Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)15:06:59 | 78 comments | 14 images
>argues about whether East or West Coast is better
Meanwhile in northern Europe:
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)15:10:52 No.2794777
You can't even begin to mog on yanks about these things, their level of natural wonder is just beyond our people's comprehension until they experience it for themselves.
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)15:13:40 No.2794778
everyone doesn't argue about it. it's literally one schizophrenic mexican from the west coast arguing with one schizophrenic mexican from the east coast
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)15:27:58 No.2794781
Tell me this isn't gods greatest country, I dare you.
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)17:11:29 No.2794821
It looks like this all the way from Vancouver to Anchorage.
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)17:16:08 No.2794822
Fucking hell you killed him with the first reply. How do you even respond to this?
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)17:17:00 No.2794823
To each their own. What I've found is that some people get off on the sweeping vistas (usually women) and other people have an autism or fascination with the teeming amd cycles of the plants/animals.

All areas have an appeal though even deserts. If I was visiting a place I would want to see a pretty screensaver tier mountain vista. HOWEVER if I was living in it I would want the place with the thickest most diverse teeming plant life (while still being temperate with a seasonal cycle) maybe like a subtropical wetland.
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)17:46:27 No.2794829
Alaska looks like that too.
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)17:57:49 No.2794830
>I would want the place with the thickest most diverse teeming plant life
>cant enjoy incredible vistas every single day

I prefer a place with incredible vistas and the requisite undeveloped land to be teeming with wildlife- especially large mammals and predators. And snow. Is has to have snow for part of the year- it keeps out the bugs and pussies.
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)18:04:52 No.2794832
I'm sure there's no bugs, especially mosquitos in places with snow, especially Siberia
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)18:11:43 No.2794833
>tfw we always have to bring up Alaska in these conversations about best nature
I'm glad we have it but still, not like a trip to Alaska is much if any easier for most of us than a trip to Norway or whatever
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)18:17:49 No.2794834
See for me it is a place that is like a festering hot greenhouse for the growing season with a cool warmish spring and fall.. and just enough winter to get a couple of hard frosts. Heavily deciduous with more plants, trees, vines, grasses, weeds than you could ever realistically learn. And I like the little micro ecosystems to be different every half mile you go. A patchwork of wetlands, bottomlands, mixed hardwoods, grasslands etc etc. all packed in there tight together.
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)18:19:02 No.2794835
>mosquitos thrive in winter
>being this fucking retarded
wew lad
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)18:22:45 No.2794836
sounds miserable. no thanks.
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)18:23:27 No.2794837
it is easier tho
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)18:52:12 No.2794841
We have Alaska tho. One state mogs your entire country. Add back the other 49 states and it isn’t even a discussion worth having
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)18:55:02 No.2794843
The dyed blond hair tells you all you need to know
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)19:01:03 No.2794845
Like I said to each their own. But yeah a place festering like a greenhouse with all sorts of plantlife and insects and fungus and moss etc. is very appealing to me.
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)19:47:11 No.2794852
sounds horrible. but im sure you like it lol
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)20:18:15 No.2794860
Lol oh it's ok, I'm perfectly aware it's sort of an acquired thing, most of the people are just in it for the view obviously.
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)21:07:51 No.2794870
The overlooks, waterfalls, etc. are frequently crowded with selfie-taking hoomans, it's annoying. If I wanted to be around a bunch of people I'd be on a city sidewalk. Whereas the beauty of the verdant deciduous forest full of natural life can be enjoyed without any disruptive chatter.
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)21:54:09 No.2794878
>for the view
> just because it has a view it has no redeemable flora or fauna
lol. small minds I guess.
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)22:21:52 No.2794883
Kek I never said that bro just that some places excel in that more than others is all. Generally alpine type places not as much.. but like I said every place has its own appeal.
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)22:58:14 No.2794886
Get a load of this pleb thinking anything outside of the US is even considered as being of value. Not to mention us freedom loving humans being able to bring a gun practically anywhere. You’re funny OP.
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)23:04:36 No.2794888
maybe easier to get to Alaska but not easier to get to the fjords of Alaska. Your only real option is to take some lame tourist cruise that visits the same 2 fjords that are close to Juneau or Seward or something, that or a flightseeing tour. In Norway you can just drive or take public transport to hundreds of fjords, with hiking opportunities everywhere also. Good luck trying to hike in Alaska's fjordland.
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)23:27:56 No.2794890
> but not easier to get to the fjords of Alaska
Yes it is. Go to any coastal town, rent a sea kayak, and have at it.

They are Fjords, you don't hike, you paddle them.
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)23:44:53 No.2794892
yeah that sounds easier than Norway, you got me
Anonymous 12/18/24(Wed)02:09:16 No.2794912
I'm tired of American superiority complex
Anonymous 12/18/24(Wed)02:31:06 No.2794915
i cant tell if it is surprising or not that australia is never mentioned in these kinds of threads
Anonymous 12/18/24(Wed)02:45:54 No.2794916
Meanwhile on the east coast
Anonymous 12/18/24(Wed)03:18:46 No.2794920
>most diverse landscape in Australia vs most boring landscape in Austria
Anonymous 12/18/24(Wed)03:23:50 No.2794921
kek, put your google street view man down anywhere circled and look for the desert
Anonymous 12/18/24(Wed)03:36:48 No.2794922
The bottom pic could be anywhere in Tasmania, western Victoria or central New South Wales
Anonymous 12/18/24(Wed)03:41:43 No.2794924
your photo is pretty clearly tasmania though (if its in australia, it probably is though because there are tons of eucalyptus)
Anonymous 12/18/24(Wed)08:52:42 No.2794956
Norway is far more expensive
Anonymous 12/18/24(Wed)10:00:06 No.2794962
I always feel like besides a few patches that Australia, much like a hot version of Mongolia, is completely sparse and barren once you actually start looking closely.
Anonymous 12/18/24(Wed)10:28:32 No.2794965
Its mogged by New Zealand, even Aussies know this.
Anonymous 12/18/24(Wed)11:06:35 No.2794969
Fuckin oath
Anonymous 12/18/24(Wed)15:54:52 No.2795005
Only an actual outdoorsman enjoys the desert. If you need constant muh stimulating views for muh instagram pictures you’re not actually an outdoorsman. A real outdoorsman finds beauty everywhere
Anonymous 12/18/24(Wed)17:16:26 No.2795019
west coast > patagonia > nz >>>>>> europe > east coast
Anonymous 12/18/24(Wed)17:19:19 No.2795021
>west coast > patagonia
Can someone who has been to both tell me if he's delusional?
Anonymous 12/18/24(Wed)17:41:32 No.2795025
I haven’t been to either but he seems pretty delusional
Anonymous 12/18/24(Wed)18:45:35 No.2795034
If "west coast" includes all of coastal BC and coastal Alaska, then yes, it is superior to Patagonia. It has everything Patagonia does, along with things it does not.
Anonymous 12/18/24(Wed)18:49:14 No.2795036
The main benefit of Patagonia over coastal BC and AK would be access.

Once you get to El Chaltén, a lot of cool stuff is quite reasonably accessible by foot.

The cool shit in coastal BC and AK is very difficult to get to by foot.
Anonymous 12/18/24(Wed)23:34:14 No.2795071
Is it really a complex if true? It’s not bragging if you can back it up.
Anonymous 12/19/24(Thu)01:38:03 No.2795091
>Meanwhile in northern Europe:
We know. Everything is fucking better in Europe. You have trains, healthcare, beautiful fucking women, good food. But there's a reason my grandparents left.
Anonymous 12/19/24(Thu)02:07:19 No.2795094
That's pretty and all but the Yukon is the real, unfiltered shit.
Anonymous 12/19/24(Thu)03:18:49 No.2795103
North America is the best continent
Anonymous 12/19/24(Thu)03:56:14 No.2795104
school shootings
Anonymous 12/19/24(Thu)04:17:34 No.2795108
Australia is awesome. If I could live somewhere it would be there.
Anonymous 12/19/24(Thu)16:46:34 No.2795200
Flyblown shithole. Enjoy your vaxxaids and a government even more retarded than the seppo's.
Anonymous 12/19/24(Thu)21:58:42 No.2795254
Yea and thats the one month of year it looks like that and is actually accessible
Anonymous 12/19/24(Thu)22:12:28 No.2795259
I like all biomes except deserts. They are just not pleasant to work or camp in. Shitting in a sand trench while mosquitoes try to suck your balls dry really sucks
Anonymous 12/19/24(Thu)22:49:36 No.2795261
Yes. One needs to know what they are doing up there.
Anonymous 12/26/24(Thu)17:58:25 No.2796598
alska, canada, chile, NZ, they all have places of this beauty. problem is no one lives there and its extremely unaccessible, some of them a bit too cold compared to norway as well. meanwhile, in norway, someone buildt their farm at pic related.
and as a norwegian i find this landscape to be like big tits; nice to look at but cant be used for anything to the point it becomes a hurdle. i find the true beauty in the highlands and mountains behind the fjords.
pic is taken from a farm called skageflå.
>people who lived at these cliffside farms used to leech their kids so they didnt fall off...
Anonymous 12/26/24(Thu)18:11:22 No.2796599
Well people arguing over this live in those places so its pretty easy to see why they aren't talking about places they don't live you subliterate retarded eurotrash cuck.
Anonymous 12/26/24(Thu)18:31:28 No.2796605
>euros so cucked they couldn't even respond
Anonymous 12/26/24(Thu)19:02:30 No.2796614
>americucs would never ever vist such places and cant even dream about living in them
its a short drive from my places.
Anonymous 12/26/24(Thu)19:05:19 No.2796617
You mean it's a short drive for you to more urbanization.
Anonymous 12/27/24(Fri)10:28:39 No.2796725
Where's mine then?!
Anonymous 12/28/24(Sat)06:42:01 No.2796908
Anonymous 12/28/24(Sat)07:11:57 No.2796910
>Euros actually using the holidays to go outside
>meanwhile in burgistan
Anonymous 12/28/24(Sat)07:56:59 No.2796911
Nonbody says the urbanization has more than 10k people
Anonymous 12/28/24(Sat)08:38:05 No.2796921
op's pic is taken at the spot called skageflå, the closest village is geiranger, population 215... closest actual city is 2,5 hour drive and a ferry away.
i dont get how this is bad? it means you can live there and still have access to the benefits of small city life, or you can live in the city and have access to such great views on the weekend. both are wins.
Anonymous 12/28/24(Sat)09:05:18 No.2796926
>deciduous forest fag still lurks this board
It's comforting to know some things will always stay the same.
Anonymous 12/28/24(Sat)09:24:12 No.2796929
have you seen the stats on how many returned? about half, and for some reason that number isnt shown so much. and for us norwegians it was common to get something they called flatsickness, basicly a kind of agoraphobia because they ended up in the totally flat lands of nk, sk and minnesota. and they had to rebuildt their lifes from scratch while being seen as low class immigrants. meanwhile, back home, the poor class bought their old farms for cheap on auctions and made it far better than thoose who left.
im from one of thoose farms, the previous owners left for usa, failed at life and died off. meanwhile my family not only took over their farm we split it into 3 and all are doing pretty fine to the point of being rich.
Anonymous 12/28/24(Sat)09:25:36 No.2796930
fuck nd and sd as in north/south dakota.
Anonymous 12/28/24(Sat)11:12:45 No.2796951
nice try
we all know Yorkshire is God's greatest country
Anonymous 12/30/24(Mon)20:07:01 No.2797477
patagonia is a looot bigger than El Chaltén
you have from chile's lake district to cape horn
Anonymous 12/30/24(Mon)21:26:35 No.2797485
Anonymous 01/09/25(Thu)11:58:11 No.2799121
I was thinking the same, but then I moved to the US for 9 years, and decided to go back in Europe a couple years ago. Holy fuck Europe sucks.
Anonymous 01/09/25(Thu)12:23:22 No.2799126
Give me Euro citizenship (preferably French) and ill pack tonight. Thank my faggy great grandparents for bringing me to this brown, private property, shithole
Anonymous 01/09/25(Thu)12:24:23 No.2799127
Care to Elaborate?
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)01:13:47 No.2799426
>hates capitalist hellscape full of brown people
>wants to move to France
qui va lui dire
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)01:42:13 No.2799432
This sentence is super confusing. Is it saying the US is better or euro?
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)10:56:05 No.2801252
How do you respond without sounding mad?
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)16:18:10 No.2801308
Oh man, you sure showed him with 8% of your country.
Fraser is fucking wicked though, I'll give you that one.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)16:42:34 No.2801310
is such a good retard flag, it never lives in a sentence that’s worth reading
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)02:39:44 No.2801791
as temperatures rise does that mean there are going to be more green places with low population to visit in the coming years?