and no bug will never crawl into it
Anonymous 10/19/24(Sat)14:22:08 No.16440106
Anonymous 10/19/24(Sat)14:23:09 No.16440110
Anonymous 10/19/24(Sat)22:52:30 No.16440692
Same logic applies to flies on shit?
Fucking retards
Anonymous 10/20/24(Sun)20:13:17 No.16441938
vegans are extremely unhealthy themselves
Anonymous 10/20/24(Sun)22:49:54 No.16442078
you have to compare margarine shit and butter shit
Anonymous 10/20/24(Sun)22:59:35 No.16442085
Transfats are banned in the EU, only americans keep eating that crap.
Anonymous 10/20/24(Sun)23:17:52 No.16442097
Requesting an edit of a chud ant. I am dearly in need of it
Anonymous 10/20/24(Sun)23:32:43 No.16442108
Anonymous 10/20/24(Sun)23:44:30 No.16442119
Big if true.
Anonymous 10/21/24(Mon)07:22:42 No.16442393
>trans fats
cla and vaccenic acid are fine
hydrogenation is the issue
Anonymous 10/21/24(Mon)12:42:02 No.16442734
no i need to compare human diet to ants preferences
Anonymous 10/21/24(Mon)17:23:38 No.16443117
>not subsisting solely on nervonic

Anonymous 10/23/24(Wed)00:11:40 No.16445285
Its now a decade post-Gamergate and all of the major game studios are struggling and failing. It was a long, bitter campaign, but the tireless gamers and the N buttons on their keyboards ultimately won.
Anonymous 10/24/24(Thu)19:47:23 No.16448011
because margarine is poison
Anonymous 10/24/24(Thu)22:25:37 No.16448238
>you don't get enough vitamins from butter unless you eat [amount the average american consumes daily] per day!
Anonymous 10/25/24(Fri)23:08:03 No.16449996
average american needs like 5x more vitamins on account of being 5x fatter
Anonymous 10/28/24(Mon)00:27:27 No.16453192
Ants are also fascist
Anonymous 10/28/24(Mon)01:16:12 No.16453216
Thats bullshit but i choose to believe it anyways
Anonymous 10/28/24(Mon)01:49:53 No.16453231
Thanks ants. That's.
Anonymous 10/29/24(Tue)06:58:00 No.16454656
They’re the “smartest beings” for their body size, the problem is that their brains are literally too small to do certain tasks.
Anonymous 10/29/24(Tue)09:59:55 No.16454748
Nobody says you can't eat butter just limit it to reasonable quantities and use it for flavor mostly. Forget meme monounsaturates just eat carbs.
Anonymous 10/29/24(Tue)10:07:21 No.16454760
Bugs contain a huge number of vitamins and minerals. Are you saying we should eat bugs?
Anonymous 10/30/24(Wed)23:27:05 No.16456615
Only a complete idiot would suggest that humans should eat bugs.
Anonymous 10/30/24(Wed)23:27:12 No.16456616
>the texture taste and overall use of margarine is so similar to our senses that we cannot tell the difference
Imagine being this much of a tastelet.
Anonymous 10/31/24(Thu)10:26:36 No.16456957
false,other than tasting good in contrast of margarine tasting like shit, butter is a really nice source of vitamin D, people who eat butter instead of margarine have less problems related to vitamin D defficiency
also vitamins A, E, K
Anonymous 10/31/24(Thu)10:28:40 No.16456959
>Margarine is designed to be eaten by humans, the texture taste and overall use of margarine is so similar to our senses that we cannot tell the difference.

Dude idk where are you living but if you can't tell difference in both texture and taste between butter and margarine it means that either you don't have any sense of taste or you live in a dystopia where even butter is syntetic and shit.
Anonymous 11/01/24(Fri)00:57:43 No.16457792
back in the old days cavemen did eat bugs and it was fine, eating or not eating bugs is just a cultural thing
Anonymous 11/01/24(Fri)23:32:46 No.16459258
lmao this guy thinks cartoon cavemen were real.

Homo habilis didn't invent point rocks to eat bugs. Humans and their predecessors have lived off a diet composed primarily of large game for the past several million years
Anonymous 11/01/24(Fri)23:38:56 No.16459264
I eat both butter and margarine. I even mix them a decent bit. Convince me that this is somehow killing me.
Anonymous 11/03/24(Sun)00:36:47 No.16460538
My dad used to eat margarine and then he found a brand of margarine thats mixed with yoghurt so now he eats that instead because it tastes better and he can still claim he is eating margarine which he thinks is some sort of moral victory for whatever weird reason. If he could find a brand of butter that was falsely labeled 'margarine' he would eat that.
Anonymous 11/03/24(Sun)01:54:46 No.16460600
what sort of bugs anon?
some larvae are pretty good source of protein but eating anything with exoskeleton of chitin is no good
Anonymous 11/03/24(Sun)11:53:26 No.16461103
Fucking imbecile. There's no DRI for K2, there's one for K1 but they're not similar nor 1-for-1 swappable.
Anonymous 11/04/24(Mon)05:13:57 No.16461942
same with maple syrup, we still can't replicate it in a way decent enough to fool our tastebuds.
Anonymous 11/04/24(Mon)06:05:27 No.16461958
ants are attracted to the butter because it still contains protein
Anonymous 11/04/24(Mon)07:46:20 No.16462034
>This diet is comparable to that presently consumed in the United States.
so which part of this study says butter is bad?
Anonymous 11/04/24(Mon)08:17:41 No.16462065
they’re more likely some species of weevil. they’re gross to look at but harmless afaik. naval fiction is full of sailors having to eat weevilly hard tack during the long months at sea
Anonymous 11/04/24(Mon)08:22:58 No.16462071
what about Buttercup Luxury Spread?
Anonymous 11/06/24(Wed)11:01:25 No.16465039
ants are after the milk solids in butter.
make clarified butter and they'll ignore it too.
Anonymous 11/06/24(Wed)12:53:39 No.16465164
so margarine is basically solidified sneed oil?
grim that our parents had to consume that shit
Anonymous 11/08/24(Fri)10:58:28 No.16467256
I kinda enjoy this meme, some good memories with a magical bus
Anonymous 11/08/24(Fri)10:59:47 No.16467259
>we cannot tell the difference
Anonymous 11/09/24(Sat)23:02:40 No.16469200
Those weevils probably added a bit of actual protein to their salt shit food
Anonymous 11/09/24(Sat)23:04:40 No.16469202
This. I killed an ant infestation by tricking them into drinking honey mixed with laundry detergent
Anonymous 11/12/24(Tue)01:50:04 No.16471729
>oh these ants are drinking this glass of coke and not this glass of water, I guess this means the coke is healthier
You shouldn’t eat it any of that processed shit, but that doesn’t make fucking ants an authority on what’s healthy for humans. That’s facebook boomer tier reasoning
Anonymous 11/14/24(Thu)14:57:29 No.16475154
And you don't see the parallel between that and letting the goyslop jews tricking you into eating sneed oils instead of healthy butter
Anonymous 11/14/24(Thu)18:25:10 No.16475361
That’s an irrelevant parallel since the discussion is concerning the OP’s pic suggesting the ants know best
Anonymous 11/15/24(Fri)01:39:01 No.16475772
Anonymous 11/15/24(Fri)01:40:40 No.16475774
they kinda do though
Anonymous 11/15/24(Fri)04:23:18 No.16475859
Anonymous 11/15/24(Fri)05:29:40 No.16475889
How about you cup my buttery nuts?
Anonymous 11/15/24(Fri)08:19:37 No.16476050
Anonymous 11/16/24(Sat)08:53:16 No.16477773
show proof that those other 2 blobs are what they say they are. show proof the ants are even alive.

pretty certain ants can't carry or store butter.
Anonymous 11/16/24(Sat)16:07:18 No.16478166
Nobody is telling you to eat margarine
Anonymous 11/16/24(Sat)20:16:19 No.16478420
I said it was designed to be similar. I did not say that they are the same.

It was designed to trick people into using it instead of butter.
You could probably do the same for ants if you tweaked it for them.
Anonymous 11/16/24(Sat)21:09:01 No.16478461
Those ants were fed dangerous misinformation.
Anonymous 11/16/24(Sat)21:13:34 No.16478467
>infographic by literallywho I had to go look for means that da joos are in my fridge trying to take my fuckin butter
Anonymous 11/16/24(Sat)21:14:35 No.16478470
The OP’s pic is about ants apparently being smart enough to not eat poison
Anonymous 11/17/24(Sun)22:01:34 No.16480151
kek wow
Anonymous 11/19/24(Tue)00:20:44 No.16481768
That is exactly what it’s about. Do you think they’re tying to convey the message that margarine melts faster than butter?
Anonymous 11/19/24(Tue)13:56:39 No.16482872
Anonymous 11/20/24(Wed)17:42:33 No.16487127
By this logic you should be eating ants
Anonymous 11/20/24(Wed)17:49:09 No.16487144
why the fuck did you leave cum on your toilet rim overnight
Anonymous 11/20/24(Wed)20:44:39 No.16487351
diabetes melitus makes it so that you cum and piss sugar
get your sugar levels tested
Anonymous 11/21/24(Thu)00:41:23 No.16487547
God fucking bless you Carlos
Anonymous 11/21/24(Thu)03:07:15 No.16487639
They communicate with chemical signals instead of language games like people so they are more efficient in terms of survival.
Anonymous 11/24/24(Sun)20:26:08 No.16492244
Anonymous 11/24/24(Sun)20:31:55 No.16492255
Well then why haven't they mastered tools and built ant technology? Checkmate antheists.
Anonymous 11/25/24(Mon)18:26:32 No.16493456
Anonymous 11/25/24(Mon)23:47:16 No.16493735
>not just... go to whatever looks/smells better.
The entire point of having a sense of smell and taste is to be able to discern what is good for the organism, you brainlet.
Anonymous 11/25/24(Mon)23:49:27 No.16493736
Anonymous 11/25/24(Mon)23:50:32 No.16493738
No it isn’t. Nearly every omnivore evolved to eat bugs, not just chickens
Anonymous 11/26/24(Tue)07:44:24 No.16493983
>Door ants
>Vending machine ants
They practice a far more terrifying kind of technology. Just you wait until they crave more power over the natural world.
Anonymous 11/26/24(Tue)07:54:08 No.16493992
The story I heard was that margarine was invented to feed turkeys and all the turkeys died so now they feed it to us is this true I only use real butter
Anonymous 11/26/24(Tue)07:57:08 No.16493995
You can if you use clarified butter much higher smoke point
Anonymous 11/26/24(Tue)07:58:42 No.16493996
They say it's one molecule away from being plastic
Anonymous 11/26/24(Tue)09:37:30 No.16494084
>intentionally hiding something toxic that the ants would never eat just like that among something natural that they recognize as part of their natural diet
>This totally shows how ants are actually stupid not to eat this toxic garbage I try to feed them without camouflaging it!
Shut up faggot.
Anonymous 11/26/24(Tue)16:34:47 No.16494511
>intentionally hiding something toxic that the ants would never eat
Look up how they make ant baits retard
Anonymous 11/27/24(Wed)20:58:30 No.16495752
Sure bro, that's why people love the fuck out of junk food right.
Anonymous 11/27/24(Wed)22:26:02 No.16495823
Move this thread to /pol/...
Anonymous 11/28/24(Thu)19:59:01 No.16496706
ants wouldn't eat them if they did that, they probably use butter
Anonymous 12/03/24(Tue)05:21:09 No.16501081
junk food tastes awful if you haven't been conditioned to "like" it, same with tobacco, alcohol, coffee etc
Anonymous 12/03/24(Tue)07:07:29 No.16501114
Junk food can taste like literally anything, you don’t need to be conditioned to it
Anonymous 12/03/24(Tue)14:09:45 No.16501349
This is a great food test all you need is an ants nest
Anonymous 12/04/24(Wed)22:18:05 No.16503160
same is true of ethanol, it is an excellent solvent for flavor and odor producing chemicals
Anonymous 12/06/24(Fri)23:37:05 No.16505512
or at least not dumb enough to eat margarine
Anonymous 12/07/24(Sat)00:10:37 No.16505545
only after they've fattened up on butter
Anonymous 12/07/24(Sat)12:48:47 No.16505953
It would be much more expensive than using lard.
Anonymous 12/07/24(Sat)12:50:31 No.16505955
Then don't use milk, cream, or butter. Or any animal fat. They all contain trans fats.
Anonymous 12/07/24(Sat)13:42:28 No.16505997
Anonymous 12/07/24(Sat)15:59:55 No.16506156
gonna be a shame when trump deports this fella
Anonymous 12/08/24(Sun)23:01:20 No.16507327
white enthnonationalism requires some sacrifices

jews shill margarine because their dietary laws require keeping dairy and meat separate, so butter can be problematic for them.
Anonymous 12/09/24(Mon)21:14:58 No.16508339
I'm not a PUFA bad schizo I like my olive oil all right but margarine is fucking disgusting. If it goes on bread it must be butter. Just don't overdo it.
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)22:33:18 No.16509447
peanutbutter cookies
Trying to trick people into deep frying with butter was a meme I used to shill on /ck/ back in the 1990s
Anonymous 12/11/24(Wed)21:04:49 No.16510303
they had janny applications just a few weeks ago, why didn't you volunteer?
Anonymous 12/12/24(Thu)11:06:30 No.16510719
Based and Zergpilled
Anonymous 12/12/24(Thu)23:16:50 No.16511316
Anonymous 12/13/24(Fri)23:18:07 No.16512325
that was you? fuck you man, you owe my mom a new house
Anonymous 12/14/24(Sat)23:24:29 No.16513436
how do you know they're in there if they're unopened
Anonymous 12/15/24(Sun)21:06:26 No.16514287
Thats a great recipe, one of /ck/'s all time finest inventions
Anonymous 12/16/24(Mon)22:53:26 No.16515480
good taste. margarine's only valid us is when you need a fat with a lower melting point than butter to make your formula work, but even then there are better choices such as coconut oil
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)21:43:44 No.16516568
/ck/ was epic back then before the viral marketing shills started spamming it with goyslop threads
Anonymous 12/18/24(Wed)19:00:33 No.16517518
Eating bug causes cancer because of the chitin
Anonymous 12/19/24(Thu)00:25:51 No.16517739
Go take a chemistry class anon
Anonymous 12/19/24(Thu)00:28:21 No.16517745
Anonymous 12/19/24(Thu)21:50:50 No.16518607
it has long since been proved that chitin causes cancer in humans
Anonymous 12/20/24(Fri)01:42:42 No.16518810
That’s chitosan, which is not the same thing as chitin. That’s also not in a consumption scenario. If chitin caused cancer then anyone who eats mushrooms, seafood, cashews, etc would be dead
Anonymous 12/20/24(Fri)07:58:48 No.16519033
>Vitamin A, RAE 38.5mcg
>Vitamin E 0.15mg
>Calcium 1.4mg
>Iron, Fe 0mg
>Potassium, K 2mg
>Magnesium 0.14mg
>Phosphorus, P 1.1mg
>Sodium 44.3mg
Why you lying?
Anonymous 12/20/24(Fri)08:09:10 No.16519046
Who the fuck jacks off as if they're missing into the toilet? What is wrong with you? Were you just staring at the toilet jacking off like some ape?
Anonymous 12/20/24(Fri)08:11:36 No.16519049
Is this the mustard gas copypasta
Anonymous 12/20/24(Fri)18:58:37 No.16519544
I can't believe people actually out here defending fucking margarine.
Anonymous 12/21/24(Sat)01:46:14 No.16519826
>Spout lies
>Get called out
Anonymous 12/21/24(Sat)06:49:32 No.16519967

>lol that margarine stuff have no actual nutrition. it just tastes good.

Umm. That's the point? Literally no one has ever questioned this.
Anonymous 12/21/24(Sat)23:55:29 No.16520552
Ants like butter because they know its more expensive than margarine.
Only poorfags eat margarine, then they cope by claiming that margarine is healthier than butter.
However if you look up life expectancy as a function of wealth you'll see that people who can afford to eat butter live way longer than poorfag margarine eaters
Anonymous 12/22/24(Sun)21:35:35 No.16521398
its just a good cookie recipe, you should try it out sometime.
Anonymous 12/22/24(Sun)22:59:45 No.16521432
Anonymous 12/23/24(Mon)00:28:16 No.16521456
Correct, the other posters who replied to you are obviously humans
Anonymous 12/23/24(Mon)00:29:46 No.16521459
If ants are so smart why is our flag on the moon and theirs isn't?
Anonymous 12/23/24(Mon)02:24:03 No.16521545
New here? It's been like that for years.
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)00:13:47 No.16522483
why are you here if you hate this website so much?
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)23:58:49 No.16523347
In all the years I've been on 4chan nobody has ever been able to give a satisfactory response to that question.
Anonymous 12/26/24(Thu)00:19:28 No.16524113
>4chan was good when I first found it, but now that I've been hanging around for a while and posting 4chan has suddenly started to suck balls
>why is this?
>must be other people's fault and not my own
Anonymous 12/27/24(Fri)00:29:09 No.16524890
I went to the store today and the goyslop ersatz butter was a lot less expensive than the real butter.
According to the science of economics that means it worse, if margarine wasn't disgusting and unhealthy then they'd be able to sell it for the same price as butter
Anonymous 12/27/24(Fri)02:44:15 No.16524957
why was old 4chan reddit tier?
Anonymous 12/27/24(Fri)04:32:47 No.16525017
Why would you want to eat like an ant and not like an anteater? We're more closely related to anteaters.

You should be shoving masses of live insects into your pie hole.
Anonymous 12/27/24(Fri)04:34:43 No.16525019
Cold Take: You should be substituting both with extra virgin olive oil.
Anonymous 12/27/24(Fri)06:30:07 No.16525115
intake of A Calcium and Iron is not gonna be good for you, actually, in modern diet context. Plus, it's a super callorically dense source for everything else, making it absolutely shit for purpose
Anonymous 12/27/24(Fri)07:35:08 No.16525144
When I was a kid we'd take our Gatorade bottles and make "ant farms". We'd put a little water in the bottle, a bunch of grass, leaves, and dirt, and then put a bunch of ants in there. Sometimes other random bugs also to see what happens. Most of the time the ants just formed a floating band but sometimes they'd fight for position on grass blades or try to gang up on other bugs in there
Anonymous 12/27/24(Fri)07:38:54 No.16525146
Big chains like Cracker Barrel proudly advertise they cook many of their dishes (if not all) with margarine, such as their mashed potatoes.
Anonymous 12/28/24(Sat)16:01:57 No.16526619
You have no idea how many times I've seen that logic posted unironically.
Anonymous 12/28/24(Sat)23:15:50 No.16527227
>he doesnt know
Anonymous 12/29/24(Sun)12:09:26 No.16527787
Sincerity, something of which has been generally lost in favor of social status where being genuine is a downside. This applies across many aspects of modern society, not just this imageboard.
Anonymous 12/29/24(Sun)23:23:28 No.16529335
Projection, just because you're insincere, manipulative and selfish doesn't mean that everyone else is too. You assign underhanded motives to others actions because those are the only motivations you understand.
Anonymous 12/29/24(Sun)23:31:04 No.16529351
That is definitely a possibility. My judgement is often clouded by extreme social anxiety and, if my friends and psychologists are to be believed, autism as well. In fact, I thinnk that it is sincerity because I feel that the only way I could even imagine myself saying those things is if I was not confounded by social anxiety (and therefore could be more sincere). That being said, I have heard the topic/issue of sincerity espoused by other people both alike and unlike myself so I can say it has a chance to be the cultural change we are looking for.

If sincerety is wrong (which it certainly could be), do you think there is an alternative?
Anonymous 12/30/24(Mon)02:01:41 No.16529528
How is he "defending" it? He's merely posting the truth, after the other poster lied.

The truth is the truth no matter which one you want to choose as your tribal allegiance.
Anonymous 12/31/24(Tue)22:32:17 No.16531476
Margarine is unhealthy, it causes cancer. The rate of cancer deaths has skyrocketed ever since margarine was invented
Anonymous 01/01/25(Wed)05:17:38 No.16531640
Ant poision works in a way that ants carry it home. Cope harder.
Anonymous 01/01/25(Wed)13:37:42 No.16531880
They do it for free
Anonymous 01/02/25(Thu)19:50:42 No.16533373
Anonymous 01/02/25(Thu)19:59:21 No.16533380
K2 is not measured by the USDA, only K1.
Anonymous 01/03/25(Fri)23:59:57 No.16534758
even it if were, their standards of accuracy are so absurdly wide that the measurements are practically meaningless
Anonymous 01/04/25(Sat)09:21:03 No.16535012
sincerity but with kindness, do no harm unless you have a good reason with your honesty
Anonymous 01/05/25(Sun)22:54:19 No.16536878
This, probably nobody on this board has ever looked up what the legal maximum error range is for nutritional info, but when Clinton changed the nutritional info requirements in the 90s, that was one of the big changes, they get like +/- 50% on most measurements
Anonymous 01/06/25(Mon)23:03:01 No.16537880
>they get like +/- 50% on most measurements
so they can pretty much just make up whatever numbers they want to
Anonymous 01/08/25(Wed)14:36:22 No.16539436
>alginate sugar hydrogel laced with boric acid and neonicotinoid
Is that the new Starbucks drink? I don't get it.
Anonymous 01/08/25(Wed)15:00:13 No.16539454
Anonymous 01/09/25(Thu)23:03:52 No.16541021
We could learn a lot from them
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)22:04:22 No.16543260
I made that recipe and it came out great
Anonymous 01/12/25(Sun)23:58:19 No.16544450
Sneed oils cause cancer
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)07:10:06 No.16545878
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)07:45:13 No.16545904
these are just numbers they print on the label, they mean nothing
you can't heat something numerous times and treat it with chemicals etc and have this amount of vitamins and minerals that are bio available
you're a sheep if you think this or any added synthetic vitamins or even supplements work the same way as naturally occurring equivalents do just because they print text saying it's so
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)12:22:02 No.16546171
>there’s no perceptible difference
I think the point of OPs image is that there is a perceptible difference and that biological organisms greatly prefer the real food over the mystery concoction.
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)12:25:23 No.16546173
Ants are known for carrying ant poision into their nest.
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)12:26:11 No.16546175
It’s “thants” dumbass phoneposter
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)17:16:39 No.16548721
there's fructose in cum
that's what semen lives off
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)22:53:29 No.16548990
They don’t. The ants like the butter because it has protein. If you gave them a glass of coke and a glass of water they’d choose the coke, if you gave them a plate of McDonald’s mystery meat and a plate of salad they’d choose the McD’s
Anonymous 01/16/25(Thu)23:43:11 No.16553151
why do you presume something with as little nutrition in it as a salad is more healthy than a calorie rich meal? every animal on the planet does as much as it can to maximize calorie intake.
humans are the only ones who have gotten so good at that aspect of survival that we don't need to focus on it anymore
Anonymous 01/17/25(Fri)00:05:37 No.16553196
Anonymous 01/17/25(Fri)23:16:24 No.16554753
This is one of those messed up things about the modern world. Until less than 100 years ago some food and drink products were advertised as being high calorie, the changeover to the current paradigm didn't occur until about 50 years ago when soft drinks sweetened with "scientific" carcinogens instead of traditional sugar became popular.
Anonymous 01/18/25(Sat)01:05:02 No.16554827
Damn it, carlos beat me to the punch.
Anonymous 01/18/25(Sat)01:32:47 No.16554839
You missed the point entirely
Anonymous 01/18/25(Sat)23:17:28 No.16555926
you did
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)20:42:33 No.16558190
Nutrition and caloric density had literally nothing to do with what was said retard
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)22:28:57 No.16559390
Meats are necessarily the healthiest food because meat is what you're made out of.
And if you want to have a healthy brain then brains are what you should be eating, find a good butcher shop, if you can't then eggs are then next best option
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:18:07 No.16560266
dietary soyence