Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)22:54:52 | 189 comments | 17 images
How do we save photography and ourselves bros? Media has gone completely schizo and there is no way one single image of literally anything, not even hardcore porn can compete with what short form video has done to 99% of people's brains. The output of our hobby is decimated because of over-stimulation and information overload.

Is there anything that can be done? Do we have to all get into video ASAP and accept that stills are dead? Do we start writing on blogs again like it was 2012 to go with our photos? Walling off into Flickr did not work as that platform is even more dead than Instagram. We have some of the most realistic, smartest autists online on 4chan, I am sure we can come up with a logical practical solution.

>just shoot for yourself
>just print the photos and put them on your bedroom wall who cares lol
No, this is just cope. We all know it.
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)22:58:34 No.4372123
Surely yet another nophoto thread is the answer
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)22:59:43 No.4372124
>le nophoto XD
Yea dumping a bunch of shots of clouds, building corners and fences in a field is surely going to address the elephant in the room. You are a coping retard.
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)23:00:57 No.4372125
How can stills ever die? There will always be still images.
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)23:02:26 No.4372126
The same way print media did. It still exists and it might as well not since no one reads or pays attention to it.
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)23:03:26 No.4372127
The elephant in the room is that you obviously don't like photography THAT much if you're doing this
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)23:04:48 No.4372128
I don't think you understand what that term means or how to use it. Keep coping though I guess.
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)23:05:51 No.4372129
Lmao, stay mad loser. I'll just keep taking photos
>woe is me
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)23:07:26 No.4372130
For the last time this is not reddit. Go back.
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)23:10:12 No.4372131
Keep telling yourself that. Buy another thousand dollar lens and see if you can pixel peep the difference of the total banality you photograph. You probably don't even review your own shots you take, let alone have anyone that would give a shit about them. Again, you are in the denial phase of grief, AKA cope. Keeping your head in the sand won't help you. Will you give up eventually and just pretend your interests moved on, or will you admit to yourself you knew there was a problem and just kept coping because you are a coward?

This board is dead, we all know that. There are very few new people getting into the hobby and those that do contribute nothing to it. Yet look at /vt/ and other forms of "new media" and they are exploding. This should worry you because cameras are not funko pops to collect "the best ones" but are tools to create media. If the media they create loses interest to just about everyone on the planet, the tool becomes a worthless paperweight.
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)23:10:20 No.4372132
>this is your LAST WARNING >:(
LOL, meaningless meta shit-flinging is when everyone knows you have literally nothing to contribute to actual photography, not even snapshits
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)23:11:53 No.4372134
NTA but u are malding my man
truth hurts i guess
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)23:12:17 No.4372135
Who cares?
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)23:13:00 No.4372137
>This board is dead, we all know that.
No shit. When they turned the unique poster count off, I knew the situation must be very grim.
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)23:14:04 No.4372138
>still doesnt know how 4chan works
Go. Back. No upvoted for you.
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)23:15:03 No.4372139
>posting snapshits will solve the problem
lol OP called it:
>just shoot for yourself
>just print the photos and put them on your bedroom wall who cares lol
>No, this is just cope. We all know it.
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)23:15:58 No.4372140
Are you going to post your map spam or your tire spam first?
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)23:16:06 No.4372141
Great thread OP. Yes, we should move to Tik Tok and produce pornography. It is completely irrational to enjoy photography in 2024.
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)23:17:58 No.4372142
I really can't stand YouTube or TikTok "photography" content. I feel sad when I see that some people here not only watch but are like actively obsessing on some YouTuber's content and persona. But I guess when the actual photography is not valued, all that is left is gossip and drama from those shitty e-celeb accounts.
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)23:18:18 No.4372143
>only 3 people left on /p/ are a sony schizo shill, a pedo and a confused redditor
Very grim indeed.

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Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)23:18:53 No.4372144
Is that eggy?
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)23:19:48 No.4372146
Sometimes it really feels like that is true.
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)23:21:54 No.4372148

You can’t see the forest for the trees.
99% of what people call photography is just people taking family or holiday or general snapshots for memory.

Photographing street or building corners or whatever has always been extremely niche. People doing this just lumped themselves in with the 99% who don’t give a fuck about anything but recording a memory and claimed their hobby was super popular. And then did mental backflips about why Instagram is how it is.

Now that the 99% found a better way to record there memories suddenly that 1% can’t pretend there hobby is super popular anymore but the reality is there hobby was never popular in the first place.
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)23:25:37 No.4372151
I think this is the unavoidable fate of photography sadly. Booktubers and BookTok just collect on-trend hardcovers to virtual signal and don't actually read. This is equivalent to what already happens now with fucking Tier lists of point and shoots and SLRs on social media. Buy the right camera to take photos of to show you have the right consumer opinions. There might be a small use case for large print photos sold as homeware to be displayed inside homes as people insulate and atomize in the safety of their home. But the days of a photograph being interesting to the average person, let alone influential are dead and will never come back.

If you are creative you will move to what mediums are still influential. Which at the moment is video and gaming. Video like photography is accessible now. Game development largely is not for an independent creator. AI might change that though and is definitely something you need to explore.
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)23:28:50 No.4372156
>You can’t see the forest for the trees.
What you said is exactly the opposite though. And the explosion of photography interest with a proper camera and not a phone from the mainstream had nothing to do with "recording a memory" and everything to do with cattle all buying what they are told to as a trend. The majority of them never post a single photo on Instagram or anywhere else. Buying the camera was enough to fit in.
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)23:32:03 No.4372158
>Stills is dead
>Photography has literally never been more popular right now in history
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)23:32:13 No.4372159
>The output of our hobby is decimated because of over-stimulation
Same with painting, only the real artists and people passionate about it will remain.
>Is there anything that can be done?
Face the bloodshed, stills will never be dead as long as cameras exist. Artistically speaking of course, in terms of jobs then yeah you are fucked.
>Do we have to all get into video ASAP
The difficulty curve should be way, way lower if you already knew photo.
>Do we start writing on blogs again like it was 2012 to go with our photos?
You are 10 years late if you think photo books, sites and IRL expositions aren't like that nowadays.
>Walling off into Flickr did not work
Nobody did that, Flickr still works for full res reference if you are too poor or ignorant for a website.
>We have some of the most realistic, smartest autists online on 4chan

> I am sure we can come up with a logical practical solution
Just shoot for yourself, really, photo is an art and art should be made for the artist first, an audience maybe later and in theory they should adapt to the artist first.
>print media is dead
>since no one reads or pays attention to it.
The world is not muttmerica

The real problem is actually how to build a community in which we can all consume each others' work. Instagram was never the solution, Flickr seems like it but zoomerolds and whatever the newer people are see it as something for oldfags. Imageboards are ephemeral but can be done as exposition spaces yet we drown ourselves in gearfaggotry too often.
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)23:33:48 No.4372161
>weird gearfag cope
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)23:40:44 No.4372163
>Same with painting, only the real artists and people passionate about it will remain.
Any examples? Even Alex Burke seems to have fizzled out. Avant Garde would be great but traditional styles are fine too.
>Face the bloodshed, stills will never be dead as long as cameras exist. Artistically speaking of course, in terms of jobs then yeah you are fucked.
I am not even worried about jobs, but even just as a hobby it seems completely destroyed. I mean if someone told you he sits at a playground drawing in the sand all day you'd think he is mad, but at least that is free. You have people dropping thousands on new lenses they saw reviewed as "must haves" on YouTube to get 1 or even zero likes on social media. This is insanity.
>The difficulty curve should be way, way lower if you already knew photo.
Yes I have been dabbling in it and enjoying something new. A lot of the basic principles seem the same. I wonder if this really is all we have as hobbyists as an alternative.
>Nobody did that, Flickr still works for full res reference if you are too poor or ignorant for a website.
Quite a few people even on here did that actually.
It's over.
>Just shoot for yourself, really, photo is an art and art should be made for the artist first, an audience maybe later and in theory they should adapt to the artist first.
Cope for a complex, irrational problem, I'm afraid.
Right. Magazines and newspapers are all but gone. Paperbacks are collected like funkopops and most actual reading is done on a screen and not through traditional publishing. Even Amazon does a free pay per view model now on Kindles. That shit is over.
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)23:43:18 No.4372164
How is facts cope?
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)23:43:21 No.4372165
This post is surprisingly accurate, "artistic" photography was actually always niche as fuck, same with cinematography and technical videography.
These machines record memories and specific moments, some dudes making artistic intentions with them is another story. A pencil (hurr durr a pen if you will) is to write notes, some dudes making complex sketches with pencils is another story
The first step is realizing this, then focusing on how to attract the likeminded others and group them in a network.

Gaming has been dead for a while, the worms inside its corpse haven't realized it yet.
Also video games, despite users being ironically pro-active with it, has a very ignorant market and have never received a serious person studying and writing about its theory. Most of us know the concepts but setting them into stone has been a major setback because people creating them are as retarded if not worse, careless and uninterested, without a standard what it should be.

We reached the pictorialist era in gaming if we want to use an analog example with our hobby, except that era also went by and we are suddenly in a post-modernist era without nothing about the theory. Pictorials used painting and basic sketching as their visual artistic theory, in video games there's almost nothing to compare so we ended up recycling old glories but more and more dumbed down and deconstructed.
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)23:43:59 No.4372167
>The real problem is actually how to build a community in which we can all consume each others' work. Instagram was never the solution, Flickr seems like it but zoomerolds and whatever the newer people are see it as something for oldfags. Imageboards are ephemeral but can be done as exposition spaces yet we drown ourselves in gearfaggotry too often.
I have considered that as well. Like an oldschool webring where we all follow one another and discuss. Discord is not right. The place seems to attract the loneliest, fucked up losers on the planet who care more about getting socialization than they do about whatever the hobby is, be it gaming, photography, writing etc. Instagram worked because it had photographers on it who could consume one another's work from arm's length and plenty of non-photographer mainstream users with some form of interest in the photos themselves. The latter is all gone now. I am not sure what the right direction is for hobbyists. Even the old forums all seem dead, and that seemed ideal for people to share work with fellow enthusiasts.
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)23:46:26 No.4372169
I agree with your points but at the very least the average person does still get excited for new games, as shit as they are, and puts their money where their mouth is. Unlike photos online they consume for free, they actually buy new games. So there is something there. I don't think it's realistic for hobbyists who were taking still photos to get into game development anyway. Video might be possible though.
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)23:47:38 No.4372171
nta but ur an idiot
>hurr because iphone popular and it has camera that means photographs are relevant again hurr
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)23:49:09 No.4372173
Nope. Nothing you cry about is my problem. You're just a fag OP. That's a (you) problem.
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)23:49:15 No.4372174

The explosion of photography was digital point and shoots, dslr was a tiny blip on the back of it. That’s why mirrorless remains but phones took the other 100 times more massive market and almost all photos are now taken on phones.
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)23:50:19 No.4372175
It's the same thread, again.

Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)23:52:21 No.4372177
>People taking photos doesnt count because theyre using a popular device that everyone has!
The fuck?
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)23:52:32 No.4372178
Malding cope.
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)23:53:50 No.4372179
Funnily most used camera sales these days are for digital point and shoots, again as fashion accessories for Gen Z. They have no interest in digital SLRs or MILC even though they blow away a old digi p&s or phone.
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)23:54:24 No.4372180
>taking photos
I think you'll find it's short form video, anon.
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)23:55:10 No.4372182
>zoomers are using digishits as a fashion accessory
I hate them so much it's unreal
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)23:57:55 No.4372185
>I'll just stick my head in the sand and the problem will go away
Cope. Remember this thread when in 5 years all your gear you obsessed on is covered in dust and you can't even remember the last time you took a photo or what it even was of.
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)23:58:47 No.4372186
The thread that killed /p/
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)00:06:34 No.4372195
>Alex Burke
You mean our boy? not all artists are constant, perhaps he's mellowing out in his sports car for now. As long as there's someone else on the line being inspired it will continue, i for one can say Alex made me realize how easy it is with digital to pull good shots as long as you maintain the same visual consistency.
>as a hobby it seems completely destroyed
Not quite but it is very, very disorganized to consume. Movies are somewhat easy, check a festival from a certain region/country/genre and you keep having new material, even if you end up consuming old stuff then download sites and sites like Wikipedia or IMDB/Moviechat you can make lists on what to get.
With photos where do we even look for to know what is what? Wikipedia maybe sometimes has a list of books from an artist but where do we get them? a good book costs as much as a lens sometimes, your best bet is local expositions and that gets slow fast, also no way to see them far away.
Really the most plausible form is image search engines, and even so it is tough to know where is the new stuff coming. It's strange indeed but i wouldn't say destroyed, i've seen good newcomer photogs here but they very rarely post their shit, even Alex posts more often than them.
>This is insanity.
That's our problem, some richfag students drop thousands on paint, canvases and brushes to do fuckall or present shit nobody sees. And let's not go to renderfags, spending unholy amounts of time and thousands of dollars in graphix only to make shit nobody cares or work in careers doing impressive stuff only 3 fags care about and will ultimately see in the entire world.
>an alternative
I am currently trying to figure out what i am going to do with video and zero budget. Videography invariably leads to cinematography and it's hard as fuck to think about as lone operators with no human subjects and no full access to something.
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)00:07:34 No.4372198
>Quite a few people even on here did that actually.
Then our awareness/marketing/feedback aspect should be worked hard because i didn't see boss. What i can see now is that the weekly/monthly contest threads and expositions by random anons are not seen anymore; that is bad.
It isn't, it is how it is as an artistic endevour. BUT knowing how or where to spread our shit and receive/give constant feedback so we can continue (aka ego exercises) is the actual problem. That should be your question, people doing photo not really IMO.
>Magazines and newspapers are all but gone.
Magazines yeah and it's a shame, newspapers not really. America is not the world you dumbass, when will mutts ever learn.
>Paperbacks are collected like funkopops and most actual reading is done on a screen
Not in my experience, book trading events gather an infinite amount more of people than a photo exhibition by a top gun around these parts. Buying books yeah that's not that normal anymore but i keep seeing it, at least in college.
>and not through traditional publishing
Not everyone has a pad on them you silly willy, hipsters like their books.
>free pay per view
Care to rephrase that part again
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)00:08:23 No.4372200
People still take photos bro
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)00:10:08 No.4372201
>I'll just stick my head in the sand and the problem will go away
What problem?
>Cope. Remember this thread when in 5 years all your gear you obsessed on is covered in dust and you can't even remember the last time you took a photo or what it even was of.
If youre only taking photos because other people are taking photos then you were never really into it to begin with.

If people want to take videos, they can. If people want to stop taking photos, they can do that too. How does that affect you. Sorry, I fail to see what the problem is exactly.
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)00:18:01 No.4372205
>Care to rephrase that part again
The books are free to buy. They cost $0. But each page you read, remunerates the writer by some tiny fraction of a cent. It's how Amazon is trying to cope with the fact that people were not buying anymore because when they did purchase a book they only read a handful of pages and dropped it, and over time it led to far few book sales.
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)00:24:11 No.4372206
This is exactly what a denial/cope response looks like and it's not practical or realistic at all. You don't need to be an oldfag to see how few photo threads there are now, how slowly bumped the Instagram thread is, how few posts are even being made, and the posts that ARE made are invariably gearfagging, zero effort troll bait or even worse YouTube and other social media e-celeb drama. We are all anon here. No one is asking you to post a photography from the last month to show your "work". I mean if you think you have a good method to engage with the hobby when public interest is effectively now zero, then please share it. If you just keep repeating "who cares" and "just do it for yourself bro" tier replies might as well save your effort because it makes you look like a coper in denial. No offense, just keeping it real with you.
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)00:27:03 No.4372208
>Like an oldschool webring
That is a very particular term i do not see often here, where you from straniero
>Discord is not right.
>The place seems to attract the loneliest, fucked up losers on the planet
Where do you think we are, as normalfag as this site has become?
>I am not sure what the right direction is for hobbyists
My point exactly, even if we find one the problem is leading people there. Many "autists" or old school hobbyists hate the shit out of phones so you have to take into consideration that apps might not be ideal either unless it has a desktop option, preferably on web browser like IG has.
>and that seemed ideal
Old forums are hard for image sharing, that's the reasoning behind imageboards.
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)00:28:30 No.4372209
>but at the very least the average person does still get excited for new games
The average person today is not the same gamer 10 years ago, the average person now is a newfag nigger cattle piece of meat who is closer to a Down's syndrome hobbo than a working member of society in terms of analytic processes, the guy will be given shit and he will justify it by summoning into the conversation the mysterious, exotic and unknown realm of video game developing and how we don't know what happened. Pro-tip, i and many people don't care and in my particular case i do also know about that realm and i am sure they are retarded and/or got obstructed by workplace problems, be it bureaucracy, a retarded director, retarded scheduling and/or retarded tools. Shitty developing, in short
>they actually buy new games
They don't, can you see the new model is F2P shit, the buyfag stuff is almost in extinction unless the creator charges pennies for it (humble bundle system). Buying a game is a risk now, back in the day we bought a 50 dollar game a month and we had to borrow from others friends and plan not to buy the same one because it was that many good games, nowadays you finish a good year if 2 good games came out.
And if you played a lot of shit you know very few games seem new, we are recycling the same old shit for almost 15 years now.

>I don't think it's realistic for hobbyists who were taking still photos to get into game development anyway.
Wrong, it's common to see photogs who know how to handle Photoshop to be asset creators. Who do you think creates and puts the textures and mapping into the geometry? Although fair game, it's usually graphic designers who were photographers second.
And i do have to agree slightly, video game is a very particular hobby that cannot be compared to photography, we focus on creation while they focus on consuming. That's why the very best henchmen in video game developing weren't gamers, they were engineers or pros in their field first.
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)00:29:12 No.4372210
Interestingly you can see art/illustration even more wrecked than photography with the shift away from stills to video.

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Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)00:29:45 No.4372211
Now let's see new media...

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Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)00:30:36 No.4372213
Ah okay, so you're actually talking about /p/ itself and not photography in general. A little misleading when youre opening OP is "How do we save photography and ourselves bros?".
I mean who really cares about this board that much? Its a shit dead board. If it was deleted right now only the schizos would care because they have no one to "talk" to anymore.
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)00:32:20 No.4372215
I understand now, that's clever have to say
Still doesn't get over the fact tons of people still consume written words and paper. Maybe i can see them and you haven't, happens sometimes.
I didn't know people snorted meth until very recently yet that happened for a long time, dumb i was thinking loonies only smoked it.
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)00:33:24 No.4372216
Well the point was on the consumers of the media versus independent media creating enthusiasts. Photos and video are a lot more accessible to get into solo than game development. And the consumers of games still believe in paying for them, even if many models are as you said freemium, similar to how Amazon has to sell books now, which are another dead medium. Photos on their own, not as a component in some other kind of media, haven't been worth anything aside from large homeware prints for a long long time.
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)00:34:18 No.4372218
holy fuck
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)00:36:45 No.4372219
nta but webrings were like a set of links to your friends websites in the geocities days. today it would be like putting 5 or 6 of ur friends profile links in ur ig bio telling viewers to check them out for similar content
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)00:49:13 No.4372225
>Photos on their own
Haven't been that valuable in most cases, even pre-WWI days they were part of expositions, nobody goes or pays something to see one (1) photo.
They can if it is inside a bigger piece of media.
>dead medium
You keep saying this and i don't know if you know what it means. Dormant or out of vogue maybe but not dead.
>webrings were like a set of links to your friends websites in the geocities days
OK now i get it, i had another name for that. Geocities still exists in some form, just a matter of having a bunch of us hipsters pull it out... except i don't think many will take the effort to design their shit like many people did back in the day.
That's why MySpace was a hit, it was piss easy to do there.

So then, what's your idea? a webring of places people are too lazy to do? a new app that old hobbyists will deny for the sole reason they need to post from a phone? a pinky promise to post a photo thread every month? a new imageboard made for photos and with user names so normalfags don't get scared when a good man posts slurs? an anonymous one but that might as well be here in the first place?
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)01:10:08 No.4372236
the opposite of this is, if you are an artist and/or photographer, how are you supposed to get people to see your stuff?
galleries? ok but have you seen the dogshit in there. photos of naked fat feminists with drawings done in paint (the program) ontop
instagram? you need to do reels and work on making content rather than actual work or pieces. missed posting for a day or your reel didnt get chosen by the mystical algorithm? enjoy getting 2 likes
books? enjoy getting a publisher to make one. even for most 'successful' artists these are break even at best
art fairs? maybe. i dont know who is going to buy prints though of my black and white dramatic photos. maybe they will
blogs? i dont think normies will read photography blogs. maybe if its paired with travel or some shit. even look at thomas heaton. what kind of normie is going to buy his books to look at photos of mountains? they will just go on instagram or look up vlogs or some trash. maybe if he did a photo book of mountains in your country and you loved your country then its relevant to you. gary winogrand ran into this with his zoo book decades ago. even street. who is going to buy prints of street photos of random people?
weddings? this is more service-y, you are obviously selling a service but can then use your photos (you are top 0.1% in terms of photographers and do make world class photos right) to make books to sell to fashion designers/tailors/etc for inspiration, looks etc. i guess this is similar to fashion photog and even being an artist. if you have a vision you can sell to the world (not in terms of money but other people buying in and following along). still doesnt answer or give hints to the practicalities. theres an art university lecture on youtube that went over how to make it as an artist. you need to spend at least 20 hours a week making work, give or take. so lets say im out every weekend taking photos. i then have the edited/culled/selected best photos. then what?
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)01:21:23 No.4372241
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)01:45:50 No.4372251
>just don't do anything lol
>who cares lol
Samefag malding.
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)01:50:33 No.4372252
>So then, what's your idea? a webring of places people are too lazy to do? a new app that old hobbyists will deny for the sole reason they need to post from a phone? a pinky promise to post a photo thread every month? a new imageboard made for photos and with user names so normalfags don't get scared when a good man posts slurs? an anonymous one but that might as well be here in the first place?
For neo-web rings? More like using existing big platforms and network outside them on places like here to band together informally.
Problem is a lot of people here are stupid, angry and just want to consume their way out of any problem. They will read this thread, get butthurt and then buy some piece of shit on eBay to feel better. They don't actually engage with photography beyond that. Videography is probably the most realistic option for enthusiasts since MILC are so good at it. However, even that is getting rapidly encroached on by AI. It's already almost expected that all stills and video will at least be enhanced and processed by AI. But now, you'll see novel photoshoot ideas, like a laptop overgrown with plants in a forest for example, will just be imagined using AI art and 99% of the audience won't know the difference between a meticulously crafted photograph and good AI art.
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)01:52:53 No.4372255
>blogs? i dont think normies will read photography blogs.
It would probably need some kind of clickbait content published regularly for catching part of the Google search audience. It couldn't be just basic photography, you are right I think. Platforms like Meta and YouTube are significantly bigger than Google search now though, but they have algorithm issues because they demand high attention to sell ads, whereas blogs can be get much higher average read times.
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)02:10:12 No.4372260
>you need to spend at least 20 hours a week making work, give or take
I am working my way to do 2 hours a day minimum and then 15 on weekends, you need way more time. And more focused too, i rather work pic by pic using Photoshop than churn out 10 in Lightroom.
But i digress (i think, you did say opposite after all) my point was mainly with OP and the digital world, outside/IRL is done when you are more than good enough in the virtua world so you are confident outside. Then again creating confidence in the intrawebz is hard, anonimity is excellent because we can criticize freely, i very often reserve my ideas when thumbing up photos from anons in IG that i would otherwise ask questions here. Critics would ask those outside.

>how are you supposed to get people to see your stuff?
From my experience i can say not even the top guns get that much attention IRL, it's all niche as fuck and you are always suspicious you are in the middle of a giant money laundering scheme. Take for example when a big dick protog came to my city, Pieter Hugo, we weren't more than 20 people in that museum hall and this dude's photos appear around often on the web and as stock images, this bulldozer gets solo presentations around the world and there were more people outside making line to buy a hotdog than to see his work.
I don't think he sells that many books other than museums asking for them, IG? don't think so because there's little money there, as far as i understood he gets air via art museum shenanigans and then gets employed by fashion and product companies.
Humble and decent tower of a dude, i would be jaded if i was him living in that low deadly horrible nigger town of his.

Seeing him and friends who got exhibition time i think if you want IRL antics then you need to convince your local museum, then a curator in some chief museum of the region and then it's all networking among richfags, maybe some viral work that lands you a big job but that's a one-timer.
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)02:11:50 No.4372261
>Just continue taking photos
>Write college essays seething instead
Get your mental illness checked out dude
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)02:14:51 No.4372262
>Haven't been that valuable in most cases, even pre-WWI days they were part of expositions, nobody goes or pays something to see one (1) photo.
You are thinking of things in money. I am talking in terms of even basic attention, they are worthless. Even a short video of a family member for example is watched and enjoyed more than a well-lit and composed photograph. Perhaps people subconsciously want authenticity and not photoshopped or filtered manipulation, or they are just conditioned to wanting to see what or if something will happen in a short video. Either way short video has obliterated stills.
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)02:16:15 No.4372264
>wahh i just wanna keep ignoring and try to consooom my problems away
More malding cope hehe.
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)02:18:27 No.4372265
>Seeing him and friends who got exhibition time i think if you want IRL antics then you need to convince your local museum, then a curator in some chief museum of the region and then it's all networking among richfags, maybe some viral work that lands you a big job but that's a one-timer.
My guess is that once those Jewish boomer grifts dry up and Gen-X/Millennials are the primary wealth owners in society that practice will evaporate almost overnight.
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)02:26:52 No.4372267
stop projecting
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)02:28:57 No.4372268
Ignoring what? Consooming what? What cope? Just take photos and enjoy taking said photos. Schizo.
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)02:36:56 No.4372270
>You are thinking of things in money. I am talking in terms of even basic attention, they are worthless
No, i was thinking of basic attention/entertainment, with money i meant people back then putting pennies on getting themselves entertained.
In our context i mean people being compelled to do something just to check one photo, it is "worthless" as in mundane or overkill but if you put that one photo with others and create a series/conceptual presentation then yeah you might have something, it drives a narrative with the movement of subjects and themes.
>Even a short video of a family member
You are mixing something here i believe, that one short video already powerfully convinces a user to watch it because they have a sentimental/emotional reason to do it, with a photo you need the fucker to know you and/or the field you present your stuff and then have a reason to invest time on it.
> Perhaps people subconsciously want authenticity
Not nowadays, they want either edition wizardry or full authenticity, explicitly ask for either to be entertained.
>conditioned to wanting to see what or if something will happen in a short video.
Good point, they are conditioned to expect a narrative even in trivial short videos. I never saw it that way.
>Either way short video has obliterated stills.
What the fuck is the field you want to navigate then? i can say that IRL you still can pull it like it always has, which is very little people supporting you because museum shenanigans, either money laundering or because the government wants to make-believe other entities that their population cares about arts & culture. Pro-tip: They never had, not even antique greeks.
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)02:41:01 No.4372272
ooof that much samefag. Don't you have a e-celeb thread to gossip in?
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)02:42:33 No.4372273
>You are mixing something here i believe, that one short video already powerfully convinces a user to watch it because they have a sentimental/emotional reason to do it, with a photo you need the fucker to know you and/or the field you present your stuff and then have a reason to invest time on it.
Sure, but I mean the point here is that EVEN when it's a family member the short video is more engaging. I have no idea how you get the non-invested/connected person to give a shit at all. And random normies are just algo fed.
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)02:44:13 No.4372274
>My guess is that once those Jewish boomer grifts dry up
You really think it will dry? you can't stop it unless you do short moustache man antics, the little hat people will grift and con their way into most things. Now our challenge as artists, if you consider yourself one or want to do something like the ones who call themselves artists do, is reaching the same heights without doing bad shit aka delivering actual good content.
Networking will always exist, museum curators are very often lazy fucks placed there for knowing how to suck dick or were a family member of someone, at best they are capable but not clairvoyant scouts and need to find artists whatever means necessary, even jews putting all their extended family and friends need a real dude delivering the goods to give a semblance of legitimacy to their show.
>Gen-X/Millennials are the primary wealth owners in society
L O L, even if they were in the future you forgot to mention that they would be jewish Gen X/Millennials, so the same thing except younger and maybe more eccentric.
>that practice will evaporate almost overnight
Perhaps not in the current form but like i said networking will always exist, especially if museums are under orders of the government. Private bodies do it for the money laundering and are trickier to get into because they ask for secrecy.
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)02:47:08 No.4372275
>What the fuck is the field you want to navigate then? i can say that IRL you still can pull it like it always has, which is very little people supporting you because museum shenanigans, either money laundering or because the government wants to make-believe other entities that their population cares about arts & culture.
Over COVID when a lot of people invested in property or at least their interiors because they were home all the time, the demand for large prints did in fact increase significantly. There are opportunities but they are short lived. I see a large print seller who two years ago enjoyed considerable attention and sales, was sponsored by Fujifilm, and now he cannot even break 30 likes on Instagram.
But then you have shit like this: >>4372211
and there are fat little men with anime girl filters getting huge numbers on YouTube and some probably earning a living from it. Media is changing. We have to find a space for ourselves in it. Even if it's just sharing with one another. Not even that is being done here. Some namefag made a photo thread the other day and 50% of the comments were telling him to kill himself or that his work was rubbish and attacking him personally. Is that a good outcome even if it's just a supposedly "fun" hobby?
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)02:49:46 No.4372276
>Now our challenge as artists, if you consider yourself one or want to do something like the ones who call themselves artists do, is reaching the same heights without doing bad shit aka delivering actual good content.
I would be happy with being able to share and have a sustainable hobby haha. Let's not reach for the stars. We are not the only ones getting bulldozed right now. "Networking", sure. But that has its limits. If most people want something new, giving screen or gallery space and time to pieces of paper that don't get a 0.5 second glance cannot last.
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)02:50:50 No.4372277
Oh God its the fucking schizo anon again
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)02:52:22 No.4372278
>giving screen or gallery space and time to pieces of paper that don't get a 0.5 second glance cannot last
semi-related but in the sculpture world there was all this hope that 3D printing would bring new interest in the medium and it did for about 6 months. But it completely bled out and now big installations are needed with often animatronics and digital electronic integration.
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)02:54:15 No.4372280
>it's all one guyyy
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)02:56:26 No.4372281
>I have no idea how you get the non-invested/connected person to give a shit at all.
Me neither and see the top guns, they don't either unless they were a name already due to museum shit, mainstream shit or because the power that be said they were famous already.
With photo i don't see how that happens, in my opinion it doesn't for the vast majority of good one, they just happen to be there. Now, did they fight the same thing in the old days? probably, many famous works went unnoticed until curators said that shit was good much later, see Provoke issues, sometimes they were famous from the get-go but very often because museums people and mainstream said so, see most jews and people already connected to that system since their early formation or because it was business as usual.

Painters famously experience the same, many musicians do, despite being excellent they lie in obscurity while bands much lesser in talent and works surpass them by miles out of nowhere for no reason.
It's just the way it is, it up to us to reach there and good thing is photography is piss easy nowadays while the system still somewhat works like the old days.
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)02:59:22 No.4372282
sony water damage
Daily reminder.
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)02:59:35 No.4372283
I think we should also keep in mind that one of the main platforms for photography is also in a state of complete decline. Instagram is bleeding out users and attention rates even with its push to Reels to compete with TikTok. If even the multibillion dollar platform that controls the media cannot maintain itself, it doesn't look good for amateur hobbyists.
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)03:15:50 No.4372288
>We have to find a space for ourselves in it.
Do we have to? why?
>Even if it's just sharing with one another.
OK, i think i get what you mean now, i thought there was no urgency in trying to compete with others, which is what i've been getting from you with my mind trying to fit all into a context of IRL museums and exhibitions and online Instagram, forums and imageboards. IRL is easy and in the virtua world there's space to do a lot of things.
Now i think you mean the constant give/receive feedback, that i agree very much that recently it has gone down by a lot, hell there's not even a lot out there to give feedback in the first place and the consumption of old stuff is unorganized and sterile.
>Is that a good outcome even if it's just a supposedly "fun" hobby?
lol that's rough, didn't see that but we also need to learn how to give it. I just recently posted here since a long hiatus and it all seems the same other than even less photos and that one anon making history threads with examples. All i can say is that we might have to plan our posting habits, maybe go to the catalog and do actual decent posts to photos we like, no shame as we are anonymous after all.
Then again a lot of the nigger cattle can't read more than one paragraph nowadays, imageboards have been suffering from this in recent years when niche boards like this always had long-winded posts without any problems other than the occasional troll.
>sustainable hobby
You are in a path to disappointment if you wait for your hobby to give money back, i already forfeited the belief i will make money out of this, as long as i enjoy it i am happy but i am not happy that getting gear is hard, let alone expensive.

Again, we need to know exactly what we want to approach to know what we are going to do. Flickr has no one left, not even oldfags, IG has a bunch of photogs but they are frozen or use it for other things. A new app maybe? i hate using the phone to post a photo from my computer.
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)03:22:19 No.4372290
IG has been utter shit for photos since a long time ago, i used it only for the hubris and trying to gauge interest.
It's hard but i wasn't good to begin with yet i could get above 30 likes despite having very few followers. Then the TikTok race happened and we got fucked although haven't posted in years.
The problem with IG, as a pedestrian nophoto, is the algorithm sucks and the suggestions have nothing to do with the shit you like. If suggestions were based on the tags from shit you like and mostly content from people you follow i don't think it would be that much of a problem.
I miss posts from anons i follow here all the time because IG wants me to see how some pajeet adds curry 3 times to his pidgeon masala shit bowl.
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)04:13:11 No.4372298
20 hours is just what that guy said. i think he runs a gallery or something. but yeah im the same, i do a few hours a day at night working on things like editing, my website, writing, looking for new events/competitions/exhibitions/opportunities. spend the weekend shooting. on days/weeks when its shit weather i instead spend time developing my film.
>IRL antics then you need to convince your local museum, then a curator in some chief museum of the region and then it's all networking among richfags, maybe some viral work that lands you a big job but that's a one-timer.
but thats what i mean. lets take the big job out of the equation. youre in the biggest museum in your country/city, then what? no one will buy your work in the museum. if they have it on display for a long time then cool. if its in an archive then thats cool. none of those pays you.
ive seen a few street photographers in my city sell 'courses' where you go shoot with them, sometimes in other countries. its a fucking joke. their photos are shit. and ive seen one of the events, it was full of boomer idiots with huge nikon dslrs and there was like 4 people. yes you can sell courses and workshops but you are just a teacher at that point.
i love photography and taking photos. but im also exploring other art forms (and combining it with photography). i think my options are going down the gallery/artist route (thats a whole other rant) OR commercial fashion photographer that gets like 3 jobs a year. i dont want to be some slop shitter that sets up basic lighting and cyc background and tripod and just click the shutter all day, producing garbage
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)04:17:33 No.4372300
Nothing is stopping you from continuing to take photos.
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)04:17:34 No.4372301
>this board is dead
yeah with the way you and everyone else behave
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)04:20:13 No.4372303
>You are in a path to disappointment if you wait for your hobby to give money back
Sorry, I meant sustainable just in terms of you invest time in it and can have some kind of social, cultural or artistic enjoyment of it, as a hobby. Not money.
>Again, we need to know exactly what we want to approach to know what we are going to do. Flickr has no one left, not even oldfags, IG has a bunch of photogs but they are frozen or use it for other things. A new app maybe? i hate using the phone to post a photo from my computer.
Yea, that's a good start. We are at least identifying a lot of the complex issues facing photography as a hobby right now.
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)04:21:43 No.4372305
Samefag. Keep malding and then going back on eBay to check for more gear. You have funko faggot written all over you.
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)04:22:43 No.4372306
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)04:43:10 No.4372316
Your meds, funkofag. All of em.
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)04:47:25 No.4372318
This is what happens when snoytrannies forget to take their meds because they spent all their money consooming more snoy products
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)10:38:52 No.4372420
The absolute seethe from a simple discussion.
/\nonymous 10/11/24(Fri)11:27:21 No.4372432
>our hobby
>just shoot for yourself is cope
Make up your mind.
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)12:16:49 No.4372445
Daily Reminder

Photography is Dead

No one cares about photography, There are too many photographs already in the world(3.2 Billion images, I repeat 3.2 Billion images are being shared everyday on internet), everyone is a self proclaimed photographer these days, everything has been photographed to the point of utter absurdity and meaninglessness. So why should anyone keep doing photography? Why should anyone bother with photography? If everyone is doing it then it is already meaningless, a rotten corpse and dead. No one gives a fuck about anyone's snapshits except his own, I mean even self proclaimed photographers don't even give a single shit about the most famous and critically acclaimed photographers or so what are you expecting? People can maybe recognize few famous photographs but most can't name the photographers. The majority of so called photographers don't know even the ABC of photography's art history so what are you struggling towards? Recognition? Few dopamine hits? Immortality through art? Why are you're taking these photographs? And for whom? Don't say yourself because you share them on internet to get (You)s but when thread will be over or when someone will scroll past your photo on Instagram, after looking at it for 2 seconds it will be forgotten and lost in the gutters of internet, forever.
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)12:19:36 No.4372449
What is with photography and schizophrenia? I kid you not, not even /lit/ is this bad.
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)12:20:53 No.4372450
A digital image is not a photograph, it is CGI. A copy of a photograph at best.

>your photo on isntagram
Imagine giving zuck your data for free.

I shoot film and hand out prints.
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)12:24:01 No.4372452
>I shoot film and hand out prints.
no one takes desperate retards like you seriously. they take them out of pity. if you're not selling your prints through a gallery or instagram then it nothing. people don't value free shit.
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)12:24:09 No.4372453
>why do something if other people dont congratulate you for doing it?
move to orange zone asap
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)12:25:10 No.4372454
Hmmm, no. I also won't be buying a mac or a sony. Sorry!
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)12:29:02 No.4372456
you have never shown your photos to anyone?

Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)12:32:31 No.4372457
Your routine fell apart fast shillbro. You're not mean to beg them to let you suck their cock unless nothing else is working. You're also meant to offer to wear a dress and an anime girl mask.
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)12:35:04 No.4372459
Is this brown people per capita? Australia and Canadia should be orange by this point.
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)12:38:32 No.4372462
Go away retard and hand out prints for free and hope someone take pity on you to hang it up on their wall rather than straight away throwing it in the trash and stop wasting time on digital internet.
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)12:45:27 No.4372467
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)13:26:22 No.4372487
You are literally saying "give up because 100000 people won't give you a pat on the back"

You don't have a real job? That's your problem.
fe2fucker 10/11/24(Fri)13:26:46 No.4372488
terminally online
take some nice photos you dip
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)14:51:34 No.4372508
I am not saying that. My post is a thought experiment. If my post is enough make someone give up on photography then that means they never liked it enough in the first place.

>You don't have a real job? That's your problem.
fuck off
It's because people who are not totally immersed in their art rarely make worthwhile shit. People don't say such retarded shit to music bands when they say that they want to perform shows and release their albums. They don't say this retarded shit when directors say they're expecting to make 1 million dollars on their 250,000 dollars film. Or they are expecting three 50,000 dollars grants for their film. All of you boomer cocksukers have your legs in the grave and you shame young artists because they want to get recognized and have a career? Fuck you. Everybody wants recognition, it's just that people play different games and are not honest about it. You have other channels to get your desired recognition of whatever you wanted to do with your life. Now fuck off.
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)14:54:32 No.4372510
You have just read my opinion which is same as looking at other people's photographs. I have just cucked you, I have fucked your mind and I have coomed deep inside it. Now shut up my little cuckold.
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)14:59:39 No.4372511
>It's because people who are not totally immersed in their art rarely make worthwhile shit.
They do, they oh so very often do.

The starving artist is a media stereotype based on a minority of weirdos who didn't even make worthwhile shit, just ugly degenerate shit. Good artists can also make big bucks by doing contract work and engaging in passive income generating activities like speculation and renting properties. Edgy children who wanted to be an artist to piss off their dad call that selling out, but also the peak of edgy child art is snapshits of hobos and hazbin hotel.
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)15:17:12 No.4372527
I totally agree with you on starving artist meme. But the real rub is that photography is a walker's medium and physically it's a real pain in the ass to do photography and it requires A LOT of time and effort. I can't see it how it is possible to have the energy to make it after getting buckbroken by 9-5. You can write a book or work on script or paint or make music with a job but not with photography, your body would be too exhausted. It is a totally different beast.

If you want to go above your "hobby" and be an artist then photography requires so much effort but it gives extremely little. I am 90% sure than a photographer who want to be an artist but has a 9-5 will become a burned out husk with 4 or 5 years.

I agree with you on passive income. But most of "artists" have a trustfund because they were born in a rich family. Art photography is the most grim shithole to make it if you're from a working class. And lets not open the can of worms that is called """networking""".
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)17:29:25 No.4372605
>i love photography and taking photos
Then that's all there is to it, i want to go the museum route because it's something i can do with the hobby, i don't expect anything other than making series of photos by theme. I will work a wageslave job in a place i know it's easy and full of chill people who are just working to go home and spend time doing their thing, i know if we are good enough we can jump around.
The more you stress about photo the more you will hate it, i only think of how i will network my way into more stuff and how to learn composition, cameras are too good nowadays but i would like to spend wisely on a body because i sold most of my shit including my car to get THE body. Maybe i am taking it too lightly?
>get together
Are you dumb or just a mutt? obviously we aren't all from the same place, this is a virtual imageboard.
>open a gallery
That's expensive, can't you see we are mostly poorfags?
>I might as well launder money
You first need money to launder it, and the underground already uses car yards and flower shops to that, much quicker or harder to detect.
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)17:43:44 No.4372610
>sustainable just in terms of you invest time in it and can have some kind of social, cultural or artistic enjoyment of it
I get it now, OK that's way more subjective and harder in my opinion.
Honestly i fared well there because i have friends who were also photogs and i befriended people in contests (fixed by the museums, fucking jews) so everything's swell, we even share gear which is why i know most new things.
In that regard i think once you get an image, or at least in my case because i know how to get into people's ego already, it's easy but forget about women. Girls in many artistic hobbies are only pretenders, brain dead and only there for the cool factor, exceptions are notable but very rare hence being exceptions and they kept to themselves, it's the kind of people that bang the leader somewhere behind stage and just appear in public to collect something or rub the ego of the man so we can all see.

>everything has been photographed to the point of utter absurdity and meaninglessness
Depends where you live but the answer is no, not really, there's still a lot of check out.
>The majority of so called photographers don't know even the ABC of photography's art history
This is very true, most photogs are illiterate about the medium and only know the most jewish-pushed ones for the same reason. Part of why i say the medium's way to consume it is very loose.

>The starving artist is a media stereotype
The starving artist is a well-known thing based on stereotype thru empiric evidence, so you are wrong or consume only mainstream shit.
>minority of weirdos
Outsiders from the standard, that's where the new stuff mostly is, so you are wrong x2.
>Good artists can also make big bucks by doing contract work
The top dogs aka not everyone or granted, but artists who slave to the wedding photography once in a while is normal and nothing wrong with it.
>speculation and renting properties
That's not photography you dumbass heeb, kill yourself
Anonymous 10/12/24(Sat)03:37:08 No.4372730

RETVRN to slide projection.

Go on a vacation with your friends and take slides. Make a baby. Do anything meaningful wit your life, really.

If you can't escape existential dread that's a problem with your life not with photography.
Anonymous 10/12/24(Sat)07:13:50 No.4372776
OP here, I like to think with some consideration and adjustment, we can find value in the medium again. It might have to be through video on existing platforms though.
> I rather take pictures than looking at some other guy's pics
I think that is an important part of it. I really do enjoy the process of photography, especially film. But it was nice to have some kind of cultural or social if not artistic output from the process.
Anonymous 10/12/24(Sat)07:16:05 No.4372777
>You can write a book or work on script or paint or make music with a job but not with photography, your body would be too exhausted.
We can be somewhat fit at least hah. I wonder if your book idea isn't worth exploring though. Now that GPT has made writing so much more accessible. Perhaps a blend of writing with photography to create a narrative for online audiences, almost like a web-comic I guess.
Anonymous 10/12/24(Sat)07:24:30 No.4372778
I like this idea. Write something but keep it related to the photos you've taken, or the other way around. Basically we're all so autistic we've resorted to picture books lmao.
Anonymous 10/12/24(Sat)07:25:42 No.4372779
>We can be somewhat fit at least hah.
If you often do photography then I can imagine you're healthy. Photography it is very healthy physically because you walk so much. That's most street photographers live long lives.
>Now that GPT has made writing so much more accessible.
It's dogshit. Only people who take it seriously have never read a book in their life.
>Perhaps a blend of writing with photography to create a narrative for online audiences, almost like a web-comic I guess.
People have done this but photography doesn't work this way. It becomes kitsch and cliche very quickly. If your photos doesn't stand own their own then those are trash. Some photographers have made books with text, see Raised by Wolves by Jim Goldberg. It's not webcomic but snippets of text which hints are fucked up shit that can't be photographed.
Anonymous 10/12/24(Sat)07:59:12 No.4372785
>It's not webcomic but snippets of text which hints are fucked up shit that can't be photographed.
Horror themed black and whites with vague text; nice for Halloween haha.
Anonymous 10/12/24(Sat)08:06:44 No.4372786

make a pdf and share make a thread
Anonymous 10/12/24(Sat)08:07:01 No.4372787
>most street photogs live long lives
Until they meet a chimp with nothing to lose
Anonymous 10/12/24(Sat)08:11:25 No.4372790
This has never happened. The closest is when Robert Capa stepped on a landmine. But sure, it's life. Fucked up shit can happen. It is not exclusive to street photographers
Anonymous 10/12/24(Sat)09:14:24 No.4372799
and you've fallen for nazi propaganda
Anonymous 10/12/24(Sat)10:24:50 No.4372823
That all came true, kek.
Anonymous 10/13/24(Sun)00:56:19 No.4373143
Wont video just be surpassed by AI video in a few years? Normies already go crazy for these 10 second surreal videos that look like a fever dream.
Drone video has been overdone to death now,
Stock footage sites are filled to the brim with shit that nobody buys
Anonymous 10/13/24(Sun)01:26:01 No.4373157
>If you are creative, you will follow trends and create what goycattle want you to create, until someone who is actually creative starts a new trend by doing whatever the fuck they want at the right time for the goycattle to care about it, and then you will copy them
Anonymous 10/13/24(Sun)02:09:35 No.4373176
Dubschekem. He must be correct.
Anonymous 10/13/24(Sun)02:20:47 No.4373186
Sure thing Moshe, no photos were staged, all those WWII pictures happened too
Anonymous 10/16/24(Wed)04:49:23 No.4374470
Strawman cope. Learn to read instead of projecting.
Anonymous 10/26/24(Sat)11:53:38 No.4378232
Reading through this thread depressed me so much I haven't been back to /p/ since I read it over a week ago. I just came back and thought some people might have posted white pills, but nothing. It's over.
Anonymous 10/26/24(Sat)12:26:32 No.4378234
Nah fuck OP and his depressing bullshit. Photography is what you make of it, and you probably make turds with more artistic merit than OPs catalogue. For normies photography is basically just a rolling reel of daily bullshit they can post in the 'gram. I can't really speak for you since I have no idea what you shoot or what you enjoy, but for me, I enjoy going places, going hiking, attending events; basically the camera incentivises me to get the fuck out of the house. I look forward to my next trip, and honestly can't wait for that moment where I'm printing out the results of a trip.

Camera gear itself is not as important as it once was, and that's fine. Phone cameras are largely for utility. Video can and will not provide stills-level quality and fidelity. Film is your classic sovl path. Full frame is not the end-goal for everybody. Grab the camera you enjoy using the most and go do shit with it. Again, fuck OP.

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Anonymous 10/26/24(Sat)12:31:19 No.4378237
external validation cucks lose yet again lmfao. look at you quitting and being "blackpilled" because you feel oppressed by shit that it so bad that calling it the fast food of imagery would be insulting mcdonalds.
capitalized cuck would fit, you're a giant cuck, but sadly that has been wordfiltered (KEK) ever since it came out that moots girlfriend cheated on him with a significantly more attractive man who hated anime

every few decades something happens to rid art of you. the gas floods in and you scum drop like bugs. all that is left is people who do it for themselves, and then it is good again. no more wannabes trying to be famous and acting faux-"deep", no more winogrands who dont actually care, cant take a good photo in less than 10 rolls, and cant articulate a damn thought - photography is being purified. pest control procedures are in effect.

just like when photography purged painting of all the talentless "iwanna sellit"s, just like how the microphone changed singing, AI and the democratization of pro grade gear (WITH SELFIE SCREENS!) is purging photography of all the worthless, uncreative photo-ofa stock site fags, genuinely bad artists and "ill shoot ur feet 4 ur onlyfans" creeps.

no more ken rockwells thinking they can pass as photographers. no more camera conspiracies. no more micro four nerds. no more toneh northrup. no more gerald undone. no more north borders.

worthless gear shilling posers will be replaced by vtubers operated directly by the camera companies instead of lying ugly faces paid off with free gear. worthless gearfag nothing-tographers will be replaced by AI. you fall in with the furry porn and hentai artists - so shit and basic a computer could do it! YOU ARE BEING PURGED, AT LAST!
Anonymous 10/26/24(Sat)12:33:19 No.4378238
Not reading your essay bro
Anonymous 10/26/24(Sat)12:44:34 No.4378247
you took the two minutes to read it
it nailed you harder than your truck stop boyfriend
your feelings got hurt
you're trying to lash out, trying to use "didnt read" as an insult
because that's how the brains of soiboi poser fucks and teenage girls work - "nobody likes you" "nobody cares" "i didnt listen to a word" are their top 3 insults because their entire life is based on external validation.

whatever you say, everything i said is poignant and correct.

external validation is weak, feminine, and inferior and "people" who rely on it are weak, feminine, and inferior.

AI is super fucking based because it's ridding the world of everyone who wanted to be respected for being a dilettante with a camera. death to you, death to your place in "the hobby" so it can be "the art" again. good riddance.

if this thread depresses you, you were never a photographer, you never should have been a photographer, you should not be a photographer, and you were lying to yourself and others to fill your meaningless weak-feminine-inferior consumerist life with more toys

read it. read every word. be hurt. seethe. it's for your own good, you weak feminine piece of shit. bother us not with your bokeh flowers ever again.
Anonymous 10/26/24(Sat)12:56:19 No.4378250
Based and true. Weak feminine inferior people actually think doing art for arts sake is "a cope". Kek.
Anonymous 10/26/24(Sat)13:01:52 No.4378255
>external validation is weak, feminine, and inferior and "people" who rely on it are weak, feminine, and inferior.
Here's your (You) you cum gargling homosexual eunuch
Anonymous 10/26/24(Sat)13:03:53 No.4378258
they hated him because he told the truth. if ai, iphones, and meme clips feel threatening to you, you are not a photographer. please leave our art form in peace.
Anonymous 10/27/24(Sun)10:05:43 No.4378517
Didnt read this one either
Anonymous 10/27/24(Sun)11:06:14 No.4378531
Can you read this one anon?
OP is a fag and you should take photos because you enjoy the process and/or results. /thread
Anonymous 10/27/24(Sun)11:23:10 No.4378538
Photography is the last true stand of camera artistry. Go on any youtube video about video making and/or gear and you'll find that it's 90% people who just want to be famous or who think that being a "cinematographer" carries clout and social status. Everything is about looking the part, impressing clients, getting more clients, 'how to look cinematic' and so on.

The problem being that precisely because video is the thing that mainstream audiences are really engaged with, not photography, means that there is clout to be had being someone who is known for producing good looking video. Meaning photography is the last refuge for the camera to make art. There is very little status involved in being even a well known photographer so doing it is more of a pure act, creating for the joy of creation and only in that space can real Art have a chance of coming through.

Unfortunately most photographers spend far too much time looking at books and aping photographers from the 60s. What most people don't realize is that the moment when someone captures a photograph that will rise above itself and become Art is in the future and requires breaking free from the past, not reproducing it ad-infinitum. That is one of the most exciting parts about photography to me, that it's full potential has yet to be realized.
Anonymous 10/27/24(Sun)11:29:33 No.4378540
>”omg how do we save photos?”
Anonymous 10/27/24(Sun)12:35:53 No.4378545
>he said after emerging from days of crying and depression
dude he destroyed you
Anonymous 10/27/24(Sun)12:51:29 No.4378547
You are a fool if you think that a one can simply escape history by shutting one's eye off. You can NEVER escape history you can only make some minute teaks. You can NEVER escape the influence of greats. You don't exist in a vaccume. So whatever is in you is coming from some where. A good artist who take matter into his own hands and get inspired by the shit he likes.

Imagine thinking that someone can music alein sounding music if they never listened to music. This is the most retarded and prevalent attitude within photography. Problem isn't that people imite other photographer from 60s but the problems is that they fucking don't. They are not aware of their influences that's why 99% of photography is trash.
Anonymous 10/27/24(Sun)12:59:27 No.4378550
>bro creativity isnt real
Tichy proves you wrong. Skill issue.

The elites tell you that nothing can come from a vacuum to demoralize you.
>bro just chemicals, free will dont real, durr
>quantum tunneling in neural microtubules: so anyways i enable brains to collapse past wave functions in a consciously orchestrated manner making the output of the mammalian mind impossible to fully predict and enabling purely creative thought. because this means part of the mind exists outside of classical physics, we essentially have souls, although not immortal ones.
Anonymous 10/27/24(Sun)13:08:00 No.4378555
>>Tichy proves you wrong.
Retarded nonsense. Anton Giulio Bragaglia and Pictorilists did what Tichy did in early 20th century. Tichy tweaked it with his subject.

No such thing as unconditioned mind. Post your photo right now I'll tell you your influences.
Anonymous 10/27/24(Sun)21:56:37 No.4378697
>spends 24/7 on this board
>writes essays
>samefags every post pretending someone is agreeing with him
Anonymous 10/29/24(Tue)07:11:27 No.4379162
>you should take photos because you enjoy the process

>honestly can't wait for that moment where I'm printing out the results of a trip.

>just shoot for yourself
>just print the photos and put them on your bedroom wall who cares lol
>No, this is just cope. We all know it.

You were REKT by OP from the first post.

You can keep your heads in the sand but go mosey on over to >>>/gd/ if you want to see your future. When all your worthless electronic paperweight collectables are gathering dust in a year or two because you couldn't adapt, you can remember this post.
Anonymous 10/29/24(Tue)07:17:42 No.4379163
Did OP make this post on /gd/ too? >>>/gd/445757
Anonymous 11/08/24(Fri)20:06:15 No.4383045
Yepp :)
Anonymous 11/08/24(Fri)22:08:57 No.4383080
Stills will never die. There's 300 bitches out there right now staring at their baby shower photos in awe right now. There's 500 people looking at party photos that make a lame party look like something worth going to. Printed media like billboards and album covers exist. As long as photography manages to tell a story different than a video could (or make things look larger than they are), it won't die
Anonymous 11/08/24(Fri)22:47:05 No.4383089
>There's 300 bitches out there right now staring at their baby shower photos in awe right now.
short form video actually
> There's 500 people looking at party photos that make a lame party look like something worth going to.
short form video actually
>Printed media like billboards and album covers exist.
>As long as photography manages to tell a story different than a video could (or make things look larger than they are), it won't die
it actually can't for most mediums outside what you listed. don't feel too bad. video dudes got fucked even worse because no one watches movies or long content anymore. auto filter phone for short form content has usurped it all for audience attention
Anonymous 11/08/24(Fri)22:49:32 No.4383091
>how do you know?
>how do you know?
>how do you know?
Anonymous 11/09/24(Sat)02:53:01 No.4383116
bruh at least filmfags still have festivals and high tier funding grants. i think indie film is making a huge comeback.
Anonymous 11/09/24(Sat)22:09:47 No.4383373
For now. They are clinging to a dead medium though. Short form video is a pandora's box. The average TikTok or Reel gets less than 6 seconds view time so even 1 minute videos are useless. It's very grim for media as people become accustomed to this.
Anonymous 11/10/24(Sun)11:23:29 No.4383539
Moron, thats because people skip the bot vids which brings down the overall watch time.
Learn to statistics.
Anonymous 11/10/24(Sun)11:33:57 No.4383550
That is like saying to stop wasting time grilling filet mignon because the average american eats a fried burger made from ground cow assholes.

Who the fuck cares about the tastes of people who are actually provably mentally retarded
Gen Z and gen A are projected to develop dementia in their 40s and 6x more of then will develop dementia than would be expected were they not raised on screens. You care about these tragically, but factually stunted idiots? They are literally disposable people. You will still be alive when they start being euthanized to keep the healthcare system afloat.
>another vegetable zoomer?
>hand me the shotgun we’re out of barbituates
>”N-nurse can u… fr…. Where am i? Nurse, can u do a fortnight dance…bruh…”
Anonymous 11/10/24(Sun)12:05:23 No.4383573
Anonymous 11/19/24(Tue)00:50:32 No.4386371
think long term - at least 3 generations.

There is no way that the over stimulated tik-tok kids will be able to raise their children to become functional adults.
Anonymous 11/26/24(Tue)15:44:56 No.4388174
Isn't it all about what you do with it? Are buildings really what you enjoy? Do you enjoy architecture? Who cares about clicks. Bukowski worked in a shit job for decades. You do it because you like it anyways. I tried making threads about photogs because I was interested in the history of photography (until I ran out of time do continue the series), some anons enjoyed it some didn't.
If you like macro shots of insects do it until you find new ways of doing it, only then will the chances of making money with it go up.
but then again I might be wrong...

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Anonymous 11/26/24(Tue)18:16:56 No.4388201
its a scientific fact that they won’t. social media brain is a crippling disease.

chuds were right, the west has fallen. but they are the prime symptom and it was free entertainment, not gay people, that killed it.
Anonymous 11/30/24(Sat)19:42:15 No.4389074
Such wow. What a time to alive!

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fe2fucker 11/30/24(Sat)20:36:17 No.4389080
i miss when phones had gimmicks
i miss my flip phone
i miss my note 8 with its little stylus
i miss my oneplus 7t pro with its little pop-up camera

my current phone is dying so i might get a meme phone for my next one

maybe the leica phone?????
Anonymous 11/30/24(Sat)21:06:12 No.4389082
If you got into this to be POPULAR like anything less as a reward signifies a waste of time, get fucked you actual faggot. The idea that artists must want to connect with others is entirely due to the overloading of the arts with women and homosexuals whose feminized brains short out at the notion of internal validation

ISNT THAT NARCISSISM ISNT THAT MASTURBATORY PATHETIC PATHETIC, the homosexual taunts, while nothing ablates his sense of insecurity except attention, the irony
A straight man is happy to share but also does not care

This purely masculine mode of thought is incomprehensible to our lessers.
Anonymous 11/30/24(Sat)21:17:19 No.4389083
I play guitar at home
The only person to ever call it a waste of time and try and taunt me for not being in a band turned out to be a gay man, and 5’4"
Anonymous 12/06/24(Fri)05:56:28 No.4390271
lol rekt that fag.
Do prints OP. Prints is what photography was made for.
Anonymous 12/06/24(Fri)10:06:06 No.4390292
photography isnt in danger it's back to being niche
Anonymous 12/08/24(Sun)22:20:05 No.4390833
an art critic wrote about that last year, they covered an artist who is social media famous. They attended their gallery, and in looking at their work, pointed out critiques here and there, but moreover noticed how the largest focus of the gallery, the biggest object in the space, was not the artwork but a video projection showing a "best of" playlist of his social media content. He posited that in the new era, an artist's social media presence is as much a part of their body of work as is the actual art they produce.

Also, the artist saw the critiques and got butthurt, which led to a followup article of the guy chuckling about all the flame posts the socmed guy's followers sent to the art writer. He also pointed out that modern young social media artists don't know how to take criticism. Honestly that could just be young cocky guys period, but I wouldn't be surprised if they lack skill in that regard since the last decade and change of the Internet has been molding everything into self-reenforcing hugboxes.

no money, no camera, no subjects? try AI video lmao

or consider using a cheap phone. David Lynch said in 2007 or so that for him, film was dead, and digital filmography was all he wanted to do. Specifically he rejected HD however; He said HD film made background set elements or other details too obvious. Remember too that Hitchcock said that the perfection of recreating reality proves the death of the medium, because nothing artistic can be gained by perfectly recreating what reality has already made.
Anonymous 12/11/24(Wed)15:48:01 No.4391368
>how to build a community in which we can all consume each others' work
how about an imageboard
Anonymous 12/11/24(Wed)16:08:32 No.4391371
eventually, phone pics will be so generated that they are distinct category of art
like how 3D CGI isn't comparable to photography
generative phone pictures won't be comparable to captures of reality and editing used to enhance the image rather than generate what wasn't there

if you care about society's perspective on real camera photography, then you should push that narrative once the opportunity arises
and there is a general issue about the availability of cameras and lenses scaling down with photography declining in popularity
but that's not really a consumer's problem
Anonymous 12/12/24(Thu)01:19:44 No.4391443
>>an art critic wrote about that last year, they covered an artist who is social media famous...
Kek, this is funny. Can you link that article?
Anonymous 12/20/24(Fri)18:08:19 No.4393606
/ic/ here

Accept fate and do things you like because you enjoy doing them. We got left behind ~120 years ago, now it's your turn.
Anonymous 01/07/25(Tue)09:11:42 No.4397663
is it still over in 2025? or are we so back?
Anonymous 01/08/25(Wed)10:40:04 No.4397860
Interesting thread. I think we can make a spin-off thread on improving the photo sharing experience, be it via a website (with what requirements?) or otherwise.
Anonymous 01/10/25(Fri)23:07:49 No.4398531
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)10:40:56 No.4400396
Fill me in on /p/ lore please. Who are the regulars here, who's the resident schizo on this board, etc
fe2fucker 01/19/25(Sun)11:13:03 No.4400401
Ok so..
We got the shill(s), thats where all the engagement bait gear threads are coming from.
Then we got Sugar who comes in every half century or so and posts vacation pics and everyone gets rly mad for no reason.
Then there's the german guy who keeps posting the "am I a talented photographer?" threads full of blurry snapshots of nothing, this guy is either the schizo or doing the most persistent running joke ever, either way I respect him.
Then we got the nophoto anklebiters who can never be pleased, theres like one or two really persistent ones.
There used to be more namefags like cAnon and cinefag, but they disappeared sometime last year, buncha weird fellas, everything bad they experienced in life was blamed on the jews or fake moonlandings or something.
Theres also some oldfag called burt gummer who i dont know much about, he doesnt really post much
Then there's me, a namefag that's about to disappear because this board is mostly ran by janny approved gear shills which if you mention them you get banned and im honestly just tired of having the dead internet theory proven to my time and time again.

Som1 else can prolly tell you more but thems the basics.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)11:28:11 No.4400405
cAnon is still here, last seen BTFOing some poor defenseless anon in one of the RPT threads a few months back
Burtgummer has been here for a decade. Maybe one of the few /p/ posters with any actual talent. Only shows up to post photos, which are normally above average at least.
The basic idea is:
>5% namefags / idenifiable anons
>20% people who own cameras and are decent / show potential to improve
>25% people who own a camera and will forever be terrible because they either: a) can't take criticism, b) bought a snoy, c) don't actually enjoy it
>25% people who don't own a camera, but will shit on anyone who posts a photo or doesn't own a Leica, and will post frog memes and basedjacks
>25% people who may or may not own a camera, but would rather gearfag and brandwar all day instead of actually taking photos and dicussing photo related things (other than gear).
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)12:28:33 No.4400408
>still mad about bans
Lol just take the L.
Also no one cares if you disappear stop talking about it and DO IT, JUST DO IT.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)13:59:37 No.4400427
If you are wondering what the point of photography is in a time where sharing / oversharing is the norm the answer is that the people of the past took photos for rather benign reasons. Film and cameras were a commodity, an appliance. People who didn't do so professionally used their cameras to shoot about 11 rolls over their entire body's lifetime, mostly of vacations, pets, family gatherings, landscapes, and the occasional proof of events / feats / shenanigans.

Here's the actual solution, anon: return to tradition, shoot a roll of slidefilm whenever you vacation and then force an entire room of people to see the whole roll as a projected slideshow even as the bit actively gets stale in their mind. Play it out slowly and deliberately, to the detriment of their short attention spans. Make them view every detail. Torture them.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)14:07:31 No.4400431
People have actually admitted to being employed by social media marketing agencies here and meta is rolling out AI influencers. fe2 is right.

"Back in the day" we went through a lot of fucking film. Frames were not precious. It was very normal for my parents to blow through a 4 pack of drug store film in less than a week.

When you get into film this century, you buy an old professional SLR/enthusiast rangefinder (professionals always used SLRs, only groupe magnume pretentious hacks and sexy-lady photographers used RFs really), some portra, you do not use the motor drive and magazine back setup that every pro used it with, and pretend each frame is the most important one you will ever shoot (and yet take photos of street signs). You're not really being a normal photographer there you're being a le groupe de la fagnum "leica man". Pretentious.

Last century i think the closest thing my family had to a typical modern photofaggots film camera was a minolta hi matic and holy shit did we go through film even with that. When auto-winders and auto-focus became affordable we REALLY went through film.
Dear old dad: "Film is cheap and they don't always turn out so take a lot of pictures". Adjusted for purchasing power, film WAS cheap, about as cheap as fujikodak is today give or take a few bucks. Most important, processing was cheaper. No $5-10 shipping, no paying to scan the whole roll.
All that film was developed locally. The photos everyone liked were checked on the contact sheet. Those were printed and put in an album of 4x6s. The negatives were usually thrown away. This was as cheap as buying the film itself and only got cheaper when drug stores and walmarts got discount 1hr photos.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)14:28:24 No.4400436

this whole thread relies on the premise that "I HAVE TO HAVE PEOPLE TO CONSUME MY ART I HAVE TO GET ATTENTION" and putting up arbitrary goalposts that if you don't reach to the lowest common denomitator then you're coping

hobbies have always been the same where you get influenced by others, make what you think is cool, combine new and old, and other likeminded people will also observe your art and the cycle continues. who gives a shit if 5 people see your shit vs 5000, if 1 of those 5 people even have a passing thought that 'oh that's cool... i'll try something out like this' then your art was worth it.

regardless if the masses are jacking off to tiktok thots and viewing 4 second videos, there will ALWAYS be a cabal of likeminded people who ignore all this shit and just do what they think is cool. and these people are still rare today, and these people are more influential than 99% of all these drones. they are the ones moving shit around and they dont give a shit if their stuff has reach, they just do.

Cal Newport said in a blog article, "In this prediction, I find optimism. If TikTok acts as the poison pill that finally cripples the digital dictators that for so long subjugated the web 2.0 revolution, we just might be left with more breathing room for smaller, more authentic, more human online engagements. “In the end, TikTok’s biggest legacy might be less about its current moment of world-conquering success, which will pass,” I conclude. “And more about how, by forcing social-media giants like Facebook to chase its model, it will end up liberating the social Internet.”"

not sure if i agree with this, i dont think we'll ever switch back to pre-2019 internet though.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)14:32:49 No.4400437
You are part of the problem
Fuji and sony are the most used brands professionally and artistically. You are part of the problem. You are the last line. Its you.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)14:54:48 No.4400440
I think I’m the only Fe2 defender on here. The dude actually posts photos and tries some fun shit like that camera he built.
/pee/ is dying because people don’t care about giving feedback beyond «kys, it’s shit». That one vacation snapshit thread got surprisingly good reviews and I wish there were more of those, that’s why I also encourage sugar every time he dumps his stuff here even tho it’s not on a alex burque level.
As for how to get «engagement» on our photos. I think using the new media aka TikTok, or whatever zoomer cancer one wants to use, is the way. Make reels but instead of a video it’s a photo. Maybe edit it so that it veeeery slowly zooms in as to keep the attention deficit kids watching.
Imma try it and see if it pleases the algorithm

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fe2fucker 01/19/25(Sun)15:07:04 No.4400441
Ok bye
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)04:14:27 No.4400560
cANON is a literal antisemite who got caught doxxing Jewish people on other boards. When we find his identity, he's going to get his life ruined 100%.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)04:22:27 No.4400561
>regardless if the masses are jacking off to tiktok thots and viewing 4 second videos, there will ALWAYS be a cabal of likeminded people who ignore all this shit and just do what they think is cool. and these people are still rare today, and these people are more influential than 99% of all these drones. they are the ones moving shit around and they dont give a shit if their stuff has reach, they just do.
insane cope desu
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)22:38:37 No.4400714
everything that you dont want to hear is just cope to you

what isnt cope to you
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)11:37:16 No.4400826
Photography isn't the big thing anymore, boohoo
It will always have it's place, and there will always be people who appreciate even if that population is proportionally smaller. Just look at the zoomers and their digicams, or the X100 shit, sure you may not like that stuff, but it's still new blood.
People didn't stop painting because of photography and people won't stop appreciating nor taking photos because of videos.