Lost Everything, Gona Go Die Inawoods
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)17:40:34 | 95 comments | 12 images
Alrighty, I could give a gay sob story. But it doesn't matter. What matters is that I am prepared to go die innawoods. However, I want to see how long I can last there before I become worm food, as a personal challenge and nothing else. It's literally either die innawoods or shoot up a bunch of people and suicide via cop. I chose the former. I need advice in the...

A: Best places to go where park rangers wont mess with me.

B: Best places to get water, trapping, forage, etc

C: Items I should take and get acquainted with and skills I should know

I don't know much about bushcrafting, I went to SERE school back in 2015, so I know how to read maps and use a compass and some basic stuff, but I'm no pro. Again, I don't expect to make it. I'd rather die in nature than be homeless in this liberal gay pavement ape drug infested shithole city I live in, and I don't want to be another antigun statistic if I stay here and inevitably snap further and "clean up the streets".

>inb4 go kill yourself innawoods

That's literally what I am doing, just slowly.
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)17:52:02 No.2793418
You need Jesus.
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)17:53:09 No.2793419
Whatever you do don't get a jacket like in your picture, sparks from a fire will absolutely ruin it and don't even think of using a cuff to grab a hot handle, it's not durable at all,
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)17:55:12 No.2793420
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)18:09:43 No.2793429
You "lost everything" but how much is everything. What do you actually have and do you have any sort of budget or transportation? Important to know.
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)18:12:05 No.2793430
South Florida or Southern Arizona for the next 3 months bucko
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)18:16:09 No.2793432
enjoy fren. good luck.
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)18:21:37 No.2793436
There are homeless programs specifically for veterans. Call 877-4AID-VET and ask about the Homeless Domiciliary program. They have a bunch of other temporary ones (so you can wait to get into the longer program or into a HUD-VASH apartment) where they put you up somewhere for the winter. Some of them are pretty nice and they feed you well. Just use it to hunker down for the winter and explore some opportunities. If you're still intent on going into the wilderness, you'll be better off in the Spring. Good luck.
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)18:23:15 No.2793438
Make sure you tell them you have a substance abuse problem. You are now an alcoholic.
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)18:30:03 No.2793440
>I'd rather die in nature than be homeless in this liberal gay pavement ape drug infested shithole city

are those really the only 2 options? how retarded are you?
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)18:44:19 No.2793443
I agree, can you tell him to come help me please? At least get back on my feet?

Got it

Lost home and family. Budget is 3k in my pocket.

What is there in Southern AZ? I've traveled a lot in AZ and Nevada and it's nothing but desert (unless you're in Northern AZ) I'm hoping to stick to the West Coast, but would be willing to travel if it was the best option.

Thank you buddy

I'll give them a call. Thank you. However, that's only a temporary solution. But it does give me more breathing space to figure things out.

Does that earn you more brownie points with them or something? I don't drink or do drugs.

Yes, those are literally the only two options. I am the biggest retard you'll ever meet. Because I did things that left me with these only two options. The number one thing I did wrong was get married and have children with the wrong woman. I will NOT pay a single cent of child support or alimony, I haven't and never will out of sheer principle. I own a felony amount and cannot work using my social because they will instantly deduct 100% of the check as I found out years ago. I can only do cash jobs, and have been sustaining myself on cash jobs but recently lost my job and can't seem to find anything. Yes, I did appeal with the judge. No the Jewish judge didn't seem to care that I cannot pay the unreasonable amounts. My passport was also suspended because of the Child support/Alimony I owe, so its kinda hard to leave the country, however that would be ideal and still on the plate as an option.

>inb4 just get a job and pay the alimony and CS

I tried that for a few months and it would just leave me homeless eventually. You cannot afford a place to live, food, utilities, car insurance, etc while working a menial labor job, getting taxed, and having to pay those already taxed dollars up to (((big sister)))
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)18:47:36 No.2793445
>Does that earn you more brownie points with them or something? I don't drink or do drugs.

No, it opens up more programs for you that will give you a decent place to stay and eat.
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)18:51:08 No.2793447
Nevermind, you don't have the humility or persistence to do anything survival-related. You're just wasting everyone's time and you deserve whatever is happening to you. Hopefully your kids get raised by a responsible black man who makes more children with your wife.
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)18:54:19 No.2793449
>Hopefully your kids get raised by a responsible black man who makes more children with your wife.

Holy hell the projection out of nowhere. Go jerk off in a corner dude.
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)19:31:56 No.2793459
Post nose
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)19:40:08 No.2793460
He's literally abandoning his children and refusing to support them. He said it himself. That's not how projection works.
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)19:42:27 No.2793463
>I haven't and never will out of sheer principle.
Whats the principle? Why make your kids suffer for your retardation?
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)19:47:22 No.2793465
>if you work yourself to the bone, maybe your wife who divorced you for purposes unknown to anyone, MIGHT spare you, so pay your taxes goy.... errr fellow white

You gave yourself away with the black man fantasy, brostein.

Where the fuck does a black man breeding his ex wife come into all of this? LOL. That is peak projection and the fact you're defending it outs you to shlomo.
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)19:50:47 No.2793466
Again, I don't think you know what projection means. You're just spouting zoomer therapyspeak words. Raise your children or this is what will happen, loser.
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)19:54:55 No.2793467
>doesn't want to live around "liberal gay pavement apes"
>refuses to raise children or financially support them

It's your time to shine, Tyrone.
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)19:55:44 No.2793468
So the first thing that comes to your mind, is black men breeding women when someone says they have problems with their wife? And that's not projection? LOL. Sure thing pal, you're fooling no one. Go jerk off in a corner.
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)19:59:46 No.2793471
That's what is going to happen. He's not "having problems with his wife". He's refusing to raise his children or financially support them. It's either that or they're completely fatherless.
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)20:17:34 No.2793474

Wow I'm gone for a few minutes and already you guys are talking about BBC? The memes are true, is this what we have become as white America? Or are you guys chang/jewish and bored so browsing /out/?

To clear things up, I didn't leave my ex-wife or kids. She divorced me. We had issues on parenting and how to raise the children. She was (and probably still is) exposing them to degeneracy and I didn't allow it so we constantly had big fights. I worked hard for 11 years raising them and taking care of them, including her. They're old enough now (the kids), and I've taught them enough, they know the truths, and I put them on the right path. I stuck around long enough for them to get a solid foundation on morality and the importance of many things. I didn't abandon them, she used the (((Government))) to keep me from their life. I tried to do it the "cuck way", for a while, what you guys recommend... you know... working multiple jobs while being on the verge of homelessness, with no spare time to see the children because I was killing myself trying to pay for my own apartment and bills and an entirely separate household that I cant enter because of a divorce, but at that pace, I'd die of a heart attack or live a useless sad life where I don't even get to raise my kids any further... but HEY... I get to work my ass off to the bone, right? And for what? A family I can't see or interact with? They'll be fine because she took the house, gets money from the Government, and her parents are well off anyways.

I've seen what similar men in my situation end up like, and I will NOT end up like them. So yes, out of sheer principle, meaning I didn't leave my family, I as the main provider was kicked out and still expected to pay from the sidelines like a good little goy... will NOT be paying. And there's nothing (((anyone))) on here can tell me to convince me to kick up money to the family destroying pyramid scam that is alimony and CS
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)20:22:22 No.2793476
Yes it WILL be specifically a black man that will breed his ex wife. That is what is going to happen. You're not projecting. Nope. Perfectly normal thing to say and think about. So, lets say he pays child support, will that prevent his ex-wife from doing what she wants?
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)20:23:36 No.2793478
You must not have a woman you hate with all of your soul
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)20:27:08 No.2793480
You'd be surprised at the amount of men on here who never had, and never will have a girlfriend, so they have no real first hand experience regarding women besides their mother and a few friends (if that). They're usually the white knights who instantly take the women's side in any conflict. They feel that if they were just given the chance by God to get in a relationship, that they couldn't possibly mess it up because their intentions are "pure". Little do they know, and unfortunately, they never will.
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)20:33:11 No.2793481
But surely those guys hate the women that are excluding them from sex right?

I thought all the young men who dont get laid were on my side( I am a bitter old man who has had many bad relationships)
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)20:34:39 No.2793482
Most likely, yea. Raise your children instead.
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)20:35:59 No.2793484
Raise your kids instead of being a bum.
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)20:38:26 No.2793485
>OP makes a post about wanting to die in the wilderness
>Mentions losing family, home, etc in family court and he's tired of it all


nice try shlomo.
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)20:40:29 No.2793486
Dont go kill yourself in the woods. I mean go kill yourself if you want, but not in the woods. You're gonna bring a bunch of synthetic and plastic clothes and gear that won't degrade that you're just gonna leave it all out there and pollute whatever environment you end up in. Incredibly selfish. Just off yourself in your apartment or whatever. Even going in naked would still mean leaving all the microplastics in your body out there
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)20:41:28 No.2793487
First, define "raising" kids. And then, tell me how to achieve it. As others are saying, it really does look like you simply want another retard paying around 75% of his income in taxes.
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)20:42:52 No.2793488
There's more microplastics in the gut of a wild animal than that of a human being. There's also clothing that is pretty much organic and biodegradable.
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)20:50:47 No.2793489
Work one day at a dollar store and for cash the rest of the week?
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)20:53:04 No.2793490
That suggestion is even dumber than OPs choice to go in the woods
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)21:02:56 No.2793491
Nothing but excuses. They really will be better off without you.
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)21:08:04 No.2793492
Good lord you are a massive pussy.
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)21:26:56 No.2793495

You guys haven't given OP any constructive criticism except unrealistic or bs propositions like.

>work cash jobs for the rest of your life
>Oh well, I guess you'll just have to pay the Government unrealistic amounts of cash while barely having any time to see the children and being worked to death teehee

Cash job are 9/10 shit paying at best, and side gigs at worst. In todays economy its unrealistic to live off of cash jobs unless you already own a small business that gets paid in cash. If what OP is saying is the truth, he got a shit deal. I'd do something similar in his position, unlike him I wouldn't even have stuck around until the kids were old enough, I'd have left the country before I was so beaten down by the system and degeneracy that affects our country. For as much shit we give the cavemen in the Middle East, women can't just get up one day and decide to break up the family on a whim.

OP, there are ways of leaving the US that don't require a passport or airplane. Make sure whatever country you leave to doesn't have laws that fuck you over. For example, Finland enforces child support laws from the USA, so you couldn't go there (not that'd you'd want to). I had a buddy of mine go AWOL from the Army and he built a good life in Latin America. Has a Mexican wife, house, kids, and seems to be even more economically stable than I am. Food for thought
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)21:28:47 No.2793496
Go take your whiteknight bullshit to another board

OP I am with you not paying that bitch but you really can figure out a way to be there for the kids. Become a self employed handy man and work only for cash. An old van and some tools and you are in
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)21:36:50 No.2793499
How would OP do that without getting arrested? If he has a felony amount in CS there's probably warrants for his arrest. I went to prison many years ago and there were A LOT of guys there for not paying CS. What's worse is that they get thrown back into the real world with a felony on their record, have insane amounts of pay deducted from their paychecks, when it's hard to start from scratch and hold down a job when you basically leave prison a homeless guy, and then when you don't pay up after a few months (because most can't) you get thrown right back in there.
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)21:45:41 No.2793500
lol this thread is a deadbeat dad group therapy meeting. Bums.
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)21:53:32 No.2793501
Like it's been told to you before Rabbi, you won't get a cent.
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)21:59:26 No.2793502
Enjoy prison. You don't have the balls to follow through on what you're talking about.
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)22:01:33 No.2793503
If only you knew, chomo
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)22:08:11 No.2793506
You're literally giving up your children to another man and bragging about it LMFAOOOO
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)22:15:08 No.2793507
You should print out this thread and send it to your wife before you die so the kids have an answer when they ask their mom why daddy doesn't love them anymore.
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)22:55:25 No.2793515
military surplus gear is the best
a lot of work and thought goes into versatility, warmth, quality, and so on think about what is
and what can be used to help you learn how to take advantage of your surroundings going forward.
id rec, military coveralls, foam roll, poncho, 2x woobies, gloves, socks, med kit, sewing kit, chargeable headlamp, solar and crank battery, solar and crank radio, ALICE pack, balaclava,
waterproof underlayer or ecws or whatever mil longjohns, straw filters that can be cleaned, vaseline(useful for cuts too) cottonballs and a fero rod+striker until you can make fire another way, fresnel lens, kabar 5011,
waterproof boots without laces, mil uniform top and bottom(blends in, tough material...), lentils, peanuts, hard tack, hard candy, paracord, hammock, collapsible fishing rod or just hooks and line, plant manuals, sharpener, machete, steel canteen with mess kit and belt,

dont hurt anyone. thats the dumbest thing you could do if you cant stand this life you will make it
infinitely worse by doing that.
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)23:07:01 No.2793519
You went from projecting about black men breeding ex-wives, and now you're projecting about child molestation. The Jewish mind for all to see
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)23:10:59 No.2793520
im not going to follow the reply chain up to understand the context of your argument
i only wish to take this message into consideration;
whats he supposed to do
the real battle is an information war to oust the jews
peacefully, no one falls for the subordination slave scam anymore.
and our lives get infinitely better.

its a tough deal. I think God's call is to let it get bad then reign in violence on all
the people that have been making life miserable for others.

there is hope in peace. it can work. peace meaning truth at the highest order.
humility of every person to argue in good faith such that the truth is expressed
and sin isnt used to nullify anyone.
controlling the public view is of the highest importance.
the public view is the bell curve, two sides war to get anything done,
one side benefits the public view but requires understanding and discipline,
the other side benefits the antagonist at the peoples expense but is lulled
in with all the trimmings of slavery. short sighted nonsense leading to degradation and enslavement

all the sins, greed, pride, envy, wrath, lust, gluttony, are systems of slavery.
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)23:11:18 No.2793521
When did OP state he didn't love his kids? Or do you think a man must suffer unnecessarily to prove he loves his children? This isn't China, chang. The kids will be fine. Our tax dollars go to supporting dumb sluts who do exactly what OPs wife does. Break up families and run to daddy government for housing and food
Anonymous 12/11/24(Wed)00:10:31 No.2793527
Your children would be better off if you killed her. Going off to die in the woods is leaving your kids in her influence and that's a fucking shitty thing to do.
$3k is more than enough to get the job done whether you buy a gun through private sale, build from an 80% lower or just beat her to death with a claw hammer.
Anonymous 12/11/24(Wed)00:46:23 No.2793533
I'd love nothing more than to do it with my bare hands. I just wonder if they'd be traumatized. I wouldn't do it in front of them, but they'd obviously find out. AND, who knows if their grandparents would take them in, I don't know them too well, and they might just go to the state, and that'd be even worse.
Anonymous 12/11/24(Wed)00:54:17 No.2793535
It sounds like you're a fucking psycho with no connection to the outdoors other than viewing it as an escape from your life of crime. I'd rather you just make things quicker and take care of things in the city while you're still there.
Anonymous 12/11/24(Wed)00:59:39 No.2793537
You sound like an unhinged normie woman, which is probably why you sympathize so much with home wreckers.
Anonymous 12/11/24(Wed)01:40:35 No.2793548
>home wreckers

Pay your child support, bum.
Anonymous 12/11/24(Wed)03:31:09 No.2793563
Is it yous that you're after? You're not getting more shlomo
Anonymous 12/11/24(Wed)03:32:00 No.2793564
Raise your kids, Tyrone.
Anonymous 12/11/24(Wed)04:36:45 No.2793568
Hey OP, mind keeping a digital diary? Mind be fun to read what did you in, for reference.
Anonymous 12/11/24(Wed)05:24:55 No.2793570
This is more or less the end game for me and I'm in a similar position. I'm a retard that burned almost all of his bridges. No child support or felonies, but I'm currently at a friend's place who is kind enough to let me rent for a highly reduced rate in return for doing some minor fixing up. My job is holding on by a thread and I'm probably going to lose it soon. I'm older and am having memory issues and other people are noticing. Best of luck, brother and you are not alone.
Anonymous 12/11/24(Wed)06:39:17 No.2793583
Prepare a cool assassination, hit someone meaningful and important, shake the chain of command a bit. Make these puppets afraid for a few days in their cushy parasitic lifes. By the time you're ready to go with the plan the thrill of living will probably transform you- or not- and you'll fuck off innawoods after capping some big shot kike or politician and live your last days tryna survive while the legend of the /out/back hitman grows

This post is obviously satire and I wouldn't unironically wish for you to slay an important traitor in state level governance or anything like that. Certainly not a CEO either.

>Stop paying CS
>put anywhere between 5-20k together wageslaving as a proto-hobo
>leave the US for some paradisiac shithole in SA, or SEA
Enjoy the rest of your new life.
Idk man learn sailing buy a 3k sailing boat and go live off of fish and sunshine somewhere.
Anonymous 12/11/24(Wed)11:48:39 No.2793628
Ok, I see you fren.
3k bucks
Do you own a truck?
Or a vehicle?
If so you are already off to a great start.
However it is winter now, so unless you are really good at building a shelter I would look down south for now.
3k goes a long way as far as long-term camping fees.
Some places you can camp for free.
I recommend you buy this book(pic related) and some tools after reading it.
Learn how to fish with jigs and a hand line
Get a blowgun that can be broken down into smaller pieces and learn the atlatl(in book recommended)
Good luck on your journey friend.
Anonymous 12/11/24(Wed)11:53:30 No.2793629
Also the author has a YouTube channel where you can watch videos of him doing most of what is in his book(which he wrote after his successful YouTube channel)
Anonymous 12/11/24(Wed)12:37:07 No.2793637
Can you explain why you are so unskilled or unhirable that you cant get a job that allows you not to be homeless? There must be more to the story
Anonymous 12/11/24(Wed)12:37:46 No.2793638
Oppie too lazy to get a job bruv
Anonymous 12/11/24(Wed)14:01:34 No.2793648
>because it's already polluted some we should just add more
And do you really think someone like op is gonna only wear the best of biodegradable material?
Anonymous 12/11/24(Wed)15:16:11 No.2793651
Do you have poor reading comprehension? OP does not want to give all of his money to a woman he hates.

Its fine that you think he should be forced to do that, but please read more carefully before you ask stupid questions
Anonymous 12/11/24(Wed)16:56:21 No.2793665
Nice whiteboi cuck thread guys.
Anonymous 12/11/24(Wed)19:15:56 No.2793675
OP you should bring your kids into the woods with you that way you aren't alone.
Anonymous 12/11/24(Wed)20:43:24 No.2793687
>wife uses the law, police and government to keep op away from seeing his children
how, by hiring someone to kill his wife so he gets custody?
Anonymous 12/11/24(Wed)20:52:10 No.2793689
Retard. He's supposed to pay his child support. It doesn't matter that 100% of his checks will be taken from him, that he'll never actually see his kids to be able to raise them and that he'll end up homeless because he can't pay his bills, he needs to pay his child support. No, paying child support isn't actually raising the kids, but it's what he needs to do. He needs to be a slave to his ex wife that broke up the family, her happiness matters more than his kids happiness and ability to be raised by their father or his happiness. This is literally what makes america a good country
Anonymous 12/11/24(Wed)21:18:30 No.2793693
Debtmaxx before you go. Start signing up for credit cards. Doesn't matter if all they give you is a $1000 limit. Take the grand in cash and prizes. Get 20 of them if you can.

I took them for about $60,000 in 2005 when I left town for a new life. Good luck anon.
Anonymous 12/12/24(Thu)04:08:38 No.2793747
just steal 6 feet of rope from a hardware store.
that all you need to live the rest of your life in the woods.
also, skitzo squealing about noisegoblins when you are called out about your negromaxing is also negromaxing.
Anonymous 12/15/24(Sun)11:51:34 No.2794341
>there was no response to this
OP is embarrassed
Anonymous 12/22/24(Sun)09:27:45 No.2795713
Alright OP, I'll play along.

If you have a felony amount of... whatever it is... (you didnt specificy I believe), what will happen if some cop somewhere ID's you for whatever the case may be (assuming you didnt ofcourse go perma-innawoods). Then what?

Im just a bit confused on your situation and am not that familiar with marital and custodial laws in the US so I apologize if I come off as a retard.

Are you at the very least prepared for winter if you're not gonna be able to stay in an actual home/appartment/whateverthefuck?
Anonymous 12/25/24(Wed)16:25:35 No.2796367
you're right, you honestly probably should just kys you worthless poltard
Anonymous 12/25/24(Wed)16:32:48 No.2796368
Have you considered "borrowing" money from banks, grocery stores, etc.? Or getting into drug running? If you need a fuckton of cash and you've got a big pair of cajones there's more than a few ways to make that happen
Anonymous 01/05/25(Sun)01:25:42 No.2798324
come on over to riggins, idaho. There ain't a lot of work but there is some, I dont pay taxes so all my money is cash under the table and I haven't had any trouble so for, you could disapear out hear.
Anonymous 01/05/25(Sun)04:14:45 No.2798336
>inb4 OP has the best time of his life innawoods and chooses to live so he comes back and starts a new life
Anonymous 01/05/25(Sun)06:31:54 No.2798347
>I find normal life to be a struggle
>so I’ll try living in the woods instead
It’s a lot harder
Anonymous 01/05/25(Sun)09:21:19 No.2798374
This thread didn't need a bump.
Anonymous 01/05/25(Sun)12:54:19 No.2798398
I'll decide that, you can just sit there bitch and moan while I bump any thread I want.
Anonymous 01/05/25(Sun)12:55:54 No.2798399
Anonymous 01/05/25(Sun)13:17:09 No.2798404
You bump a shitpost and I'll bump and shitpost and together we will get rid of any quality discussion ;)
Anonymous 01/05/25(Sun)13:49:32 No.2798410
The most hardcore way to die innawoods is to drive or hitch-hike up to Alaska and go out McCandless style, guaranteed you will die, and they may not even find the body.
Anonymous 01/05/25(Sun)13:50:55 No.2798411
My plan if I had terminal cancer or whatever would be to drive as far north here in Canada as the logging roads go, and just wander off into the taiga.
Anonymous 01/05/25(Sun)19:39:33 No.2798472
If we bump hard enough, we will be enough,,,,
Anonymous 01/05/25(Sun)19:44:24 No.2798473
Exactly if we shitpost hard enough we will surpass the glowies and take back what is ours!
Anonymous 01/06/25(Mon)09:25:26 No.2798551
Rat, squirrel, cat, hare, snake trap easy to make: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXXlTqx_a-E
Works with plastic tubes too, just cover it with leaves and soil if the color of the tube isn't green.

Fish trap: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ms-dpT9c2DA
The bigger the bottle, the bigger the fish. Works for snakes too if you put it in the grass.

Rain water and night humidity collection:

Thermal poncho: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=thermal+poncho
Keeps you warm in the rain and reduces your visibility from drones, satellites or scopes and binoculars with thermal camera.

Small crossbow for hunting or defending from violent beasts (and people): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmX-zsWafWw
If you can't get these materials look for other tutorials for the same crossbow that use different materials, I'm sure you can use plastic too anyway.

What's your budget? infrared cameras can be useful for moving at night and hunting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnMuJhtWxjs
You can probably find them used too, either on ebay or facebook marketplace.
Anonymous 01/06/25(Mon)09:56:39 No.2798559
>infrared cameras
I didn't check the prices before, they look cheaper than expected. Some have a display but most of them just have sd card or wifi streaming to phone and both require a working phone to use (and card reader/adapter for phones).

Will you bring your phone OP? how do you plan to charge it in the woods? there's folding solar chargers and power banks that can be used to keep your devices alive but they can still fail if you drop them or if they get too wet. It would be better to get a night vision trail camera that comes with its own display so you don't have to rely on a phone and it's more easy to use anyway.
Anonymous 01/06/25(Mon)10:20:32 No.2798563
You will need a rucksack with waist support so you don't break your spine. Should be hydrophobic or at least a water resistant rucksack for dry storage, and a big gym bag for tools you use often and stuff that you don't mind getting wet (like axe, traps or folding saw). To be useful a rucksack should be 80 liters or more, because you cannot keep much stuff in anything smaller than this. You can compress the volume of clothes and fabric in general using plastic zip bags, they are cheap as shit and very useful also for keeping delicate things dry like food, cables or devices. You might as well get a backup rucksack in case your main rucksack gets ripped or burnt (that would be the end of your journey for sure). Rucksacks can be folded and stuffed in another rucksack pocket, or just inside at the bottom of it.

One very important thing you need to keep in mind is that in the wilderness there's humidity everywhere, you have to be careful where you put your rucksack and bag, even if you have to stop only for a few minutes. The bottom will get soaked wet and anything inside will stay wet for days unless you take it out and let it dry, which is time consuming and a pain in the ass especially if your rucksack is full of stuff to the brim. Humidity forms mostly on grass and smooth surfaces like stone.
Anonymous 01/06/25(Mon)10:31:18 No.2798567
viking house
Any news OP?
Anonymous 01/06/25(Mon)10:34:26 No.2798568
I'm just a humble (You) farmer, rotatin my crop of shit posts.
Anonymous 01/08/25(Wed)20:22:46 No.2799007
Based Lars Monsen enjoyer. This guy inspired me to embrace the wilderness. Everybody on this board should watch: Across Canada (Lars Monsen travels across Canada, encountering wildlife around every corner)
This guy (and also Magnus Carlsen) makes me proud of being Norwegian. What a legend
Anonymous 01/18/25(Sat)08:22:09 No.2800708
>A: Best places to go where park rangers wont mess with me.
Far from civilisation and marked trails
>B: Best places to get water, trapping, forage, etc
See above
>C: Items I should take and get acquainted with and skills I should know
>I don't know much about bushcrafting
Shouldn't matter since without this knowledge you will die quickly which seems to be your goal anyway
Anonymous 01/18/25(Sat)08:26:42 No.2800710
>desperately bumping the thread still hoping for bait responses
Anonymous 01/18/25(Sat)08:30:44 No.2800714
Who are you quoting?
Thanks for the (You) anyway based retard