Anonymous 12/16/24(Mon)13:26:36 | 64 comments | 9 images
A thread for all birdbros to commiserate and unite against their common enemy.

Official Thread Video:
Anonymous against Foodism 12/16/24(Mon)13:44:59 No.4920214
oh great, another zoottp thread
The real sides are foodist's and anti-foodists
Anonymous 12/16/24(Mon)14:32:40 No.4920236
How about not having zoosadism threads?
Anonymous 12/16/24(Mon)14:34:52 No.4920240
How about catfags stop being whiney bitches?
Anonymous 12/16/24(Mon)19:14:13 No.4920372
>nature is zoosadism
Quick, someone post a webm of a komodo dragon eating something. Or that deer that eats a bird.
Anonymous 12/16/24(Mon)19:59:26 No.4920382
>janny deletes the post claiming that bird fucking zoophiles are controlling the console war, but not the console war OP featuring birds killing cats
This is all you need to know about console wars
Anonymous 12/16/24(Mon)20:11:44 No.4920388
Anonymous 12/16/24(Mon)21:42:56 No.4920417
Yes. A thread showing dogs killing cats would be gone instantly. If it’s birds killing cats the janny actually likes it.
Anonymous 12/16/24(Mon)23:27:07 No.4920448
Why are people from Philadelphia so aggressively gay?
Anonymous 12/16/24(Mon)23:39:10 No.4920452
>the bird jews are actually in control of the cat vs dog war
LMAO board politics everyone!
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)04:28:08 No.4920524
what is this?
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)08:40:49 No.4920587
This is a Nature board. Go to /mlp/ if you can't handle the reality of Nature.
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)09:43:30 No.4920607
no one will, because it's mostly schizos hiding behind le nature to vent their mentally ill hatred of some species of pet or another and you only save a narrow band of dead animal media
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)10:12:59 No.4920615
Why do birds of prey make catfags seethe so much?
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)11:20:35 No.4920636
>catfags on the bird issue: *shuts door* oh wow my cat will live longer for a variety of reasons. cool trick. birds? huh? never thought of them. i was more worried about dogs, people, and cars.
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)11:24:17 No.4920639
>YT comments crying why the people filming didn't intervene
They like to think of their cats as scaled down lions so to see them so utterly humiliated in a helpless prey role drives them mad.
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)11:25:32 No.4920641
If you search for "birds killing cats" on Youtube you'll get many many many videos of cats killing small birds that catfags have uploaded, yet if you post even one video of a hawk or eagle killing a cat, catfags will blow a gasket
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)11:27:59 No.4920642
Lions get their asses ripped by hyenas all the time. If it werent for one equaling more safari money and africans relevant hyena repelling efforts they’d be going extinct. Every day africans do mass poisonings of hyenas and painted dogs but leave lions alone because they’re a tourism symbol and live further away from farmers. And also, because they taste weirdly good. They are now farming lions for meat and making lion burgers.
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)11:38:00 No.4920645
semirelated but the question I still don't have an answer to: why is it acceptable for cats to be the only "pets" that roam outside freely? no leash, no supervision, nothing.
>because it's natural
then they shouldn't (and aren't) be pets.
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)11:48:53 No.4920647
Yeah, I’m gonna dine on this guinea.
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)12:44:11 No.4920668
Because the consequences are indirect, and normies literally can not comprehend indirect consequences.

If you spill dark oil they panic
If you spill a clear odorless low viscosity fluid that immediately causes cancer nothing happened to them

Feral bite people and spread rabies, this is obvious
The effects of toxoplasmosis are more like the odorless cancer juice
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)13:48:15 No.4920694
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)14:58:19 No.4920723
hello bird posters
can any of you identify these things
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)15:19:20 No.4920725
Where at?
Looks like some type of Ibis
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)15:25:02 No.4920728
they usually show up in groups of 5-6 in my backyard and just peck around the grass.
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)15:35:13 No.4920733
Glossy ibis, Plegadis falcinellus
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)16:34:08 No.4920756
Anonymous 12/18/24(Wed)08:08:20 No.4920992
Birds are beautiful creatures

Unlike cats
Anonymous 12/18/24(Wed)09:31:49 No.4921025
Anonymous 12/21/24(Sat)18:32:09 No.4922700
Lion cub literally shits itself as it gets carried off by a martial eagle
Anonymous 12/22/24(Sun)07:43:04 No.4923004
haha, ewww
Anonymous 12/22/24(Sun)07:45:54 No.4923006
Damn that bird is THICC
Anonymous 12/22/24(Sun)16:50:24 No.4923184
The narration and background music for that video are great
Anonymous 12/23/24(Mon)06:01:09 No.4923496
The awesome power of BIRDS!
Anonymous 12/23/24(Mon)15:56:07 No.4923775
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)21:24:11 No.4924471
That lion cub is going to make a tasty meal for the eagle
Anonymous 12/26/24(Thu)15:32:10 No.4925059
Anonymous 12/26/24(Thu)15:35:11 No.4925061
Raptors are incel sniper animals with no honor or dignity

Its like "im so chad i hide in a tree and shoot people in the back". Ok? Injure another chicken and you’re eating poisoned rodents, retards.
Anonymous 12/26/24(Thu)15:41:37 No.4925064
Feral cats, leopards, jaguars, tigers: all ambush predators.

Lions: don't stand a chance against larger prey unless three or more adult lions all gang up on an isolated or weak one.

I wouldn't talk if I were a catfag.
Anonymous 12/26/24(Thu)15:45:31 No.4925065
Cats still do battle, they still give chase. Birds are frail aerial geeks attacking backs from out of sight.

Raptors are vile and dishonorable creatures.
Anonymous 12/26/24(Thu)17:39:16 No.4925096
not surprised for even one second
Anonymous 12/28/24(Sat)14:10:39 No.4925969
And yet the raptor's powerful talons still make cats their bitch:
Anonymous 12/28/24(Sat)14:47:00 No.4925983
>durrr i might be a 5’4” ugly retard with no bone mass but i can still shoot children from behind
Hawkfags, this is your mindset.
Anonymous 12/28/24(Sat)14:57:44 No.4925989
>>durrr i might be a 5’4” ugly retard with no bone mass but i can still shoot children from behind

This is very similar to what cats do when they pounce on unsuspecting mice or freshly hashed chicks still in their nest.
Anonymous 12/28/24(Sat)15:18:14 No.4925991
>cat haters: mice are smart and are super evasive. cats cant get rid of them. scientific fact.
Believe it or not a cat and mouse game on land is a lot more engaging and challenging than random talon slams for anything that is exposed to open sky
Anonymous 12/28/24(Sat)19:01:04 No.4926081
falcon bdsm
it's pointless to moralise animals

but the fact is raptors are way dumber than cats, reptile brains 100% operating on preprogrammed behavior

you can put a little hat on them and turn them into a living drone kek
Anonymous 12/28/24(Sat)20:25:43 No.4926123
Snowy owl - 1,270,000,000 cortical neurons

House cat - 249,830,000 cortical neurons
Anonymous 12/28/24(Sat)20:32:11 No.4926125
This comparison only works between animals that have similar brain structure, ie chimps and humans, dogs and cats, different species of whale, but not whales and animals without sophisticated sonar and paralimbic systems. The way bird brains are wired, proportioned, and used is radically different from mammals. They aren’t even necessarily conscious, as in, self evaluating. Planning and problem solving can occur unconsciously in a sufficiently advanced AI. We don’t actually know how they think and probably won’t for 100+ more years.

All we know is apparently brilliant ones keep running into windows.
Anonymous 12/28/24(Sat)22:01:55 No.4926142
Okay but cats are still near the low end as far as mammals go, well below chihuahuas and large rodents like capybaras.
Anonymous 12/28/24(Sat)22:49:35 No.4926151
Okay but birds of prey are still soulless incel animals

You’re basically fanboying a poisonous plant
Anonymous 12/28/24(Sat)22:51:23 No.4926152
you completely ignore the body size scaling in mammals

If it was not scaled with body size a giraffe would be a genius animal.
Anonymous 12/29/24(Sun)01:34:44 No.4926196
Body size scaling doesn’t matter as much with cortical neurons

Frontal lobe size and connectivity do. That’s actually the most important metric dogs smash cats in, but cats have better developed structures associated with memory recall. The dog thinks but takes a minute to remember, the cat remembers but has no clue what’s going on. The end result, a genius spaz and an idiot capable of holding grudges.

Among superior brains you also need to consider the presence and arrangement of spindle cells (VENs) that connect different cortical layers. Spindle neurons are numerous and highly organized in primates and basically scale with intelligence. These are the "deep consciousness" cells that grant a conscious mind… something, probably a spirituality like introspective sense and greater creativity. Like deep self awareness instead of just knowing you’re here and being able to get used to a mirror. You could probably add them to any mammal and get a massive improvement, and grant them the ability to more reliably plot suicide and murder and other fun stuff like becoming schizophrenic
Do not confuse with sleep spindles

Anyone who knew about these would never claim otters are more intelligent than dolphins. Otters dont have VENs.
Anonymous 01/02/25(Thu)02:48:09 No.4927842
>Spindle neurons are numerous and highly organized in primates and basically scale with intelligence. These are the "deep consciousness" cells that grant a conscious mind… something, probably a spirituality like introspective sense and greater creativity. Like deep self awareness instead of just knowing you’re here and being able to get used to a mirror. You could probably add them to any mammal and get a massive improvement, and grant them the ability to more reliably plot suicide and murder

You have no idea what you're talking about.

>VENs have also been found in a number of artiodactyl and perissodactyl species, including the pygmy hippopotamus, Nile hippopotamus, domesticated pig (Sus scrofa domesticus), sheep (Ovis aries), cow (Bos taurus), white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), horse (Equus ferus caballus), common zebra (Equus burchellii), and black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) (Butti and Hof, 2010; Butti et al., 2011; Raghanti et al., 2015). VENs were also present in both the African and Asian elephants but were restricted to the anterior cingulate cortex of the Asian elephant and the anterior insula, frontal pole, and dorsolateral frontal region of the African elephant (Hakeem et al., 2009). VENs have also been reported in the cortex of the small-bodied rock hyrax (P. capensis), which is the closest living relative of the elephants (Raghanti et al., 2015).

>These findings challenge hypotheses that suggest VENs were necessary solely for complex social interactions or that VENs facilitate information processing in large brains as they are found in a number of species across phylogenetic groups, body sizes, and EQs.
Anonymous 01/02/25(Thu)02:49:59 No.4927843
And also:

>Von Economo neurons (VENs) are specialized projection neurons with a characteristic spindle-shaped soma and thick basal and apical dendrites. VENs have been described in restricted cortical regions, with their most frequent appearance in layers III and V of the anterior cingulate cortex, anterior insula, and frontopolar cortex of humans, great apes, macaque monkeys, elephants, and some cetaceans. Recently, a ubiquitous distribution of VENs was reported in various cortical areas in the pygmy hippopotamus, one of the closest living relatives of cetaceans. That finding suggested that VENs might not be unique to only a few species that possess enlarged brains. In the present analysis, we assessed the phylogenetic distribution of VENs within species representative of the superordinal clade that includes cetartiodactyls and perissodactyls, as well as afrotherians. In addition, the distribution of fork cells that are often found in close proximity to VENs was also assessed. Nissl-stained sections from the frontal pole, anterior cingulate cortex, anterior insula, and occipital pole of bowhead whale, cow, sheep, deer, horse, pig, rock hyrax, and human were examined using stereologic methods to quantify VENs and fork cells within layer V of all four cortical regions. VENs and fork cells were found in each of the species examined here with species-specific differences in distributions and densities. The present results demonstrated that VENs and fork cells were not restricted to highly encephalized or socially complex species, and their repeated emergence among distantly related species seems to represent convergent evolution of specialized pyramidal neurons. The widespread phylogenetic presence of VENs and fork cells indicates that these neuron morphologies readily emerged in response to selective forces,whose variety and nature are yet to be identified.
Anonymous 01/02/25(Thu)03:06:28 No.4927845

Also, lmao

>The absence of spindle cells, or von Economo neurons (VENs), in the cortex of rodents, particularly Rattus norvegicus , has been previously reported. In this paper, we show microanatomic and immunohistochemical evidence of the existence of VENs-like cells in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and in the frontoinsular cortex (FI) of R. norvegicus . For this purpose, NADPH-d histochemistry, immunohistochemistry for nNOS, eNOS, NeuN, GABRQ, dopamine D3R and Nissl staining were performed. The results showed fusiform neurons positive for the aforementioned markers in layers III and V of the ACC and in layers III and V of the FI cortex. Fork neurons were also observed in the same areas. The NADPH-d-positive elements also indicated a close anatomical relationship between some VENs-like cells and blood capillaries. These findings demonstrate the anatomical existence of VENs-like cells in the rat.
Anonymous 01/05/25(Sun)20:12:42 No.4929535
>Lions get their asses ripped by hyenas all the time.


>They are now farming lions for meat and making lion burgers.

Equally based.
Anonymous 01/08/25(Wed)20:28:00 No.4930991
Anonymous 01/08/25(Wed)20:43:25 No.4931001
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)22:40:09 No.4932419
Notice birdbros aren't unhinged, like catfags are
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)23:14:16 No.4932428
VEN-like cells are probably in most mammals, but none as good at their job as those in primates
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)04:14:20 No.4933197

This video is wonderful. Thank you.
Anonymous 01/17/25(Fri)15:51:19 No.4935369
Wild Focus is an excellent channel
Anonymous 01/18/25(Sat)02:14:59 No.4935609
how are my buddy corvids NOT self evaluating
Anonymous 01/18/25(Sat)02:20:03 No.4935612
how are cats any different?
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)00:24:33 No.4937593
>chimps and humans, dogs and cats, different species of whale

Nice try, but cats clearly don't belong in this elite group