Prepping Thread
Anonymous 09/21/24(Sat)03:16:25 | 183 comments | 46 images
wallpaper 19
>large septic tank sunk into ground, furnished into a basic living quarters
>1 years worth of food, canned goods, nutritional drinks, vitamins, etc
>lights are lazerbrite heads (heads can last 200 hours on just 2 button cell batteries on low), with a years worth of batteries
>handpump well for water
>years supply of books
randomly thought of this today, how does this sound as an emergency bunker?
i'm not really taking this seriously, and i doubt i'll ever actually do it, but i'd still find it interesting to hear what you'd think
Anonymous 09/21/24(Sat)03:31:58 No.2777306
>Emergency bunker
>year's supply
What for? if you're in the direct blast zone of a nuclear bomb, a few metres of earth won't protect you, and if you're further out, all you really need is to survive the first few weeks until the worst of the radiation has died down, then put on protective gear and get away.
For all other scenarios, you don't even need to stay in a bunker for more than a few days at a time (in case of hurricanes or regular bombings).
So for the money you'd spend on building your bunker, you'd be better of making several caches of food and gear and getting a cabin somewhere in the middle of nowhere. If the brown goo hits the rotor blades, you're gonna want to bug out as quickly as possible, and if it's a minor scenario, you can still bug in with 2-4 weeks of supplies.
Anonymous 09/21/24(Sat)03:42:00 No.2777307
its not for nuclear bombs, it would be total societal collapse or something like a solarflare
i live in a rural area, so if i wanted to, i could hide a bunker anywhere easily on some cheap land
main issue i see is looters / bandits / gangs, even if they're not some super evil group, i don't wanna be turned into a slave just to spend all day picking up cow shit, while eating a handful of corn every day via the blessings of a fat chieftain
thats assuming a bad winter doesn't make people outright go "i have no food, and you're made of food", and i end up a pile of boiled bones & jerky'd flesh, as the town is fought over by starved militants armed via the local military bases
Anonymous 09/21/24(Sat)04:10:01 No.2777312
Anonymous 09/21/24(Sat)04:16:03 No.2777313
well, anon
are you prepared for a serious event?
you have at least a 2 week supply of food & water, right?
prepping isn't about "muh apocalypse", its about being able to be secure in an emergency
Anonymous 09/21/24(Sat)06:11:36 No.2777324
>if you're in the direct blast zone of a nuclear bomb, a few metres of earth won't protect you
I don't disagree with most of your post but that particular sentence ain't true.

The "direct blast zone of a nuclear bomb" ranges from ground zero where everything that isn't a heavily-buried hardened military bunker is wiped from the map through to the edges of the blast radius where windows might be blown in but otherwise you'll be fine.
A few meters of earth would be more than sufficient to protect your from everything but the very centre of the blast radius, both from the initial shockwave and subsequent fallout (3ft, never mind 3m, of earth provides a protection factor of 100). The biggest problem would be predicting when you need to actually enter the thing.

An actual bunker is probably overkill for most people though. Just putting security film over your windows would be enough to prevent you from being shotgunned with shards of glass if you're caught in the 1-2 psi overpressure radius (potentially a few psi past that depending on the grade of the film and whether it's properly installed. Also provides a benefit in the more likely event that some nigger tries to break in and steal your tv or a bad storm hurls a tree branch at your window.
The next step after that would be installing security shutters of some kind to provide additional protection against debris and hardening exterior doors to prevent them from being blown in (replacing the hinge, lockset and strike plate screws as well as installing an extended strike plate and hinge bolts can be done in an afternoon and greatly improves the strength of your door to boots or shockwaves).
Beyond that you could maybe access the roof trusses and reinforce them with hurricane straps (roof up-lift is a major cause of building collapse in hurricanes, I expect it'd be the same for a shockwave) but you're getting to the point of major structural work where you might as well knock it down and rebuild with ICF.
Anonymous 09/21/24(Sat)06:14:19 No.2777326
Sounds like a good way to die when some debris falls onto the hatch of your shelter. Hope it opens inward and you've got a jack and saw to shift/cut through whatever might land on top of you.
Anonymous 09/21/24(Sat)17:43:55 No.2777483
was actually thinking of keeping a few jacks in it
theres a lot of areas with clearings too, and if i was in a desert, it would be even less of a issue
Anonymous 09/27/24(Fri)13:16:30 No.2778867
Me and two of my neighbors have a plan. We live in an outline town well away from a big city it's still got an airport but it's only got one road through the town so it's easy to blockade all the goofballs and rampaging hordes that would try to come here. It was so many causeways over gorgeous and stuff it would be easy to demolish part of it to keep people out. And the prevailing wind blows away from that City so it wouldn't be subjected to fall out of any kind.
Anonymous 10/06/24(Sun)08:46:52 No.2780766
hello I was invited to this thread from /b/. apparently I should keep a bunch of preprepared meals in my house just in case? is this some kind of scam?
Anonymous 10/06/24(Sun)09:15:38 No.2780769
What if I don't need much and want to prep for hobo-maxxing? Just small solar panel to charge my phone or powerbank, just enough water to drink and to bathe once per week? Can winter be survived without heating, just in warm sleepingbag and woolen clothes?
Anonymous 10/06/24(Sun)10:23:49 No.2780780
Depends where the winter is.
With proper thermals and outer clothing, you can walk around on the north pole and dance even.
Research it properly to buy the right clothing.

Ideally if you were going to hobo-max, get electronics-ing and get yourself multiple Pi0s / Arduinos / similar small SBCs with temperature sensors on your body.
I say multiple for redundancies sake.
I say SBCs instead of smart watches because
1) insanely cheaper
2) you can fix shit if it breaks (and you learn it properly)
ideally you would chain them together and have a setup where if one of them actually fails, the others will alarm you so you know to fix it.
The alarm for a failure should actually be a deadmans switch, not something that turns on.
The right control circuit setup to check your temperature every 5 minutes could have a system that could run off a small lipo battery for ages.
Remember, you need to check for both cold AND heat. Don't want to accidentally end up stupid-hot under all those layers of clothes because it started to heat up while you were sleeping.
You don't need to be tech-poor if you hobomax, so hobomax properly, hobomax in style.
Anonymous 10/07/24(Mon)01:36:46 No.2780935
>septic tank living quarters
Anonymous 10/07/24(Mon)01:55:08 No.2780940
>apparently I should keep a bunch of preprepared meals in my house just in case?
absolutely, you should have some basic easily made meals, a weeks worth of food is the minimum you should have
you don't need much, just designate a closet to have a set of canned food & some bottles of gatorade, it'll be good for about 5 years
btw, with the gatorade thing, its because gatorade is a common bottle that still uses the rubber gasket in the lid, like how every bottle used to, out of that fact, bottles without a gasket are bad after about a year (lets them sell more consistently)
if you don't want gatorade, pick some other brand that has a gasket or just get cans of some other drink like flavored water, since that a common thing now
>is this some kind of scam?
is the current state of Asheville NC after Helene a scam? or how about Buffalo NY's 2022 blizzard?
if you gone without power for a week, and weren't able to go to any stores, how well would you fare?
Anonymous 10/07/24(Mon)01:56:11 No.2780941
>large septic tank sunk into ground, furnished into a basic living quarters

Makes sense, as they're made to be buried but I'd want one at least 1000 gallons in size for two people (single chamber of course, 1000 gallon tank = 102″L (8.5 Ft) x 60″W (5 Ft) x 63″H (5.25 Ft) 42.5 Sq.Ft floor space.)

>1 years worth of food, canned goods, nutritional drinks, vitamins, etc

As you can see from the above, you're going to need to store your supplies elsewhere.
Anonymous 10/07/24(Mon)02:03:41 No.2780943
>just designate a closet to have a set of canned food & some bottles of gatorade

If we're talking about food for 1-2 people, it can be kept in the kitchen cabinets.
Anonymous 10/07/24(Mon)02:21:17 No.2780946
Hand Tools

Don't forget tools.
Anonymous 10/07/24(Mon)04:15:55 No.2780960
>As you can see from the above, you're going to need to store your supplies elsewhere.
i see
a floating septic tank will do, then
Anonymous 10/07/24(Mon)08:10:53 No.2780974
In a societal collapse situation I think it is smart to be far from other people. The herd will thin every day. Vehicles will run out of gas. Vehicles will break down. Roads will become blocked and impassable.
Every day you survive improves your chances of surviving long term as competition for resources dwindles.
Productive land in a lightly populated area with a dependable clean water supply is a good starting point. I think a moderate climate with a good growing season is also beneficial.
I think rougher terrain that allows you to block roads to isolate yourself and your community from hostile outsiders will be good also.
Anonymous 10/07/24(Mon)09:09:43 No.2780979
Where can I buy the orange flavored beverage in MREs?
Anonymous 10/07/24(Mon)09:26:37 No.2780981
Well sure, maybe.

Where you live is a pretty life-defining decision though.
Making that decision based on how you'll fare in some hypothetical future societal collapse rather than where your friends and family live, your career or proximity to your preferred hobbies and leisure activities sounds pretty fucking retarded to me.

There's realistic prepping and then there's this (also this >>2780780) sort of pointless, adolescent wank.
Anonymous 10/07/24(Mon)10:24:57 No.2780987
Just because you are retarded and don't want to put in effort doesn't mean the rest of us will.
It's literally your very life on the line, not a fucking videogame where you can reload.
Anonymous 10/07/24(Mon)12:52:49 No.2780999
Anonymous 10/07/24(Mon)13:00:19 No.2781001
I'd rather live up some holler with some likeminded neighbors. Otherwise it's constant vigilance lest someone or someones creep up to you in the middle of the night. You have to be lucky 100% of the time; it's the same kind of odds as someone on the lam. And don't kid yourself; figure the people fanning out from the cities in search of rural lootboxes would cover about 10 miles per day on foot, it's pretty hard to be remote enough to completely avoid that.
Barring that, mechanical injury or disease/parasites will knock you down long enough that you can't recover without help. Some isolated house in the middle of the woods is simply an easy target (Which it pains to say, as that's where I am.)
But it's all stupid theory craft, rurals will be forced off their land by hook or by crook long before any real collapse happens.
Anonymous 10/07/24(Mon)13:03:58 No.2781003
This is the best guide I've seen on these kinds of scenarios. When people realize the power grid isn't coming back on anytime soon it'll get bad, and you need to have stuff to barter with.
Anonymous 10/07/24(Mon)13:42:31 No.2781006
apparently that turned out to be bullshit, guy never had any of that stuff happen, but the advice is still legitimately good
its a genuinely well thought out piece, hoax or no, as opposed to some gay ass boog boys fantasy bullshit some try to peddle
a collapse of society is a very boring, tiring, demanding, and losing affair, not a freeforall battle of whos the most guccied out
if you haven't had a source of light in a month, with no apparent future of the power coming back, but you got a gold pocket watch or a even a spare gun, you'll be damn willing to trade it for a few candles & matches
Anonymous 10/07/24(Mon)13:54:17 No.2781008
Mt Arvon
>I'd rather live up some holler with some likeminded neighbors.

I would also but there are no jobs out in the sticks.
Anonymous 10/07/24(Mon)15:37:33 No.2781018
you havent done your trans preperation?
havent you learned anything from hecking fallout and nintendos
You can survive a nuclear blast via transrights and if you believe hard enough
Anonymous 10/07/24(Mon)15:50:58 No.2781022
sorry kiddo, this doesn't work when you are already arguing from the position of the terminally online maladaptive day dreamer,
just randomly throwing buzzword phrases you've have thrown at you, doesn't work on people telling you to stop wanking your life away and actually go outside.
go outside.
Anonymous 10/07/24(Mon)16:01:13 No.2781028
People tend to think societal collapse would be like The Walking Dead or Mad Max when in reality it'll be much quieter, colder, and sadder. I didn't look much into the event itself but most of the advice made sense to me. Especially about hygiene being a huge issue. You get shot? Even if it didn't kill you infection probably will. Gash your leg open? Unless you got something to clean and cover it with you're fucked. Drink bad water by mistake? Better have loperamide or you stand no chance. Common diseases that a lot of people don't think about because the doctor can just give them a prescription, strep, pnemonia, bronchitus, typhoid, leprosy, all are either way more of an issue or a straight up death sentence.
Anonymous 10/07/24(Mon)16:34:00 No.2781043
>he fell for the bait
Anonymous 10/07/24(Mon)16:36:48 No.2781044
>i-i-i was just pertendin to be defeective!!11 lul got u!
lol, riiiight.
Anonymous 10/07/24(Mon)17:39:49 No.2781053
There are indigenous people living traditionally to this day. I'm sure they have all sorts of fucked up health issues but they survive
Anonymous 10/07/24(Mon)19:29:48 No.2781073
Anonymous 10/07/24(Mon)22:08:30 No.2781102
>it would be total societal collapse
That's going to last more then 1 year
Anonymous 10/07/24(Mon)22:49:04 No.2781111
sorry to burst your bubble but if your town has an airport its getting nuked no matter how small it is
Anonymous 10/08/24(Tue)02:39:36 No.2781141
>sorry to burst your bubble but if your town has an airport its getting nuked no matter how small it is
Lmao. Pull ya head in, retard.
Russia has an arsenal of 1549 stretegic warheads.
America has over 5000 public airports and about 15000 private ones.
Anonymous 10/08/24(Tue)11:37:44 No.2781183
So you'd wake up to some assholes shitting down your airvents and taking bets on how long until you open the door. Then they rape you.
Anonymous 10/08/24(Tue)11:46:32 No.2781185
Things I wish I had right now after 1.5 weeks without power in Appalachia:
>alkaline battery powered radio
>solar panel
>more battery banks
>grill & charcoal
>more candles
>canned fruits & other sweets
>MREs/canned meals that dont need heat
>more coolers, stocked with ice&ice packs
>more gas cans filled with gas
the following is more to kill the boredom when no cell service or batteries dead, point is to have some non-electric hobbies:
>actually interesting books
>a non-electric musical instrument
>a non-electric camera
>a good telescope/hunting scope
>won't last forever but a bunch of manga/hentai downloaded on phone
Anonymous 10/08/24(Tue)13:54:00 No.2781199
generator propane
>more gas cans filled with gas

Propane is the way to go. It never "rots" like gasoline and thus multiple 20lb (or larger) tanks can be stored away in the shed essentially forever.
Anonymous 10/08/24(Tue)14:17:29 No.2781204
You want to have a lot of spices and condiments. I have been snowed in for multiple months before and some days I chose not to eat anything because of how bland beans and rice are. Spices are the spice of life.
Anonymous 10/08/24(Tue)16:46:53 No.2781231
And at the other end of the spectrum, I've been sailing in Polynesia where the only food on the boat was rice and whatever fish we could catch for days on end.
If you've got a rotating stock of condiments then you can make even plain rice taste fine. Kecap manis was what we reached for the most but you'll also want onions sauce, at least one type of hot sauce (or at the very least something spicy) and something savoury or garlicky.
Anonymous 10/09/24(Wed)05:06:03 No.2781305
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)06:25:15 No.2781508
i wonder how are the florida anons doing with the storm & all
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)17:01:56 No.2781587
Hungover, probably.
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)17:11:49 No.2781588
all the stores are closed, so they have no access to pedialyte, those poor bastards
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)17:18:25 No.2781589
Hair of the gator as they say
>Florida Man marches on
Anonymous 10/12/24(Sat)03:41:28 No.2781932
Let us hope none of us ever have to survive in such situations. It sounds like a bleak and depressing existance
Anonymous 10/12/24(Sat)10:11:56 No.2781978
Wtf is this? Temperature sensors all over your body? You mean like sensors to tell if you are too hot or cold? That's so innovative techbro, to know when I'm too hot or too cold would be a game changer, I'm always getting frostbite and heatstroke since I'm techpoor and consequently I have NO IDEA when I'm overheating or freezing.
Anonymous 10/12/24(Sat)11:03:53 No.2781993
Stop being obtuse and taking things to stupid levels. A single sensor and ambient temp sensor is all you'd need.
People freeze to death all the fucking time out in the wild. It's retards like you that romanticize the "great outdoors" that get people killed through naivety.
Reminder that humanity topped out at 1.5 odd billion people before regular society came in to being.

If you are going to prep, you damn well do it properly as there's no do-overs.
The chances of you being in a situation where you are roofless is extremely slim, but it can and will happen if shit really hit the fan, properly hit the fan.
While a fire and basic ass shelter in the woods could keep you alive most times, especially if you learn proper long-term fire maintenance techniques, sometimes shit gets chilly, and people DO die in those instances. All the damn time.
Anonymous 10/12/24(Sat)14:44:52 No.2782037
FlaK bunker
>The chances of you being in a situation where you are roofless is extremely slim, but it can and will happen if shit really hit the fan, properly hit the fan.

The best course of action is to bunker-down and stay where you are with roof over your head, all your supplies at hand and in an area you're familiar with and where you know the people. Wandering off inna woods is likely to get you shot by the people who live nearby and didn't wander off.
Anonymous 10/12/24(Sat)17:11:32 No.2782063
True, but in some instances that might not be possible and you may need to flee the area, possibly permanently.
If you live in an area that gets hit with particularly harsh temperatures, best to keep an eye on it externally, especially when you're unconscious.
With a proper tent setup and fire, your chances are extremely high of surviving anyway, but equally you are exposed if you were in such a SHTF scenario due to the light. There's ways of hiding fires decently well, as well as dampening the smoke through trees (ideally you want smokeless in the first place but is sometimes not possible)

Anything that can aid in your survival is always a win in my book.
Electric thermometers make one major stressor pretty trivial if you ever have to flee an area suddenly.
If we're talking full on civil war, a city turned to chaos, that's a pretty realistic case of getting the fuck out of there.
People always hype up the whole "na bro I got my friends we got a militia", but you can still get sniped by some cunt hiding in bushes from a distance regardless of your numbers. Numbers just lowers the chance of it being you vs your friends head that explodes.
When lawlessness sets in, people will do anything to survive.
Anonymous 10/12/24(Sat)22:06:21 No.2782230
Sounds pretty cozy!
Anonymous 10/12/24(Sat)23:39:24 No.2782285
Here's a question. Let's say you are prepping while renting. At what money/food/water/hygiene/cleaning supplies point do you go "nah, I'm good, I need to save up for a house." Like, 3 months of supplies? A year? At what point does it become clearly absurd to keep stockpiling in a rental?
Anonymous 10/12/24(Sat)23:43:16 No.2782286
depends on the size of the rental & how much you personally want
Anonymous 10/13/24(Sun)00:21:36 No.2782291
Lets say 1000 sq. ft.
Anonymous 10/13/24(Sun)10:12:16 No.2782338
A year of food shouldn't come close to a payment on a house. I recommend that you start by saving up some bottles, at least one per fridge shelf and two for the freezer because it will help keep things from spoiling in a power outage and it's nearly free. After that I'd get a bunch of dry food like rice, beans, lentils, peas, ect. Then I'd work on expanding your water supply, but not necessarily to keep in your fridge. Then canned meats and vegetables and a shitload of spices and condiments. That should even save you money on your grocery bill. Just eat from your store and replace things before they run out.
Anonymous 10/13/24(Sun)13:33:00 No.2782378
>True, but in some instances that might not be possible and you may need to flee the area, possibly permanently.

Agreed, if it's a natural disaster like a flood or wildfire where you simply cannot stay at home.
Anonymous 10/13/24(Sun)14:55:01 No.2782410
If you're renting, don't bother prepping/stockpiling anything than brass desu. Admittedly the idea of 'prepping' is just weird LARP fantasy, but c'mon; all you're going to be is a lootbox for someone better armed and more aggressive than yourself.
Anonymous 10/13/24(Sun)15:00:35 No.2782414
depending on how long you play to stay, a month or to seems just fine
Anonymous 10/13/24(Sun)20:44:37 No.2782496
Yeah why bother going outside, you just get ticks. I better start voting and using reddit so I can cut my dick off so I can serve bbc and die for Israel.
Anonymous 10/13/24(Sun)20:49:25 No.2782498
You hit all the talking points anon, but still managed to make zero sense.
Anonymous 10/14/24(Mon)12:55:52 No.2782690

Having a mortgage doesn't somehow make you immune from desperate looters.
Anonymous 10/14/24(Mon)19:11:25 No.2782785
Correct. But if you’re renting you’re almost assuredly surrounded by potential desperate looters, versus owning a rural land/house (which mitigates, but not eliminate the risk)
Anonymous 10/14/24(Mon)20:47:50 No.2782802
>is this some kind of scam?
Yes. Totally. If a storm or disaster hits your area and you run out of food you just have to wait for the next care package. The Gov't will be dropping these onto your house every 24 hours.
Anonymous 10/14/24(Mon)20:53:51 No.2782804
You don't even need to be extra special specific survival food. Just keep a supply of cans and pasta and rotate through it.
Anonymous 10/14/24(Mon)22:30:15 No.2782814
>Admittedly the idea of 'prepping' is just weird LARP fantasy
Tell that to the people hit by Helene.
Anonymous 10/15/24(Tue)02:29:07 No.2782863
Bunkers are fucking stupid.
You need to evaluate your goals, do you want to live in some post-apocalyptic hell scape? Do you even have any worthwhile skills to last more than a month? If not, don't even bother.

99% of prepping is bullshit that wastes money. Here's how to counter it: incorporate prepping into your daily lifestyle.
Buy food in bulk, try to go to the grocery store once every month for main supplies, once every week for fresh foods. Take up gardening and animal husbandry. Stockpile drinking water by the gallon jug and consume it linearly (or filter your own)
Get solar, go hybrid grid or full off grid setup, aim for your essentials to be full off grid perpetually if needed.

Like for fucks sake bare minimum is keeping 10 gallons of drinking water on hand like 20 cans of chilli or beans or something, and a folding 50+ watt solar panel + 20,000ma battery bank. Everyone should have this, most should not have any more than this
Anonymous 10/15/24(Tue)02:44:25 No.2782868
>handpump well for water

this is what i wanted for long time, blackouts mean no water, it sucks keeping a bunch of 5 gallon jugs
Anonymous 10/15/24(Tue)03:25:54 No.2782873
Anonymous 10/15/24(Tue)08:15:01 No.2782897
If you keep some gallon jugs in your fridge and freezer then it will help keep your food cold during a power outage so it takes longer to spoil. It's just a couple days of water, but it's practical enough to be worth doing. If you're a gross motherfucker that doesn't shower or bath then you can do this >>2782873
Anonymous 10/15/24(Tue)08:17:18 No.2782898
This. I'll add that if you get solar, install a battery of any size or you won't be able to use your panels during an outage. It's a safety precaution for the power line repairmen.
Anonymous 10/15/24(Tue)10:37:13 No.2782924
Anonymous 10/15/24(Tue)11:11:17 No.2782934
>Food expires, guns don't
What an absolute retard. ISHYGDDT
Anonymous 10/15/24(Tue)21:39:23 No.2783049

Three firearms can be used to acquire many meals.
Anonymous 10/15/24(Tue)22:37:11 No.2783063
That's not true. Look up how many registered hunters there are in your state and look up how many game animals there are in your state. It will work out to less than 10. If your plan is to live off hunting then you will starve.
Anonymous 10/16/24(Wed)00:30:31 No.2783086
My opinion? Just an opinion.
I'd opt against the rifle to make more room for more meds/first aid, sleeping bags(maybe one of those blobs already is... not sure), flashlights, gloves. baby wipes, hand sanitizer. lighters, manual navigation(map and compass), AZO and feminine hygiene products and spare socks and underwear(I can understand why those might be omitted from the photo) or just move lighter and faster without being visibly armed.
I don't like it, but, running around with a rifle, camo ballistic helmet, plate carrier in a disaster is just fed bait. A full capacity combat pistol is enough.

Arm the wife with an identical pistol too and get her the training she needs to use is safely and effectively in a CCW sense. A concealable vest and/or slick plate carrier under a baggy overshirt is a lot more low profile at a distance and a soft vest for the wife is a good idea too(plate suck on the ol' boobs). A bump cap liner in a trucker hat or slick black ballistic helmet that could pass as being used for motorcycling is enough. Spare mags in cargo pockets and a duty belt under a jacket is enough.
Also I notice some waste here, why bring propane to boil water for the Mountain House food? You can add plain water and just wait twice as long for it to rehydrate per the Mountaain House website.
I also notice some car stuff in mobility. Tools and jumper cables. Why is this stuff not already in the trunk?
Also, what's with the combat knife, a folder will do for most tasks. Are you really going to be batonning woood, stabbing people, and prying things open with that?

That's just me, though.
Anonymous 10/16/24(Wed)02:24:30 No.2783098
>a gross motherfucker that doesn't shower or bath

It's a disaster situation and the water is needed for drinking, you can bathe using a sponge.
Anonymous 10/16/24(Wed)03:23:53 No.2783100
rat traps

Rat traps baited with peanuts in a wire mesh pouch made from window screen secured to the trigger plate, with get you squirrels.
Anonymous 10/16/24(Wed)04:18:20 No.2783107
How would you empty the tank? It holds a fjnit amount of waste.
Anonymous 10/16/24(Wed)04:31:32 No.2783108
Anonymous 10/16/24(Wed)05:14:24 No.2783114
>OP builds bunker
>I wait until op goes into bunker and locks himself in
>run a hose from my car's exhaust to the bunker's air intake
>Let it run for several hours until I'm sure OP has succumbed to CO poisoning
>break in and take all the great stuff OP was kind enough to collect for me
Anonymous 10/16/24(Wed)05:23:17 No.2783116
>climb down into bunker
>look around for the body
>theres nothing there
>watch as the hatch closes
Anonymous 10/16/24(Wed)09:48:19 No.2783131
How are you going to fill it in an emergency? The water company won't be pressurizing your water anymore.
Anonymous 10/16/24(Wed)09:52:00 No.2783132
That's infinitely more sensible than planning on hunting for your meals and competing with every other hunter. Snares are much lighter and you can carry more of them so I'd go with those instead. Other traps can be made from sticks and rocks and baited with peanut butter.
Anonymous 10/16/24(Wed)09:54:17 No.2783134
Just build it like the Viet Cong
Anonymous 10/16/24(Wed)13:13:28 No.2783162
>How are you going to fill it in an emergency?

The same way you do everyday, Municipal water towers keep working via gravity until they're eventually empty and no more water is pumped up into them.
Anonymous 10/16/24(Wed)13:15:58 No.2783163

I'll also add that you have 40-55 gallons of water in the heater.
Anonymous 10/16/24(Wed)14:40:31 No.2783186
Water towers don't service every water line and you're assuming a lot about this emergency. As one example, if an earthquake breaks your main then you aren't getting any water. The 50 gallons in your water heater is all you will get and you won't even get that in an apartment because most apartments use large shared water heaters to simplify servicing. I see no benefit whatsoever to that tub bladder. Especially because you could just block the drain and fill the tub.
Anonymous 10/16/24(Wed)22:34:05 No.2783264
Anonymous 10/17/24(Thu)02:14:00 No.2783294
> this and that and the other thing mean you won't have any water
> I see no benefit to the tub bladder


>Especially because you could just block the drain and fill the tub.

Even if it's just been cleaned, a bathtub is dirty as fuck.
Anonymous 10/17/24(Thu)03:02:34 No.2783296
Just pour some bleach into the water. That'll sterilise it enough for you to avoid shitting your guts out and that's all that matters in an emergency.
Anonymous 10/17/24(Thu)07:41:17 No.2783304
Confirmed gross mother fucker with poor hygiene. What are you doing with your life?
Anonymous 10/18/24(Fri)02:25:07 No.2783495

Yeah, that's a much better idea then a simple, safe and sterile water bag...


That's not a pic of my bathtub, dumbass.
Anonymous 10/18/24(Fri)04:28:23 No.2783504
>Especially because you could just block the drain and fill the tub.
>That'll sterilise it enough
Confirmed gross mother fucker with poor hygiene.

bacteria doesn't just "go away", theres always something there, and over time, it grows
sure, in the moment, its fine, its not much, your body will beat it away in a heart beat
if i touch a drain, then touch my lips, eye, or nose, i'm going to be perfectly fine
but if you let water stay in contact with it for a week? you'll be dying the next week after
even the open air is filled with bacteria, its everywhere, its not just something you can ignore in such a situation
oh, and stuff like bleach in the open air will just vapor out, unlike how a bag contains it
Anonymous 10/18/24(Fri)10:01:53 No.2783536
You have a very poor understanding of what makes water safe or unsafe to drink. The human body is far more resilient than you seem to think.

Unless you're literally shitting in your bathtub then you could easily leave the water sitting in it for over a month without it becoming unsafe to drink. If your bathtub is reasonably clean when the water goes in (say, if you've washed it down with bleach first) then there's a fair chance you could leave it sitting indefinitely. Yes, bacteria from the open air will contaminate it relatively quickly but the mere presence of bacteria doesn't make water unsafe.
Anonymous 10/18/24(Fri)11:14:51 No.2783548
I don't think you know what that word means, you gross mother fucker.
Anonymous 10/21/24(Mon)15:38:45 No.2784259
If you like that lifestyle go for it anything that brings you closer to self reliance but don't kid yourself that there's any situation you'll actually need survival bunker. Put a taller sturdier fence and pantry in the basement and you'll have 95% of the functionality 500% comfort for fraction of a cost.
Anonymous 10/22/24(Tue)01:52:54 No.2784363
tacticool gladius
>versus owning a rural land/house

99% of Americans can't afford acreage with house in the back woods or even of they can, there are no jobs out in the boonies.

Though I will agree that a suburban house is better than an apartment but even there, your neighbors will be starving within 2 weeks and will cannibalize you.
Anonymous 10/23/24(Wed)23:16:07 No.2784706
Why is the hole poking to drain air crossed out?
Should I do that or should I not?
It makes sense that I should but why is it crossed out?
Anonymous 10/24/24(Thu)02:18:29 No.2784721
Apartment AND a small hidden house in the woods ist the way to go.
Anonymous 10/24/24(Thu)03:15:50 No.2784722
>Should I do that or should I not?

Do not. Poking a hole only lets air IN causing the food to go stale and/or spoil faster. Plus, some packaging uses nitrogen gas to make the food last even longer.
Anonymous 10/24/24(Thu)04:29:17 No.2784728
I'm not into "prepping" and I recognize image from that /k/ thread.

>How do you fortify this position?

Tunnels, the answer is tunnels.

Flat terrain, soft soil.
Anonymous 10/24/24(Thu)04:41:28 No.2784730

>But how?

Shovels, augers, diggers, power tools.

Can even fit vehicles with enough clearance.
Anonymous 10/25/24(Fri)10:36:40 No.2784906
Google recreational tunneling
Anonymous 10/30/24(Wed)19:02:25 No.2785739
>Apartment AND a small hidden house in the woods ist the way to go.
Is it though? The hidden house in the woods doesn't do much good if you can't get there.
Some disasters might come with enough of a warning for you to bug-out in advance but not all of them, and bugging-out post-disaster won't necessarily be an easy journey.
Anonymous 10/30/24(Wed)23:57:36 No.2785771
you sunk a septic tank but didn't install solar/wind or a ground heat could have gotten rechargeable headlamps and had unlimited solar battery life (at least until the led goes kaput)

>bugging-out post-disaster won't necessarily be an easy journey
e-bike with 3x battery and a Coho trailer...can go 100 miles with 3x batteries, can carry an extra 350lbs, including portable solar array to stop and recharge every ~100 miles
Anonymous 10/31/24(Thu)00:03:12 No.2785772
holy shit it's real
Anonymous 10/31/24(Thu)00:04:00 No.2785773
>two (2) clif bars
Anonymous 10/31/24(Thu)03:10:48 No.2785783
Wasn't this pic debunked as having a pretty terrible selection of food?
Anonymous 10/31/24(Thu)06:06:15 No.2785793
A large number of veteran hunters are retarded and don't really know how to hunt. Many hunters are urban/suburban. Many hunters are elderly. Large numbers of people will die in the cataclysm, including good hunters and the aforementioned. Many survivors will not be able to hunt nor think to do it. Thus, there will be plenty of game for those who know how to hunt.
>t. work at a sporting goods store that is an institution in my city and across the region.
Anonymous 10/31/24(Thu)18:02:00 No.2785871
You do you, bro. If you want to roll the dice like that on your survival then have at it. I'm going to use that space and weight for a walking stick with a dozen or so snares and fly fishing hooks and line and we'll see who eats better.
Anonymous 10/31/24(Thu)19:23:59 No.2785892
>the cataclysm
2 weeks, amirite?
Anonymous 10/31/24(Thu)22:29:53 No.2785910
>Someone goes to build on land.
>See septic clean out.
>SHIIIID imma plumb right into that
Anonymous 11/03/24(Sun)17:20:19 No.2786427
High in sodium with no integrated way to cook it. Yeah, this is not MREs. MREs are NOT just, like, "some shit you could eat for a day packaged together" they ARE Meals: Ready to Eat. You wanna do your own "MREs?" Start with lifeboat rations like Millenium Bars and then add some protein items with no/low sodium like unsalted nuts or trail mix or tuna or chicken foil packets or protein bars(opting for ones with longer shelf life) or at worst peanutbutter crackers there you go. Leass heat tolerant. Less variety. Less pleasant, but you aren't fucking around with campfires, boiling water, excessive dishes, or cook times.
Anonymous 11/03/24(Sun)20:18:31 No.2786445
MREs suck ass and taste like shit. Just learn about nutrition and keep a large store of dried foods.
Anonymous 11/03/24(Sun)20:51:58 No.2786454
this but MREs are intended to be portable so they win if youre looking to fill out a BOB
Anonymous 11/04/24(Mon)01:56:21 No.2786475
Emergency ration bars are far more size and weight efficient. Yeah, MREs have them beat on taste and nutrition but if you're in a situation where you have to bug-out on foot that's a lot less important than not starving to death.
Anonymous 11/04/24(Mon)01:57:22 No.2786476
Anonymous 11/04/24(Mon)08:46:16 No.2786498
Anonymous 11/04/24(Mon)10:10:26 No.2786505
Nah, just keep the dried foods in buckets and rotate them by eating them regularly. They'll stay dry and last at least a year. Some of them don't even need to be cooked. Put some oatmeal and dried fruit in a mason jar with water and a little brown sugar and you've got breakfast for tomorrow.
Anonymous 11/06/24(Wed)14:14:55 No.2786801
>how does this sound as an emergency bunker?
very ok but you are missing one thing: a septic tank for your septic tank, where does your poop go?
Anonymous 11/06/24(Wed)14:34:48 No.2786803
>"nah, I'm good, I need to save up for a house."
nigger what economic hellhole are you in where a years supply of basic food is preventing you from saving up for a house?
in the uk: (source in brackets)
200kgs rice £100 (morrisons)
50 tins of baked beans £11 (literally anywhere)
50 tins of glenrycks pilchards £35 (morrisons)
2 x 180 tablet jars of multivitamins + iron £4 (home bargains)
fuck ton of biscuits/chocolate bars £20 (anywhere)
50 x canned veg inc. peas, approx £30 (anywhere)
total: £200
Some days will be very lean but you could live for a year on that.
Fuel to cook the rice will be your next biggest expenditure but you can probably get away with a large bottle of propane/butane mix.
I live in a rented place and have a stockpile bigger than that, most of the rice is sealed in jars or bags flooded with CO2 to kill pests and prevent bacterial growth, at that point the metal lids on the jars will rust away before it goes bad.
Anonymous 11/08/24(Fri)15:19:41 No.2787080
Those are some insane prices unless britbux are way more valuable than dollars.
Anonymous 11/08/24(Fri)20:24:08 No.2787117
insane in what way? and yes, they are.
Anonymous 11/08/24(Fri)20:59:28 No.2787120
>and yes, they are.
Not nearly enough to justify those insane prices.

>50 cans of baked beans for $14.21
>One can for $0.2842
>One ounce for less than $0.02
That's not a real price for anything. Does Britland subsidize beans?
Anonymous 11/09/24(Sat)07:00:58 No.2787151
norf hobbit
I'm just going to preface this by saying, you are a retarded yank. you didnt answer my question but i gather things are more expensive for you, i don't know why your currency is so shit or your food is so expensive. but i do know that yanks on the whole cannot comprehend that other countries are different/better in some ways.
>That's not a real price for anything.
I'm not going to do your research for you, but to be fair, i did look up beans on morrisons and i can't find their cheapest option online. tins of baked beans cost between 20p to 29p in store, they used to be cheaper. the price fluctuates and varies. i used 22p as a base because that is what i last paid, they were 27p yesterday.
other supermarkets are similar. e.g. tesco, asda, aldi.
Beans are more pricey in smaller chain supermarkets but other things are cheaper to balance it out, like heron foods, and the GOAT: home bargains.
50p is average for cheapest rice.
Anyway I just enjoyed a delicious breakfast of 27p baked beans and mushroom and cheese omellete, with home made bread, total cost: less than £1.50
stick that in your pipe and smoke it, you daft yank.
Anonymous 11/09/24(Sat)07:45:18 No.2787154
I see, you made it up. At least you can admit that.
Anonymous 11/09/24(Sat)08:54:37 No.2787158
ugh why do I buy so much nylon gear and crap it all just piles up and no I'm not making this up ugghhhhh
Anonymous 11/09/24(Sat)14:12:24 No.2787172
the narcissism of yanks will never cease to disgust me.
Anonymous 11/09/24(Sat)14:24:53 No.2787174
>if i touch a drain, then touch my lips, eye, or nose, i'm going to be perfectly fine
>but if you let water stay in contact with it for a week? you'll be dying the next week after
You and your biome will never make it with that attitude.
Anonymous 11/09/24(Sat)20:50:56 No.2787218
Its not that food is expensive, its that temperature-controlled storage space IS.
Anonymous 11/09/24(Sat)23:08:31 No.2787233
Anonymous 11/10/24(Sun)06:27:27 No.2787260
pathetic pigeon
it's quite evident that you don't think about us at all because you have no idea how much more expensive your own food is and how your own currency compares to ours, and also, that Britiain (the place that uses £) is not part of the EU any more.
>food is so expensive you can't afford a house
>you need a licence that costs hundreds to walk on the best trails.
I rent a house, have preps, and have had no job for the past 3 months, but have been out hiking/mountaineering/exploring anywhere i wanted, for free, and stockpiled more food.
Anonymous 11/10/24(Sun)06:58:29 No.2787263
escape clown world
nothing in my list requires that, it is all dry or canned.
I'm done here.
Gonna leave some actually good prepping info, rather than just an argument with a narcissist.
>Buy only dry or canned food
most food lasts way beyond it's "best before" date, expiry dates specify true end of life. seal everything in air tight containers or at least jars with a lid.
skills and knowledge are the best preps, learn bushcraft, knots, how to start fire, how to identify clean water, edible plants in your area, how to trap and hunt, how to build shelter and stay warm and dry. THEN PRACTICE THEM. You don't want to make your first paiute dead fall trap in a survival situation and find you can't do it/it doesn't work/there's nothing to trap in your area.
>bunkers need an air inlet
and air outlet and filter on both or atleast a check valve on the outlet.
and water filter and waste disposal and spare parts for all those things and tools to fix all those things.
>things you won't think to stockpile
-boots (they wear out/get waterlogged/get torn/fall apart at random)
-sharpening gear for your knives/axes that you have also not forgotten to stockpile.
>things a lot of preppers surprisingly don't have
-blankets/warm stuff including socks
-small denomination old silver coins for trade
-lighters/matches which will be worth 10x their weight in silver.
-candles (including different sources of light and headlamps)
-buckets/water containers
Anonymous 11/10/24(Sun)07:02:21 No.2787265
also here's photos from an ROc post construction. many of these are still good today.
they would pour a concrete pad, then used two layers of bitumen tanking on all sides. with brick wall between.
Anonymous 11/10/24(Sun)07:03:28 No.2787266
Anonymous 11/10/24(Sun)07:07:25 No.2787268
Anonymous 11/10/24(Sun)07:08:31 No.2787269
Anonymous 11/10/24(Sun)07:21:02 No.2787271
hogs12 bricks protecting outer bitumen cladding
Anonymous 11/15/24(Fri)17:34:56 No.2788111
lets say some country is close to go from bad to chaos pretty soon if it doesn't start to rain soon, what would you recommend to a fag with 0 preparation or experience?
Anonymous 11/15/24(Fri)22:33:06 No.2788161
>22p for a thing of beans
just say 1 shilling 8p its so much more simpler
Anonymous 11/15/24(Fri)22:36:00 No.2788162
theres nothing more embarassing than overcompensating limey
Anonymous 11/16/24(Sat)04:10:46 No.2788183
hand drilled wells are a good option
for as much as water levels may be low, its more so that many areas may not have a high capacity for civil levels of use, but individual use is possible
same with the fact that many places have separated aquifers, making a singular well viable
the main deal, is of course how terrible your situation could turn, for the time being, it would be a very good idea to stock up on a minimum of 2 months of food & water, if the times ahead are looking genuinely dangerous
also try to note any areas that could be a source of water, and have quality filters in hand for them
Anonymous 11/19/24(Tue)01:15:04 No.2788819
It really doesn't take much solar power to run a deep chest freezer. A valuable prep now. Winter heating is still a big issue. Need a much larger solar system to run a mini split. So I think wood or coal would be needed here. Or a good supply of kerosene.
Anonymous 11/19/24(Tue)10:59:39 No.2788894
This is a clever idea. You shouldn't need a battery for it because you get the most power when the freezer has to work hardest to keep everything cold and the stuff in the freezer will keep itself cold like a giant ice pack even if you don't get enough light to run it for a day or two.
Anonymous 11/26/24(Tue)16:55:44 No.2790721
If I have to bunker underground to survive, I would rather die. I'll prep for supply chain interruption, civil unrest, war, and Captain Trips, but if there is a nuclear blast I"ll just rather drop dead quick, or hang myself if I end up downwind. Everybody dies.
Anonymous 11/26/24(Tue)17:05:31 No.2790722
I think in many scenarios, if you can't get out ahead of the crowd rushing to get out, it's better to bunker down, even in an apartment, and wait for the crowd to thin -- but I guess there are scenario where that won't be possible -- like building catches on fire. I think it's a good idea to practice walking out of the city even if you got a car -- you never know what will happen to to that car so practice walking from your home, your place of work, figure out different routes. Given the tendency for main throughfare to be clogged, practice driving through the suburbs without googlemaps, most especially places where you could drive on the lawn if the roads are blocked. Practice climbing

I also thought about guerilla gardening food crops alongside highways and other routes out of the city. I already save and scatter apple seeds.
Anonymous 11/26/24(Tue)17:17:26 No.2790723
>just designate a closet to have a set of canned food & some bottles of gatorade, it'll be good for about 5 years
I keep food in several different places -- cause hey, in case of earthquake or fire...the stuff with long expiration date at the back of the closet, rotate out to my kitchen cupboards for when I use it -- canned tomatoes, canned pumpkin, rice and lentils. I keep in a backpack near the door canned sardines and spam, with paper maps, cash, first aid kit, socks, spare shirt. I don't have stuff that will last me years, but if the weather is bad or I break a leg, or there is Supply Chain Interruption again, I'm good for a few weeks. I saved the jugs from Apple Cider and use them to rotate out water for my plants.

Regularly go up stairs or on uneven path while carrying heavy groceries.
Anonymous 11/26/24(Tue)21:40:00 No.2790747
MRE are 'Meal Ready To Eat' -- you are not suppose to need anything else to prepare it, like it could include a heating component, which you don't need if you already have a stove -- or is willing to eat it cold. When it comes to what to pack, consider your surrounding: if you are near a woods with edible greens than you want meat, because you can pick garlic mustard for the fiber and the vitamin c. If you are in a dry climate like Arizona than you need wetter ration or more water.
Anonymous 11/30/24(Sat)14:01:10 No.2791477
The survival skill I need to master the most that I have a huge problem with is SOCIAL skill, like we all like to imagine we'll he the lone survivor in a zombie apocalypse but chances are the collapse will be slow, like covid lockdown again but worse, we'll be crowded in with a lot of stressed out people. Global population is 8 billion, there really is no place without people where people won't eventually go. Unless we get Captain Trips.
Anonymous 12/04/24(Wed)14:54:07 No.2792273
Here is link to swedish preparedness brochure.

What do you think?
Anonymous 12/11/24(Wed)20:07:47 No.2793684
Anonymous 12/13/24(Fri)18:48:25 No.2794066
It's extremely basic, but serves its purpose: raise the level of preparedness of the average droning, dribbling retard.
Anonymous 12/14/24(Sat)14:17:48 No.2794183
sounds gay and pussy
if the apocalypse happens then you should live off the land like a man instead of being a gay ass prepper homo
Anonymous 12/14/24(Sat)22:54:44 No.2794264
Not fully prep but -

I live in a city in a town home. We had the power go out, no big deal, it was only out for a few hours. It's never really a huge inconvenience but now I have a kid so I want to be a bit more prepared.

What essentials would should someone who lives in a city need? It doesn't get cold, -5c MAYBE on the coldest day -10c. We live in a town home and don't have huge amount of storage.

What I have currently have:

> camping stove
> water (I sterilized some glass jars and poured boiled water into them and labeled with date, that should be sufficient?)
> candles
> a wind up flashlight/radio combo
> sleeping bags for extra warmth if needed
> puzzles and other board games

Buying soon:

> dehydrated food (don't have yet)
> flashlights (the ones that plug into an outlet)
Anonymous 12/14/24(Sat)23:15:51 No.2794268
might not sound like much, but if you have kids, having something to snack on, but not subsist off of, passes the time pretty nicely
theres a lot of type of candies & crackers that last a while in storage, so its your pick of whatevers preferred
Anonymous 12/15/24(Sun)10:54:06 No.2794327
Get bulk dried foods like rice and beans to rotate through
Anonymous 12/15/24(Sun)15:07:29 No.2794382
City essentials in amounts that are enough to last 1 to 2 weeks:
>food and water (cheap canned food and bottled water is fine)
>flashlight, radio and enough batteries for those
>meds if you need some
>hygiene essentials like tampons or diapers and wipes.
>first aid kit
>fire extinguisher
>lots of trash bags / plastic bags in different sizes
>map of your city / area
>container for water transport

Kid friendly indoor camping prep ideas:
>cute led string lights and night lights + batteries
>a very own flashlight for the kid + batteries
>corn to pop, breadsticks and chocolate for candle fondue, applesauce and vanilla sauce = fun food
>cuddly hot water bottle
>pull powered music box plushy
>plastic tub
In case of a power outage, storm or lockdown that lasts a few days you want your kid to stay happy. Get silly, build a luminated pillowfort and have some fun.
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)08:49:38 No.2794701
>indigenous people living traditionally
there are zero contacted indigenous people without access to healthcare. If you mean uncontacted, sure the people survive but individuals don't.
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)17:11:07 No.2794819
Put em on clutch
Anonymous 12/20/24(Fri)15:14:33 No.2795405
just added various canned foods, dry soups, hard tack biscuits, pasta and rice, a big bag of tea-lights, half a dozen LED mini flashlights and batteries to my already existing cellar pantry(which is also a fallout blast bunker cuz i Iive in a cold war era apt. block). as I paid at the grocery store with my phone as usual it also struck me that having physical cash at hand might be useful so I've a roll of bills tucked away too.

I live right in that zone where the city suburbs end and innawoods start, basically wilderness is a 20 minute hike away. I'm a bit unsure about prepping priorities here as many water and food sources are available very close by
Anonymous 12/21/24(Sat)07:43:55 No.2795529
What's in your go-bag?
Anonymous 12/21/24(Sat)17:38:13 No.2795594
Smartwater bottle with katdyn filter, stainless steel water bottle, iodine water purifier tablets, generic liquid IV packets, full size can opener, plastic disposeable spoon and fork, 3 life boat rations, tournequet, pressure bandage, meds, baby wipes, hygiene kit, 2 small bottles of hand sanitizer, multiple pair socks, multiple pair underwear, map and compass, matches, lighters, notebook, pencil and sharpener, ink pen, multitool, electrical plug splitter(very compact), N95 mask, cough mask, headlamp, penlight, pistol cleaning kit, and pistol with loaded magazines.
Heavy coat attached to outside via carabiner.
Anonymous 12/21/24(Sat)17:50:01 No.2795597
Don't worry about it.
Anonymous 12/21/24(Sat)20:19:47 No.2795615
>generic liquid IV packets
Generic what now?
Anonymous 12/21/24(Sat)23:00:54 No.2795640
anon thinks a saline IV is filled with minecraft water
Anonymous 12/21/24(Sat)23:47:26 No.2795645
Oral rehydration solution.
Anonymous 12/22/24(Sun)03:46:26 No.2795677
If you're that anon, why would you call oral rehydration solution 'liquid IV packets'?
They're not for IV use (they're oral, it's in the name) and they're not liquid (or rather, I don't know why you'd carry liquid ORS rather than powder).

>Literal bags of IV saline
And if you're that anon, IV saline is a fucking terrible use of your pack weight.
Anonymous 12/22/24(Sun)06:14:55 No.2795680
for me, it's lactated ringer ^tm
Anonymous 12/22/24(Sun)20:38:23 No.2795801
>48 cans of Ajax cleanser
>2 cases of toilet paper
Is this a joke?
Anonymous 12/22/24(Sun)21:56:04 No.2795816
Proper bug out vehicle is a truck with a motorcycle in the back bed. The motorcycle pulls a trailer that contains a mountain bike that is pulling its own small trailer. Total redundancy.
Anonymous 12/25/24(Wed)14:24:19 No.2796361
What's a go-bag?
Anonymous 12/26/24(Thu)00:20:01 No.2796435
not much, how bout you?
Anonymous 12/26/24(Thu)02:09:25 No.2796450
The lack of more meds tell us why the disproportion between the rest of gear.
Anonymous 12/26/24(Thu)21:58:14 No.2796646
I love that album

Captcha: OAKSH
Anonymous 01/06/25(Mon)10:43:54 No.2798572
Anonymous 01/08/25(Wed)18:03:04 No.2798995
out of curiousity, did you write this with speech to text?
Anonymous 01/08/25(Wed)18:42:30 No.2798999
there is no ethanol in the gas where i live and i frequently use 1-3 year old gas that was left outside in a shaded area inside those plastic five gallon jugs. no issues at all and i don't even use stabilizers. bonus points is it won't fuck your shit up so bad if you leave it in engines while not in use.
i believe there are websites that tell you where you can get ethanol free gas and i highly recommend it for small or infrequently used engines.
Anonymous 01/08/25(Wed)19:04:52 No.2799001
>I want to survive the total collapse of society by hiding in a bunker
Why the hell would you want to do that?
If I HAD to survive I’d be flying to Iceland or some shit.
Anonymous 01/09/25(Thu)22:25:16 No.2799228
iceland is an icy shithole (yes, i know greenland is icy-er), i wouldn't want to be there without an apocalypse, let alone with one
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)06:05:58 No.2799788
My government sent me a booklet in the mail about shit i had to prep. Currently still missing flashlights and a non electrical heating source. I figure ill buy a bunch of led flashlights and extra batteries and a decent gas heater+extra fuel
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)09:49:16 No.2799809
Get a sleeping bag and a tent. It's a lot easier to run out of gas than it is to run out of tent.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)04:28:08 No.2801649
>non electrical heating source
I like hot water bottles, something to heat water and a good sleeping bag.