Hitler had a weird life
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)23:51:04 | 55 comments | 6 images | đź”’ Locked
>born as an Austro-Hungarian in the Austro-Hungarian Empire
>never a German citizen but somehow is able to serve as a solider for a foreign army (German army)
>after the war continues to live in Germany as a non-citizen immigrant. Spends his time homeless making and selling art on the street
>doesn’t get accepted into art school
>still a non-citizen gets hired by the German government to infiltrate suspected communist parties
>becomes an active contributor to the party he was assigned to investigate and becomes it’s new leader
>as party leader he attempts a coup to overthrow the German government that hired him
>goes to prison for treason but is given a light sentence
>comes back to lead his party
>officially becomes a German citizen less than a year before becoming it’s chancellor
>1 year later Hitler murders a bunch of German party officials in the night of long knives and Germans didn’t care
>few months after that he becomes Germany’s Furher. The highest office one can hold
>as Furher, he has Germany annex his home country Austria and Austrians dont care
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)23:54:36 No.17446668
If Hitler bad why was he so hecking cute and comfy?
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)23:56:23 No.17446670
Contracting an sti usually feels good too.
Spreading a retarded political model wouldnt work well without making the populace have fun and feel nice.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)01:21:00 No.17446722
It's was a weird time
>The Aryan military aristocracies that have ruled Europe since the bronze age start getting replaced by malevolent Semitic bankers
>These bankers also fund working class rebellions against the indigenous middle classes
>Everything goes to hell and it looks like Western Civilization is over
>In the entire world only one itinerant street painter manages to organize serious resistance, establish a sovereign socialist racial state and make the last stand of Western Civilization

Hitler on democracy and capitalism:
Goebbels on Jews:
Hitler on Palestine:
Hitler on why they hate Germany:
Hitler on art and culture:
Hitler on race:
Hitler on the meaning of Europe:
Hitler's war for all mankind:
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)02:05:34 No.17446747
Your timeline is messed up. Art school was pre WWI
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)02:14:33 No.17446763
>The Aryan military aristocracies that have ruled Europe since the bronze age
Meanwhile: the aristocratic warrior elite in question
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)02:36:44 No.17446791
There is a lesson here. Humans are social animals, and the strongest social bonds are those of kinship; shared blood and culture forms the basis of all social cooperation and collective action. We have experienced the replacement of one highly organized and cohesive inbred elite with another that is far more alien and malevolent.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)02:38:19 No.17446793
you do know it wasn't exactly uncommon for a huge portion or aristocrats, especially kings, to be forgeiners
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)02:46:48 No.17446798
>There is a lesson here. Humans are social animals
Disgusting Jewish darwinian liberal propaganda. KYS atheist kicked shill
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)02:59:17 No.17446805
>If Hitler bad why was he so hecking cute and comfy?
This but unironically.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)04:46:57 No.17446920
Carlos II was a good ruler. Knew about his shortcomings and let competent people do their things to better the life of his subjects
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)07:15:53 No.17447094
pretty sure the NSDAP were against sexual promiscuity and STIs
>inb4 dirlewagner
he was a bit of a special case
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)08:38:39 No.17447180
Shut up!
You will not disrespect the rightful /his/ monarch.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)14:22:03 No.17447932
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)14:47:18 No.17448001
>born as an Austro-Hungarian
stopped reading there
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)15:46:20 No.17448095
We say that Jews defeated the European race, but the European race wasn't really even in the fight until National Socialism. What the Jews really defeated was an inbred transnational coalition of elite families which traced their roots to the Germanic chiefs that conquered Europe during the decay of the Roman Empire. This elite proved unfit to meet the modern challenges of competition with Jewish finance power and were destroyed and replaced by Jews. Nazis recognized this and actually had plans to breed a new elite trained in managing the challenges of modern racial struggle.


Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)16:09:16 No.17448125
hitler committed citizenship fraud to get a german passport
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)16:15:35 No.17448131
I know you are a German libtard because only German autism could pick out a tendentious bureaucratic impropriety as Hitler's greatest flaw
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)16:19:13 No.17448138
That clerking job which gave him german citizenship? he never worked a day as a clerk in that job.
Would a real german skimp out on work? Would a real german lie denounce his citizenship to stay in a foreign country so they couldn't deport him?
He said he would work as a clerk and that's why they gave him that citizenship, he signed up. He didn't do any work, didn't even clock in. A foreigner who ruined someone else's country.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)16:25:06 No.17448144
>A foreigner who ruined someone else's country.
Wasn't Germany basically an open-air Jewish rape camp until Hitler organized you into resistance? At least Hitler gave you a unbelievably heroic heritage of resistance against Jewish finance capital where every other major European state surrendered to total Jewish enslavement and extermination without firing a single shot
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)16:31:14 No.17448154
Yes but he renounced his Austrian Citizenship to avoid deportation after prison making him an illegal immigrant who was also stateless.
Misusing Germany's laws and leniency.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)16:31:39 No.17448155
>were against sexual promiscuity
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)16:43:50 No.17448176
Nobody at the time cared that Hitler was born 500m from the Bavarian border because they knew the separation between Germany and Austria is fake and arbitrary, just a way to keep Germans weak and divided
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)16:44:55 No.17448179
>still a non-citizen gets hired by the German government to infiltrate suspected communist parties
>A communist (Jew) uprising in 1919
Hitler died a hero by shot himself
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)16:45:19 No.17448183
They actually cared quite a bit.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)16:50:28 No.17448189
Clearly they didn't since they elected Hitler chancellor and rejoiced when Germany was unified with Austria
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)16:52:14 No.17448192
they wanted to take away his passport after ww2
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)16:55:07 No.17448197
Germany hasn't been a country since 1945. Its consitution has literally been written by American jews.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)16:55:46 No.17448200
Who is they? The zionist occupation regime carrying out the genocide of the Germans?
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)16:56:42 No.17448202
>they elected
They didn't. He literally couldn't run for a political office before he gained German citizenship.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)17:22:40 No.17448248
I mean relatively speaking
Not everyone was as prudish as Hitler, but most people came to realize that the Weimar degeneracy was a cancer for German society. And then one day, for no reason at all
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)17:31:54 No.17448271
No one cared about this when they voted for Hitler (technically for NSDAP).
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)17:38:20 No.17448288
>n-no one cared about literal troons and child prostitutes in downtown Berlin you CHUD
yeah sure buddy.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)17:42:10 No.17448293
Yeah, but most monarchyfags ignore that or say 'at least he is white or at least he isn't a Jewish democracy shill!'
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)18:01:15 No.17448324
>A pan-European elite with its roots in the Germanic post-Roman nobility is the same as being ruled by Jews
Our civilization ended and we entered a catastrophic dark age as soon as they lost power, so they couldn't have been all that bad
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)18:50:56 No.17448446
God, what an ugly monstrosity. Glad Hitler took care of business.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)18:53:05 No.17448452
>pan european
on the bright side you make your first few words so retarded you save everybody the time of reading the rest of your post
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)18:54:58 No.17448460
yes nobody did since it was at best confined to a few cities, in fact the Nazis didn't even run on muh degeneracy as a platform and certainly weren't above deviant sexual practices, such as how they really encouraged open marriages to spread le superior genes
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)19:28:23 No.17448519
mmmmmmmmmmmmmm seems based to me
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)19:29:14 No.17448521
Wow, how many tranny clinics were opened while Hitler was in power? At least 100 right?
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)19:30:16 No.17448525
>the Germans abolished monogamy
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)19:31:27 No.17448530
No they didn’t and Hitler wasn’t even Austrian, the town he was from was taken from Bavaria by Austria in a recent conflict. He was ethnically Bavarian.
They literally elected him.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)21:37:32 No.17448831
quite the opposite
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)21:50:49 No.17448850
>every other major European state surrendered to total Jewish enslavement and extermination without firing a single shot
Thats complete bullshit. Mouth breathing retard.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)21:53:25 No.17448860
Yes saar, thank you good morning! Hitler did not redeem.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)21:59:33 No.17448872
>the town he was from was taken from Bavaria by Austria in a recent conflict. He was ethnically Bavarian.
Lie. Lie detected. Holy shit you are an absolute fucking faggot retard.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)22:40:54 No.17448942
Look genocide is fine but lets just go about it through legal means.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)08:13:42 No.17449501
Hitler did not obtain citizenship through regular channels.
He used dishonest tactics and holes in the law that have since been closed for many. These days people who renounce their citizenship to avoid deportation are not given a european passport. They are considered stateless and have a stateless passport.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)08:53:04 No.17449566
> Within 40 years, Braunau changed hands three times: In 1779, it became an Austrian town under the terms of the Treaty of Teschen, which settled the War of the Bavarian Succession. During War of the Third Coalition, the Nuremberg bookseller Johann Philipp Palm was arrested at the Braunau fortress by French troops and executed for high treason by personal order of Napoleon in 1806. Under the terms of the 1809 Treaty of Schönbrunn, Braunau became Bavarian again in 1809. In 1816, during reorganisation of Europe after the Napoleonic Wars at the Congress of Vienna, the Kingdom of Bavaria ceded the town to the Austrian Empire and was compensated by the gain of Aschaffenburg. Braunau has been Austrian ever since.
>the Jew accuses you of lie as he himself lies to your face
> While the abbey of Ranshofen was already mentioned in the course of the deposition of Tassilo III, Duke of Bavaria, in 788, Braunau itself first appeared as Prounaw in an 1120 deed. The Innviertel region then was part of the Duchy of Bavaria.

So what’s the lie again? That Hitler’s town was Bavarian? Well it was founded by Bavarians in Bavaria as a Bavarian town.
It became apart of Austria within a hundred years of Hitler’s life.
What’s the lie?
You said there was a lie? Don’t be bashful now, come on prove me a liar. Where’s the lie Chaim?
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)08:55:19 No.17449570
well I guess technically Hitler’s ally Italy did resist ZOG rather indirectly.
Hitler was Bavarian.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)12:38:43 No.17450052
Austrians and germans are not a separate people. Nobody would have considered hitler a foreigner in germany.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:57:08 No.17450476
they are separate people otherwise they wouldn't have different passports
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)15:03:55 No.17450504
He says recently
>it was 1779
>he starts talking about 1100 AD
Kill yourself you bumbling retarded faggot. You are the village idiot.
>y-you’re jewish!
Kek you fat fucking retard. I love Hitler and hate kikes actually. I just also know that you’re a stupid american FAGGOT who needs to be put in his place. Hitler was ethnically Austrian. Also the division between Austrian and Bavaria is like arguing over the border of Alabama and Georgia. I hope you get hit by a car.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)15:05:37 No.17450512
And like 15 other countries did too, you faggot fucking retard.
>rather indirectly
Lmao Italy directly fought against all the jewish powers on all fronts for YEARS, you absolute mongoloid shitbrain.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)16:22:11 No.17450747
>Braunau became Bavarian again (again!) in 1809
>it became Austrian in 1816
Yeah, that’s recent you fucking moron.
Hitler was born in 1889 just 73 years after Austria was given Braunau, his grandparents were literally Bavarians citizens, not to mention their ethnicity didn’t magically change with political redesignations. These are south Germans (both Bavarians and Austrians) and they all cluster together and, pro tip, Hitler clusters with them.
>I love Hitler and hate Jews
I don’t hate anyone you dumb nigger. Stop hating people.

>ethnically Austrian
Bavarian actually. He was ethnically Bavarian as his ancestral roots are in a Bavarian town that was literally Bavarian ethnically. Please show us the census where Austrians moved into Braunau.
They weren’t really against ZOG as much as they were against the tendrils of ZOG.
Germany basically stood alone calling out ZOG.
The Romanians, Italians, Bulgarians, even Hungarians were too easy on the jews, generally their conflict with the jews wasn’t because jews were agents of ZOG but rather just because jews were foreigners.

You come across as vaguely angry. Really giving me “I’m an enemy pretending to be a friend” vibes.
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)01:13:52 No.17451784
Some interesting financing of his early career too. he was larping