/out/ Volunteering and Activism
Anonymous 12/29/24(Sun)20:53:17 | 18 comments | 2 images
bully to you
Do you do volunteer work outside? Otherwise, do you do anything to help keep your local wilderness clean and unmolested for future generations? You do pick up litter when you see it and kill invasive species, don't you?
Anonymous 12/29/24(Sun)21:57:04 No.2797279
Yup. I joined my local SAR team after completing a WEMT program.
Anonymous 12/30/24(Mon)00:17:25 No.2797295
>pick up litter when you see it
yes, I started bringing a trash bag and gloves with me on hikes
>kill invasive species
no, I'm too retarded to trust myself to identify plants and bugs

I've been thinking about volunteering with the WTA. Any pnw anons have any experience with them?
Anonymous 01/02/25(Thu)20:04:39 No.2797995
>no, I'm too retarded to trust myself to identify plants and bugs
Then go hunting for boar. Fuck those things. Boar genocide NOW
Anonymous 01/03/25(Fri)11:58:03 No.2798063
yes. My daughter and I clean the local rec area trailheads and creek side on volunteer days
Anonymous 01/06/25(Mon)23:04:44 No.2798676
I've done both janny work with adopt a highway and many many hours of cleaning up trash from fucking inhuman slobs litter. And mess with invasive species removal because I'm terrible at identifying plants. It's rewarding to see all the shit you've picked up go into the trash. Also sometimes the voulunteer events give out free food.
Anonymous 01/07/25(Tue)00:02:01 No.2798681
I pick up litter (a lot of it seeks to be from thru hikers) and carry a little laplander folding saw to clear blowdowns on the trail that aren't too difficult.

I'd like to do the "adopt a trail" program for the wmnf but I'm almost 3 hours away and I'd hate to take on that responsibility and then neglect it
Anonymous 01/07/25(Tue)00:17:10 No.2798682
Come spring I am going to collect and press flowers from my local area.
Anonymous 01/07/25(Tue)00:18:54 No.2798683
Federal charges.
Anonymous 01/07/25(Tue)00:52:12 No.2798687
Gonna collect and press dat ass if you fuck around.
Anonymous 01/07/25(Tue)18:13:10 No.2798796
I collect up all the brass at my state game area once a week. Does that count?
Anonymous 01/09/25(Thu)16:38:35 No.2799197
Based brass goblin
Anonymous 01/09/25(Thu)17:02:40 No.2799200
Dat military discipline
Anonymous 01/09/25(Thu)21:25:14 No.2799225
I was thinking abour volunteering with the local branch of Ducks Unlimited, do any of you guy have experience with them?
I've done a bit of other volunteer work in the past, just not with thme
Anonymous 01/10/25(Fri)04:34:59 No.2799267
The local hike has a peak
People leave potatoes there
I take a backpack and trash can liners and pack out the most rotten potatoes and gay and trans flags
I prioritize the inorganic things like gay flags for the environment, y’see
Anonymous 01/12/25(Sun)16:45:56 No.2799702
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)02:59:13 No.2799958
i volunteer with a local group of hippies sometimes. i’m unemployed and they appreciate it. gotta watch what i say (they don’t even like swearing) but at lot are trust fund babbies and they care about conservation. hope to make connections and get a job too.
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)05:29:02 No.2799965
my church group adopted a 7 mile loop dayhike trail with a viewpoint of a waterfall(Olympic peninsula)
we send large groups to do chainsaw type trail maintenance in the end of winter storm season and pick up litter in small groups every 2 weeks in the spring and summer
it's a great excuse to hike a nice trail regularly and with company too
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)22:21:42 No.2800153
>You do pick up litter when you see it and kill invasive species, don't you?
Trasharoo is always full when I leave and I kick every useless rock carin over that I see. Good enough?