/chatapp/ - Chat App General
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)12:50:17 | 24 comments | 1 images
vr chat app edition
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This is the place to discuss all things chat app related, discuss the likes of XMPP and other chat apps and protocols. Whether you're looking for recommendations, troubleshooting tips, or just want to share your favorite chat apps, you've come to the right place!

XMPP is an open-source, decentralized messaging protocol that allows for real-time communication. It's great for privacy-conscious users and supports features like group chats, file transfers, and more. If you're new to XMPP, check out some popular clients like Gajim, Conversations or Dino.

Mumble is an open-source, low-latency voice chat app. It features high-quality audio, positional audio, and is designed for real-time communication. Mumble operates on a client-server model, where users connect to a server to communicate with each other. It also supports text chat and has a simple, user-friendly interface.

Prosody (XMPP)
ejabberd (XMPP)
Mumble (Mumble)
Gajim (XMPP, PC)
Conversations (XMPP, Android)
Monal (XMPP, iOS/macOS)
Mumble (Mumble, PC)
Mumla (Mumble, Android)

Post your current chat app setup, what are you daily driving rn?

XMPP: https://xmpp.org/
Mumble: https://www.mumble.info/
XMPP Software: https://xmpp.org/software/
OMEMO Supported clients: https://omemo.top/
Public MUCs: https://search.jabber.network/

0-click deanonymization attack targeting Signal, Discord and more:
SimpleX "privacy-preserving" moderation:
Pidgin 3.0 Experimental 1 released:

Keep it civil and respect each other's choices. No shilling for proprietary apps.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:02:03 No.103996193
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:05:22 No.103996230
Anyone here get prosody working with ldap?
I've tried a couple times but the plugins are like 10 years out of date.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:17:24 No.103996383

ldap should already by merged into prosody it will come with the default modules provided by your maintainer


here's an example of how yunohost is doing it
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)16:28:34 No.103998877
what about https://escargot.chat/
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)16:39:10 No.103999032
Could never get authentication to work. I can ldap search but any integration inside prosody just had authentication errors. The documentation is pretty bad too, it shows default options but not all options available for things like ldap_mode and root_dn.
Dino also won't work with self signed certs. I got gajim working at one point with local accounts but iirc it's not feature complete like Dino.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)16:45:03 No.103999104
I'll also add I switched to using nextcloud talk for my ldap users. It does the mass majority of what I want. I don't like having everything nextcloud integrated so I'm not totally happy with it but it just werks with almost no setup.
Prosody was intended to be a backup chat system in case nextcloud shits itself or I decide to drop nextcloud alltogether.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)16:47:02 No.103999133
anyone has experience with the new teamspeak, how is it?
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)16:49:03 No.103999157
i used to be part of the xmpp shilltrain in like 2019-2020 has the thing improved or does it still all suck
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)16:49:12 No.103999161
why would anyone use ts over mumble?
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)17:04:18 No.103999346
They seem to have updated TS recently. New interface, chat features, streaming and all. Could be a middle ground, it's definitely easier to get a TS server going than the whole xmpp rabbit hole, and also easier to convert people.
Pinoko !!ZgB6+nhJFSU 01/22/25(Wed)17:28:34 No.103999665
Why can't anyone hack an XMPP client and Mumble together and fit it into an interface like Cinny or Discord?
In metadata of a room you list a mumble server and then can connect direct or have your server relay you to it
Make some ad-hoc spec that compatible clients and servers must adhere to. So they all need to support all needed XEPs, custom logic, all servers must run a voice server, etc.

Matrix has become too bloated/complicated and STILL doesn't have multi user voip or 'voice channels' like discord/ts/mumble
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)17:35:16 No.103999744
>Matrix has become too bloated/complicated and STILL doesn't have multi user voip or 'voice channels' like discord/ts/mumble

would be nice, but I do like both being centered around what they're trying to achieve and not stretching over one another
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)17:37:21 No.103999773
Well after more troubleshooting gajim has the same issue as dino with self signed certs. At least it prompts you that the cert doesn't match but you're just stuck connecting permanently.
I've wasted enough time on xmpp already. Maybe in a couple months I'll waste another few hours and get a percentage point or two closer to getting a working instance.
Selfhosted chat is a fucking nightmare.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)17:37:34 No.103999775
The "modern" features people apparently want necessitate massive bloat and inefficiency. Trying to make a viable alternative to Discord is a moot point because people want what makes Discord shit.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)17:40:02 No.103999806
I just don't see the point of this, I'd rather there was focus on improving existing clients. If having different applications in the same window is something you want you should be asking window manager devs to implement tabbed windows or something, not random projects to combine for your specific preferences.
Pinoko !!ZgB6+nhJFSU 01/22/25(Wed)17:45:34 No.103999872
A lot of people would be satisfied if they could register an account on some server and that's all it takes to give them:
- offline messages
- global user IDs
- file sending
- voice channels (with options not to leak ip) (with ts/discord style)
- multi user rooms
Bonus points:
- easy to host
- easy antispam tooling (like invitation systems and rate limits)
- encryption

I guarantee you a lot more people would use matrix or xmpp if they could have all of these properties
It's true that some people demand more, but this minimum set of demands encompasses a lot of people
Pinoko !!ZgB6+nhJFSU 01/22/25(Wed)17:51:55 No.103999934
>I'd rather there was focus on improving existing clients.
Good point d esu. Even Element could be improved if modded to have a 'voice channel' style UI
By 'Mumble' I meant 'any voice server that can power things in the background with minimum effort
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)17:56:03 No.103999980
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)18:25:05 No.104000337
All of these features are already present in XMPP, except for voice channels, and I don't believe adding them would significantly change the situation. The small number of users willing to install an XMPP client but not also use Mumble isn't worth the effort required for implementation. For one-on-one calls, users can already utilize Conversations or Dino. Even if someone were to create a Mumble client within an XMPP client, those who previously resisted switching would likely find another excuse, such as the lack of custom emojis or profiles. Pursuing these users is futile; they prefer to stick with popular platforms, and their reasons for not switching are often just a way to deflect the conversation, rather than genuine barriers to adoption.
Pinoko !!ZgB6+nhJFSU 01/22/25(Wed)18:42:35 No.104000559
I disagree with this, calls truly are a core functionality that keeps people away. There are plenty of people I've convinced to use things like Matrix, but without voice calls you just will not capture the vibe of gaming communities, they will not join without voice channels. I see them as a core demographic, they were the key ingredient in the success of Discord.
Yes, some people will still not consider an alternative. But for those who might, there ought to be one that has all of the core functionality they rely on. Lack of live screen sharing and video streaming and custom emoji and video game integrations could keep some people away, but the things I listed are the true absolute core requirements I think
>All of these features are already present in XMPP
Duh, hence the idea that a good client could be modded to close the gap, since xmpp gets most of what you want
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)18:43:44 No.104000573
Is it still proprietary?
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)18:53:52 No.104000720
The cognitive burden of choosing a server is hard enough, but if everything works great after one is chosen, it's only one hurdle tackled once.

Asking normie users to fire up two programs is asking them to deal with that clunky-ness every single time they want to chat. If they chat 1000 times, that's 1000 times more cognitive burden than registering for one thing once.
Why would normies accept such a significant downgrade of using multiple apps for a single conversation when they have an application that already does it all for them?

Also with Mumble they have to fiddle with IPs and ports and shit.
If instead there is an XMPP or Matrix room with metadata listing voice server(s) (perhaps the one hosted by the provider of the user who created the room), you would automatically connect to the voice server (after prompted to enable direct connects in settings) or have your voice traffic relayed to the voice server by a service run by your xmpp/matrix provider.
It's possible to design something that requires much less cognitive burden.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)19:38:19 No.104001240
still proprietary yeah, probably the only thing that really sucks about it
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)20:17:20 No.104001659
You can literally just post a mumble uri in the chat and click on it, no fumbling anything necessary.