Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)09:48:56 | 55 comments | 23 images
Why are cats so great at relaxing? Post relaxing animals.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)10:36:26 No.4937275
All their points in comfort at character creation. The perfect organism for relaxing. This is why they live symbiotically with the apex predator of this planet: living rooms.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)10:40:15 No.4937279
But there is another...
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)11:19:34 No.4937289
Lol well said
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)11:53:28 No.4937305
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)11:59:01 No.4937308
Because they are lazy shitters that don't have to do anything since the toxo slave provider beta faggot will serve them anyway.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)12:33:55 No.4937320
>slave provider beta faggot will serve them anyway
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)12:38:00 No.4937321
He's serving his country, not his dog. The dog doesn't give a shit. When my dog shits on the side of the road or somewhere else desolate I just kick dirt over it. The bags are only for dog parks, national parks, and when there's a house nearby.

Meanwhile if you don't scoop the box they start using the hamper... permanently.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)12:38:24 No.4937322
>catfag: it's fine if my cat kills endangered species and shits in pregnant women's garden beds

>dogchad I want to be a positive part of my community and keep it clean and looking nice
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)13:20:36 No.4937338
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)13:26:32 No.4937342
Grass toucher here. This is done in protest when the city removes garbage cans from trailheads. No one wants to bring a shit bag in their car home with them. No one wants to carry a bag back up 1 mile of switchbacks. So due to the lack of disposal facilities (that get removed due to the voluntarily homeless abusing them), the bags just get left on the ground as if to say "i pay how much in taxes for you faggots to sit on your asses and consult a DEI department about referencing native americans on signage?
Ie: in a nearby park this never happened. The city removed the garbage can because hobos were using it. Now there is a bag pile by the can.

Clean it up staties.

Also see: when they provide a recycling only can to be "green". It will fill with dog shit bags, granola bar wrappers, and maybe 2 plastic water bottles because no one is recycling a considerable amount out there anyways.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)13:26:43 No.4937343
Looks like the truth is confirmed. Dog people have higher intelligence than catchuds.
You leave your bag of dog shit somewhere easy to find/remember and then circle back after your walk/hike so you aren't carrying shit around. So obvious I'm amazed you did not understand that.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)13:29:32 No.4937346
>*by the can’s original spot
There’s also a trailhead that used to have an extra garbage can down the access trail, and despite it being by a few rich cunt properties that get garbage service they removed the can. Probably to appease the rich cunts that somehow got homes on the edge of a preserve. Now people leave bags there or just dont pick it up. Why? Because it is the job of the city that charges a lower class home owner $2000 a year while charging apartment faggots almost nothing to manage waste disposal. Not ours.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)15:10:36 No.4937375
Gee I guess I should be worried for my local hikers since the same bags have been sitting on the 4 mile trail behind my house for over a week now.
This must be it. Every single dog owner is wise and courteous, it's the municipality's fault. There is not a single selfish or thoughtless dog owner. They're all on the same team united against the evil stupid other team, after all.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)15:36:14 No.4937385
That doesn't look very relaxing
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)15:40:52 No.4937387
dog planet
>be local government anywhere on the west coast
>siphon off tax dollars to pay your friends to sit in chairs and talk about "standing up to hate" (aka christianity and white people existing) and "being inclusive" (aka hiring incompetent people because they are trannies)
>roads are trash, homeless faggots everywhere
>construction projects take forever, corruption means money is redirected and workers do nothing
>liberals mean even more money is spent on design, DEI, and "representation"
>don't provide garbage cans for trails
>DO provide trash cans downtown where (You), the city official, live, because otherwise people litter instead of carrying trash forever
people are tired of paying these corrupt jews taxes just so nothing gets done and they have to continue carting trash around, anon. i can go downtown and see the plentiful trash cans. i can go to the trail behind your house and see there is no trash can. i can see my tax bill. i can therefore see that I will not be carrying the smelly trash home myself.

file a complain with the city demanding they provide and maintain a garbage can. i did. but i'm not your neighbor, so they find every excuse to ignore it and tell me "rules are rules, cart your own trash around bumpkin, trash cans are for us city employees working downtown"

because until municipalities provide the same trash cans they provide their buddies downtown to the rest of us, that shit is staying on the ground until a city wagie stops by to pick it up, or i'm not even picking it up and just using a stick to make a little hole, nudge it in, and bury it. cat owners don't have to pick up after their pets either so why would I? :^)
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)15:59:33 No.4937390
>Schizo meltdown day 1029
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)16:08:07 No.4937393
But anon that tax money is needed for Queeranthia Jones's gay lesbian trans art project
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)16:08:30 No.4937394
I tried, but I'm not reading this irrelevant /pol/ meltdown. Some dog owners are shitty and thoughtless, some cat owners are shitty and thoughtless. Don't take it so personally.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)16:13:36 No.4937395
>Nooooo you need to carry poop home because this isn't the inner city and we dont get trash cans here! The liberal establishment said so! They need to spend that tax money on rainbow crosswalks and "BIPOC" murals!
Don't ask, demand, a trash can, and the bags will go there instead. Simple as.

If they say no, you're welcome to pick up the bags and throw them on the roof of city hall to make a point. But it's not my problem.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)16:16:26 No.4937396
stop talking about bags of poop
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)16:22:10 No.4937398
>visit new board
>it's infected by /pol/ schizos too
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)16:22:38 No.4937399
Anti dog schizo is obsessed with poop amongst other freakishly and disturbing things. It simply cannot help itself.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)16:27:25 No.4937401
God you city """hikers""" are so whiny and entitled. Can't handle cleaning up after your dog? Don't have a dog.
Additionally I live in Idaho and the trail by my house has a can at the trailhead and at the viewpoint 2.5 miles in yet there's still bags of dogshit along the way so your "IT'S THE LIBERALS FAULT!" argument really doesn't help me.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)16:47:48 No.4937407
for some reason the funny animal board is way more political than most others i visit. you won't find the cat vs dog seethefests anywhere else on the site.

my theory is that the current political landscape of the world is so angry and full of very serious debates that affect our lives in very real ways, but they're trivialized and treated as twitter arguments. these debates never get solved, it's just endless screaming while things get progressively worse and nobody is listening to you or cares what you say.
so at least here we can get the pent up stress out of our systems in a safe and low-stakes kind of way. because in the end all we're doing here is just screaming "NUH UH! DOG IS BETTER!" "NUH UH! CAT IS BETTER!" like toddlers.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)16:55:16 No.4937411
Sounds like they need to... Relax.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)16:57:44 No.4937415
Not him but I also live in idaho and the minority of leftover bags are from stoners. I lived in spokane before this and it was all due to cans disappearing. Never an issue where there’s a can unless there are potheads or mexicans around.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)16:57:46 No.4937416
Cute dog
Anonymous against Foodism 01/21/25(Tue)17:07:36 No.4937421
>posting Maxwell in the big 25
Don't you know that he was literally owned by a foodist?
Anyway, I'm glad that that Uni impersonator is dead.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)17:18:05 No.4937425
It's one anti dog schizo that recently posted animal abuse videos and a lot of people taking a steaming shit on his chest in every shit thread it makes and posts in.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)17:18:54 No.4937426
That's such a copout stance that only ever leads to frustration and inaction. I've spent most of my working life in public lands, recreation, and livestock. There's been dogshit and litter on almost every trail and park I've been to that lies within 30mi of a town. Red states, blue states, mixed cities, white towns, can-lined urban walking trails, serviceless backcountry trails - doesn't matter. There's thoughtless people that shouldn't own animals of every race, location, and ideology.
Both "sides" just whine and blame their "enemy" instead of doing anything about it.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)17:36:56 No.4937432
This is another copout stance that is a product of the past four elections. It can't be that multiple people disagree with you, it must always be one villian, and once the villian is defeated by the savior everything will be okay. The board must have only four posters and they're "catschzio" or "dogschzio" or "p*leoschizo" or you. Now there's definitely deranged people on this board but I haven't seen any of their usual tells in this thread.
I'm assuming you think I'm "anti dog schzio" just because I complained about dog poop on trails when I've been repeatedly reiterating that it's not all dog owners, have never said anything about cats, and keep expressing that the console war is retarded.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)17:38:52 No.4937434
guys please just go back to posting good kitties... that's all we need ... no more arguing,.. just frens posting great creatures
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)17:42:10 No.4937436
>guys please just go back to posting good kitties
Why do you psyop us into thinking this is a cat thread? It's not, it's a relaxing animals thread
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)18:12:58 No.4937452
>it must be one villain
Ok, but dude, sometimes it is. 4chan is not a super popular website to begin with. The chances of there being more than one person on this earth who is obsessed with trying to "prove" that all dog owners are fucking them, by posting bestiality, hates dogs, and spams "cat website cat website" whenever someone doesn't basically worship cats, is near zero. This guy hasn't exactly doxed himself but the chances of his more frantic interactions being multiple people responding at exactly the post timer etc is near zero. The chances of multiple people trying to force the mods to move /dog/ to /trash/ or /bant/ by doing deranged shit like attempting to fabricate zoosadism confessions by its regular users is near zero. It's just too consistent and too bizarre for an already small population.

I DO agree that a lot of posts that do not belong to this person have been ascribed to this person. Is paleoschizo (who is so one guy, that he fucking doxed himself) definitely this bestiality nut? No. He could be. But there's really no proof he is. Believe it or not, a LOT of schizos dislike dogs (they make their voices worse or something) and develop bestiality obsessions. Like even mikeeUSA, a pretty well confirmed schizo from /g/, who has no relation to /an/ and has never posted here, hates dogs and is insistent that white men should only own cats. It's just a schizo thing.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)18:24:29 No.4937455
I'm middle-aged, I don't know anything any more. I just see them animals and I post them and accept that I am a dinosaur.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)18:31:06 No.4937457
Proud of you, son.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)18:45:46 No.4937461
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)20:51:47 No.4937505
Don't tell the hedgehog thread that hedgehogs are relaxing in here
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)21:02:51 No.4937511
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)21:05:28 No.4937513
E1B51402 (1)
Another one. Pigs are really fun when they aren't hungry.
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)21:06:54 No.4937514
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)21:09:42 No.4937515
cat and bunny relaxing
Anonymous 01/21/25(Tue)22:04:36 No.4937530
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)02:04:35 No.4937666
the flexible spine is a big reason. they can bend in ways that are impossible for other quadrupeds
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)02:11:47 No.4937668
If only humans could have such flexible spines. I'm sure that'd be useful for something.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)02:59:28 No.4937687
Get 4chanx and hide the first animal console war post you see
90% of the thread will disappear but it's all the one attention whore replying to himself anyway so you're not missing out.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)03:15:52 No.4937692
>>positive part of my community
>barks all night
>leaps over fence and mauls pregnant women to death
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)04:30:31 No.4937724
I love when bunies kick themselves into this restful position.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)05:57:28 No.4937760
You live the ghetto bro, thats not a dog problem
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)07:18:21 No.4937786
I would use it to look in the low cupboards without bending my knees
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)12:14:58 No.4937910
Been a long day of not relaxing, now it's time to relax.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)12:36:01 No.4937928
Exactly so.

There's a reason why poor people, when my dog barks and growls at them, they tell him "good dog". When it's rich people, they get scared of him.

Because the poor know the value of a creature willing to protect you. The rich want only a slave.
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)13:22:23 No.4937966
Sleep tight pup
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)14:51:41 No.4938021