Dogs improve ecosystems. Cats ruin them.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)22:55:23 | 73 comments | 16 images
This dingo is removing an invasive pest. By preying on cats, dingoes are rescuing the Night Parrot, one of the rarest species in the world, from extinction.

>Having identified the night parrots by sound, the team moved on to studying threats to the endangered species using camera traps. They found that dingoes were the most present predators in the area—but the large, wild dogs were busy eating feral cats, which the team suspects are the real key predators of night parrots. So dingoes, they suggest, are actually protecting the night parrot population.

Other canids like coyotes and huskies also help keep the outdoor cat population in check.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)22:59:20 No.4937555

>The Invasive Species Council has estimated that each year domestic and feral cats in Australia kill 1,067 million mammals, 399 million birds, 609 million reptiles, 93 million frogs, and 1.8 billion invertebrates. As one of the most ecologically damaging and the most costly invasive species in Australia, predation by both domestic and feral cats has played a role in the extinction of many of Australia's indigenous animals. For instance, cats are found to have significantly contributed to the extinction of at least 22 endemic Australian mammals
Dogs aren't even included or mentioned on the invasive species website btw. Dogs are a non-issue in Australia because dog owners are generally responsible pet owners unlike cat owners.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)23:00:45 No.4937556
Dogs are just better:

>Nature preserve discovers remarkable potential using dogs to eradicate destructive and costly invasive species: 'Canines are going to play a huge role'

>Studies have shown that the estimated damage caused by invasive species has cost the U.S. around $120 billion annually, impacting agriculture and recreational industries and raising management costs for control and eradication efforts.

>This is where Tilia and other canine helpers can make a difference. Organizations like Working Dogs for Conservation are helping to train more of these animals to assist in the cause. Their extraordinary sense of smell can bolster biosecurity, ecological monitoring, and other conservation efforts.

>"Canines are going to start to play a huge role in the conservation field just because of their amazing detection skills, especially when resources are limited, staff is limited, and you have to search potentially thousands of acres or miles of shoreline or whatever," as Gritzmacher explained in the article.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)23:03:12 No.4937558
More bad news for catfags:

>One of the biggest housing developments in Tasmania for decades has achieved federal environmental approval but with a major catch — residents will need to prove their pet cats will stay on their property.

>The presence of the critically-endangered forty-spotted pardalote in a neighbouring reserve meant the second and third stages of the 470-lot Huntingfield development needed to be considered by the Commonwealth.

>Another condition was that the general manager of Kingborough Council would need to personally approve residents' application to own a cat — and be satisfied the animal would not wander.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)23:08:06 No.4937559
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)23:09:59 No.4937561
Beep boop. Cats are a so cute, fellow Redditor. Beep boop boop.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)23:16:36 No.4937563
Cats are also killing dolphins and other marine life with their rancid feces.

>The parasites have been found in numerous cetacean species, such as the bottlenose dolphin[169], spinner dolphin[170], Risso's dolphin[171], Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin[172], striped dolphin[173], the beluga whale[174], and the critically endangered Māui dolphin and Hector's dolphin.[175][176][177] A 2011 study of 161 Pacific Northwest marine mammals ranging from a sperm whale to harbor porpoises that had either become stranded or died found that 42 percent tested positive for both T. gondii and S. neurona.[176],a%20leading%20sleuth%20of%20pollutagens.

>The most studied terrestrial pathogen currently affecting sea animals comes courtesy of America's favorite house pet, the cat. Toxoplasma gondii, a relative of S. neurona, is a protozoan parasite—a single-celled organism. T. gondii completes its reproductive cycle inside felines and has adapted so that it can invade and thrive inside the tissue of other creatures.

>Today T. gondii has invaded sea life worldwide, from Miller's California sea otters, to dolphins that have become stranded in the Mediterranean Sea, to the critically endangered Hawaiian monk seals, of which few remain. “It truly is a cosmopolitan disease,” says Stephen Raverty, a veterinary pathologist at British Columbia's Animal Health Center and a leading sleuth of pollutagens.

>Grigg's work in the Pacific Northwest, where much of the pollutagen research is centered, has found that more than half of dead raptors and more than one third of dead seabirds examined had the T. gondii parasite. “That was much higher than we had envisioned,” he says.

>T. gondii was found recently in beluga whales in Arctic waters thought to be pristine, a dubious first.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)23:25:17 No.4937569
Did we really need this thread >>4887854 again?
It's also fucking cringe to see one my comments from that thread copy pasted literally word for word. At least change it up a bit, suspect ESL.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)23:30:58 No.4937575
70% of the current threads in the catalog are utterly pointless Reddit-tier "post cute cats" cringe and anti-dog posts.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)23:46:41 No.4937582
Ok but you should be more creative than copy pasting comments and still using the same thread image. Have an original thought.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)00:21:45 No.4937591
Looks like the butthurt zoosadist's ban has expired
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)00:25:57 No.4937594
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)00:28:43 No.4937598
It's not that the ban expires it's that he seethe so hard after getting constantly btfo that he experiences complete loss of motor control and cannot physically post. These seethe episodes last anywhere from 1-14 days depending on how severely btfo it got.

It has VPN proxy type shit so it cannot get banned. Apparently it pays like 200 bucks a month for the services.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)02:58:46 No.4937686
Feral dogs are pest and should be culled.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)03:00:41 No.4937688
These rabbies ridden pests are a major threat to the beautiful and intelligent indian antelope.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)03:07:26 No.4937689
axs deer mutilated
Altough not endangered, this axis deer deserved a better fate.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)03:09:55 No.4937690
Vulnerable ground nesting birds also become chew toys to the scabies covered beasts.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)03:17:14 No.4937694
indian wolf
Feral dogs spread rabbies, distemper, parvo and other diseas to the indian wolf, and poison their genetic pool by interbreeding.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)03:35:31 No.4937700
It is a dog issue, cope. If feral dogs were shot and poisoned as they should be, this would not be an issue. But dog worshippers stand in the way of conservation.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)03:40:12 No.4937701
painted dog
Diseases spread by domestic dogs can wipe out entire packs of the criticaly endangered african painted dog. Only 6000 of these animals are left in the wild.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)03:42:23 No.4937703
>Indian wolf
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)04:09:36 No.4937708
all of australia's animals are derpy as fuck but you still want to conserve them
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)04:19:59 No.4937716
It's a poo civilisation skill issue, Indians still have insane amounts street dogs. Civilised grown up countries don't have such issues.
The biggest threat is African herders encroaching on their areas and killing them. They recently changed the name to Painted dog because dumb Africans just think they're a type of Canis familiaris or just don't care.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)04:20:24 No.4937717
you got somethin to say bout Australia, mate
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)04:23:11 No.4937721
yes, come at me bro
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)04:28:33 No.4937723
>recently named
They are named painted dog, wild dog, cape hunting dog, or african wild dog, all their names are dog you bellend.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)05:22:28 No.4937743
Ignoring the fact there has been a actual conservation push to make Painted Dog the main name because being mostly known as just "African wild dog" has been to its detriment.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)05:44:54 No.4937752
>If feral dogs were shot and poisoned as they should be, this would not be an issue
They are in most places. Dogs aren’t particularly sacred in India or anything like that, people just don’t have the means or care enough to tackle the issue
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)05:45:49 No.4937753
Another buttsniffer meltdown thread. Just what we all needed. What's so difficult for you in barking in your general only?
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)05:51:43 No.4937754
>animals from hotter, more arid places look more scuffed than those from less arid places
Don’t lump the animals in with the state of the country, that’s not very /an/ of you
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)06:13:58 No.4937765
don't associate dogbros with the zoosadist
they don't care about dogs
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)06:15:12 No.4937766
Good, painted dog is more descriptive.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)07:44:01 No.4937803
>Other canids like coyotes and huskies also help keep the outdoor cat population in check

Is that why there's so much seethe over yotes and huskies on this board?
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)07:49:02 No.4937807
The greatest threat to cats are the pitbull terrier.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)07:55:24 No.4937811
This. It's so common you'll even find raw videos on YouTube of Pit bulls killing cats. Terriers > all other dog types when it comes to killing vermin.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)08:04:03 No.4937818
damn, even Golden Retrievers will occasionally take out a cat

>I have an almost 3 year old Golden Retriever and she is absolutely the sweetest dog ever. I have had her since she was 8 weeks old. She is my heart dog and I love her more than anything. She is well behaved (minus the jumping) and has never had any problems. I also have cats. I rescue cats so they are always around.

>Fast forward to 2 days ago… I walk into my room and I see her sleeping on the bed with one of my kittens. I go to grab my phone to take a picture and I look down to my left and see one of my cats dead. I’m absolutely horrified. There was blood everywhere and it was just an awful sight. I then notice my dog has blood on her face and legs. I’m disgusted and angry. After I clean up the mess, I had to take my dog to a friends. I can’t even look at her. Not only did I lose my cat, I feel like I lost my dog.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)08:05:51 No.4937819
>kill a family pet
defected dog, should be put down
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)08:27:03 No.4937828
No the owner should be put down for being a retarded cattranny
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)08:32:17 No.4937832
Shit dogs that you can't trust around your pets livestock or family should be put to sleep. And there's plenty of defective dogs.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)08:38:40 No.4937836
The dog did nothing wrong. The owner should not be rescuing cats. They should be sent to a shelter so they can be humanely euthanized.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)08:59:11 No.4937844
Nothing wrong with rescuing cats as long as they are contained inside. A defective dog on the other hand is a waste of resources, should be killed.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)09:01:14 No.4937847
>a defective dog is waste of resources
>but the cats aren't
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)09:01:25 No.4937848
cute lil soi boi
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)09:07:05 No.4937850
It's completely natural for dogs to kill strange unknown cats. My dog absolutely loves the cat he was raised with but still has a ball chasing down and mauling random cats that wonder onto our property.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)09:17:58 No.4937854
Cats including perfectly healthy kittens are routinely euthanised at shelters while dog worshippers keep unadoptable dogs in shelters for years because of dog worship culture.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)09:42:30 No.4937862
A cat is natural prey for a dog. There's nothing abnormal about a dog deciding to treat is such.

A dog is only "defective" if it attacks its owner and other humans it's been conditioned to recognize.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)11:21:25 No.4937893
It's "natural" for a dog to kill a sheep too, but if your livestock guardian dog does it, you dispatch it.

Dogs are ither workers or family members.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)11:27:05 No.4937896
It's not the dog's job to take care of the cats
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)12:24:29 No.4937916
Cats are prey animals. Lower on the food chain. That's like putting a cat down because it ate your budgie, retard.
no, defective human for believing budgies were not food for cats.

You don't need to raise cats to survive financially or materially. Cats actually serve zero function, like budgies, and if you have a cat there's a great chance you live in a city so rehoming a dog is possible. Also consider the breedL Rehoming a failed LGD breed in farmville is impossible. For starters, LGDs are very aggressive and dirty dogs. Nobody fucking wants one if it can't be left outside with the animals. They are not exactly golden retrievers.

A retriever that killed a cat can just go to a nearby home that doesn't want a fucking cat. No one needs a cat, many people never want a cat, and no one benefits from a cat at all, so it's fine. Big deal, a retriever chases after and grabs prey animals. That's literally what they are meant to do. A cat is no different from a duck, a rabbit, or a squirrel.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)12:27:30 No.4937918
If cats are part of your family, a family dog is friendly with them, especialy a breed like a golden retriever.

If not, it failed being a family member, can not be trusted and needs to be rehomed or put down.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)12:29:05 No.4937920
Retrievers are soft mouth dogs, they must not do any damage to ducks, rabbits or other game they retrieve. They are not terriers you dumbass.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)12:29:24 No.4937921
A dog that kills cats is a wonderful use of resources. I reward mine when he gets outdoor cats. No hidden turds in my yard, no dead birds, and most importantly, no more rodents since I got the dog. Between toxoplasmosis, uneaten corpses, and retards leaving food out so long as they see cats, cats actually attract them.

Just don't get a large dog, especially not a rescue, if you want to keep a cat in your home for some reason. Just like someone with a small bird wouldn't get a cat if they had a bird flying around in their house for some reason.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)12:29:34 No.4937922
>If cats are part of your family

Impossible. Only sentient beings can be considered family.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)12:32:48 No.4937925
A golden retriever can be out of standard and function more like a hard mouthed lab. That's fine. Before the AKC all dogs were seen like this instead of expected to conform to an arbitrary standard. People called them what they acted like.

An LGD that kills sheep can't do anything because they are absurdly aggressive, drool 24/7, and have coats that hold on to dirt instead of releasing it. It's a different situation.

Cats are not a necessary part of your family. In fact, cats are not part of your family ever. They do not love you. They are half as intelligent as the dumbest dog. They are just a pest you have a strange schizophrenic attachment to, like people who keep pet rats.

A dog that kills a cat just doesn't go in a house with a person that insists on living with cats. That's it. Putting down a dog because it killed a pest animal is absurd.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)12:34:05 No.4937926
Cats are self aware and sentient, and much more intelligent than falcons, owls or songbirds. Cope and seethe.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)12:35:28 No.4937927
>Be catfag
>Get budgie
>Get cat
>Cat kills budgie
>"lol woops my bad just a cat being a cat"
>Get dog
>Dog kills cat
Catfags like this are why I put salmon mixed with tylenol pm extra strength on fenceposts at night. I'm saving the neighborhood dogs from nutjobs and their revenge killings by getting to the pest animals first.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)12:38:08 No.4937929
Dogs are to be held to a higher standard because they are intelligent and trainable. You can bond a bird and a cat together but cats are dumber and it's more of a risk.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)12:39:01 No.4937930
Dubs of truth. Even my neighbors value dogs more by having them indoors and leaving cats outside during hurricane season.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)12:41:08 No.4937934
> I put salmon mixed with tylenol pm extra strength on fenceposts at night

And catfags are the schizos? Zoosadist outing itself.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)12:47:58 No.4937939
>You need to train a dog to leave this specific pest animal alone and kill it if it doesn't go along with your plan
How about no. Dogs that kill cats are fine. A cat is no different from a rabbit, squirrel, chicken, or rat. If you don't want them eaten keep them in a cage or behind a proper fence in the middle of nowhere.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)12:49:28 No.4937942
>nooo you can't kill rats with a fast acting poison that minimizes suffering by knocking them out first
>you need to capture them alive and kill them personally or mutilate them instead
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)12:58:53 No.4937947
If only dogfags would live up to their standards and keep their shitpest on a leash.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:01:47 No.4937951
>Keep your dog on a leash in your own home/own back yard because i like cats!

Keep your cat off my property and my dog won't eat it.
I guess i'll have to get to the entire cat population instead of my dog getting to just one or two :)
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:02:03 No.4937952
What the fuck are you talking about? If you realy put poison out you are endangering your own stupid dog. A crow can knock over your imaginary baits.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:03:56 No.4937953

Nobody said that, what are you on? Are you imagining things?
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:05:36 No.4937955
I am talking about outside. The amount of dogfags ignoring leash laws and letting their stupid mutts harrass wildlife while trecking is insane.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:08:24 No.4937958
>dogfags in charge of their pets
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:15:44 No.4937963
Fuck this shit thread. Dogs and cats are both great.
If you disagree you're a faggot that doesn't belong on /an/ and you should definitely an hero
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:17:29 No.4937964
>Hobby farmers shot 305 dogs
>over six years
If there were only 305 outdoor cats in the nation over six years i doubt anyone would care. But it's actually several million.
>dogfags be like: cats are an epidemic, every other cat is roaming. we have third world conditions in the first world because of this. they are spreading disease like stray dogs would.
>catfags be like: well one time 10 years ago a husky killed someone after being locked in a cage for 8 hours every day for its entire life. and then on the other side of the world a lab FRIGHTENED a sheep!
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:29:17 No.4937972
Roaming cats suck but the real problem is unowned cats.

Stray dogs are taken more seriously because they kill people.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:16:42 No.4938000
Roaming cats also kill people. The yearly death toll of toxoplasmosis, almost entirely infants and young toddlers, is 750+ in the US alone. Not every miscarriage is diagnosed so its most likely higher. Thousands more are deformed by congenital toxoplasmosis.
Toxoplasmosis can not enter the food supply unless it first reproduces in the gut of a cat. If this isnt a cat problem, let us absolve dogs of rabies related crimes.

Roaming carnivores are generally bad for us. Most dog owners agree. Too bad cat owners want roaming cats to be a protected class and are actively lobbying to replace animal control with TNR and community cats, which only work if coyotes do all the euthanasia work for you. And then you have worse, but fewer pest coyotes instead of pest cats. Great.

You can prevent this by:
Knowing that farm and barn cats do not control pests and never have, and that only modern techniques like pitfall traps can handle infestations. Cats do not belong anywhere near agriculture, food storage, or food production.
Keeping cat cats contained by modifying your fenceline appropriately or constructing a catio.

Yes it is that simple.

Also, remember cats are prey animals and introducing them to strange adult dogs is irresponsible. It can be irresponsible to house cats and large dogs together period. A dog that eats cats is normal and does not need put down. The only retard is the human that wanted predator and prey to get along. Cat owners should only get small and medium dogs.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:24:16 No.4938003
A husky killed one person years ago after being abused? Shit dude, every single year 30 or 40 pitbulls kill 40 or 50 people despite receiving nothing but love and care and german shepherds and rottweilers are right behind them. If rottweilers were as common as pitbulls they would kill twice as many people as pitbulls. You people have your priorities backward.

Our society has exactly 4 problem animals and its 50/50 dog/cat.

Guard dogs.
Fighting dogs.
Outdoor cats.
Farm cats.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:25:24 No.4938004
Good post. I have cats but they are indoor cats, I don't understand people who let theirs roam. And feral cats are absolutely miserable.
Anonymous 01/23/25(Thu)00:47:09 No.4938237
The dogchads are correct though