Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)00:57:24 | 11 comments
Why the fuck does a point and shoot camera allow you to set ISOs down to 25? Who the fuck is shooting 25 iso film out of one of these? Why the hell did they set the iso dial to be 25-400 in 1/3rd ISO stops? Were boomers fucking shooting Kodachrome 64 iso through point and shoots? even weirder to me is it does like 25-400 in 1/3rd stops and then jumps straight from 400-1000. so you need you 25 iso and 1/3rd stops for your slide film but then if you shoot 800 speed CN get fucked, you need to shoot it at 400 or 1000
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)01:02:53 No.4400315
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)01:05:55 No.4400317
for what purpose?
for what purpose?
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)01:35:58 No.4400319
it looks BITCHIN
it looks BITCHIN
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)02:43:10 No.4400326
do you own a point and shoot camera?
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)14:08:03 No.4400432
Dumb ass nigga, the Asa is just a parameter for exposure, the value itself is the film and cannot be changed on camera.
Let's say your camera is not metering correctly, so instead of fixing it you could just increase or decrease asa for the right exposure.
Dumb ass nigga, the Asa is just a parameter for exposure, the value itself is the film and cannot be changed on camera.
Let's say your camera is not metering correctly, so instead of fixing it you could just increase or decrease asa for the right exposure.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)16:33:52 No.4400459
Dickless retardo, this is a film point and shoot. you would not know the exposure was fucked until after you were done shooting. the only reason there is a dial and not DX coding is because DX coding was introduced the same year as that camera. the very next model in that line has DX coding with no manual ISO lever. being able to change ISO to exposure compensate was literally not an intended feature.
also they must have been shooting slide film I guess because the autoboy 3 manual specifically says you can only use certain ISO films for slides but gives a greater range for negative film.
but yeah, you gay tranny retard zoomer, I doubt that many people were using the lever for exposure comp when they dropped that feature for DX coding in the next model 2 years later. If you cared about exposure comp you would have bought one of their ILC cameras instead. I have a rebel 2000, which granted is 16 years newer than the new sureshot and as an SLR it has dx coding, a mode to manually set ISO if the DX coding doesn't work and half stop exposure comp up to 2 stops in either direction
Dickless retardo, this is a film point and shoot. you would not know the exposure was fucked until after you were done shooting. the only reason there is a dial and not DX coding is because DX coding was introduced the same year as that camera. the very next model in that line has DX coding with no manual ISO lever. being able to change ISO to exposure compensate was literally not an intended feature.
also they must have been shooting slide film I guess because the autoboy 3 manual specifically says you can only use certain ISO films for slides but gives a greater range for negative film.
but yeah, you gay tranny retard zoomer, I doubt that many people were using the lever for exposure comp when they dropped that feature for DX coding in the next model 2 years later. If you cared about exposure comp you would have bought one of their ILC cameras instead. I have a rebel 2000, which granted is 16 years newer than the new sureshot and as an SLR it has dx coding, a mode to manually set ISO if the DX coding doesn't work and half stop exposure comp up to 2 stops in either direction
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)17:05:22 No.4400469
I don't shoot film but I think I remember hearing that underexposing and pushing in post was a thing? Like ettr with digital. So maybe it wasn't so much intended for using 25 film but rather 50 or 100 and underexposing by a stop or two. Just a guess, although I suppose if that was their intention maybe the manual would have mentioned it.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)02:27:23 No.4400543
25 iso would be over exposing or pulling 100 speed film by 2 stops.
25 iso would be over exposing or pulling 100 speed film by 2 stops.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)06:38:15 No.4400575
Oh yeah, my bad. Fuck knows then. I remember a while ago when I was looking up how low film sensitivity goes that the really low stuff was intended for like scientific use, I don't know if it was even available in 35mm. Even if it was I doubt it would be usable in many situations, handholdable with a point and shoot with a slow lens and no IS.
Oh yeah, my bad. Fuck knows then. I remember a while ago when I was looking up how low film sensitivity goes that the really low stuff was intended for like scientific use, I don't know if it was even available in 35mm. Even if it was I doubt it would be usable in many situations, handholdable with a point and shoot with a slow lens and no IS.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)20:53:32 No.4400694
Uhhh people who go to beaches? People who go to ski?
Uhhh people who go to beaches? People who go to ski?
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)15:34:42 No.4400890
they shoot 25 iso film?
they shoot 25 iso film?