/wdg/ - Friendly Web Development General
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)04:40:32 | 317 comments | 44 images | 🔒 Locked
*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in the thread subject ***

>Free beginner resources to get started with HTML, CSS and JS
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn - MDN is your friend for web dev fundamentals
https://web.dev/learn/ - Guides by Google, you can also learn concepts like Accessibility, Responsive Design etc
https://eloquentjavascript.net/Eloquent_JavaScript.pdf - A modern introduction to JavaScript
https://javascript.info/ - Quite a good JS tutorial
https://flukeout.github.io/ - Learn CSS selectors in no time
https://flexboxfroggy.com/ and https://cssgridgarden.com/ - Learn flex and grid in CSS
https://roadmap.sh/roadmaps?g=Web+Development - Guided beginner roadmaps

>Resources for backend languages
https://nodejs.org/en/learn/getting-started/introduction-to-nodejs - An intro to Node.js
https://www.phptutorial.net - A PHP tutorial
https://dev.java/learn/ - A Java tutorial
https://rentry.org/htbby - Links for Python and Go

>Resources for miscellaneous areas
https://github.com/bradtraversy/design-resources-for-developers - List of design resources
https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials - Usually the best guides for everything server related

>Need help? Create an example and post the link
https://jsfiddle.net - if you need help with HTML/CSS/JS
https://3v4l.org - if you need help with PHP/HackLang
https://codesandbox.io - if you need help with React/Angular/Vue

/wdg/ may or may not welcome app development discussion in this thread. You can post and see what the response is.
Some app technologies of course have overlap with web dev, like React Native, Electron, and Flutter.

We have our own website: https://wdg-one.github.io

Submit your project progress updates using this format in your posts, the scraper will pick it up:

:: my-project-title ::
dev:: anon
tools:: PHP, MySQL, etc.
link:: https://my.website.com
repo:: https://github.com/user/repo
progress:: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Previous: >>103764291
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)04:41:15 No.103849379
durgasoft thread died for this :(
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)04:47:14 No.103849417
tailwind is based
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)04:48:22 No.103849428
Good riddance
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)05:06:54 No.103849537
good ole microsoft high art, good stuff
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)05:10:46 No.103849556
What is the correct way to pronounce sql
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)05:12:12 No.103849563
you have to simulate having a seizure and epilepsia at once
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)05:36:45 No.103849697
The technically correct way is probably "ess-queue-ell"

But if you say "sequel" then people will probably know what you mean
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)05:39:03 No.103849720
Spending my day looking at programmer memes so I can pretend to myself that I'm learning more about programming
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)06:01:05 No.103849884
Good morning sirs

Tailwind fucking sucks but all the alternatives suck even more. So I'm sticking with Tailwind.

Breaking down your frontend into components and using ESlint/Prettier to re-order your Tailwind classes helps with consistency and maintainability, fortunately.

But CSS just sucks in general.

I call it squirrel just to fuck with my coworkers and peers.

My squirrel, squirrel lite, microsoft squirrel, progress (instead of postgres) squirrel.
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)06:22:37 No.103850029
We're going to call it Structured ENGLISH Query Language again, YEEEE HAWWW
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)06:25:02 No.103850048
It used to be sequel because that actually existed before sql.
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)07:04:01 No.103850331
how retarded is it to start using sqlite for a project and then eventually move to another *sql db later? i just want to get something working and consider consequences later.
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)07:07:29 No.103850357
How impervious are whitelists regarding websites and IPs? E.g. if I make a website and only let IPs I whitelisted enter, how well would it keep out attackers? Is it pretty hard to get through or is there still ways to get through it(e.g. spoofing)?
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)07:07:40 No.103850359
most projects never need to ditch sqlite
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)07:08:13 No.103850364
Never forget

Your device your files
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)07:47:29 No.103850629
Any harmonylib-like library in C# that can
>intercept calls of a function
>override calls to that function
>handle functions with a generic
>handle functions with a generic and constraints
Essentially, I want to mock a slow DB call in the test suite.
If you know of a way to override a call like
public void DBCall<A1,A2>() where A1: new(), A2: new(){


Please let me know.
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)07:50:06 No.103850646
SQLite is very powerful and gets the job done
don't underestimate it
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)08:03:03 No.103850744
Making a forum to look like late 2000s, early 2010s
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)08:05:30 No.103850774
cool stuff
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)08:09:52 No.103850805
What are you doing, my brother?
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)08:14:19 No.103850847
It's written in C#, VS's default debug browser is edge
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)09:22:52 No.103851461
Post the link when it's ready, I'd check it out
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)09:49:59 No.103851737
it's fine. the only thing that can potentially catch you out is optimizing your column types when migrating from sqlite to mysql/postgres.
chances are you won't ever need to migrate, but you have paths. libsql is good if you want to keep a flat file but have extra features like column renaming and vector queries.
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)09:57:27 No.103851836
>I want to mock a slow DB call in the test suite.
bruh, thats why you never use the DB stuff directly

I ususally make a GenericRepository, then just mock db context that you inject into it. But you could alos create real repositories for all the entiuties.
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)10:25:24 No.103852162
I'm starting creating a frontend with TypeScript for an API (including registration/login -forms). However, I'm not sure whether I should use Vue or React (or something else). I have little experience with React (from ~3 years ago). What's your opinion on this?
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)10:38:01 No.103852347
vue if it's just you and you're okay with learning as you go, react if you're gonna be working with anyone else
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)10:40:01 No.103852375
Depends on what you like.
I love Vue and would use it whenever given the option, but if it's important to you to acquire skills you can use on the general job market, then React will be more beneficial, since it's still dominating in that area.

You can do your frontend with either really.
React uses JSX for the template, Vue uses HTML like directives.
React re-renders the whole component tree on state changes so you have to do some more manual optimizations, Vue uses JS proxies and only updates whatever depends on the changed state.

If you check out Vue, then only consider the Composition API syntax with <script setup>.
The docs will also show you the syntax for the Options API, but that is pretty much a leftover from before Vue 3
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)10:47:36 No.103852461
is there really no solution to this shit? i need to have 20 fuckin config files?
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)10:48:22 No.103852471
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)10:48:29 No.103852474
do you want to use 20 different things?
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)10:49:18 No.103852487
i really dont but i have no choice
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)10:54:36 No.103852538
At work we use Vaadin Flow which is a Java frontend that compiles to JS and does all that shit for you.
In principle that's feels unholy but at least I don't have to deal with all the JS/TS insanity.
And considering the massive abstraction layer it's surprisingly robust.
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)10:55:38 No.103852553
However there are other options like Flutter.
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)10:56:04 No.103852561
I think CSS nesting is bad, actually.
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)11:00:03 No.103852611
At work we use Vaadin Flow which is a Java frontend that compiles to JS and does all that shit for you.
good morning saars

but yeah that does sound fucking awful, id rather deal with this shit that ever use java much less this sort of abstraction.
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)11:00:14 No.103852617
will you elaborate?
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)11:04:12 No.103852666
Alright, I don't actually hate nesting. But it's too verbose and once you've dealt with a large stylesheet that heavily utilizes this new feature, you're going to find it annoying too.

My main concern is really just the "abuse" or overuse of it.
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)11:05:46 No.103852690
Thanks! I thought this could be a good opportunut to develop frontend skills which could be used on the job market but had no idea if Vue is popular. Guess I'll be doing react then.
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)11:07:38 No.103852719
nta, but good thing nobody is forcing you to use it, right?
and yes I see your point, there's such thing as too much nesting
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)11:13:41 No.103852803
Skins in counter strike have in-depth info beyond their name and whatnot like unique pattern identifiers, wear etc (since the exact same skin can look slightly different for example the placement of the design is slightly different or its slightly more scratches etc). In order to get this info you need to connect to the game client itself and pass the inspect link steam generates.

To connect to the game client you need a steam account. There is no concurrency and each game client instance can process 1 inspection per second max. So 1 steam account + 1 proxy = 1 bot that can inspect 40-50 skins per minute in practice.

There is literally no other way to get this info yet there are multiple websites that are able to process millions and millions of these requests per day. They must have thousands and thousands of steam accounts I guess? My first thought is that they cache the info but there is no unique identifier for skins in the sense that once it moves from 1 players inventory into another there is no way to know that it's the same skin without actually performing the inspect so that diminishes how effective caching is quite a lot.

I've finished a distributed queue system that should be able to scale indefinitely based on how many steam accounts and proxies I have but holy fuck what a roundabout way to do this. Valve knows and approves of the platforms that use this info since it makes them millions a year indirectly yet they couldn't make a fuckin API for this info.

Thanks for reading my blog
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)11:24:41 No.103852951
Hmm, not a bad idea actually. Even though I confess, I lied a bit to help obfuscate my job from jannies, your approach will work.
It'll be a lot of work but fuck it it's the only one I can see so far, thanks anon
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)11:25:26 No.103852958
I haven't touched Next / React Server Components. Are these a meme? Are they "guaranteed" to eventually be the meta way most companies do things?
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)11:35:59 No.103853097
Screenshot 2025-01-11 at 17.34.04
this is a solution from a tutorial, they used the spec based approach, but I added the generic ones FindOneAsync, FindAsync and GetQuery. Now you can basically use this for any entity and any db context, without spec.
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)11:41:41 No.103853178
RSCs aren't a meme. the problem is that they were marketed/pushed as if they're the next big thing, when in reality they're only really good for things that people already use astro for - static content
if you try to go full RSC for a highly interactive app, it's gonna feel like utter shit because every interaction requires a round trip to the server. you need to use things like nuqs and use a bunch of optimistic update stuff to get any semblance of SPA behavior, and even then things still feel like shit unless you crank up the local route cache timings
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)11:45:13 No.103853216
I fucking love nesting, it syntactically matches html and I find it incredibly easy to follow compared to the way I've written css for the last 15 years.

I could see it being a nightmare on a team though.
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)11:52:41 No.103853317
I feel a bit lost because my company has used server templates + a few SPAs for two years. I blink and suddenly now there's Vercel / Netlify / Next / Nuxt / RSCs / Astro. Need to catch up on all the new memeshit
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)12:16:36 No.103853681
>take mirtazapine (an antidepressant)
>write loads of code
>take prozac (a different antidepressant)
>my coding concentration vanishes
Any of you experienced this? On mirtazapine I was very productive
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)12:17:28 No.103853689
>I think CSS nesting is bad, actually.
yep, specially in sass where you need 5 minutes to figure out the freaking class name because they use the & operator.

meanwhile it compiles to css and still has full classname, you don't even safe space doing it. you just make the css hard to read.
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)12:20:56 No.103853755
didn't see any difference tbqh, the only thing that gives me a massive productivity boost is dude weel mao
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)12:25:30 No.103853812
serverless hosting platform on top of aws lambda and cloudflare workers, develops nextjs
basically the same as vercel's platform
react-based full stack framework. dev team consistently refuses to keep to web standards and would rather reinvent everything, which is resulting in other react-based frameworks getting popular (remix, tanstack ecosystem)
vue-based full stack framework. dev team goes out of their way to make sure it and its ecosystem works everywhere, comes from the same vue ecosystem that makes up vite and the unjs ecosystem
static site generator that's increasingly adding more client/framework things like actions, forms etc

most of this stuff all existed years ago, it's just that the covid hiring boom made a lot of these new things get popular. haven't even touched on svelte, solid, signals, biome, js tooling getting rebuilt in rust
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)13:17:32 No.103854532
thanks anon
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)14:08:57 No.103855287
I've restarted the same project several times but whatever, it's a good learning experience I guess
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)14:45:27 No.103855804
Not strictly a web development question, but what is a good software for creating versioned documentation that is viewable in browser?
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)15:14:46 No.103856150
off the top of my head there's Docusaurus. I'm sure though there's others.
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)15:59:42 No.103856582
Hello! I have a question, can you help me?

I want to play around with websites again, because I need to make a small Android webapp.

I've made small websites in the distant past and my knowledge is based on using the LAMP stack (Install Apache + mod_php + MySQL, then centralize the URL calls and serve the content using scripts directly or by creating an MVC model).

Now I'm looking into how websites are being made nowadays and things are confusing!

I see that there are frameworks and languages that can become their own servers, but how is dynamic content served in this scheme? Are web servers (Apache, nginx) still used? How does a language communicate with the server? Is HTML mixed with the language like it was with scripts or are the HTML files written separately?

I'm a little lost on how to create a website nowadays. If possible I intend not to use a framework.
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)16:05:38 No.103856629
What do you mean with "Android webapp"?
Do you want to make a website or a mobile app?

You can still use PHP. Laravel is probably the most popular choice for that right now and as far as I know they have a setup that includes all of that server+database stuff.

The other option on the JavaScript side is a frontend framework like React or Vue, but I am not sure that is what you are looking for right now.
If you want to see how they work just look up the docs. Really no use going over that in detail here.
You don't have to use a framework, but depending on what you want to do, it may be very helpful.
Doesn't sound like you have a JS background though, so you might do better with Laravel then, if that is what you are used to.
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)16:07:31 No.103856652
Is there even a point in using RxJS, when I could just use Vue composables for that kind of reactivity in my JS/TS code?
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)16:21:34 No.103856838
OK, so I have a primary SQL database for storing stuff permanently, I also need a "temporary" NoSQL database to share data between instances of the server (which are sitting behind a load balancer). Which do I choose? Any suggestions?
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)16:29:50 No.103856939
>I see that there are frameworks and languages that can become their own servers, but how is dynamic content served in this scheme?

If you're talking about JS frameworks, the frameworks themselves have functionality for "server side rendering" which just means that you can write layout code that's responsive (javascript) and use that same code to render first on the server in the first-pass before the client can load the same code to load ("hydrate") the page and make it responsive. Dynamic data is either served through that server render, or through subsequent requests in javascript using the `fetch()` API.

>Are web servers (Apache, nginx) still used?

Yes, it's still the primary way to host most kinds of sites. Under the hood of every site you'll still find something like Apache, nginx, caddy, or just the lang itself that's bound to http ports.

That being said we now have decent web server host options that don't require you to set up a VPS with a firewall and CI/CD, and instead just automatically deploy from your github repository without any config. Vercel, Netlify and CloudFlare pages are good examples of this. Those options also allow you to run server code through "serverless functions" which all the major frameworks can integrate with.

>Is HTML mixed with the language like it was with scripts or are the HTML files written separately?

With most of these frameworks nowadays with server capabilities, you can write your server code in the same file as the layout (HTML, JSX, whatever), e.g.:

- With React you're writing all your layout HTML code in javascript files.
- With Astro, you can write server code at the top of the file before your HTML content.

>I'm a little lost on how to create a website nowadays. If possible I intend not to use a framework.

Depending on how dynamic your site is, I'd just write a few html files, push it up to GitHub and then link it to Vercel.
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)17:36:21 No.103857587
thanks, I look into it
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)19:07:48 No.103858516
Today I wrote 9 commits, and they're all pretty shit
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)19:15:13 No.103858603
is d3js still the go to for advanced graphs and charts?
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)20:00:16 No.103859028
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)20:28:49 No.103859270
What do you guys think about elm architecture?
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)20:30:52 No.103859278
apparently using claude gives me a productivity boost so big i am able to do the work of an entire team in half the time lol
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)21:48:20 No.103860012
Useless knowledge of the day:
In Brazil, tic-tac-toe is called "jogo da velha" which literally means "grandma's game". The symbol '#' is called by this name.
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)21:48:56 No.103860020
yes, but team of 10 pajeets. and they are still cheaper than you.+ claude
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)22:41:20 No.103860407
You're just writing html, Rajeesh.
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)22:44:57 No.103860437
>msedge opened on windows
What are you doing, my brother?
Anonymous 01/12/25(Sun)02:01:13 No.103861995
just use pinia as a global store
Anonymous 01/12/25(Sun)02:43:23 No.103862232
Looking for some help. I need to

1. Get emails from Stripe signups, 24/7 stripe api listener would be running
2. Add emails to a list
3. Send 30 emails to new contacts, 1 per day, automated

Can this be done with AWS Lightsail, Lambda and SES or what would you recommend? Just trying to save money since it will be sending millions of emails.
Anonymous 01/12/25(Sun)04:41:54 No.103862913
APU Gateway + SQS + Lambda + DynamoDB?
Only the API Gateway is not free I guess
Anonymous 01/12/25(Sun)04:59:14 No.103863000
I actually spent yesterday writing TS and Go so get fucked
Anonymous 01/12/25(Sun)06:03:30 No.103863398
does all this garbage really need to be littering the root folder of my project?
Anonymous 01/12/25(Sun)06:04:10 No.103863400
how does it feel using the most ascended meme stack? no diss, just curious
Anonymous 01/12/25(Sun)06:15:09 No.103863465
In my view a meme stack would be something like Next.js or HTMX

TS and Go are both pretty mature by this point so I don't think they're memes
Anonymous 01/12/25(Sun)06:16:35 No.103863478
>Send 30 emails to new contacts, 1 per day,
youre gonna get blackholed
Anonymous 01/12/25(Sun)06:17:26 No.103863485
yeh, ok, but how is it?
Anonymous 01/12/25(Sun)07:34:19 No.103863941
It's cromulent
Anonymous 01/12/25(Sun)07:40:13 No.103863980
that's a lot in the current dev world
Anonymous 01/12/25(Sun)07:47:56 No.103864030
pretty average for an email list to have a 30 day introductory sequence
Anonymous 01/12/25(Sun)08:22:49 No.103864323
Thoughts on JS/TS on the back-end?
Anonymous 01/12/25(Sun)08:35:28 No.103864438
>AI tells you that AI does a very good job
Anonymous 01/12/25(Sun)08:38:32 No.103864467
pretty normal nowadays
Anonymous 01/12/25(Sun)08:39:39 No.103864480
I have two web servers on my VPS, I have FQDN (domain name) DNS entries set up, so I generated an SSL cert with certbot but it only works for the HTTP server on 80 and not the webRTC server on 8089

is this normal? worse still, when I set the webRTC serv with the same cert the webRTC server is no longer accessible at all.
Anonymous 01/12/25(Sun)09:40:13 No.103864969
>id rather deal with this shit that ever use java
npc reply. anybody using js frameworks has no place shitting on java.
the js ecosystem is clown tier. that's why evan you is rewriting the whole toolchain.
Anonymous 01/12/25(Sun)09:43:31 No.103864998
/wdg/ always insults JavaScript but often praises PHP, another interpreted (slow) language

Anonymous 01/12/25(Sun)10:08:15 No.103865200
modern php is imitating js, but not modern php just requires very little setup and tinkering
Anonymous 01/12/25(Sun)10:19:23 No.103865319
JavaScript doesn't require much setup, you just install Node, and maybe Express, and you can write a back-end straight away
Anonymous 01/12/25(Sun)10:20:57 No.103865333
see this?
php needs none of that, modern php does, but regular php doesn't
Anonymous 01/12/25(Sun)10:21:31 No.103865342
At what point are we going to move to web3 and stop recycling the same old points
Anonymous 01/12/25(Sun)10:22:41 No.103865353
xD'd I saw a documentary, they mentioned web3 and I lmao'd
Anonymous 01/12/25(Sun)10:52:17 No.103865674
"regular" js doesnt either. you can rawdog shit with node just like any other language.
Anonymous 01/12/25(Sun)10:55:26 No.103865706
You really don't need all that shit, it's optional
Anonymous 01/12/25(Sun)10:56:58 No.103865719
doesn't sound too realistic 2 me 2bh, you "can", it is just nobody does. granted that we'd have to see how many current irl projects rawdog php
Anonymous 01/12/25(Sun)10:58:20 No.103865736
Anonymous 01/12/25(Sun)12:05:08 No.103866501
typescript is great. if i need performance that node can't offer, i'll use bun but it's generally fine
Anonymous 01/12/25(Sun)12:13:31 No.103866597
ok, default features jQuery (of the future) will need to provide
>default types fully based on traditional programming languages
>> that means deeper types than ts provides
>no "build" process required
what else? feel free to contribute
Anonymous 01/12/25(Sun)13:45:08 No.103867704
Has anyone read SICP Javascript edition?
How is it?
I'm not quite a beginner to programming but I'd like to go back to square one and learn things the 'proper' way.
If the Javascript edition isn't any good can you recommend another that takes you as close to the metal as JS allows?
Anonymous 01/12/25(Sun)15:32:35 No.103869005
I have not. I just read documentation.
Anonymous 01/12/25(Sun)18:10:38 No.103870976
Don't need jQuery for that, just make browsers support TypeScript natively
Anonymous 01/12/25(Sun)18:13:43 No.103871016
>start writing an application
>want to impose JavaScript animations onto video because you can make cool animations in javascript
>basically want to use F5-TTS & RealtimeSTT to make it interactive
>Somehow end up writing a video editor in React (Frontend) + Flask(Backend) + TailwindCSS
>Soon will be able to make videos with embedded API events like "Turn on smart-light at video duration X and set to intensity Y over time" or some shit like that.
>mfw the whole editor thing was just so I can have data to test the actual application with but it's ended up a pretty cool video editor thing
>mfw once this is finished I will have a custom video editor
>mfw won't need Windows Movie Maker anymore, can just do everything that WMM can in it + program my own animations / texts etc into it

Huh. Also bask in the glory of a timecircle think for video editing.
Anonymous 01/12/25(Sun)19:43:18 No.103872010
amazing anon
Anonymous 01/12/25(Sun)19:45:53 No.103872033
is it normal to feel that you've stopped growing 3 years into the industry(enterprise internal tool) ?
Anonymous 01/12/25(Sun)20:13:51 No.103872287
>Windows Movie Maker
thats still a thing?
Anonymous 01/12/25(Sun)23:12:36 No.103873796
3 years? i'm 9 years in and had to go learn a new framework in my own time to feel any semblance of growth
Anonymous 01/12/25(Sun)23:26:01 No.103873911
9 years is a long time man, were you doing more or less the same things during that time?
Anonymous 01/12/25(Sun)23:37:30 No.103874006
>2 years vue 1.x + laravel
>2 years vue 2.x + laravel
>3 years vue 3.x + ts/node
>2 years react/next
yeah basically. as much as i like typescript, i should probably learn another meme like golang next
Anonymous 01/12/25(Sun)23:57:45 No.103874176

have you felt more competent at work as time went on?

for me it's like:
>0.5 year react + node
>1.5 year react + spring
>1 year react + ts/node

react >=16 and the team is making an effort to keep everything up to date thankfully, might learn some gcloud stuff so we aren't helpless if the cloud/infra guy gets sick
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)00:05:10 No.103874242
Added thread badges and the subforum view. Left: main/home page
Right: General Discussion forum
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)01:12:52 No.103874785
any of you nibbas working multiple full time jobs
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)02:09:57 No.103875238
check this out, stole it from ableton and they hacked it together with like 5 third party plugins
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)03:25:58 No.103875723
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)03:42:57 No.103875812
Is it responsive for smartphones though?
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)04:41:07 No.103876136
golang sounds like a solid meme to bet on
t. turbo junior
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)05:10:31 No.103876316
thankfully yeah. picking up react and its ecosystem on my own allowed me to move to a new project using it all which is nice
probably wasnt the best for a resume to only have vue on it
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)06:03:02 No.103876649
Love this nostalgic but clean interface. The Verdana(-like) font and Silk icons are nice details.
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)06:08:38 No.103876675
tell us about the strategy u followed to center the badges with the thread titles
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)06:39:34 No.103876834
i just spilled another drink into my keyboard but this time i managed to unplug and clean it in time and didnt get anything into the switches or the lights. thank fucking god because this would have been the third one id have killed if i did. back during covid i did this to a keyboard and it was a 3 day process where i had to desolder every switch from the board, disassemble them, and wash them because i was too poor to buy a new one.

i should probably buy a soldering iron and fix the other two but id need to buy new sets of switches for them too.
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)06:41:49 No.103876848
oh wait this is the wrong thread
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)06:46:18 No.103876876
thank god
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)06:51:14 No.103876907
>i just spilled another drink
>he hasn't learned to only use cups with flat bottoms near his computer yet
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)07:03:52 No.103876996
i get careless when im drunk so i end up putting my drink between my mouse and keyboard and forgetting its there.
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)07:21:24 No.103877153
share now
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)09:05:02 No.103877909
I was about to write that.
NEVER put any drink between keyboard and mouse or even just in front of your keyboard.
Just doing that you are 95% safe.
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)09:13:26 No.103877982
on a happier and more relevant note, sveltekit is kinda comfy
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)09:15:06 No.103877998
I have my coffee between my keyboard and monitor. The keyboard is cheap though so I don't care much if it gets ruined.
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)10:12:56 No.103878515
>have a problem with one wcommerce site
>suspect database
>export the database to check it out locally
>works flawlessly
>compare the two out of suspicion
>most of large tables have lessrows than the original database, like 100.567 vs 100.865, 56.345 vs 56.829
is there any logical explanation to this? no matter how i try to export this database, it'll export with LESS records, and then work flawlessly with no problem
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)11:36:40 No.103879317
It's mostly responsive so far; working on these weird table headers. Thinking of just removing them on mobile view, or removing most of them. Picrel.

Also added a very basic registration workflow (basic email/password hashing, no SSO providers). Working on the forum rules. Trying to make it fair to people regardless of political disposition.


<div class="thread-listing">
<div class="thread-icon">
<div class="thread-badge @Identifier"></div>
<!-- ... other info -->


.thread-icon {
padding: 2px 5px;
background: #e5e5e5;

/* Center it */
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;

Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)11:59:44 No.103879593
maybe try this
>To check a table for errors, enter:
>check table [yourtablename];
>To repair a table, enter:
>repair table [yourtablename];
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)12:01:59 No.103879616
however this can lead to some data loss, so don't do this if you can't afford that.
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)12:36:09 No.103879948
You can if you want to, but it's difficult to install on Windows 10.
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)12:49:21 No.103880130
>My 2 most competent junior devs have quit in the span of a month
Well, time to go through a billion pajeet/chink resumes again and hope I can find someone who can actually code.
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)13:03:26 No.103880323
Give me a job please, I can work remotely and I can definitely write code
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)13:17:02 No.103880456
smug fredo
>use a copy paste program
>"oh, it looks like copy pasting shit others created made you XXXXX times faster than a team of ivy league engineers that created it
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)13:19:59 No.103880482
why did they quit?
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)13:20:57 No.103880488
Probably paid like a pajeet for actually doing the work.
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)13:30:32 No.103880588
To follow up - if your company is in the UK let me know the name of it so I can apply
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)13:32:11 No.103880600
do you use Vue?
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)13:40:43 No.103880699
HR had a hiring freeze and we had a brief scare on whether the junior devs could be converted to fulltime in time before their contracts expired.
We're not american, but 60k out of university seems pretty good for me
We're not
No, unfortunately it's react
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)14:13:58 No.103881098
Would you be willing to hire a British junior dev who can work remotely, who might also be willing to relocate?

This dev happens to know React by the way
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)14:30:31 No.103881272
Too much time and effort to sponsor someone
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)16:17:52 No.103882620
nta, how much of "sponsoring" a junior is helping/sponsoring him and how much is cheap labor?
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)16:31:40 No.103882804
hello, i made a repeater tool with cursor, please check it out at populus.ddns.net/repeat
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)16:37:26 No.103882874
Well, they'd get paid the same. So really, it'd have to be the perfect storm of:
-I'm not in a rush to hire someone
-There's no good local applicants
-This person doesn't seem like they're going to split in a year
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)16:39:12 No.103882903
very insightful, specially:
>-This person doesn't seem like they're going to split in a year
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)16:51:41 No.103883066

don't you just hate it when the subject of the performance review is your bussy
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)16:59:07 No.103883143
Don't take my word to be industry standard. I don't work for some tech company that requires the absolute best minds, and so to me, it doesn't matter how perfect of a fit you are to the role if you are if you require sponsorship and I have a local candidate that's a good enough fit. It's equal parts I don't want to deal with visa bullshit, and equal parts I want my community to benefit as well. If you're living in a different country, you're not supporting my local businesses or contributing to my city's tax base.
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)17:02:53 No.103883183

How difficult would you say this is?
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)18:00:21 No.103883770
probably doable if you are an intermediate dev at least, but somehow I am highly doubtful that they are actually paying 10k for that.
Why not hire some freelance dev and pay him 1k to code some zoomable data viewer thing?
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)22:26:35 No.103886309
this a battle of DAWGS
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)22:28:01 No.103886325
wheres the foul?
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)22:29:16 No.103886341
lmao disregard this i thought i was on another board
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)22:31:46 No.103886364
well, at least this thread got a nice bump
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)02:31:37 No.103887882
What even is a "book"?
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)02:33:26 No.103887891
thanks but the problem was resolved
by resolved i mean that we just made a new DB, copied the old one to the new one and updated the config and it works
i have no idea what was wrong
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)05:19:09 No.103888934
second incident of this kind ITT
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)06:23:34 No.103889327
u guys are a bit dense, so please descrive your desired perfect front end system, no, current ones don't count, but it is fair to steal features from them, bonus points for improvements over existing status
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)06:31:06 No.103889372
static html generated from a php backend, like in 1998
fuck modern web, it's nothing but trash
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)06:50:43 No.103889509
can't help but agree, that's SSR
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)07:04:26 No.103889606
nigga what the fuck is "juice"
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)07:13:12 No.103889678
what's a good framework or whatever it's called for building/managing websites?
I'm making a personal site and I don't want to make each entry from scratch, then manually update a list of entries on the main site.
I don't plan making anything extraordinary, mostly basic static stuff like a tutorial or project description.
Hugo was recommended/shilled a while back, is it ok?
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)07:21:31 No.103889732
If you're into coding, I'd try Astro with content collections. Otherwise use some off-the-shelf CMS like wordpress I guess
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)07:25:42 No.103889760
>i want to make a simple website where i will write blog posts
nigga literally wordpress
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)07:25:47 No.103889762
I can code, never did anything website-related outside simple html/php sites though. The intention is to learn how to do it properly.
I'm specifically avoiding wordpress and alike since in my experience they're awful to work with
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)07:37:32 No.103889835
you want a dynamic menu and link list on ur site, right? might as well use vanilla php for it, 0 complexity
include/require is what ur looking for
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)07:40:46 No.103889853
yeah, that's exactly want I want, I just assumed it was the main purpose of frameworks.
I'll look into it, thanks
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)07:46:09 No.103889889
yes, fw give you the exact same thing, php is just simpler
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)07:58:36 No.103889951
Do you guys use "git reset --hard" often ?

I have this personal(or emotional urge for the lack of better word) if I do something wrong to reset to previous version and delete the wrong doing all together from history so i'm not bothered with it. One day i might mix something up and delete weeks worth of coding.
In short should I avoid this command all together ? What's the best alternative ?
I really have that itch to just delete last commit if i did something bad.
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)08:20:45 No.103890092
never used it
does this delete history and shit? why would you want to use it?
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)08:27:13 No.103890150
I use it often, iirc it doesn't delete newly created files or something along those lines, it makes me feel like a brainlet
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)08:32:40 No.103890193
yeah but, why would i want to delete my history in git? that's what git is for. it's as if bought myself a car to go work, but then randomly decided to sprint last 2 miles every other day
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)08:38:30 No.103890235
it just undoes everything you piled over your las commit, which is something you might actually want if you fucked up
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)08:44:45 No.103890275
well, no. if i fucked up my last commit and want to go back to some previous commit, i can just use rebase -i or revert and actualy have some interactivity and choice in what i want reverted instead of using some nuclear options.
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)08:54:30 No.103890338
I find that messy, but maybe necause I'm a git coward, help me understand. Wouldn't u need a new commit on ur current changes for a rebase, or how would that work?
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)08:56:46 No.103890352
You can amend the last commit or squash commits.
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)09:07:44 No.103890435
yes, but i'd trhater have it. the way i see git, among other things, is also a kind of a log, like a work log. "14:05 adjusted door hinge in room 506", "15:20 readjusted hinge in room 506, previous work inadequate"
ultimately it's down to what YOU think is best for your workflow. if hard resets make you a better dev, then use that. that's the beauty of it, you can use the systen, any system, in a way you think is best and make you do work better
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)09:09:57 No.103890455
I need to stop being a git coward some day and master rebases and merges
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)09:15:58 No.103890506
I use a Git GUI for that stuff because I'm a filthy cheater
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)09:23:26 No.103890561
which one?
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)09:30:13 No.103890625
Anyone here a Mac dev ? i need some help compiling an app. Its a driver for a MIDI controlller but i need Xcode to compile it myself, however i cant install Xcode because my Mac is old so im wondering if someone has a few minutes to waste to compile it and then upload it to Mega or whatever filehost service so i can download it.

Heres the link with instructions, any help appreciated.


Reboot the system and keep COMMAND + R pressed while booting, this will bring you in recovery.
Open a terminal.
csrutil disable to disable System Integrity Protection.
sudo nvram boot-args="amfi_get_out_of_my_way=0x1"
Reboot to macOS.
Open a terminal.
systemextensionsctl developer on to enable developer mode. This allows for the app to run outside of the /Applications directory.
Clone the repo using git clone https://github.com/mischa85/snd-xonedb4
Change the directory to the cloned repo: cd snd-xonedb4
Get a (free) Apple developer account via Xcode.
Get your developer ID using security find-identity -v
Change CHANGEME in codesign.sh for this developer ID: sed -i '' 's/CHANGEME/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/g' mac-coreaudio/codesign.sh
cd mac-coreaudio
make build
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)10:08:57 No.103891022
I've been working as an angular dev for five years and I'm feeling like I'm getting stagnated. I would like to learn something new by doing a small hobby project, a webapp plus mobile app, while reusing as much code as possible (and maybe even doing them as a single project).

I've been looking into Expo, which looks really nice. Looks like it can ultimately produce a somewhat native-ish mobile app but also seemingly, without much fuss, a web version of it. It would also serve to dip my toes into the react ecosystem, which seems to be the most demanded thing out there in the job market, and that's a plus.

On the other hand, I am also considering the Svelte ecosystem for its simplicity and efficiency phillosophy; but it seems like, while I would be able to reuse logic and some components, I would need to keep two separate projects for sveltekit (web) and svelte-native (mobile), instead of probably getting away to do it in one sweep like it seems I'll be able to do with expo.

Besides these two, I've also taken a look at Flutter, but it seems its death is unavoidable plus it does extremely wierd shit with its rendering and stuff, I'd rather avoid it.

What are your thoughts? What would you rather reccomend me?
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)10:44:36 No.103891383
what do anons use to analyze server log files? i tried screaming frog analyzer and it's pretty good, but the free version has a 1000 line limit.
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)10:51:01 No.103891455
which Go framework to use for backend? simple rest api with db access, auth, and the like
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)11:34:57 No.103891938
What's a cheap WordPress host I can recommend to a friend that's got a "good idea for a website"?
Self-hosting is definitely not an option, I'm impressed he can work WordPress at all
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)11:38:53 No.103891973
Do I dox myself in interviews? I have a couple of projects I've only ever posted on 4chan with easily searchable domains. The problem is I'm cheap and only pay for a 1gb ram 1 core machine which leads to some interesting design constraints for optimization that I could talk about in interviews
I got end to end api calls down to 60ms-80ms for the main route and 100ms-200ms for the data processing route, and INP scores down to basically nothing

Rate my project anons
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)11:50:38 No.103892093
Screenshot 2025-01-14 174951
tf am i looking at?
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)11:55:07 No.103892131
There's some fun and interesting TF2 communities out there.
CP stands for "control point" btw, not what you think
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)12:01:17 No.103892204
If by "dox myself" you mean "show off my portfolio" then yes
You could also slightly change the domain name when you present to interviewers so they won't find it in the archives
sage 01/14/25(Tue)12:16:21 No.103892343
>OP pic doesn't have DHTML
Shamefur dispray
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)12:17:21 No.103892352
Oh that's a good idea anon. just gotta buy another domain ty

You have to be a degenerate to play a dying 18 year old game. even 4chan servers are full of degenerates
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)12:48:22 No.103892700

m00t used to say
>man the fuck up and accomplish something
wise words, I will always remember him for that one quote that I saw him post once or twice, I'm still carrying the stone uphills, way higher than I once was, but there's still uphill road. I don't want to mislead the newbies, there is no guaranteed job, but if you have been carrying the rock uphills for some time, seen some fruit, if you measure the odds and you see a realistic chance, do it. I still miss my NEET years, the same way I don't want to go back to them no way, but the struggle was fruitful
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)12:49:32 No.103892708
How do I get a bigger to rail my bussy????
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)13:11:54 No.103893019
8 gigs of RAM is not enough for modern web dev is it. I need a new fucking computer.
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)13:18:05 No.103893096
mostly due to browsers though I'd guess, not because of some dev environment.

That makes me wonder.
Everyone likes to rant and complain about those resource hungry browsers and it always sounds like it would be trivial to just not have a browser use up several gigabytes to render a few websites, but no one ever releases a better lightweight alternative.
You would think that it should be a low hanging fruit.
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)13:28:12 No.103893240
or just buy more ram, but I think 8 is "enough"
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)13:30:53 No.103893277
I call bullshit, as in browser manufacters getting paychecks from hardware manufacs kind of bullshit, chromium (not chrome for 4chins reasons) does better than ff in this regard
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)13:48:57 No.103893485
It exists, it's called Dillo. But because it's such a barebones browser, no one uses it.
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)13:52:56 No.103893526
My RAM is soldered so I can't install more. I just increased the size of my zram (compressed area of RAM in Linux) so I should be able to fit more stuff in RAM. It will use the CPU more but that's fine because my CPU temps are pretty low on this machine.
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)13:56:12 No.103893561
>your desired perfect front end system,
the web needs both, you cannot do frontend without a backend.
And that is the first thing for my wishlist: Doing things where they fucking belong instead of forcing either just cause.
That being said: MPA, "CGI" and "islands" are the best architecture, because browsers still work best with those.
I do not need much shit for that. Modern html/css/js is incredibly powerful.
However, the tooling sucks. AFAIK no language server for JS(TS, no IDE has a concept of things that can actually be in the DOM at some point, which results in people thinking that "vanilla" sucks. But it does not. It's the tools that do.
Consider this:
<div id="greeting" onclick="textContent = 'FU'; moduleFunction()">Hello dude</div>
// at this point the type of...
// should be DIVHtmlElement and NOT ANY because we obviously have not done anything else.
<script type="module">
import moduleFunction from '/module.js'
// BUT how do we export it to the DOM in such a way that the call to the function is not undefined before?

This is simple shit and all of the dynamic typing is actually great for doing a quick thing here and there. But our tools simply cannot handle this even in the most simple case and that's a fuck up.
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)14:02:31 No.103893614
has anyone here worked with npm workspaces? how do you handle local dependencies that are also in the npm registry?

like i have package A that depends on package B, both are being developed in the same monorepo, but package B is also in the npm registry. is there a way to tell npm to not download the npm one and use the local one instead without needing to manually specify it in the package.json devDependencies of packageA, like "packageB": "file:../"? if i do it this way i will need to remember to change it to the npm version one before uploading a change to github
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)14:15:53 No.103893740
I'm this anon >>103891973
Fucking 1gb ram is not big enough to run create-react-app's build. I have to build locally and ssh up the files
Fucking god bless Jarred Sumner. If he didn't make bun I'm pretty sure the tsx/ts-node would overwhelm my machine. The native sqlite library for bun is also goated. Although curiously it's not async which makes me a little scared if I have to upgrade to 2cores. Synchronous DB queries feels weird
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)14:17:08 No.103893756
>You would think that it should be a low hanging fruit.
a decade or so ago it was, these days web standards have become so insanely bloated that using a lean browser cuts you off from huge swaths of the internet
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)15:16:01 No.103894438
you made me remember something about right when I started self learning web at a paid internship, that was legit 10 years ago if not more. I remember reading that a web should:
>be built with 0 js
>> define the navigation and interaction this way
>then add the js on top
>>so when "an user disables js" it still works
nowadays that users is google indexing, what do you think of this approach?
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)15:18:30 No.103894454
Ctrl + shift + N
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)15:20:35 No.103894479
>so when "an user disables js"
not that anon, but that is pandering to tech autists.
I don't give a fuck if someone disables JS. The website uses JS. If you disable it, then you can't use the website. It's simple as that.
I am not jumping through hoops for that sort of bullshit.
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)15:22:31 No.103894494
you forgot this part:
>nowadays that users is google's indexing, what do you think of this approach?
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)17:05:17 No.103895755
Fair enough. I mean for development though. I'm running Expo (React Native) along with my editor, some browser tabs, etc, and it can get close to all 8 gigs used sometimes.
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)17:28:11 No.103896035
What is an appropriate web server for a single webpage hosting a web app on a VPS?
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)17:34:40 No.103896120
I'm complaining with you as well anon. It's absolute bullshit. Ain't nothing in my project worth compiling that's more than a gigabyte. Facebook devs are retarded gluttonous sinners
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)17:48:05 No.103896284
>a single webpage hosting a web app
what's that supposed to mean?
Do you mean just an SPA or a full fledged app with backend, database, etc.?
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)19:03:02 No.103897168
uhm guys... where are the Vue jobs???
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)19:38:03 No.103897540
Single Page Application sounds about right, hosted on my VPS.

I will keep a DB but not some webserver shit hopefully. I just need it for backend work/communication with the rest of the backend stuff (C#)
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)19:48:56 No.103897648
It's not just for tech autists. If you require JavaScript to render the page, the minimum amount of round trip requests you need to display the content increases by 1. God forbid if you used library splitting and now have to dynamically download libraries that should have been with the main bundle
That may not be a bad thing, but we all know there's sites out there with 100mb bundles. Every byte has to be downloaded, parsed, and compiled before it's allowed to even do anything. Giving your site a higher LCP than if you'd just rendered the HTML ahead of time and kept the 100mb bundle for interactivity
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)19:53:33 No.103897690
eh, too late I made a node.js one via cloudpanel, going to try to work with this.
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)19:55:06 No.103897705
If it's an SPA then you can just statically host it on Netlify, Vercel, etc.
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)20:12:13 No.103897875
alright I have a retard question for retards, I added the node.js website via cloudpanel but it doesn't actually serve any documents.

did a quick google search and created a /public folder that has the index.js and app.js files in it as well, also put them in the outer dir for good measure.

how do I add a basic index.html equivalent to this shit?
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)20:13:13 No.103897883
forgot pic
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)20:15:08 No.103897908
using cloudpanel
wrong pic
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)20:49:24 No.103898254
So with node.js applications you actually need a node process to be continuously running with something like `node index_copy.js` alongside configuring any web server config.

Check out their docs, seems to have some info on how to set it up
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)21:41:51 No.103898770
as the docs that the other anon linked to show, you need something on the node server that listens on port 3000
Node is just a JS runtime. It won't serve anything unless your app is set up to do so, with an Express server for example.
If you just want to serve static content, then you absolutely don't need Node.js for that.
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)21:47:59 No.103898817
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)23:47:25 No.103899858
oh right, that nodemon thing
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)01:18:53 No.103900432
Most of these are for separate cli programs so they need to find their config when you call them somewhere deep in the source tree
You can put them in ./config but you'll have to append most commands with --config={root}/config
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)01:20:28 No.103900442
Bazed, I wish he ended up with Selphie instead of Rinoa. Rinoa was a total pickme with a mental disorder.
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)01:37:33 No.103900531
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)02:15:15 No.103900755
Strictly speaking I'd still expect 95% of all pages to still work without JS, simply because 95% of all pages display the most simple content only. And of course I am not talking about a live comment section or whatever, but even a page like youtube, even in the year 2025, could in theory work without JS just like that. It does not do much after all.
And I bet that even they are using so called "server rendering" nowadays, because it actually saves them money and makes pageload faster. Compared to 20 years ago when we simply did our cgi and the user got a fully working experience...

That does not mean that I would expect all features to work all the time. Of course not. But I expect to at least *see* the goddamn thing even without JS and devs not being willing (see >>103894479) or able (probably also see that comment...) to make that possible is speaking for itself.

And then there are like maybe 5% of all pages which simply cannot work without JS. Things like online image editors, GIS applications or other canvas based stuff. Maybe even webAudio stuff. Games.
Still, even for those I'd expect at least to show me the thing or a message that says "This application requires JS in order to work" - like that fucking simple. But the reality is that shit is white and that is a fuck and I wish that google would punish this behaviour.
>100mb bundles
Do not get me started on bundles and "compiled" or fuckified or whatever JS. That's the worst. Modern web has had es6 modules for how long now? Load them only once you need them. Even my fucking iPhone7 (which I am refusing to give up) works perfectly fine with es6 modules and unbundled shit.
I absolutely believe that bundling and fuckifying shit one of the core reasons why stuff is so slow. About 4 years ago I gave up on my trusty 2010 era core I7 machine. It was crawling at that point. But it did *not* do anything more demanding than it was in 2010-14. The web still looks the same, yet shit got worse.
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)03:04:10 No.103901079
>I absolutely believe that bundling and fuckifying shit one of the core reasons why stuff is so slow
Sorry but you're flat out wrong. You're still better off with a bundler. The only difference between the two methods is one will request a 100mb file all at once and the other requests 1000 0.1mb files. Having one big file will just more easily saturate the connection making it download faster. It's also a problem that not all 1000 files are known at the start, and instead need to be discovered in a graph

I legit don't care how many medium articles you've read, never ever use esmodules when bun.js makes bundling files as easy as bun build entrypoint.ts
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)03:19:35 No.103901183
>you're flat out wrong
No, I am not. There is not a single so called web application in existence which justifies a 100mb bundle. A 100mb bundle is a symptom of a big fuck up. If you need a 100mb bundle to create a web application I at least expect that app to be a hardware emulator running a custom OS shipping a video editor, a DAW, WINE with photoshop and a freakin copy of all of wikipedia.

Goddamn, how delusional are you? 100mb bundle? wtf?
>Having one big file will just more easily saturate
If connection speed was the core issue, than a single freaking 100mb download would be fucking bad, because the browser would not do shit unless that thing is ready. But all of this is of course not about connection speed. So get this right already.
thanks, but no. IDGAF about some ai made bullshit.
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)03:30:36 No.103901258
where are any of the jobs?
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)04:06:12 No.103901461
I use BEM so I only really get some use out of what Sass does
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)04:10:32 No.103901484
Hugo and Astro are both good for this
Hugo is a bit harder to wrap your head around, though
WordPress will give you a site you need to update
Hugo and Astro will give you static sites that you can ignore for years
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)04:13:18 No.103901500
If it just dumps everything in your working directory, sometimes
Sometimes I’ll make a bunch of changes and think “this is all garbage”
And then I reset to whatever the last commit was
And be happy that I didn’t have to do work to find exactly where the last good snapshot was
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)04:16:49 No.103901527
Please give me tips for boosting my web dev productivity

I'm taking Prozac which may or may not be helping

What else can I do?
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)04:37:42 No.103901694
stop browsing 4chan and other time wasting sites. 50% productivity boost right there.
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)04:51:27 No.103901767
>just started upgrading entire vue/nuxt 2 codebase that relies on bootstrap-vue plus many other outdated packages

perhaps starting from scratch would be faster
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)05:11:45 No.103901876
every popular host is $5
but some want a yearly up-front payment instead
even worse, book it for 2-3 years and pretend to save
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)05:17:09 No.103901904
Anti-depressants are poison and don't work against depression. So I would quit that.
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)05:17:41 No.103901911
I started with web dev just for fun (I already know C# but never more than hobby tier)) and bought some books like "Learning Web Design". But somehow most books are endless pages of "blah blah" without any practice.

Now I looked into Mozillas MDN and I have to admit it's much better than the books. Should I stick with MDN or use books and mdn side-by-side?
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)05:40:20 No.103902069
Fair point

They're not ideal but I think Prozac is making me a bit more productive
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)05:44:39 No.103902103
learning shit is fastest and most effective when I have a goal in mind. Every time I've sat down and tried to slog through a bunch of tutorials or beginners guides it's never stuck with me, but if I have an idea for a dumb site or tool there's a constant need to look up specific methods while I'm making it.

I wouldn't know CSS half as well as I do if one day I didn't get the urge to make a goofy bouncing loading animation. It's easier to spend the whole day on w3 or MDN when there's something you're determined to have on your screen.
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)06:06:48 No.103902258
Back in the day if you were making a website, it would pretty much always be displayed on a 4:3 monitor, probably with at least a resolution of 640x480

But now I'm finding myself trying to make my web app responsive for literally any aspect ratio and almost any resolution because some people might have weird Chinese Android phones with tiny screens.
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)06:56:55 No.103902614
What are good tools that I should have for HTML, CSS and later to do stuff in javascript?

I'm on macOS with Safari and Webstorm. Some other guys recommended me to use VScode instead of webstorm and download ungoogled chromium with homebrew.

I wanted to go with Safari and Webstorm+Brave for debugging and js support.
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)09:20:21 No.103903687
just use VSCode, you don't need anything else.
The dev tools in any browser are also good enough.
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)09:40:44 No.103903865
There doesn't seem to be a shortage of React jobs
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)11:50:08 No.103905152
>just use VSCode
what is the biggest benefit compared to Webstorm?
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)12:02:16 No.103905309
Why is react weirdly complicated? It's not that I don't understand it, or that the code itself is complex, it's just that I'm finding myself wondering why I need 4 files to keep a state up to date and pull data from an api?

It usually involves a context folder that has three files: actions.js, reducers.js, and StoreContext.js? And not only that, but projects will also need an API folder with an api.js file that is then used by actions.js to run the functions in your api.js file. Then the project often also needs an app.js file, as well as a index.js file in the root src directory. And it needs all of this just to render one webpage.

Then, there are 20+ versions of node, and just as many versions of react/react-dom you have to juggle.

What's the deal with all that overhead just to have a state machine rerender a page when the state changes?
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)12:25:48 No.103905576
is anyone good at auth? i've been stuck on a bug for months where i'm using passport saml to log in through a choice of two identity providers, but if logging in takes more than a few minutes, like if a user has to go through 2fa, the session loses data and i can't retrieve the strategy in my callback route after auth. there must be something simple i'm missing because i don't see anyone really complaining about this.
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)12:59:30 No.103906043
I honestly don't know webstorm, but VSCode just works and with it being the most popular option you basically have a well maintained extension for any language and framework.
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)13:22:30 No.103906340
The point I'm making is that your choice of bundling/esmodule is a choice between X mb single file and a 1000 tiny files worth X mb in total. Esmodules aren't going to suddenly make files smaller in size

>100mb bundle
I can nearly guarantee you there's a website out there hosting a 100mb bundle. We both think this is bad anon. My point is esmodules won't fix this
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)13:28:11 No.103906418
Everything in React is more complicated than it is in other frontend frameworks.
Unfortunately it became the dominant framework just based on its network effect.
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)13:38:58 No.103906574
Because React pretends to be a library so QOL features are not included.
You're heavily encouraged to use a framework. The documentation straight up tells you to use Next instead of React by itself.
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)14:17:13 No.103907061
I have this side project that I have been working on and off over the past 8 months. I built it in raw PHP with no styling, frameworks, no js and has the bare minimum in terms of data and forms.
I am considering of developing this into an actual web application.
What are next steps to take here? Do I need to learn bulky PHP frameworks, extensive CSS and a billion other things to make this go live?
What is the bare minimum that I have to reach?
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)14:22:38 No.103907144
what plugins should I download to start with html, css and js?
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)14:25:16 No.103907174
setting up docker with swarm has genuinely been one of the most miserable experiences ive had as a dev. my setup isnt even complicated compared to most production apps. grafana, loki, redis, postgres, a single instance of my main app and scalable instances of what i need swarm for. 3 days fiddling with fucking yaml files is making me want to kms. maybe i should have use k8s.
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)14:29:41 No.103907231
do you really need horizontal scalability?
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)14:31:38 No.103907255
unfortunately yes otherwise there is 0 chance id be spending this much time being this miserable
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)14:32:04 No.103907258
Depends what you mean by
>I am considering of developing this into an actual web application.
What's still missing?
If all that's missing is styling, you can use a CSS framework like Bulma.
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)14:34:31 No.103907282
Meta's open source website (pic) calls React a framework even though all of React's documentation calls it a library instead of a framework


Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)14:35:35 No.103907297
>Do not confuse Docker Swarm mode with Docker Classic Swarm which is no longer actively developed.
Did you maybe make this mistake?
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)14:38:13 No.103907335
I haven't used Webstorm but pretty much anything Jetbrains makes is gold.
In any case it doesn't fucking matter.
You can use any editor with any modern browser.
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)14:39:20 No.103907346
no i'm using the right thing. it's just miserable. maybe im just stupid idk. for example there is no depends_on option in swarm mode. my app needs postgres and redis to be running before it can initialize properly. there is a retry built in to swarm but for some reason it wouldnt find the postgres connection even after it had finished initializing.

i check the github issues and people are using wait-for shell scripts to solve this type of problem. i try it and it makes me want to kms. instead i have to have a separate yaml file for my infra stuff which i run first and a separate one for my app. i then need a third one for portainer cause docker desktop is ass and its too confusing to me to couple portainer to my other yaml files. i just hate this shit.
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)14:41:19 No.103907369
Only that page calls it a framework. Open "see more projects", same 3 cards but no mention of a library. Open detailed view and again not a framework.
So I think some intern fucked up.
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)14:43:02 No.103907390
Right now it is basically a raw pipeline from a web form to the database and the reverse.
It lacks anything else.
What I am asking is what is the bareminimum for any such application to be usable in the real world?
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)14:44:58 No.103907417
>no mention of a library
Meant framework ofc
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)14:50:39 No.103907477
The big reason for NOT bundling is that it allows for loading only what you need instead of a big bundle. Doing a MPA instead of a SPA will then result in everything being faster.
Especially considering that we have prefetch, preload, http2, imports, dynamic imports, and so on...
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)15:12:37 No.103907738
If you're using dynamic imports like all the big meta frameworks use under the hood then you wouldn't be loading in what you don't need.
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)15:12:54 No.103907742
That's only true if you only ever use dynamic imports. In esmodules all of your import statements (import x from "y") needs to resolve before the rest of your file gets generated. You'll load everything that gets imported statically always)
If you only use dynamic imports (const x = import("y")) then your statement would be true regardless of esmodule or bundler. Dynamic imports is how you tell bundlers to do library splitting
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)15:13:48 No.103907758
>gets generated
Gets ran*
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)15:32:19 No.103907983
none, that stuff pretty much works out of the box.
There are things like ESLint or Prettier you can use for automatic formatting and syntax rule enforcement but it's probably not necessary for you at this time.
If you ever use Vue, React, etc., then it's definitely worth getting the matching plugin.
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)15:38:48 No.103908074
Docker is for ASS FAGGOTs
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)15:41:15 No.103908121
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)18:44:01 No.103910174
>page 9
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)18:56:33 No.103910287
alright wtf even this example running on codesandbox doesn't work
var express = require('express')
var parseurl = require('parseurl')
var session = require('express-session')

var app = express()

secret: 'keyboard cat',
resave: false,
saveUninitialized: true

app.use(function (req, res, next) {
if (!req.session.views) {
req.session.views = {}

// get the url pathname
var pathname = parseurl(req).pathname

// count the views
req.session.views[pathname] = (req.session.views[pathname] || 0) + 1


app.get('/foo', function (req, res, next) {
res.send('you viewed this page ' + req.session.views['/foo'] + ' times')

app.get('/bar', function (req, res, next) {
res.send('you viewed this page ' + req.session.views['/bar'] + ' times')

Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)18:57:34 No.103910296
fuck me in the gay ass
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)19:23:10 No.103910546
What do I use to make my server available for letting people test it? Tor? Cloudflare Tunnel?
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)20:01:56 No.103910991
Just use Tor. Cloudflare leaks your IP unless you have a team of 300 devops engineers to set it up correctly.
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)22:36:37 No.103912531
Anonymous 01/16/25(Thu)03:07:42 No.103914541
>page 10
good morning sirs
Anonymous 01/16/25(Thu)03:16:20 No.103914584
Screenshot (71)

what does the question mark without semicolon mean ?(pic)
Anonymous 01/16/25(Thu)03:26:04 No.103914642
>Nullable type syntactic sugar
>A single base type declaration can be marked nullable by prefixing the type with a question mark (?). Thus ?T and T|null are identical.
Anonymous 01/16/25(Thu)03:49:40 No.103914772
if static vars and methods are considered bad practice in php should i skip learning about them all together?
I encounter them being used in books sometimes and wonder is it worth to bother? It's pretty much outdated practice right ?
Anonymous 01/16/25(Thu)04:15:23 No.103914915
What should be expected from a fullstack web dev job paying 40 bucks an hour in a medium sized city?
Anonymous 01/16/25(Thu)04:20:03 No.103914940
I don't know about PHP but generally static variables and methods do have their place.
Just learn it. It's not a difficult concept.
Anonymous 01/16/25(Thu)04:38:06 No.103915041
Same guy here. The more I use MDN, the more fun I have. it's so much better than books.
Anonymous 01/16/25(Thu)04:44:06 No.103915086
mdn will always be there, but you got a lot to gain from a good book, not sure if that is the case with ur book

my favorite experience with mdn was taking a canvas bouncing ball example they had and simulating applying phisics to it, they deserve praise
Anonymous 01/16/25(Thu)04:46:37 No.103915110
>mdn will always be there, but you got a lot to gain from a good book, not sure if that is the case with ur book
This is the book I bought.
Anonymous 01/16/25(Thu)04:54:11 No.103915156
>mozilla and w3c
this should be good, but I wouldn't expect much from it regardless
also use csstricks, javascript.info and geeksforgeeks
consider subscriving to web dev mailing lists to get a grasp of what's going on

but generally speaking u want more advanced books, when u feel confident, go check out clean code for javascfipt, it's free on github, might be too much for you to digest right now but a proper guide later on
and don't delay much picking up some back end lang to go along in ur journey. Node + express or php, whatever u feel like the most
Anonymous 01/16/25(Thu)06:23:45 No.103915717
>backing up my git repos to an exfat drive
>get some error
>turns out that windows filesystems (like exfat) don't support question marks in filenames, whereas linux supports it just fine
Why is Microsoft so shit
Anonymous 01/16/25(Thu)06:42:19 No.103915852
you have question marks in file names?
Anonymous 01/16/25(Thu)07:03:07 No.103916006
It was just one file in one repo which caused the error, all my other repos backed up fine because they didn't have any question marks in the filenames.
Anonymous 01/16/25(Thu)08:11:56 No.103916637
most bundlers do chunking for you at this point so this is a non-issue
mpa: per-page chunking
spa: per route chunking with subsequent routes being dynamically imported
Anonymous 01/16/25(Thu)08:17:40 No.103916695
I looked at the table of contents. It looks fine but lengthy.
Personally I like https://www.w3schools.com/. Has a lot of tutorials and an in-browser editor.
Anonymous 01/16/25(Thu)08:34:08 No.103916862
I still didn’t get it.

$reg = “hi”;

?reg will return either string - “hi” if set or null if not set?
Anonymous 01/16/25(Thu)08:37:39 No.103916893
based anon for looking into it. Glad that the book is fine.
Anonymous 01/16/25(Thu)08:47:19 No.103916962
The ? tells you that the variable can be null. Whereas without it it implies that it can't be null.
I don't know PHP so I asked ChatGPT how it handles nullability:
>Default Mode: PHP allows null to be assigned to non-nullable types but may raise warnings or errors in some cases, especially in PHP 8+.
>Strict Typing Mode (declare(strict_types=1);): PHP enforces that a variable without a nullable type cannot be assigned null.
>To allow null explicitly, use a nullable type (?type).
So if you're using strict typing mode and try to assign null to a variable that doesn't have a nullable type you should be getting an error.
In default mode however that is not enforced and seems more like a type hint.
Anonymous 01/16/25(Thu)09:07:35 No.103917138
so is there no way in just css to make responsive websites with dynamic content?

what i mean by dynamic is say you have a navbar with 5 links, you can make a query selector for the screen width to collapse it once the links would otherwise start to wrap, however this is a manually set value that depends on the links length.

What if say you didn't know how many links / how wide the link container is going to be? can i not specify that i want the parent container to have flow-direction of row unless any of the text has to wrap then make it column.
Anonymous 01/16/25(Thu)09:19:43 No.103917257
It's absolutely possible and used to be done all the time 15 years ago.
Anonymous 01/16/25(Thu)09:20:31 No.103917265
with only css?
Anonymous 01/16/25(Thu)09:22:42 No.103917291
Yeah, you can use media queries to setup different styles at different screen sizes
Anonymous 01/16/25(Thu)09:25:18 No.103917317
yeah but thats the problem im talking about
because the size you set depends on the length of the container so if you dont know exactly what content is going to be put in there then you cant come up with a query selector for when to collapse it
Anonymous 01/16/25(Thu)09:25:37 No.103917319
he wants it done dynamically once the links overflow without having to know when exactly that happens.
Anonymous 01/16/25(Thu)09:26:47 No.103917326
Combine calc() and media queries
Anonymous 01/16/25(Thu)09:43:43 No.103917507
Thoughts on React Native?

Have any of you used it?
Anonymous 01/16/25(Thu)09:49:44 No.103917556
where CSS doesn't reach, js + css does. still, it should be avoided like the plague

let's be real, how do you not know how many links u have in the navbar, and how to treat them just with media queries?
Anonymous 01/16/25(Thu)09:52:47 No.103917603
I'm happy that I'm successfully contactniggering important issues in the team, but also sad that I'm doing it instead of just programming. Helping and leading higher ups to make important decissions and taking actions.
How much of ur time is spent in emails and messages? normally it doesn't take much from me but today it is 100%
Anonymous 01/16/25(Thu)10:12:09 No.103917796
what I'm getting at
>I don't know the length of the links of my navbar
isn't a scenario that should be happening, ever
Anonymous 01/16/25(Thu)12:26:27 No.103919443
>How much of ur time is spent in emails and messages? normally it doesn't take much from me but today it is 100%
Very little time to be honest
Anonymous 01/16/25(Thu)12:37:58 No.103919563
and anime is degenerate mind-poison invented by the japs to get revenge on the White Man for the nukes
and yet here you are
Anonymous 01/16/25(Thu)12:39:13 No.103919583
console.log('dont mind me just testan')
Anonymous 01/16/25(Thu)12:40:17 No.103919593
console.log('oh fugg')
Anonymous 01/16/25(Thu)12:42:00 No.103919606
its an entirely plausible scenario if you're trying to make your site dynamic.
E.g. say you want to build your client a control panel page that allows him to add / remove the links in the navbar and you want to make sure it'll look good regardless of how many links there are
Anonymous 01/16/25(Thu)12:49:22 No.103919697
It would be cool if 4chan did support Markdown to be honest
Anonymous 01/16/25(Thu)12:50:43 No.103919710
yeah because what could go wrong with anons having unrestricted access to h1-h3 headings in their posts
Anonymous 01/16/25(Thu)12:52:02 No.103919735
Anonymous 01/16/25(Thu)13:14:03 No.103920068
You still know how many links there are at render time. You could so something like class="navbar-{items.count <= 8 ? 'row' : 'column'}".
Anonymous 01/16/25(Thu)16:02:13 No.103922096
Hi everyone, I know this has nothing to do with the conversation, I'm just sharing a website I made for people to log in to https://qqpost.netlify.app/login