Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)20:41:24 | 177 comments | 14 images
Was Snorri Sturluson a cryptopagan or a christian trying to make norse gods into superheroes for nordic christians?
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)20:43:45 No.17444171
Christians have a history of just rewriting and working White traditions into Christianity to make it more palatable for Whites.
Christmas? Yule.
Easter? Pagan fertility holiday.
Etc etc.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)20:45:14 No.17444174
That's true, but then christians accuse these things of being pagan practices infiltrated into the religion. So what was Snorri doing?
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)20:46:38 No.17444179
Isn't that basically what they did with the Irish mythology
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)20:57:13 No.17444203
Not in the way they would have liked, Saint Patrick stayed a priest with some vague powers and the ancient heroes still pagans
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)21:06:11 No.17444223
He was a certainly a Christian but don't let LARPagans hear you say so.
His country had been Christian for hundreds of years by the time of his writings. Even if he wasn't (he clearly was), it's obvious that his morality had shifted to Christian morality along with the culture as a whole.
He complains about the same things Christians complain about, homos, hoes, treachery, etc.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)21:08:45 No.17444233
Christians consider treachery a holy act though.
Anonymous 01/19/25(Sun)21:09:04 No.17444235
I think there were 4 Snorri that wrote the Edda, some were more pagan and other more christians.
For examples there were passages that made it look like Loki was supposed to be a Jesus like good guy killed and in another thing Thor was a trojan war hero that was unrelated to Odin.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)03:42:00 No.17444789
>Thor was a trojan war hero
Oh shit it's real
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)05:47:41 No.17444904
I knew of Thor as Trojan but which parts make Loki a Jesus figure?
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)08:03:08 No.17445057
>Christians complain about, homos, hoes, treachery, etc.
That's all stuff norsemen complained about though.
They were actually much stricter about most of it than southern christian lands were as Tacitus noted saying they wouldn't even hold public executions for crimes that were too scandalous (like say drowning fags in bogs) and even the beatiful adulterous women would be systematically shunned by society.
Faggotry regardless if it was catching or pitching was considered a deep moral ill in the Sagas and anyone engaging in it was no longer morally fit to be present at the Thing and going by the lawbooks being accused of it could get you declared an outlaw and allowed to be killed without recompense to your next of kin. (similarly proven false accusations would allow the accused to kill you in a duel without recompense to your next of kin)
That said I think Snorri was christian (in the early norse sense of it) and am not arguing otherwise.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)08:53:28 No.17445100
>Etc etc
You only have those two examples don't you.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)08:59:09 No.17445107
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)09:21:07 No.17445139
Yes. Realistically Snorri was either copying or reinventing Celtic Christianity. The whole "divine blood from a separate race of nonhuman immortal wizard spirits therefore there's this third covenant that lets us keep doing Paganism" thing is frankly so on the nose that it's kind of shocking to say that he came up with it himself, especially given that Iceland was in contact with Ireland at the time.

In any event, every extant Christian denomination believes that he was a polytheist who is currently burning in eternal hellfire for his blasphemies, so yes if you are a Christian you are required to believe that he was just a flat out Pagan, not just a cryptopagan.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)09:37:27 No.17445160
>His country had been Christian for hundreds of years
Just so we're clear on what this means: Iceland was given an ultimatum by King Olaf to either convert the government (not the populace) of Iceland to Christianity, or he would come over and murder everyone, including those who had already converted. However, people were explicitly allowed to practice Asatru in private as part of the deal. When the Asatruarfelagið sought, as the Asatru Free Assembly in the US had done a few years prior, the legal prohibitions were on holding blot in public (not in private) and the question of whether or not the Icelandic state could legally recognitize weddings and funerals performed by polytheists. Snorri's father Sturla actually was almost murdered in public by a woman at the Allthing for still worshiping Odin. The gothar (of which Snorri's foster-father was one) still had to perform the state rights to the Aesir, they just did so in private instead of publicly. So, yes "his country" had been Christian for centuries but the majority of the populace were still doing blot to Thor and Freyja.

For reference, Constantinople was officially a "Christian city" in the 300s, but the majority of the populace were still Hellenists up until the end of the 600s. Not "the last Hellenist had died come 700AD", rather "the Hellenists were now a minority come 700AD". Also for reference, the adoption of Lutheranism in Iceland involved the killing of three people (an illiterate bishop and his two sons) and the deportation of a fourth (another illiterate bishop), to give you the scale of what the Christian clerical establishment looked like 300 years after Snorri's death (which was, ironically, brought about because of Snorri's support for the cryptopagan Icelandic Nationalist cause). So, yes, "the Icelandic state" was Christian, but only as a legal technicality.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)09:38:42 No.17445162
He loved norse mythology and norse poetry and he was doing his best to preserve them authentically, but he isn't very smart and gets lots of things wrong. Sometimes he speculates as to the meaning or significance of certain things and ends of making embarrassing fanfiction (aesir-vanir war). And then on other occasions he mixes his apologia with his scholasticism, like when he says that the Aesir are superhumans from Troy. He didn't want to stake out the position that the Aesir were totally fake, because then his ancestors were stupid for worshipping fake things, but he also didn't want to stake out the cucktholic position that the Aesir were demons because then his ancestors were all evil and burning in hell.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)09:39:57 No.17445165
>Snorri's father Sturla actually was almost murdered in public by a woman at the Allthing for still worshiping Odin
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)09:45:44 No.17445170
Abrahamics believe that women are shitty knockoffs of men (Eve get's her soul from Adam, hence why Christians and Jews believe that souls don't have genders), whereas Asatruar believe that not only are gender roles divinely ordained, but also that men and women have different souls (souls have genders). As such, Asatru societies had pretty heavy genderoles. For example, divorce in Asatru societies was legal: men could divorce their wives for wearing pants, and women could divorce their men for not wearing collars, as a woman showing her legs in public was scandalous, as was a man showing his neck in public (this is why dress-shirts have collars today btw). There were all sorts of other taboos and norms based on gender ("it's bad luck to have a woman on a boat" comes from one of these).

Women couldn't be held accountable for crimes, but their men could. As in, if a woman killed someone, she would get away with it, but "her man" (the man accountable for her) would be punished. This usually translated to taking someone to court and the court ordering that a woman's man would have to beat the shit out of her and pay a fine. But what if he didn't want to beat her? Well then he'd pay the fine, and she just wouldn't be beaten, and they'd just lie to the court.

When you hear about "Christians trying to convert women" at this time, understand that this is the environment in which that takes place as a way to destabilize traditional societies and get away with violence.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)10:44:56 No.17445275
....the viking ancestors of swedes must be happy that Islam is taking over, they're the same culture with different colors
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)10:49:57 No.17445288
A norse neo-pagan admits that Easter is not pagan:
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)10:50:58 No.17445291
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:03:31 No.17445315
>oh yeah? well a gay jewish communist said that jesus isn't real, so you have to accept infinity somalis
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:05:08 No.17445321
No! You can't just debunk this list of random articles and videos that I found like that! You have to meticulously go through, line by line, so I can nitpick each one!
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:06:57 No.17445328
>No! You can't just debunk this list of random articles and videos
It's not a random list, they all specifically address the false claims that Christian holidays are just pagan ripoffs, and I made sure to include only non-Christians on the list. There's even a pagan there admitting that Easter isn't pagan.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:08:24 No.17445334
Could you cite the Bible passage where Jesus tells us to give gifts to eachother as part of an annual ritual of social dissolution and reformation that takes place on the solstice?
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:12:36 No.17445344
You're a fucking Jehova's Witness or something? Christianity isn't limited to what it says on its scriptures. If you think Christianity is exclusively defined by the Bible and nothing more, you're thinking exactly the same as a fundamentalist.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:13:35 No.17445350
>easter isn't real
>just ignore that people worship her today
>and that we're told that she was real by bede
>and that people were naming places and people after her centuries before he wrote that down
>in germany in addition to britain
>your culture is getting in the way of communism
The fact that you have to cite a literal Marxist is a demonstration that Christianity is a dead religion.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:14:36 No.17445352
So, the answer is no, you can't. In that case, I accept your concession. You're right, you should have actually looked into this matter before just copying the nonsense your discordtranny groomers gave you.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:16:57 No.17445354
Can you please stop posting this? As a Christian, you shouldn't be committing blasphemy by citing homosexual communists like this, to say nothing of the fact that it's all easily debunkable and it just makes us look bad by giving the neopagans an easy win.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:19:00 No.17445362
>>easter isn't real
I think you meant to say Eostre. And the only source we have mentioning her is one.
>>just ignore that people worship her today
No one worships her today except Wiccans and neo-pagans.
>>and that we're told that she was real by bede
See point above, if she was a real deity in the Germanic pantheon, we know jack shit about her, like Mithras. Can you tell me a single myth or story about her?
>and that people were naming places and people after her centuries before he wrote that down
People name places and things after gods all the time. The Hebrew word for sea comes from the Canaanite god of the sea, does that mean Jews worship him? This is just as retarded as saying that paganism is alive and well because the names of the days of the week come from norse gods. It's pathetic cope.
>your culture is getting in the way of communism
Who the fuck said anything about communism?
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:20:00 No.17445364
I'm not a Christian. I'm not sure what you mean by "homosexual communist".
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:21:01 No.17445365
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:23:33 No.17445369
>Who the fuck said anything about communism?
holy shit what is it with neochristians and not reading your fucking sources lmfao
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:24:35 No.17445374
>Who the fuck said anything about communism?
Anon I am BEGGING you to PLEASE read the contents of a link before posting it.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:25:37 No.17445375
So, she did exist, and does exist to this day, you were wrong, you admit that, and you didn't read any of those links, you just got them off of discord and posted them.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:25:38 No.17445376
I already told you I'm not a Christian. And who the fuck cares if one of my sources is a communist?
Can you please stop sperging out?
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:26:49 No.17445381
AFA odinshof
Asatru is alive and well because people practice it today in greater numbers than they do Christianity, by your own admission.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:27:05 No.17445383
>So, she did exist
If we don't know anything about her besides her name, I don't see how you can say that this or that holiday is hers.
>So, she did exist, and does exist to this day
No gods exist.
>and you didn't read any of those links
I have, I personally collected them.
>you just got them off of discord and posted them.
I've never been on Discord.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:27:50 No.17445386
>I already told you I'm not a Christian
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:28:06 No.17445387
What's their stance of homosexuality and transgenderism?
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:30:16 No.17445391
That's the Asatru Folk Assembly, they only let in people who are White, straight, and cis. They're the last White's only church in America (the ADL checked, there are no Christian churches that only let in White, straight, and cis people). They have four temples.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:31:17 No.17445396
So again, she did exist, and does exist to this day, you were wrong, you admit that, and you didn't read any of those links, you just got them off of discord and posted them, AND your fedora is on too tight.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:31:24 No.17445397
How does it make you feel that even pagans admit that Easter is not pagan?
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:32:44 No.17445401
Why does Easter's name in every other language come from Passover if it's originally a pagan holiday?
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:35:52 No.17445404
Because it's only in Germany and Britain that the original holiday survives in any meaningful sense, duh? Why would an Asatru holiday be practiced in Egypt or Greece? Initially there was an Asatru festival, it took place at a specific time of year. Then, Christianity came along, and due to Jewish numerological and astrological reckonings based off of when Christmas takes place, Jesus's birth was concluded to be on a certain date. That date overlapped with the festivities to Easter, which were so valued that they couldn't be entirely stamped out. Eventually enough Christianization took place that the original intent was only leftover as a relic, so the name was just allowed to stick.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:36:53 No.17445408
I'm not going to give whatever homosexual you're shilling for a click, so I don't really care. You haven't watched the video, so I could in fact just make something up and you'd be forced to accept whatever I said about it, which would be fun however.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:37:53 No.17445411
>Why does Easter's name in every other language come from Passover if it's originally a pagan holiday?
Wait what? What does Jesus's birth have to do with Passover? Isn't that a Jewish holiday?
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:40:42 No.17445413
>Jesus's birth was concluded to be on a certain date. That date overlapped with the festivities to Easter,
death*. His death was on a certain date.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:40:49 No.17445414
>Because it's only in Germany and Britain that the original holiday survives in any meaningful sense, duh?
I'm from neither of those countries and every year people celebrate Easter just fine.
>Why would an Asatru holiday-
There's no such thing as "Asatru" holidays, it's a modern neo-pagan movement.
> Initially there was an Asatru festival, it took place at a specific time of year.
Would you care to cite a source describing this festival? And what parts of it do we still perform today?
>Wait what? What does Jesus's birth have to do with Passover?
We're talking about Easter, not Christmas, fucking retard. Easter is about Jesus' death and resurrection, not his birth.
>Then, Christianity came along, and due to Jewish numerological and astrological reckonings based off of when Christmas takes place, Jesus's birth was concluded to be on a certain date.
Which already happened before Christians ever had contact with Germanic peoples, so their Easter holiday developed completely independently from them.
>That date overlapped with the festivities to Easter
Wrong, there was no pre-Christian Germanic celebration.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:41:55 No.17445416
Jesus's birth, life, death, and resurrection were crafted to callback to various mythological themes throughout Jewish history. He dies and gets reborn on Passover because it's supposed to callback to the Jews sacrificing all of the firstborn children of Egypt in order to get Israel. Get it? Because he's the sacrifice, and "Israel" is freedom from Original Sin?
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:43:03 No.17445420
So it's not that people don't do this, or that it's not referring to something, you accept that both of those are true, this is a real holiday practiced today in continuity with past observances, it's that you personally don't find religion to be valid.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:44:17 No.17445422
>So it's not that people don't do this, or that it's not referring to something, you accept that both of those are true, this is a real holiday practiced today in continuity with past observances
Yeah, it's a Christian holiday.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:44:35 No.17445424
I like how you just skipped over the fact that there are more people who worship Easter as a pagan goddess than there are people who do whatever gay LARPy "traditional catholicism" nonsense you pretend to cling to.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:45:25 No.17445425
I'm gonna need a source for that "fact", chief.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:45:35 No.17445426
Then why was it practiced before Christianity was introduced?
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:46:26 No.17445430
It wasn't.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:47:42 No.17445432
Then why does Bede say otherwise? Why were Anglo-Saxons and Germans naming their daughters and places after this supposed Goddess?
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:48:43 No.17445435
Maybe it's in the youtube video that you were shilling in response to getting BTFOd?
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:50:24 No.17445439
He was an Icelandic chieftain and poetry enthusiast who was annoyed that people weren't writing traditional Norse poetry anymore, so he wrote the Prose Edda as a textbook for understanding traditional Norse poetry while citing his sources. We've even found pagan era archeological finds that agree with Snorri's recording of the stories instead the Poetic Edda, which shows how dedicated to the proper transmission of the stories he was. It makes sense as well, since if he wanted people to understand and write traditional Norse poetry, then he'd have to write things down properly. The people who say the Prose Edda is "incredibly Christianized" or "like Irish mythology" are retards who only read the prologue of the Prose Edda and gave up. The prologue (as well as Ynglinga saga) is just a few pages to quickly tie the Norse cultural sphere into the more prestigious Greco-Roman cultural sphere of western Europe with all its Trojan stuff before getting to the real stuff. It also serves as a disclaimer to people like "No, I'm not a cryptopagan, I just like the poetry.", Snorri's father was accused of worshipping Odin after all so it would make sense for him to cover his bases.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:51:52 No.17445445
Anon this thread ended with the effortpost in >>17445160. From there, it's just been an excuse for neochristians to dump their discord raid copypastas.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:52:36 No.17445447
>Then why does Bede say otherwise?
I don't know about you, but I personally need more than one source to believe something. If you have only ONE source describing a festival (which doesn't even go into detail about said festival, so we don't know how much it resembled Easter, if at all), I'm inclined to dismiss it.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:56:50 No.17445457
The santa claus and tree is pagan, or at least became pagan after yule fusion
The eggs are pagan
The dressing up as devil is satanic
In south Europe it's called Pasqualis and is pagan after the germanic pagan holiday contamination, now we paint eggs and worship rabbits like stupid pagans.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:57:50 No.17445460
Asatrus have holidays like Yule
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)12:01:09 No.17445470
You're an atheist, no one cares what you think.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)12:02:14 No.17445475
>In south Europe it's called Pasqualis and is pagan after the germanic pagan holiday contamination, now we paint eggs and worship rabbits like stupid pagans.
it is the same in eastern europe and i fucking hate this shit. we were good christians and now these americans make us do their dumb odin nonsense. we have fucking trick or treaters now we did not have that ten years ago.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)12:03:41 No.17445481
It is Ragnarok, Loki sufferring and break of chains causes the end of the world.
And according to some theories on some newage site is supposed to tie things with christianity taking over.
As in Ragnarok represent Loki waking up, like Christ ressurection, and the pagan gods dying after the wolf, christianized Rome which symbol was the wolf, destroys them.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)12:05:15 No.17445484
>The santa claus
St. Nicholas, a Christian saint.
>and tree is pagan
Lutheran tradition
>The eggs are pagan
No one actually knows their origin.
Some say they're supposed to represent resurrection and Jesus coming out of his tomb, but this might be a post hoc explanation.
>The dressing up as devil is satanic
You don't have to necessarily dress up as the devil in Halloween.
>In south Europe it's called Pasqualis
It's called differently in different languages.
>and is pagan after the germanic pagan holiday contamination
Read this entire thread.
>now we paint eggs and worship rabbits like stupid pagans.
Nobody worships rabbits.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)12:06:16 No.17445487
I mean if you want to appropriate holidays that have nothing to do with you, go ahead.
So are you, you're just more embarrasing because you pretend to believe in Thor and Odin.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)12:09:03 No.17445495
>>The eggs are pagan
>No one actually knows their origin.
Isn't it obvious?
>banned from eating eggs during Lent
>now have 40 days worth of eggs stockpiled
>gotta do something with them
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)12:09:54 No.17445496
Snorri was hereditarily an Arianist christian on account of descending from the high-class western norwegians which btw was the tribe that the Huns took concubines from.
Octar, Attila and Rugila being romanized written forms of their actual names,- Ottar, Atli & Rugolaf,- whom were the products of Rugii concubines and Hunnic fathers.
"Hønir" being the personified god of the Huns.
Tolkien realized that Snorri sort of was an earlier form of himself, and tried depicting the northern mythos from the pseudo-catholic perspective that the Arianists and AngloSaxons themselves would have done.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)12:21:05 No.17445515
>St Nicholas
Santa Claus only has it's name dutch pagans made SinterKlass a plagiarized Odin
>Tree lutheran
Which steams from pagan, we know of the tree of Bonifacious being cut, but now it's worshipped as pagan
Eggs are pagan, a real ressurection symbol is the beetle
>Not dress devil
Dressing as monsters is making demonic creatures appear normal
>Nobody worships rabbits
They do
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)12:23:25 No.17445521
Halloween was never really Christianised, it just gradually lost pagan ceremonial importance and became a purely superstitious custom.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)12:24:26 No.17445522
Ok, JW.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)12:25:47 No.17445527
All Hallow's Eve began as Christian holiday, it was originally the eve before All Saints Day, which is sort of like the Christian equivalent of Memorial Day, but it lost its religious significance due to comercialization.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)13:06:01 No.17445608
>every single aspect of modernity, right down to your own subconscious thought is Christian despite living in a secular society
>the very second a European king converted to Christianity, paganism was completely annihilated from the zeitgeist and carried no further influence in society
What causes this cognitive dissonance except being chronically brown?
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)13:07:51 No.17445610
Not the case, sorry. You admit as much, you say the reason that we're wrong is that we do this stuff IRL after all.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)13:08:42 No.17445612
Or maybe LARPagans can't bring themselves to accept the destroying paganism was rather easy.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)13:08:53 No.17445613
So Paganism.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)13:09:34 No.17445616
neither. snorri's primary interest was in poetry, and nordic poetry relies so much on mythical references and kennings that it requires some knowledge on nordic myth. his primary interest was in preserving the myths to preserve royal court poetry in its traditional form
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)13:11:39 No.17445625
I don't follow. The precise moment Paganism was no longer illegal at every level of society, it came back, and the precise moment that Christianity stop receiving complte and total state support at every level of society, it collapsed. It took several centuries for Paganism to be destroyed, and while you as a neochristian LARPer might not like that answer, the actual Christians in this thread agree with it. So, if anything, Christianity was very easy to destroy. The fact that the Pope is currently talking about how borders are a sin is a demonstration of that.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)13:12:39 No.17445628
Francis isn't the fucking Pope you LARPer.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)13:12:51 No.17445630
so easy that the germanic-christian world refers to the god of israel as Odin, and the latin-christian world refers to the god of israel as zeus
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)13:14:06 No.17445632
The fact that you referred to him by his tranny name instead of his actual name is a demonstration that you believe that he is in fact the Pope. Also, the fact that the Catholic church could be totally destroyed and spend over 50 years without revival (remember, Paganism comes back in less than a year when laws against it go away) is a demonstration that it's dead and was easy to kill, and no one wants it back. Not you either! Hence why you don't go to church.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)13:14:45 No.17445634
it took several centuries of brainwashing to destroy paganism and it was still largely unsuccessful at purging the more rural folk customs, which had to be adapted to christianity rather than destroyed outright. you were really only successful at destroying the institutional structures of paganism like the temples and orders of priests and etc, which isnt very hard when you have state support

christianity on the other hand collapsed within one or two generations of spiritual laziness and rampant atheism
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)13:20:09 No.17445651
There is literally church records up to the 17th century of localized pagan blasphemies.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)13:23:26 No.17445659
>Francis isn't the Pope
>you LAEPer
Wew lad
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)13:47:06 No.17445692
>hence why Christians and Jews believe that souls don't have genders
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)13:49:41 No.17445696
ALL Christians at that time (Christianity as it is today didn't exist back then) viewed the world through the heathen elements present, but reasoned them to be in a Christian context. The poem Sólarljóð is a fantastic example of this; it deals with Christian views on morality and death, but in a very "folk" (heathen) way. It's very beautiful.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)13:51:07 No.17445698
Jesus says there will be no marriage in heaven, nor man or woman
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)14:05:06 No.17445730
god, I hate /his/
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)14:19:46 No.17445760
Deus and Dio?
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)14:21:39 No.17445765
>catholicism is when you kill niggers
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)14:23:04 No.17445767
>half of Iceland was from Scotland
>Crackers on his wondering if they were christian
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)14:39:06 No.17445786
All souls in Jewish and Christian (but not Muslim) thought are either male or genderless. Jesus himself says it pretty explicitly a few times, but it's also in the Torah as well. As he said, Eve gets her soul from Adam, so it's the same kind of thing as Adam, meaning that Eve's soul must either be a man's soul or souls must lack gender.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)14:46:37 No.17445797
Iceland saw Irish monks before it was settled by Norwegians.

>Í þaɴ tíþ vas Ísland viþi vaxit á miþli fiallz oc fiöro. Þá váro hér menɴ cristnir þeir er Norþmenɴ kalla papa. En þeir fóro síþan á brꜹt af þvi at þeir villdo eigi vesa hér viþ hæiþna menɴ. oc léto epter bǿcr irscar oc biǫllor oc bagla. af þvi mátti scilia at þeir váro menɴ irscer.

>At that time, Iceland was forested between mountains and shores. At that time, there were Christian men here, those that the Northmen call "Papar", but they later left, because they did not wish to remain here with heathen men, and left behind Irish books, bells, and croziers. From that it could be made out that they were Irishmen.

my own translation
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)14:47:56 No.17445799
Deus is directly related to Zeus in greek, and Tues in anglo-saxon. Tues was the saxon name of Tyr, and he was called Zio in old high german and gothic, which became Dio and Dios in spanish, influenced by the latin Deus. the old latin name for Jupiter was Dies Pitar, related to the Dyauspitr of vedic mythology, which eventually evolved into Jupiter. all of these roughly translate into something like Sky Father or Day Father, so its not hard to imagine why the early christian scribes of europe used these names in place of something like Ywhw or Elohim to make things a bit easier for their pagan populations to understand. similar things can be observed in current evangalization of pagan nations, like japanese christians who use the word 'Akuma' to refer to 'Satan' or 'the Devil' in their translations of the bible, simply because Akuma, a lord of hell in buddhism, is already familiar to them, whereas Satan and Devil are foreign words from the west that they would not recognize as meaning 'Lord of Hell'
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)14:58:23 No.17445807
Christian with a love for old style of poetry and willingness to preserve it. Both poetic and prose edda are written as a way of codifying what he saw as dying art, it's like a more scholarly beowulf in this way.
Had he added some elements to it? Probably. Did he falsify them? Unlikely, as it would require rewriting the alliterative verse and that's just too much if a minefield to work and still achieve the preservation.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)15:01:59 No.17445817
Ah as for the prose edda, he's trying to make it work with the historical knowledge he has. He was a Christian, obviously so the bible is true to him. Therefore he had to fit in the existence of the northmen into the understanding of the world the southern european cargo cult attached to Christianity brought. Hence the brilliant retarded etymology(Thor... Tor...a ha! Hec-tor, therefore Aesir are Troyans) and other stuff.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)15:11:35 No.17445825
I didn't think war was cool at 12 and still don't
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)15:14:44 No.17445832
You should get your T levels
Yeah, yeah, and yet men innately fantasize about it.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)15:18:19 No.17445839
>Tues was the saxon name of Tyr
It was Tiw. Not to mention that form 'Tues' in 'Tuesday' is genitive ('-s isn't part of the root).

>and he was called Zio in old high german and gothic
No, he wasn't.
Gothic has *𐍄𐌴𐌹𐍅𐍃 (*teiws). Old High German having Ziu is irrelevant to Gothic, as they do not share langauge family branch.

>which became Dio and Dios in spanish, influenced by the latin Deus
No, it's just straight from Deus < deivos (Old Latin) < *deiwos (Proto-Italic) < *deywós (PIE). Germanics didn't have anything to do with that.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)15:22:10 No.17445845
tbf etymology was all pretty dumb back then, they didnt have the benefit of the internet and total complete hindsight into the past that we have now. things like the relation between 'thor' and 'thunder' were probably forgotten by then
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)15:37:44 No.17445860
Where does this insistance come from that someone HAS to revise a work based on their own personal biases when they're obviously interested enough in said work in the first place to be exhaustively writing it down?
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)15:52:17 No.17445883
Most people don't really analyze data to craft a well thought out opinion on a matter; they won't read a book, digets the contents, and then come up with an opinion. Rather, they'll see X, Y, and Z say something about some topic, and then weight their opinions about the topic based on their feelings of X, Y, and Z to create some midpoint based on X, Y, and Z. This leads to people basing their opinions on a book off of the opinions of people who've never actually read the book in question, in a huge chain.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)16:03:44 No.17445907
it originates from this badly researched cracked article written by a college student pothead atheist from like +10 years ago
>Pretty much everything we know about Scandinavian paganism comes from the Eddas, two books compiled in the 13th century by a guy with the hilarious, Muppet-like name of Snorri Sturluson.
first of all he attributes the poetic edda to snorri, when nobody is really sure who wrote the poetic edda and much of it dates from different time periods. he also ignores any similarities the eddas have to other indo-aryan mythologies, or how certain things like Ymir came about, when they clearly have a relation to myths like that Purusha than anything from the bible

everything else in the article is so reddit and low IQ its barely worth mentioning. he even suggests that Thor's hammer was just because Snorri thought hammers were cool, completely ignoring all of the Mjolnir pendants theyve dug up in denmark and sweden, or runestones that predate the eddas that clearly depict scenes from the mythology, like Thor fishing the world serpent and holding what is clearly a hammer. alot of the atheist argument against norse paganism, which has ironically been co-opted by christians, hinges on ignoring archeological evidence and pretending that all of history is known and defined by what was written, and even what was written needs to be deconstructed, attacked and denigrated as much as possible.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)16:20:32 No.17445922
The Virgin Mary appeared as a ghost in the theophany and in apparitions to blessed men, so souls/ghosts can be female
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)16:23:17 No.17445925
In italian Zio means Uncle, so maybe Tyr was the uncle of norse pagans
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)16:43:18 No.17445964
Mary isn't a ghost, she physically ascended into heaven and bodily dwells there alongside other Jewish Patriarchs (Christians argue that she is the first Jewish Matriarch).
>But saints?
Paganism. Saints can't actually do anything.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)17:00:12 No.17445991
But since it was her soul that appeared in the burning bush that makes her a female soul doesn't it?
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)17:09:19 No.17446004
is that in the bible?
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)17:23:38 No.17446033
Yes but as a metaphor they didn't understand yet
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)17:34:34 No.17446052
>The scripture doesn't support my heresy so it's a metaphor
The Virgin Mary was not the burning bush
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)17:38:00 No.17446059
>first of all he attributes the poetic edda to snorri
that's quite the fuckup indeed

>when nobody is really sure who wrote the poetic edda
doesn't matter who penned it, as it only collects what already existed
it's like taking a picture of a tribe; it doesn't matter who took it, but you're concerned with the motif

a kino stone, but sadly, the inscription has nothing to do with the motif
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)17:39:01 No.17446063
The Levites of Egypt (Luwians) were matriarchal because the cities of Heliopolis and Sais had schools that focused on Midwife Studies.
This is why the "Midwives of Israel" is a saying in the first place.
It was after this community left the nile delta and mixed with semitic cohenites in the desert that they started to become asperger-patriarchal.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)17:46:18 No.17446075
That's a metaphor for the Torah at Sinai near egypt
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)17:54:59 No.17446088
>That's a metaphor
my comment is separate from whatever headcanon the painter had.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)18:00:17 No.17446096
Was Loki helping retrieving Thor’s hammer a metaphor for Christ helping retrieving pagan gods to the church?
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)18:44:20 No.17446197
So you've really got to understand the kind of person Snorri Sturluson was
He was definitely Christian but he also loved his country, its history and its literature
He loved Norse poetry and sagas
At the time that Snorri was writing the Prose Edda, Heimsrkingla and maybe Egils saga, Norse literature had become somewhat unfashionable and literature from the European continent had become increasingly popular, mainly in the form of French romances
He loved traditional Norse literature however and so he wanted to preserve it for the future generations, to ensure it wasn't lost
One problem with Norse literature is how entangled it is with Norse mythology through kennings
Because of how strict Norse poetry was, you'd have a bunch of references on hand to substitute words which didn't fit into the poetic form you were composing in
The Norse poet would say something like 'viddi's brother' where viddi is the name of a giant associated with the sea, his brother being the giant associated with the wind and hence 'viddi's brother' means the wind
They'd say 'thor's wrestling partner (female)' as a reference to the event in Norse mythology where Thor wrestles with the embodiment of ageing and hence the reference is substituting for 'old age'
Snorri was worried that people were losing knowledge of a core part of Norse literature and hence he wrote the Prose Edda as a guide for Norse mythology and also a guide for how to use and understand these references
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)19:50:15 No.17446330
Well this thread took a weird turn since I left but looks like we're back on track!
Tell me more about this third covenant
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)19:56:12 No.17446343
So was Iceland colonized by scots before norses or were norses the proto culture of scots?
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)19:59:12 No.17446350
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)20:05:10 No.17446363
Didn't he wrote that Thor dared Jesus to fight him or something?
If it ends with Thor converting to christianity I will....
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)20:14:57 No.17446384
>Tell me more about this third covenant
There's not much to tell, it's exactly what was said. The Norse/Irish are the descendants of some nonhuman race of immortal wizardspirits mixing with human ancestors. Asatru/ildiachas is the totally licit religion that comes from them, and (a modified form of) it has to be practiced by the descendants of that mixing.

It never took off in Scandinavia, and it got the Irish labeled as blasphemous heretics. You know how the Irish don't speak Gaelic anymore? That was in part because the Pope authorized the post-Norman Brits to destroy Gaelic culture to wipe out the polytheism to get them to stop doing this.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)20:52:00 No.17446471
This is fucking crazy that I want to read it, post any source you have this would make an incredible adult swim series
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)20:52:40 No.17446472
least schizo ramble
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)21:14:05 No.17446517
>The Norse/Irish are the descendants of some nonhuman race of immortal wizardspirits mixing with human ancestors.
Nephilim lore, we needed a better flood
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)21:17:34 No.17446522
Lady With A Mead Cup (warning: it's dry enough to use as tinder) is where I first saw this idea put into words as to what it actually is. I'm not much of a Celticist, but even the basic rundown of how religion worked in Gaelic society sketches a good outline.

It's on Anna's Archive..
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)09:17:26 No.17447238
The idea of turning norse gods into superheroes kicked up well, because these guys aren't really gods but more humans that got their hands on some magic shit like hammers and immortality apples.
Twilight of the Gods by Zack Snyder
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)09:35:50 No.17447258
>be Christians
>write stuff
>1500 years later
>But, Martin. The Bible is just part of our religion. Our traditions are just important as the Bible.
>"Martin please, don't be retarded."
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)10:12:22 No.17447338
>traditions are just as important
Good one, Pharisees.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)12:11:18 No.17447646
No, you're thinking of a passage in Njal's saga which is anonymous. It went something like
>Woman: Hey, did you hear about how Thor challenged Jesus to a fight and that bitch was so scared he didn't show up?
>Missionary: Well I heard Thor was just dust but then God let him live.
>Woman: Who do you think destroyed your ship?
>Missionary: Who?
>Woman: Thor, you retard. Your fag Christ wasn't even there when your ship got turned to splinters.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)12:18:07 No.17447669
>The Norse gods aren’t gods at all because despite being infinitely supreme eternal consciousnesses they weren’t born that way and that matters because uh reasons
Christian critiques of asatru theology are so shit
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)12:24:05 No.17447688
>Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.
>2 Thessalonians 2:15
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)12:24:37 No.17447691
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)13:32:54 No.17447834
Well sorry for insulting your religion but am I wrong?
Odin didn't had eternal conscioussness, he had to sacrifice his eye for it, and they aren't immortal but eat apples to have long life, and greek gods do have similiar things as well like Zeus sending some sub gods to do things for him.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)13:42:01 No.17447847
This doesn't negate them being supernatural entities who govern reality
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)15:19:50 No.17448055
Odin is immortal (Snorri made up the apples of Ithunn bit) and all-powerful. He literally controls the fates of all men. He decides how events are going to unfold before they happen.
His material form can and will be destroyed at Ragnarok, but Odin has died before. He always comes back. This is because his eternal consciousness exists without the material world.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)16:17:33 No.17448134
Still this arbitrary separtion of religion into Biblical and un-biblical is a pure protestant delusion. People didn't have this autistic black and white separation of pagan and halal.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)16:23:57 No.17448143
>"muh tradition"
>it's clearly a post-apostolic-age innovation only supported by contemporary theologians quotemining the old testament
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)16:34:31 No.17448159
>Snorri made up the apples of Ithunn bit
Not true, Snorri was quoting an older poem by the pagan skald Þjóðólfr of Hvinir from the late 800s/early 900s. Þjóðólfr specifically told the story with Þjazi and called Iðunn "the maid who knew the Æsir’s old-age cure", so it's a pagan concept.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)17:37:42 No.17448284
>Odin didn't had eternal conscioussness
So? Yahweh has parents and a wife, and the central point of Christianity is worshiping a dead guy who made a bunch of prophesis that failed to come true.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)17:57:35 No.17448317
Most poems impose absurd conditions on the gods typically for the sake of telling an entertaining story.
In Grimnismal, Frigg tricks Odin into killing his foster son by convincing the foster son that if he ever sees an old wizard show up to his hall, he must torture him or else the wizard will kill him. Odin shows up looking like a wizard and gets tortured.
Thor wades through several rivers every day according to Grimnismal, but the story of Harbarthsljoth is contingent on Thor demanding that Harbarthr (Odin in disguise) ferry him across a river.
Odin goes through so much convoluted trouble in Skaldskaparmal to get Othrerir when we see in poems like Baldrs Draumar, Voluspa, and Harbarthsljoth to a lesser extent that he's capable of controlling people's mind and compelling them to do his bidding.
Even if the idea of age reversing apples is attested in Haustlong, that alone doesn't mean that it's actually meant to be taken at face value.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)18:53:07 No.17448453
The more I read about Norse mythology the more I realize how based it is and how dogshit everything Abrahamic is. The fact that Völuspá does not treat time linearly but in a cyclical manner instead (since it coincides with the seasonal changes) immediately sets it apart in an ontological sense from everything Abrahamic. The Zoroastrian dementia known as the dichotomy of good and evil is thus absent from the Nordic view which is more akin to the Far East Asian view of yin and yang, an endless balance between forces that come and go / rise and fall. Just a vastly superior religion all around.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)19:06:44 No.17448484
If nothing else, it produces vastly superior literature. There's a reason jews, christians, muslims, and atheists write stories about norse gods and heroes, but these same groups of people won't write stories about each other (unless they're writing propaganda meant to demonize one of these other groups)
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)19:15:43 No.17448499
>There's a reason jews, christians, muslims, and atheists write stories about norse gods and heroes
I know of no such people except a couple of Warhammer 40k LARPers in their mom's basement.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)19:27:01 No.17448516
>neochristian admits to being an uncultured swine only familiar with comic books and toys
lmfao like fucking clockwork
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)19:31:47 No.17448531
nta but that's all the Norse gods have been reduced to, Disney CGI movie slop lol
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)19:45:14 No.17448561
Yes, that's the problem with folktales about the same gods, they get mashed together when the clans unites.
Greek people blended together different tales about Zeus and you got the royal rapist that turns into animals to be an asshole but is supposed to represent morality
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)19:47:42 No.17448567
tolkien you fucking mongoloid
Who do you think Gandalf is supposed to represent?
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)19:50:31 No.17448575
It means they're internalized like greek gods
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)19:51:32 No.17448581
>His material form can and will be destroyed at Ragnarok, but Odin has died before. He always comes back. This is because his eternal consciousness exists without the material world.
So....why doesn't he regrow his eye back? It seems silly to have your avatar eyeless if you can modify it anytime
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)19:51:36 No.17448582
Like what?
I can only think of Wagner
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)19:53:19 No.17448590
every icelandic saga was written by a christian
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)19:55:50 No.17448598
If one's genetic admixture is predominantly northern European then their work is an expression of that and not anything Mediterranean i.e. Abrahamic religions.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)20:04:15 No.17448621
>erm, that's a frikkin' plot holerino
why would you assume that every aspect of a spiritual poem describing the apocalyptic visions of an undead wisewoman is meant to be taken strictly literally
this isn't the best you can do in terms of critiquing pagan theology. Apply yourself.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)20:55:07 No.17448730
While it is influenced by that sort of stuff, Tolkien's work is heavily rooted in Christianity. Gandalf draws on Odin imagery, but he has more in common with an angel.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)21:03:02 No.17448750
That's what christopagans on /pol/ that try worshipping Michael as Zeus say.
Gandalf is a christianized Odin like Merlin was, son of demon baptimized and that's why he has magical powers.
Well Jack Kirby and Stan Lee and Gaiman (yeah the post said jews) and CS Lewis
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)21:04:39 No.17448756
What if norse stories are stories set in antidiluvian times where jotuns are nephilim and the ragnarok is the flood???
Yeah the giant cow is still here.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)21:12:36 No.17448773
Odin was a pragmatic trickster and ruler. Gandalf was a servant sent by a higher power to aid mankind.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)21:18:25 No.17448792
>Tolkien's work is heavily rooted in Christianity
Not really. It's frankly more Zoroastrian than anything. There isn't even Original Sin, nor are there Sacraments.

Presumably he can. The claim isn't that Odin doesn't have binocular vision, but rather that he sacrificed something valuable that is necessary for normal wisdom to gain higher wisdom. He could just as well have given his nose or his ear, it wouldn't really change the point.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)21:19:25 No.17448796
jesus mutant
We're talking about the Aesir, not Rebbe Yeshua, anon.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)22:30:55 No.17448930
In a letter to the a Jesuit priest named Robert Murray, he had this to say:
>The Lord of the Rings is of course a fundamentally religious and Catholic work; unconsciously so at first, but consciously in the revision. That is why I have not put in, or have cut out, practically all references to anything like 'religion', to cults or practices, in the imaginary world. For the religious element is absorbed into the story and the symbolism.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)01:10:57 No.17449119
that is literally what it is
the flood described is the same as in all other religions that describe the flood
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)05:14:26 No.17449321
And Gandalf act trickster, remember the Hobbit?
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)05:16:03 No.17449322
>There isn't even Original Sin, nor are there Sacraments.
Humans have it, elves are supposed to be what humans would be without eating the fruit, and the sacrament is the lambas bread
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)05:20:37 No.17449326
Damm, that donkey has some fabulous eyelashes
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)06:35:41 No.17449392
Odin is also on a mission to aid humanity. He literally sacrifices himself and dies to bring the runes to mankind.
The only difference between Odin and Gandalf is their relative position in their spiritual hierarchies.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)06:41:24 No.17449395
I'd also add onto this that Gandalf is probably a byname for Odin in the Dvergatal section of Voluspa.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)07:38:13 No.17449453
>Christmas? Yule.
You retards know that Christmas is celebrated by Levantine Christians too, right.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)07:43:35 No.17449458
The tradition is older than Christianity. That's what he's implying. Christians seem to have difficulty understanding that religion existed before Christianity.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)07:51:20 No.17449464
>Christmas with that Santa and elves is paganized, Christmas with baby Jesus and wise men is christian
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)08:19:06 No.17449514
Cept that there is a flood story in the norse mythology already, the survivors were jotuns as well
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)09:14:35 No.17449596
Aesir Vanir Root
Gandalf is based on Gamaliel, the protective judge of the disciples.
Odin however, is named Wotanaz which is a gothic translation of Thoth - "The Woader".
And Thoth is an earlier ancestor of the Luwians of Egypt which became the Israelites, exactly how Enoch of the bible is an earlier ancestor of the Levites.
And Osiris is the namesake of Israel the same way the Aesir is the ruling gods of Odin and Loki,- whom themselves are part Jotun (Scythian) and Vanir (Anatolian herder),- aspiring to be Aesir (Osirian european moundbuilders) by bringing them back to life.
pic very much rel.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)17:34:11 No.17450902
>Christianity is just "things we label as 'christian'"
Abortions are Christian.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)19:44:53 No.17451183
Oh boy one of those "theories"
So Odin is Thoth and Aesir is an alternate name for Aesirs? That's believable.
But Enoch was very much antidiluvian and the Vanir were in land of elves which were said to be different than anatolians, and Jotuns as scythians is possible but more likely savage asians cousins like the monsters in that hindu gods war tale
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)20:08:19 No.17451240
don't reply to luwianschizo
he ruins literally every norse mythology thread he encounters. Engaging with his garbage theories only makes him ruin the thread all the more
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)20:12:53 No.17451259
>But this is the belief of men: that the Turks told of Ulysses, and called him Loki, for the Turks were his greatest foes.]
Loki is Ulysses?
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)22:49:57 No.17451616
I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're too autistic to understand concepts like "themes" and "symbolism."