Why are normies on the west coast and northeast more ''artsy'' than the rest of the regions?
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:25:37 | 15 comments
You'll find some clean cut normiest normie that likes fashion and skating and shit like that
I don't see that elsewhere. I might be wrong though LOL.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:27:40 No.18371577
Also same with south florida too I think. You might find some ''artsy'' normies in south florida. I might be wrong
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:32:35 No.18371586
Because they have more money available for conspicuous consumption.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:34:30 No.18371589
I mean there's plenty of normies in the midwest and southeast (including florida) with a lot of money but they're not into artsy shit.
But out in the west coast and north east, from poor normies to rich normies with a lot of money, all of them are into ''artsy'' shit like fashion, tattoos, music, skating and shit.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:36:59 No.18371597
artsy shit like movies as well
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:40:31 No.18371601
Where, specifically, are you?
More rural areas aren't going to be "artsy," but pretty much any sizeable city will have an art scene. I'm from fucking Omaha and even there there were lots of people into fashion, art, cinema, etc.

If you live in fucking Pontiac, IL or some shit, no kidding nobody there is interested in anything remotely interesting.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:41:37 No.18371603
Because the west coast is the center of American art and culture because it has Hollywood. So all the artsy types gather there and the locals also get influenced by their culture.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)11:44:47 No.18371609
True there are alt guys everywhere.
But I'm talking about straight up clean cut normies into artsy shit
Ah I see. That makes a lot of sense now
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)12:08:24 No.18371651
It's like that in almost all major cities not just the coastal cities. Cities serve as academic and cultural centers, and they tend to not be homogenous, so people are more tolerable of differences and people who like to experiment can do so without being shoved into a locker or chased out of town for looking like a queer. I imagine OP is in the U.S. I find it funny how it's the most closed minded people going on about freedom this or that while simultaneously attempting to suppress other people's freedoms, they can't even stomach someone wearing different clothes than them.
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)12:12:03 No.18371659
I've only ever lived in the northeast and west coast and only ever worked in the arts so yeah I guess I don't know. Sometimes we get some flyover guy who integrates well into the lifestyle. A lot of the time people from elsewhere are just weird though. They aren't a cultural fit for art production spaces
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)13:12:19 No.18371722
>A lot of the time people from elsewhere are just weird though. They aren't a cultural fit for art production spaces
I guess it's because they're unstylish and behind the times
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)13:15:13 No.18371724
I don't know. Midwest cities and cities in the south are more rugged masculinity football golf baseball normie type of cities
Northeast cities, west coast cities and maybe Miami let you do different type of artsy fashion as a normie
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)13:16:17 No.18371726
No, it has nothing to do with that. Most of the artists I work with are complete internet nerds as a personality type. But west coast / northeast guys aren't self-conscious about being well-versed in art. Midwest and southern guys are constantly self-conscious about do they appear studied enough
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)13:17:21 No.18371727
Exception is Atlanta and Miami
In atlanta, black normies are allowed to like artsy shit
In Miami, every normie even jew normies and latino normies are allowed to like artsy shit
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)13:20:03 No.18371736
Ah that makes sense
Can you give some examples?
Just make up a example similar to a real life anecdote
Like A nerd in midwest and south want to be a sportsball bro with hidden interest in art???
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)21:50:34 No.18372951