Fluent Design
Anonymous 10/21/24(Mon)16:28:50 | 18 comments | 3 images
Fluent Design
Anonymous 10/21/24(Mon)18:05:24 No.458304
AI could do better, to be sincere.
Anonymous 10/22/24(Tue)01:11:37 No.458313
dicussions about this stuff on 4chang are unproductive because they assume these are not sparsely used illustrations to replace crappy earlier ones but interactive elements like OS application icons and then begin victimizing themselves

you could slap these on some boring accounting software box from 1996 and add that serif font and have some retroomer talk about it on youtube and they would s-o0ygape
Anonymous 10/22/24(Tue)06:37:52 No.458314
And what is fluent design.
Anonymous 10/22/24(Tue)12:13:01 No.458316
>Fluent Design
Does this come after "Flat Design" or something.
Anonymous 10/22/24(Tue)14:32:11 No.458319
Anonymous 10/22/24(Tue)18:51:05 No.458323
This just looks like the shit everyone made after pirating photoshop in the 90s
Anonymous 10/22/24(Tue)21:17:33 No.458325
Yea, but what you said unironically good. The design panorama needs experimentation and exploration, not this bullshit of safe bets. Even the quirky branding of new premium products are following certain guidelines to make it a safe bet, even this ~Le Fluent Design®~ have a lot of study from souless brands behind. Design zeitgeist nowadays is uninspired and if it migrates back to randos downloading a pirate software and making soulful shit for their pet project, it will unironically lead to a good future, but I doubt it ever will, as nobody has free time anymore to waste.
Anonymous 10/26/24(Sat)14:58:19 No.458365
Is there a similar design to this but without color? I kind of like the tactile look desu
Anonymous 11/05/24(Tue)15:25:14 No.458512
I love spamming sad face with my co worker friends, it's funny for some reason
Anonymous 12/08/24(Sun)19:01:30 No.458878
I prefer this to flat colours at the very least
Anonymous 12/09/24(Mon)04:43:20 No.458887
looks like neumorphic. But they're both buzzwords anyways.
Anonymous 12/09/24(Mon)09:38:22 No.458889
Evan Collins 01/12/25(Sun)16:40:52 No.459256
Ah, the Blob World aesthetic. How nice.

It would be foolish to think these oversized FAGMAN companies would ever go out on a limb and do something really exotic & risky on a large scale when their entire playbook is low risk pandering to the majority demographic (especially when that exotic alternative requires more effort than their bread & butter flatshit). It's worth covering these things though if for no other reason than to inspire ambitious creative people to implement them on a customized or themed desktop. The days of nice, strong effort commercial GUI ended with the aughts.
Anonymous 01/12/25(Sun)18:52:55 No.459257
I don't even know what is for what.
Anonymous 01/12/25(Sun)22:07:34 No.459262
id hire you to make baby dinner plates
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)10:22:08 No.459265

It's cute but I would rather not have every single icon for the next 10 years look like it so hopefully Apple doesn't implement it
Anonymous 01/17/25(Fri)16:29:35 No.459334
go do a favor for the humanity first implementing a good, performant, accessible, easy to use, not-tied-in-licensing-bullshit, fractionally-scalable, responsive, themeable, gpu-fx-compositable, documented ui toolkit that is not webshit, and is compatible with x11, wayland, mac and windows.

basically a decade of terry davis templeos tier, unprofitable in modern times (unless webshit is suddently outlawed for creating too much carbon emmisions or something) expert programming work.

populating something with sillybilly cool artistic effects creative gfx is the lesser problem. there is no point of "creativity" if there is a sluggish msedge2webview.exe chugging underneath, making it awful to use due to how slow and choppy it is. performance of a program is critical part of ux that you feel with every click, tap and button press, and designers unfortunately have no say in it.
Anonymous 01/17/25(Fri)16:42:28 No.459335
like it doesn't matter what visual gimmicks they pick or how much they pay to illustrators and 3d modelers for their faggy current thing brand advertising graphics, if the foundational thing these things are plastered on is not performant, it's kind of pointless. windows 11 is awful not because how it looks, the new ui toolkit on it's own looks good almost, but how slow it is. you can recreate any of your cool childhood memories flash websites or windows vista designs in blender, illustrator, webgl, html, css, svg and js, but that is not the point, is it..