Anonymous 12/22/24(Sun)19:47:47 | 44 comments | 6 images
I'm a Natgeo photographer and I'll answer your questions. I can give feedback on your work too!
Anonymous 12/22/24(Sun)19:53:24 No.4394265
How can I qualify for their grants and what kind of work that they like? Please post some examples. And how one can write a solid application and what they want to hear?
Anonymous 12/22/24(Sun)20:04:13 No.4394266
I started my career thanks to an Explorer grant! They look for projects that tell stories about your land, something unique that you are best qualified to share. They’re also very interested in how you can disseminate your work to create a positive impact on your community.
Anonymous 12/22/24(Sun)20:12:08 No.4394268
>They’re also very interested in how you can disseminate your work to create a positive impact on your community.
Lol. Are they dumb? What does this even mean?

You have haven't answered:
>Please post some examples.
>And how one can write a solid application?
Anonymous 12/22/24(Sun)20:33:13 No.4394270
>Lol. Are they dumb? What does this even mean?
An example could be documenting an overlooked social or environmental story specific to your region.

When writing the application, keep it as humble as possible. Show genuine interest in the topic and explain why it’s important to bring it to light.
Anonymous 12/22/24(Sun)20:37:40 No.4394271
>not Magnum photographer
lol, lmao even
Go on, post the email showing your supposed credentials again
Anonymous 12/22/24(Sun)20:43:03 No.4394272
Again, just trying to help! I’ve spent time on /p and anons here helped me. I don’t see why anyone would lie about something like this xd
Anonymous 12/22/24(Sun)21:11:31 No.4394280
How do you cope with the guilt that you're using suffering of other people to make money?
Anonymous 12/22/24(Sun)21:13:32 No.4394281
I don't document misery or anything related to it
Anonymous 12/22/24(Sun)21:16:45 No.4394283
Then what was your project?
Anonymous 12/22/24(Sun)21:20:16 No.4394284
An environmental investigation through photography
Anonymous 12/22/24(Sun)21:23:26 No.4394286
Is photography your main job now?
Anonymous 12/22/24(Sun)21:26:03 No.4394287
photography and writing stories
Anonymous 12/22/24(Sun)21:27:54 No.4394288
>writing stories
now that I believe
Anonymous 12/22/24(Sun)21:31:08 No.4394290
Anonymous 12/22/24(Sun)21:37:36 No.4394291
Favorite shot?
Merry christmas!
Anonymous 12/22/24(Sun)21:40:34 No.4394292
Many, but I've always loved this one by Trent Parke
Anonymous 12/22/24(Sun)23:14:42 No.4394304
Didn't you make a thread like this a few months ago and got called out and humiliated?
Anonymous 12/22/24(Sun)23:25:04 No.4394308
Yup, back in September. You no-photo'd the thread, and your only evidence was being on a mailing list, and a picture of 3 cameras (xpro, mamiya, gfx), of which you don't even own the gfx

Last thread sucked, this one will too, please go unless you plan to actually contribute to the board
Anonymous 12/23/24(Mon)00:38:52 No.4394327
He did, there was zero proof given
Anonymous 12/23/24(Mon)02:24:07 No.4394357
I'm a Natgeo photographer too and you should know OP is considered a joke around the office. Me, Chad, Brad, Stacy and Tracy all get together and talk shit about OP's awful images
Anonymous 12/23/24(Mon)02:36:38 No.4394360
Chad here, can confirm
Anonymous 12/23/24(Mon)16:27:39 No.4394467
>I'm a Natgeo photographer
prove it
post some droopy african niga titty
Anonymous 12/23/24(Mon)17:22:58 No.4394475
Anonymous 12/23/24(Mon)18:37:47 No.4394479
I’m a nat geo photographer but for reals and I’m going to keep this short

Buy an a7c
Buy a 40mm f2.5 G or 24mm f2.8 G and literally any fucking ttl flash that’s godox or sony
Leave the fucking house

And now, for the final step:
You are going to visit the 5 closest national parks and then buy a plane ticket to kunming in china. You are going to spend at least 2 weeks in yunnan province. That’s some kino shit.

I just saved your photography career.
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)10:37:03 No.4394590
I am a Natgeo photographer
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)15:28:58 No.4394625
[1] Kodak Double-x 250_medres
Nice LARPing
won't pass the chance of getting free criticism though, so



FUCKING 4chan thinking my post is spam
I'll cut it in three parts, with the question at the end

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Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)15:38:00 No.4394628
[10] Ektar 100 - 120-Pano_medres
4chan keeps being a bitch so I'll do small batches of comments>>4394625


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Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)15:40:51 No.4394629
[13] Ilford Delta 100 - 120-Pano_v2 medres

plus these

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Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)15:42:31 No.4394630
[11] Kentmere 100 - 120_v3_medres
last one


the macro ones are test shots
now for the question:
how do you organize photobooks? from curation to the actual printing aspects, everything in between
I wanna make a photo book (and print like 5 or 10 or so, just for me, my sister and some close friends) and would like some insights

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Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)15:49:47 No.4394631
>i wasn't getting enough attention in the film thread
>let me hijack a larp thread for even more attention

why not just make your own thread
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)16:02:05 No.4394633
these are multiple /fgt/ and I'm a regular contributor because this is a
>photography board
are you advocating for less photos and criticism in this board?
>imagine being so much of a nophoto you think an average of 10 photos in a thread is hijacking it

>why not just make your own thread
because I don't want to, I post as I develop and digitize them
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)16:13:01 No.4394637
>these are multiple /fgt/
correct, and you didn't get the attention you wanted so are attempting to get more by hijacking another thread
>are you advocating for less photos and criticism in this board?
not at all, i wish people posted more often all the time, i post often too, im just not the same level of an attention vampire
im advocating you just make your own thread if you're that attention starved
>an average of 10 photos in a thread is hijacking it
i dont think your hijacking the film threads, not sure why you think i would think that, i only said hijack with respect to this larp thread, which you are hijacking, maybe reading issue too?
>because I don't want to, I post as I develop and digitize them
do you realize you can "wait" and then post lots of photos together? poor impulse control sounds right given the attention seeking

also, if you want to show a bunch of images at once, just make a collage instead of linking +20 that will disappear shortly, it takes like 1 minute
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)16:23:39 No.4394639
>protestant christian thinks I should abstain from posting in the same rythm as my life occurs because it would be more morally correct to refrain from short and vanishing pleasures and should instead withhold and post later all at once in a single new thread
i too can make stupid profiles based off of a single shallow interaction

>also, if you want to show a bunch of images at once, just make a collage instead of linking +20 that will disappear shortly, it takes like 1 minute
>20 images crammed together in a 5mb file
opinion discarded
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)16:30:22 No.4394644
who said anything about morals

how stupid of me though
>of course all your photos all look so great when pixel peeping already
>of course no one could possibly asses a collection of images without pixel peeping
>of course contact sheets are pointless and shouldn't exist
>of course you could never make a collage and also post individual images when requested by pixel peepers
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)16:44:19 No.4394650
boriiiing you're not even fun to argue with
awful arguments as well
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)16:49:28 No.4394653
i look forward to seeing your photo thread (or next attention hijacking)
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)17:05:34 No.4394656
>i look forward to seeing your photo thread
giving you a straightforward answer now
check the photos I quoted and give me an insightful feedback if you will, I'd truly appreciate that way more than debating mongolian basket weaving forum etiquette
this is a photography board
not a LARP boar, not a gear board, not a shitpost board, although yes, all of these are also a constituent part of the board
I didn't make a collage because it's a lot of work finding the respective photos in my folders and then collaging them all, only to get a shit image quality in the most boomer-aesthetic way
I select what I post, so quoting 30 or so images is not only way easier but also means I already selected them in a previous curatorial process, and they're available with one click with decent resolution
it's not pixel peeping
it's caring enough about what I do to have my photos in a presentable fashion
>instead of linking +20 that will disappear shortly
why would I care if half a dozen of the photos I linked aren't available 3 months from now?
it's good enough if it's available until OP giver their feedback
or at least it would before you (yes, you) hijacked the thread derailing it with a nonsense take that can be summed as a stupid profiling based off of an absolutely superficial interaction (that was the joke I made in the other comment that went straight over Mr. Text Comprehension's head btw)
I'd be truly glad if you would offer criticism
I'm way more interested in what you have to say about my photos than about me
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)17:18:10 No.4394657
>check the photos I quoted and give me an insightful feedback
if you make a dedicated thread for it, of course!
> it's a lot of work finding the respective photos in my folders
you should get better at organizing then, or just put the effort it, i post more collages than anyone else here
>only to get a shit image quality
if you want people to actually look at an image as a whole, fitting 20 on a sheet is absolutely fine, you can fit twenty shots 1500x1000 each
unless you think you can't look at anything posted on on instagram or displayed on an HD screen
do you want people to be looking at your image as a whole or nitpicking over pixels?
>it's not pixel peeping
yes it is, you don't think people can evaluate your photos without seeing more and more pixels
>it's caring enough about what I do to have my photos in a presentable fashion
but not enough to organize efficiently, or make collages, or your own threads
>I'm way more interested in what you have to say about my photos than about me
too bad you'd rather spend your time arguing that making a feedback thread for yourself
Anonymous 12/27/24(Fri)22:36:18 No.4395272
Why the fuck did Natgeo shut down it's image/photo liscensing service?

So many good photos and artistic reconstructions of archeological sites are unavailable now
Anonymous 12/28/24(Sat)15:40:55 No.4395399
I really liked this one! Your photos tell something man and that is something. I'd encourage you to introduce people more often.

Anonymous 12/28/24(Sat)17:11:13 No.4395408
>Your photos tell something man and that is something
i'm a legend
Anonymous 01/02/25(Thu)08:39:10 No.4396406
How do I take better photos?
Anonymous 01/05/25(Sun)07:22:57 No.4397150
No you aren't.
Anonymous 01/06/25(Mon)16:42:48 No.4397552
yes I am!