Anonymous 12/18/24(Wed)16:54:28 | 75 comments | 11 images
What's the most remote place where you've ever drunk alcohol?
Anonymous 12/18/24(Wed)17:03:08 No.2795015
Stop being a degenerate
There is nothing cool about Drinking poison for fun
Anonymous 12/18/24(Wed)17:16:08 No.2795018
probably a Norwegian fjell, or when i was sailing the baltic
Anonymous 12/18/24(Wed)18:41:59 No.2795032
Beer cans don’t need to be constantly refrigerated right? Can I just throw one in a pack before heading out?
Anonymous 12/18/24(Wed)19:01:52 No.2795038
You're a virgin too, huh.
Anonymous 12/18/24(Wed)19:10:15 No.2795041
Beer doesn't go bad for days outside of a fridge but it tastes worse when it's warm
Anonymous 12/18/24(Wed)19:12:45 No.2795043
Alcohol is cringe.
Anonymous 12/18/24(Wed)20:04:20 No.2795056
>but it tastes worse when it's warm
ehhh, depends on the beer id say, sure, a regular pilsner will just turn to piss, but a good imperial stout is best at room temp.

but generally, for efficiency, unless its just a cute little day hike, beer is stupid, whiskey or vodka is king. but, remember if you are near a lake, tie som rope to the beers and let them sit in the water, cools them down pretty quick. and you cant fish without beer.
Anonymous 12/18/24(Wed)20:55:02 No.2795059
on Denali
Anonymous 12/18/24(Wed)22:28:45 No.2795064
Faggot drinks
Anonymous 12/18/24(Wed)22:45:00 No.2795066
all muslims, christcucks and any other abrahamic "religion" should voluntarily commit un alive, unironically, you cucks are so insufferable its not even funny
>thread about thing
>let me go into a thread, specifically about something my brainwashed, retard sad excuse for a person disapproves of
and just for good measure, saar do not redeem

hell, i will make sure to bring beer next time, just to spite you
Anonymous 12/18/24(Wed)22:50:42 No.2795067
I don't need alcohol to get laid. Nothing could be more pathetic and disingenuous.
I'm none of those. Cope harder degenerate.
The only insufferable person is someone who needs to get drunk to enjoy life.
Anonymous 12/18/24(Wed)22:55:38 No.2795069
>I'm none of those
sure... and i am the queen of Siam
Anonymous 12/18/24(Wed)23:22:01 No.2795070
I'm not religious. Alcohol is still cringe.
Anonymous 12/18/24(Wed)23:58:43 No.2795074
So you dont even have the threat of eternal damnation as an excuse, pretty pathetic.
more for me, i guess
Anonymous 12/19/24(Thu)01:20:55 No.2795083
You actually are required to drink alcohol in Christkikery, a small subset of them just decided their religion wasn't gay enough and disregarded their holy book and two Millennium of tradition. They are the drag queen story hour of religions. Literally gayer than Mormons and members of UFO cults.
Anonymous 12/19/24(Thu)01:36:10 No.2795090
Tuckerman's ravine.
Anonymous 12/19/24(Thu)09:37:09 No.2795120
Drank horseradish vodka while stuck on a steppe couple km from lake baikal
Anonymous 12/19/24(Thu)10:05:43 No.2795122
Actually, now that I thought about it, probably when I was in the sinai desert. Big ass 6 wheeled ex military truck converted to civilian use, ofcourse it broke down miles from nowhere, I'm in a wheelchair from a hip fracture, alcohol was ofcourse frowned upon because they are subhuman savages, but I still had a flask of vodka, and thought "broke down, army truck, in the desert, in a wheelchair fuck it, im not dying sober" emptied the thing and eventually we got enough water to get the cooler or whatever the fuck to work again so I could get the fuck back to Morocco.
Anonymous 12/19/24(Thu)11:30:13 No.2795134
it never ceases to amaze me how i can be bushwacking way off the trail through some thiiiick brush and yet theres still some crumpled old beer can laying there. what alcoholics lack in longevity they make up for in sheer tenacity to get to a good drinking spot
Anonymous 12/19/24(Thu)12:08:42 No.2795140
Anonymous 12/19/24(Thu)12:13:57 No.2795141
>What's the most remote place where you've ever drunk alcohol?
High up in the mountains, seen ufos too.
Anonymous 12/19/24(Thu)12:26:25 No.2795142
Ya gots the brain fog. Boy. You seen nothing but the shadows of your own mind dragging across those dried up eyeballs. Put down the drink. Boy.
Anonymous 12/19/24(Thu)12:36:29 No.2795147
I tell yuh wutt boy. That boy ain't right boy. Those ufos run on propane boy.
Anonymous 12/19/24(Thu)16:40:54 No.2795199
I want to see Baikal so bad. What in tarnation were you doing there, besides drinking sketchy wodka?
Anonymous 12/19/24(Thu)17:24:15 No.2795215
Christians can drunk you moron, we're making fun of the type of drinks you consume you fucking faggot. You are a massive pleb
Anonymous 12/20/24(Fri)20:35:37 No.2795461
Anonymous 12/21/24(Sat)18:36:52 No.2795601
Imagine being such a christcuck jew cocksucker that you willfully poison yourself and your only justification is to Own muzzis or muh dick.
Anonymous 12/22/24(Sun)19:00:50 No.2795792
Never drunk alcohol when I was seriously out, seems like a reckless idea

But I have fond memories of walking the forested hills around Lake Como and drinking Bierra Messina, there is absolutely nothing like it
Anonymous 12/23/24(Mon)13:16:38 No.2795917
Screenshot 2024-12-23 181625
Anonymous 12/25/24(Wed)16:51:01 No.2796372
god you people must be popular at parties
Anonymous 12/26/24(Thu)02:42:07 No.2796455
I've never been in total wilderness,
Maybe 20 miles from the highway or any town,
And the sad truth is that just from any high place (where I live) you can see city/town lights at nights.
Is really hard find a place with zero human activity or mark.
Anonymous 12/26/24(Thu)02:51:37 No.2796459
Middle of the desert in Kuwait.
Anonymous 12/26/24(Thu)02:57:31 No.2796461
Anonymous 12/27/24(Fri)05:04:08 No.2796691
picard the fuck
>commit un alive
Anonymous 12/29/24(Sun)15:15:03 No.2797197
My bedroom because I have a TV remote and speaker remote so it's the most remote I've ever been drunk
Anonymous 12/29/24(Sun)15:19:18 No.2797199
Anonymous 12/30/24(Mon)00:10:30 No.2797293
The main issue people are getting wrong ITT is the idea that you need to get drunk if you're drinking while out. You know there is such a thing as drinking to relax, not drinking to get shit faced. We're talking maintaining all cognitive and motor functions, but taking enough sips to get a subtle relaxing buzz.
It's called maintaining control over your vices and its something real men do.
Anonymous 12/30/24(Mon)10:41:46 No.2797356
middle of the atlantic ocean, working onnaship and we had a party while crossing the prime meridian
Anonymous 01/01/25(Wed)23:42:23 No.2797851
Beside a glacier near Thule in Groenland.
Anonymous 01/02/25(Thu)00:28:14 No.2797855
>You know there is such a thing as drinking to relax,

No, this is still cringe. Stop relying on drugs to make you feel better.
Anonymous 01/02/25(Thu)01:53:53 No.2797858
Put em on clutch
Anonymous 01/03/25(Fri)21:32:22 No.2798137
Anonymous 01/06/25(Mon)14:48:11 No.2798604
As a teenager my friends and I carried a beer keg up in the Pinnacle in Hamburg PA and got shit faced.
Anonymous 01/06/25(Mon)17:52:43 No.2798631
And then left it there, didn't ya.
Anonymous 01/06/25(Mon)20:28:48 No.2798662
Nah man, was like a 40 dollar core charge in that keg
Anonymous 01/06/25(Mon)21:05:03 No.2798666
That'll learn ya.
Anonymous 01/06/25(Mon)21:50:58 No.2798671
great sand dunes national park. I even took a little picture because it looked nice when I was cooking a meal.
[spoiler]Sand got in the eggs[/spoiler]
Anonymous 01/07/25(Tue)00:23:46 No.2798684
>commit un alive
“un alive” is a term from tiktok to not trigger others and to avoid the speech filter. Please go back where you came from and hang yourself on your way out. It’s pronounced KILL YOURSELF
Anonymous 01/07/25(Tue)05:31:42 No.2798700
>stop having fun
No, fuck you.
On the tundra here in northern Norway probably.
Anonymous 01/07/25(Tue)14:01:01 No.2798761
Maybe I missed something but how is drinking alcohol a requirement in order to have fun?
Anonymous 01/07/25(Tue)15:26:23 No.2798777
I don't need alcohol to get laid
Your lush mother is a whore
Anonymous 01/08/25(Wed)02:28:08 No.2798887
It's not, but even boring tasks can be fun with alcohol.
Alcohol is a friend, and I don't abandon friends.
Anonymous 01/08/25(Wed)06:20:22 No.2798891
Why yes I love Jesus and nature and alcohol is literal posion. beer is the worst because it's poison plus trash, clear poison like vodka is the best poison
Anonymous 01/08/25(Wed)11:24:52 No.2798908
Probably that one time i brought spirits with me to a volcano, not very far away from civilization but whatever
Anonymous 01/10/25(Fri)08:43:56 No.2799287
some cottage in the middle of nowhere in iceland
they had lamb, too.
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)17:40:47 No.2799550
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)20:38:51 No.2799573
you're brown
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)12:02:52 No.2799830
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)13:27:09 No.2799842
probably on safari in Tanzania. Everyday at sundown you pull over and have happy hour somewhere on the veldt
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)00:14:24 No.2800160
Zoomers get out
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)01:18:48 No.2800175
Me and my buddies used to go out into crown land (I am a canuk, means government land) and camp and get faded. Drove deep into the mountains up a service road for a while until it was so washed out that the pickup wasn't gonna make it any further, hiked an extra hour. It's very peaceful being hammered in the rockies, especially when you have a gun lmao
Anonymous 01/16/25(Thu)06:23:58 No.2800320
Tiktok speech for kys to prevent getting filtered
Anonymous 01/16/25(Thu)16:45:11 No.2800388
Just because you sucked a weiner when you drank beer doesn't mean anyone else is going to do that
Anonymous 01/16/25(Thu)21:38:20 No.2800432
Based fucking Zoomers.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)15:46:58 No.2800999
Furthest you can get from civilization here in east yuro is like 10 km. Beer in summer is nice for refresh and if I plan overnight then fruit brandy or whiskey is pretty relaxing to drink by campfire.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)22:13:47 No.2801136
I don't drink alcohol but I found a couple cans (3) of Ginger Ale in a ravine once (not very remote though.)
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)01:00:08 No.2801415
based. GAYbrahmists need to make every aspect of their faggot lives about their faggot jew god. lmao literally kill yourselves you worthless troglodytes
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)18:41:56 No.2801560
By God you Protestants are fucking scum, go find an actual church instead of calling alcohol, tea and coffee poison, even those niggers and American dogs that call themselves “orthobros” are better than you fucking puritan
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)18:43:22 No.2801561
Horseradish spirit in the middle of some steppe in Krasnodar I think
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)18:46:07 No.2801562
>get drunk
Only westoids can drink alcohol to get drunk instead of enjoying its flavour like a normal person
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)18:47:39 No.2801563
Drank the same thing on a steppe but instead of baikal this was in the Kuban
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)18:51:24 No.2801565
Nah not all of us I am 17 I am from Tbilisi Georgia and I have been drinking at least once a week since I was 6 years old
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)09:19:37 No.2801673
i went on a 5 day trek in colorado carrying this whole bottle the entire time just to get this picture taken at the last base camp
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)12:06:56 No.2801687
It was quite remote actually, way up in the pyrenees with 3 more friends. We slept under that tarp, pic rel, and miracously didnt get wet when a storm came that night. While it was pouring lots of water and thunders, we were drinking inside our sleeping bags a bottle of moscatel (wine liqour) and smoking a joint, with our face like 15 cm under the tarp cause no trees nearby. Woke up and hiked/climb up the three picos de los infiernos (hell's peaks translated), a pretty rough route.

One of my best /out/ings ever. Sorry if bad english
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)21:45:24 No.2801761