schizo graphic design
Anonymous 11/26/24(Tue)19:19:20 | 6 comments | 1 images
examples of schizo designs?
Anonymous 11/27/24(Wed)06:24:38 No.458774
looks very lazy (no offense)
looks very lazy (no offense)
Anonymous 11/28/24(Thu)19:04:10 No.458785
>le schizo XDDD
yeah you will get that egirl pussy with those graphics, but instead of secondary school soo deep deviantart emo nihilism,
you should be 35 years old dependent on pity of your elderly neighbours, involuntarily obsessed about simply how similar words sound, and with celebrities and things on the telly, more so basic bitch learning impaired layman uninteresting everyday things rather than anything "esoteric" (haha samhyde mde amirite xD), and assigning meaning to mundane word and number combinations or patterns in the drywall and watching hours and hours of autogenerated shitty youtube boomer 'documentary' slop about aliens every single day, and posting on \g\ about the feds breaking into your walgreens pharmacy account and terrorizing you whenever you receive indian spam from stolen hotmail accounts in your email or mobile messenger and sending scammers your passwords and telling that your neighbor is pumping POISONOUS GAS in your apt ventilation whenever you got blood pressure and heart problems due to the genetics+weather. basically an unstable out of shape invalid burnt out on and risking liver failure on megadose of ssris, with a mind of a 13 year old, that needs an adult caretaker for life. haha so funny and hilarious.
>le schizo XDDD
yeah you will get that egirl pussy with those graphics, but instead of secondary school soo deep deviantart emo nihilism,
you should be 35 years old dependent on pity of your elderly neighbours, involuntarily obsessed about simply how similar words sound, and with celebrities and things on the telly, more so basic bitch learning impaired layman uninteresting everyday things rather than anything "esoteric" (haha samhyde mde amirite xD), and assigning meaning to mundane word and number combinations or patterns in the drywall and watching hours and hours of autogenerated shitty youtube boomer 'documentary' slop about aliens every single day, and posting on \g\ about the feds breaking into your walgreens pharmacy account and terrorizing you whenever you receive indian spam from stolen hotmail accounts in your email or mobile messenger and sending scammers your passwords and telling that your neighbor is pumping POISONOUS GAS in your apt ventilation whenever you got blood pressure and heart problems due to the genetics+weather. basically an unstable out of shape invalid burnt out on and risking liver failure on megadose of ssris, with a mind of a 13 year old, that needs an adult caretaker for life. haha so funny and hilarious.
Anonymous 11/28/24(Thu)19:07:00 No.458786
Anonymous 11/28/24(Thu)19:11:40 No.458787
and goth egirls probably like nihilistic aesthetic esoteric smell of urine and 50 year old fat people real life actual schizophrenia is really esoteric and deep and aesthetic
and goth egirls probably like nihilistic aesthetic esoteric smell of urine and 50 year old fat people real life actual schizophrenia is really esoteric and deep and aesthetic
Anonymous 12/02/24(Mon)13:32:48 No.458825
David Dees. Thank me later.
David Dees. Thank me later.