Anonymous 10/19/24(Sat)15:00:13 | 51 comments | 16 images
How do I cope knowing that the best logo ever is ruined by a retarded ideology?
Nothing comes even close to the swastika. It makes me depressed to the point of giving up logos completely.
Anonymous 10/19/24(Sat)15:28:06 No.458256
grow up
Anonymous 10/19/24(Sat)20:45:44 No.458258
It wont be long before nazis appropriations will just be seen as a sad moment in an otherwise long life of a powerful human symbal.

You can help by stomping out the hate you see around you.
Anonymous 10/20/24(Sun)02:49:31 No.458260
>retarded ideology
>nazi appropriations sad moment
>stomp out the hate

Naziphobia is why the world is in the state it's in now. Stomp out the retarded hate in yourselves first.
Anonymous 10/20/24(Sun)13:04:10 No.458267
>best logo ever
>Nothing comes even close

For the eighteen millionth time: if the symbology you choose as representative of your entity, ideology, etc. is already ubiquitous and so commonplace that there are literally hundreds of wildly disparate meanings attached to it across many millenia of its existence, it is an objectively poor choice for a logo.
Ironically this applies to both the Nazi swastika and the LGBTQ rainbow.

The ultimate irony is that the Nazi swastika was a very slight and MEANINGLESS *redesign* of the ancient symbol, the type of thing that causes wannabe art authorities on gd lose their minds when a corporation does it.

Hitler was a lackluster artist but even worse at graphic design and could only steal existing ideas, tweak them slightly and then call them "his". Like so many corporate versions of the same process it was all used to sell empty bullshit to morons and everyone else rejected it- so much so that even maintaining and protecting the original meanings/use was seen as less important than repudiating the symbol for that association...

which is another hint that the symbol wasn't that important or valuable or strong to begin with and is just a simple geometric doodle that literal cave men invented.

If any of this symbology was valuable or important or powerful (and if Nazis and/ or activist queers had any balls) each of these groups would simply appropriate the respective symbols as a display of cunning and power and reap the benefits.

Instead, both have become so toxic by association that even retards who think super generic symbols make the best logos are mostly smart enough to avoid them. And in this case, even the rainbow is less toxic and still used by legacy brands, so Nazis lose again.
Anonymous 10/20/24(Sun)14:06:31 No.458268
fascism has failed every time it has been tried
Anonymous 10/20/24(Sun)16:06:59 No.458270
Travelling through Malaisa I once found a construction bussines that was actually called "Swastika, inc.", I kid you not.

You need to be 18 or older to post here
Anonymous 10/21/24(Mon)04:54:37 No.458275
kek based
Punch naziphobes and anti-racists 131
Anonymous 10/21/24(Mon)09:07:26 No.458277
punch 99% of the human population?
sure lad, go ahead and try it
Anonymous 10/21/24(Mon)14:25:15 No.458290
ironic, you telling him to grow up
Anonymous 10/21/24(Mon)14:26:42 No.458291
in what sense?
Anonymous 10/21/24(Mon)14:28:52 No.458292
swastika is one of the oldest human symbols. and nazis were the closest thing to "good guys" in the past 100 years. i will no longer reply to anything.
Anonymous 10/21/24(Mon)14:40:18 No.458293
lol grow up
Anonymous 10/23/24(Wed)23:05:31 No.458337
Idk this one goes pretty hard too and it's not racist
Anonymous 10/23/24(Wed)23:56:03 No.458338
I just polished my curb.
Come over so we can discuss a bit more, ok?
Anonymous 10/23/24(Wed)23:59:06 No.458339
This guy doenst visual power or history.
Into the trash...
Anonymous 10/24/24(Thu)00:55:48 No.458340
LOFL, I guess you at least deserve some credit for introducing another meaningless buzzword/phrase to describe some alleged quality that can't be quantified
>visual power
Yes, SO much "visual power" that the two most common associations drawn when viewing it are "war/genocide" and "peace/good luck"...and people regularly guess the intended meaning wrong when they see one, or anything that even vaguely resembles one...

>muh best logo EVAR!
Anonymous 10/24/24(Thu)01:42:12 No.458341
Even just the *word* without the symbol triggers unintended, unwanted and unfavorable connections that have nothing to do with historical context-

>Swastika Trail, near Puslinch Lake in central southwestern Ontario, was named in the 1920s.

>(Randy)Guzar, who has lived on the road for the past 18 years, said he associates the swastika with the bigotry and genocide of the Nazis.

>“He does not want to be linked with the symbol, and he says that when he presents his driver’s licence or health card, he is routinely asked if he is a white supremacist or a neo-Nazi,” court said in its decision.

This Karen doesn't give a shit about the history of the street he moved to OR the larger history of the symbol OR even the fact that there's dozens of types of symbols that are swastikas and bear little resemblance to the Nazi one...he actually went to court in part because he was butthurt that people made that history known before people voted on a name change-
>Among other things, Guzar objected to how the cottagers association held its vote, including distributing a pamphlet about the positive history of the swastika before the Nazis used it.

It's literally just a variation on a cross symbol, one of the oldest, dirt simplest and most ubiquitous symbols known to man.

As a visual mark of differentiation or distinction it is objectively shitty on that count alone, especially when you rotate it to an X shape...a shape not just used by everybody to mean practically anything, it's also so lacking in innate meaning that it is also used to symbolize nothing, erasure...or AN UNKNOWN QUANTITY... which is the exact opposite of what a logo is supposed to convey.

Just adding hook/serif- like additions doesn't really fix that, and even before Nazism it was already so popular AS A LOGO that it was useless for determining who actually made the product or what the symbol was supposed to mean.
Anonymous 10/24/24(Thu)01:55:18 No.458342
>Be a rancher
>need to mark your cattle
>choose an ancient, generic mark
>brand cattle
>le best logo ever! .exe
>get mogged by picrel brand overnight
Anonymous 10/24/24(Thu)02:28:28 No.458343
The original lazy clip art logo

>No, we're SwastiCo, you're thinking of SwastiCon or maybe their subsidiary Swastique...
Anonymous 10/24/24(Thu)02:42:02 No.458344
Does what it says on the label!
Anonymous 10/26/24(Sat)20:12:41 No.458369
Retarded towel heads. Amirite
Anonymous 11/01/24(Fri)06:02:28 No.458470
my opinion is right webm
yeah i was pretty sad about the star of david too anon but at least the sun wheel is still cool.
Anonymous 11/01/24(Fri)06:05:05 No.458471
that one is incredibly racist are you retarded?
Anonymous 11/01/24(Fri)06:08:14 No.458472
Anonymous 11/01/24(Fri)18:56:59 No.458474
Yeah germans really are retarded.
Anonymous 11/03/24(Sun)20:25:13 No.458491
I think you mean a good ideology. Killing the bankers and the dishonest is a good thing.
Anonymous 11/06/24(Wed)16:17:39 No.458520
Seethed over the best idealogy again while wondering why the whole world is shit and america runs everything award
Anonymous 11/06/24(Wed)19:03:05 No.458522
the secret is oil (or soil resources as a whole)
Anonymous 11/09/24(Sat)16:35:53 No.458580
Hitler did nothing wrong
Anonymous 11/09/24(Sat)22:48:09 No.458586
Use the direction of the branches as a frame instead
Picrel is the best logo in the history of the universe
Anonymous 11/10/24(Sun)03:22:44 No.458587
>How do I cope knowing that the best logo ever is ruined by a retarded ideology?
>Nothing comes even close to the swastika.
Anonymous 11/10/24(Sun)03:49:09 No.458589
Not only
>Better constructed
>Better conceptualized
>Has actual thought and meaning behind it
>Represents a technology made to connect people
>Which was developed by Nords
>And named after a Nordic king
So it's whiter than Hitler's in every conceivable way.
Anonymous 11/10/24(Sun)05:42:38 No.458590
>is just a simple geometric doodle that literal cave men invented.
it's supposed to be the big dipper's relative position in all four seasons
Anonymous 11/10/24(Sun)07:58:56 No.458591
not necessarily doubting you, but if it is 4 seasons then why is it 6 feathers/positions??
Anonymous 11/10/24(Sun)14:57:07 No.458598
Anonymous 11/10/24(Sun)14:59:32 No.458599
Any fyflot fans here?
Anonymous 11/15/24(Fri)05:43:57 No.458668
There's etnocacerismo it's like nazism except it's Incan nationalism
Anonymous 11/16/24(Sat)17:05:46 No.458680
Give it another generation or two. The last holocaust survivors are dying off and without people who were actually there to tell us "never forget" the Nazis will be as relevant to us as the Mongols or Ottomans and they symbol will come back.
Anonymous 11/18/24(Mon)01:46:30 No.458687
Grow up retarded bitch
Anonymous 11/18/24(Mon)03:31:09 No.458688
>retarded ideology
kys retard
Anonymous 11/19/24(Tue)10:40:50 No.458701
Swastika goes hard because of the nazis, not despite them, hope that clears it up
Anonymous 11/21/24(Thu)10:53:46 No.458723
hell yeah brother
Anonymous 12/01/24(Sun)16:28:41 No.458813
Just embrace the ideology that is one way to cope. It also solves the issue and pain you're having about the logo.
Anonymous 12/03/24(Tue)18:30:17 No.458839

huh? isn't that the place Santa Claus lives?
Anonymous 12/03/24(Tue)18:57:59 No.458840
Black sun looks cooler
Anonymous 12/08/24(Sun)23:11:27 No.458881
>not racist
>from a game about "darkners" whose whole purpose in life is to serve "lightners"
t. Chris O'Neill
Anonymous 12/09/24(Mon)15:14:10 No.458901
it revived germany during the great depression. it's very jewish to bomb a country flat and then say it's economic system failed.
Anonymous 12/09/24(Mon)15:15:38 No.458903
we're going to keep getting endless wars until retards like you realize that jews are evil.
Anonymous 12/09/24(Mon)15:34:14 No.458916
>If any of this symbology was valuable or important or powerful (and if Nazis and/ or activist queers had any balls) each of these groups would simply appropriate the respective symbols as a display of cunning and power and reap the benefits.
jews HAVE appropriated the symbol. 99% of the "nazis" you've seen in your life are jewish actors or larpers. if someone is in the news for throwing a nazi salute, 99% of the time it turns out to be a jew.

more importantly, jews used the swastika to create both the holocaust industry, which is one of the most lucrative shakedowns in human history, as well as the abolition of any political movement against their power. in modern times the swastika represents pure evil, the kind that's so scary we should be happy to give up our rights to get rid of it.

in fact the symbol is so powerful that it triggers people like you even today. it's funny how someone on a design board doesn't recognize how a "simple geometric doodle that literal cave men invented" can appeal to our deeper psyche. pinwheel designs are hypnotizing for a reason.
Anonymous 12/18/24(Wed)05:10:05 No.459026
Hinduism isn't THAT retarded.
Anonymous 01/04/25(Sat)02:15:58 No.459178
SS goes way harder