/rat/ /ret/ general
Anonymous 08/26/24(Mon)03:03:50 | 304 comments | 100 images
Meds now edition
Rats need love
Rats need companionship
Rats need free roam time

Other rodents welcome

How do you give medicine to a rat?
I usually pin them on their back and get it in their mouth quick, followed by a sweet treat to get rid of the taste (raisin, dried banana etc.)
Dillinger was different, he wouldn't fight and just got it done quick (vid rel)
Anonymous 08/26/24(Mon)04:08:59 No.4865998
Do you think he understood that eating the bitter thing makes the pain go away?
Anonymous 08/26/24(Mon)13:45:59 No.4866293
I'm not sure, at a minimum he understands if he gets it done quick, he gets his treat.
Anonymous 08/26/24(Mon)15:58:42 No.4866403
Anonymous 08/27/24(Tue)16:34:24 No.4867062
Anonymous 08/28/24(Wed)02:08:30 No.4867301
>have girl rats
>they like it when I play rough with them
>always violently tickle and their armpits and chests
>boomer mom sees and says that if I do this they will get breast cancer
>lol whatever
>one of them develops a tumor in exactly the area where I was tickling them
Bros... did I accidentally fuck up my rat? I know it sounds retarded and like there can't be any correlation but I'm devastated and paranoid
Anonymous 08/28/24(Wed)02:10:19 No.4867302
One of mine was kind of like that. He would suck the meds out while squeaking and biting the syringe in rage. Could tell he hated doing it but understood on some level that he had to.
Anonymous 08/28/24(Wed)20:19:19 No.4867753
Anonymous 08/29/24(Thu)12:59:04 No.4868091
>Tickle tickle tickle
Anyway, I am no longer in contact with the person who had the cotton rat, so I will post pictures of the little guy somewhat frequently.
Anonymous 08/29/24(Thu)13:00:38 No.4868094
Before you ask, it is fine to hold a cotton rat as I am, there is a layer of fat that my left hand is holding him by.
Anonymous 08/30/24(Fri)07:48:51 No.4868574
Anonymous 08/30/24(Fri)08:05:28 No.4868580
Can somebody make this into a pointing Basedjak? A Basedrat, if you will?
Anonymous 08/30/24(Fri)19:27:23 No.4868857
Anonymous 08/31/24(Sat)13:41:12 No.4869290
Rats are great. For two reasons:
1- They're absolute bundles of fun
2- The awesome fact that the tooth enamel of rats is THE hardest organic substance on the planet
Anonymous 09/02/24(Mon)05:43:23 No.4870266
What impresses me most with rodents is, the front of the teeth have iron & enamel but the back only have less or no iron. So, when gnawing they wear the back quicker than the front making them sharp too
Anonymous 09/03/24(Tue)23:08:02 No.4871227
he's a cute lil guy
Anonymous 09/05/24(Thu)04:14:47 No.4871851
Eei350RUYAE19HK.jpg orig
Anonymous 09/07/24(Sat)15:27:47 No.4873111
Anonymous 09/08/24(Sun)06:10:02 No.4873477
I save rats so that you may mourn their captured charm, years from their photo.
Anonymous 09/08/24(Sun)22:46:01 No.4873903
I love ratties
Anonymous 09/08/24(Sun)22:50:13 No.4873905
Why does he take medication
Anonymous 09/09/24(Mon)07:55:44 No.4874032
that tumor the size of a gold ball is probably a hint
Anonymous 09/09/24(Mon)12:33:23 No.4874160
I didn't focus on that, glanced and thought it was his leg and ballsack. Males usually have large sacks.
Anonymous 09/09/24(Mon)14:23:02 No.4874213
why are humans so protective of their grain? they make more than they could possibly ever eat, they should share some
Anonymous 09/09/24(Mon)14:30:37 No.4874219
OP here exactly this >>4874032
He was 2.5 years old and too old for surgery so he was on steroids
Anonymous 09/09/24(Mon)14:35:18 No.4874221
A lot of it goes to animal feed
Anonymous 09/09/24(Mon)22:23:03 No.4874515
I usually mix it with whipped cream because my rats are special needs and despise being handled but will always eat whip cream
Anonymous 09/10/24(Tue)00:22:39 No.4874570
Would Jane be a good name for a rat?
Anonymous 09/10/24(Tue)00:51:49 No.4874576
imo sounds too human of a name
but who is to say rats don't deserve a human-like name?
Anonymous 09/10/24(Tue)16:01:05 No.4874905
Rattus Rattus
Anonymous 09/10/24(Tue)21:46:20 No.4875162
kek look at those beta pigs submitting to the alpha rodents
Anonymous 09/12/24(Thu)15:48:31 No.4876387
a vet checking the sinuses of a rat
Anonymous 09/12/24(Thu)16:03:45 No.4876394
Nice hat
Very fancy
Anonymous 09/12/24(Thu)18:04:20 No.4876469
lmao saved
Anonymous 09/14/24(Sat)10:38:50 No.4877430
I found they would eventually refuse what I was putting it in, usually I tried peanut butter, malt paste or low fat cream cheese
Anonymous 09/14/24(Sat)18:06:18 No.4877638
I don't know what to do about my rats' free roam time anymore. They've probably caused about several hundred $ of damages to my flat by now. They're just so fucking destructive. I've put covers on every cord I have, I've put baby locks on all my kitchen cabinets because by some fucking rat magic they found a way to open them, I've put everything out of reach, but they still manage to break shit. Just now they somehow managed to get inside the top drawer of my desk via somehow climbing up between the wall and the back of the desk and accessing the drawer from the back. They chewed open a tube of krazy glue in there and now there's papers and pencils permanently fused to the inside of that drawer.
I can't simultaneously let them out of the cage for 2 hours every day and watch them like a hawk every second of that time. My flat is small as it is. The only properly secure space I could give them is if I find a way to confine them to this 2'x5' corridor which feels too small for it to be proper "free roaming". Please help me anons, what should I do? I really don't know how to handle this shit anymore.
Anonymous 09/15/24(Sun)05:54:59 No.4877936
I think your biggest issue is the roam area. Reduce the roam area, my guys get out on top of sofas or onto a bed next to their cages and only leave the room on my shoulder. I think we've trained ours to stay off the floor with our routine as well
You can use something like these to block off areas https://www.amazon.de/dp/B000WFCG0A but I needed to cable tie 2 together to make it taller and they'd still get up with planning
We do 1 to 2 hours a day but as I work from home 4 days a week it's split twice a day. Consider how long your letting them out and when
See what other anons routines are too
Anonymous 09/15/24(Sun)15:42:04 No.4878132
I want to get a pair of snuggly ret for the family but I don't want to have to say goodbye to a fren every couple of years. : (
Anonymous 09/17/24(Tue)09:48:18 No.4879109
Build stuff for them to enjoy verticality when they are in your tiny hallway. Rats are escape artists and will climb climb climb
Anonymous 09/19/24(Thu)00:03:32 No.4879996
a lot of rat owners online have constructed "rat playpens" out of cardboard and duct tape, or out of plastic panels. they can get pretty elaborate, as the little buggers will chew, climb, crawl, etc through anything. it's that or let them wreak havoc and pee on your carpet. might as well splurge on a stanley steemer visit at some point.

it's that or rehoming. you wanted ret, ret you shall get
Anonymous 09/19/24(Thu)00:48:41 No.4880011
do you give em any spent toilet paper rolls or empty cardboard to chew on in their cage? they love chewing shit so they might get their "fill" if you gave 'em disposable cardboard garbage to chew
Anonymous 09/19/24(Thu)12:40:46 No.4880215
try apple sauce or whipped cream
Anonymous 09/19/24(Thu)17:28:33 No.4880325
I like Friendly Rat Forecasts on YouTube setup and her mischief get over the barriers
They are great for putting treats in for them to rip up
I'll try apple sauce next time, it should have a strong enough flavour
Anonymous 09/19/24(Thu)20:28:46 No.4880410
>I found they would eventually refuse what I was putting it in
Could it help if you keep it varied? Always putting the meds in something different each time, and occasionally giving them the stuff without any meds so it's not guaranteed to have it.
Anonymous 09/21/24(Sat)00:29:02 No.4881010
Anonymous 09/21/24(Sat)18:42:19 No.4881427
I'll try a line up of, apple sauce, peanut butter and malt paste but mixing it up. Depending where they are in life, I'll consider treating them in between doses as well but don't want to give them diabetes trying to fix a respiratory problem.
Anonymous 09/24/24(Tue)05:50:57 No.4882514
Bros the last of my little mouse friends died a couple months ago I'm so lonely.
Anonymous 09/24/24(Tue)05:57:02 No.4882517
Maybe little mouse friends reincarnate to more little mouse friends and they're just waiting for you to adopt 'em again
Anonymous 09/26/24(Thu)01:39:24 No.4883558
No rats are so imbred that they have high rates of cancer
That being said if you were hurting them or causing inflammation that could have caused the cancer too
Anonymous 09/26/24(Thu)07:36:50 No.4883632
Any tips for releasing deer mice or if I should even with this one?

I caught this little deer mouse in a live trap (there are many in my house) but his little foot seems injured.. he's walks with a limp and his foot looks a little reddish and swollen.

I'm keeping him right now in a large aquarium with cardboard ramps and hidey holes, towels, paper towels, toilet paper rolls with food and water like oats and blueberries which he especially likes. Should I still release him even with his bad foot? I want him to be able to make it in the wild so for the past few days ive been letting him rest and fatten up. Any ideas where or how?

He seems fine otherwise besides for the hurt rear foot, sleeps, poops well, eats, chews on the cardboard and even bruxed/boggled a bit while snoozing in the towel.
Anonymous 09/26/24(Thu)07:53:05 No.4883642
I hope the best for your little friend and that his foot injury isn't significant.
>Should I still release him even with his bad foot?
I don't think he could last too long out there in the wild if his foot never heals. Their survival hinges on being able to scarper outta sight when a predator comes.
Anonymous 09/26/24(Thu)07:56:16 No.4883644
Do you think I should keep him for longer? Only thing is it's gonna get cold soon where I am and if I can't release soon we might have to overwinter him.. will have to get bedding, toys etc.

I'm also worried about stressing him, as a wild mouse as he really doesn't like being seen by us so we have the aquarium out of the way so he doesn't have to hear/see us as much.
Anonymous 09/26/24(Thu)10:05:35 No.4883700
VID_20240926_072934 (1)
I was able to get a video of the mouse, he came out and for some reason wasnt scared of me.

You can see in this video his foot is all red... he's not putting much weight on it and it looks like there's a sore or something on the upper part of his leg/foot

Forgive the impromtpu cage.. i'm probably gonna run to the petstore today and pick up some bedding and toys.
Anonymous 09/26/24(Thu)13:08:19 No.4883789
Being injured he is guaranteed to die within a week either to predation or further injury due to avoiding predators
Anonymous 09/26/24(Thu)20:48:15 No.4883974
>Forgive the impromtpu cage.. i'm probably gonna run to the petstore today and pick up some bedding and toys.
you're going above and beyond for the little man and that's already respectable enough
it's a tough call because i don't have faith he'll recover, and he'd surely die outside to a predator in his condition
he'll also get really bored in captivity i think, since he'll be alone and isn't used to not being able to run free in the wild
Anonymous 09/27/24(Fri)02:49:47 No.4884128
IMG_20240926_154546 (1)
Thanks for the advice all... I think i've got a pretty decent cage going now. He has millet and seeds and veggies. Would it be a very bad idea to pair with a fancy rat for company with a wild deer mouse? I hear deer mice are solitary but become communal in the winter.
Anonymous 09/27/24(Fri)02:53:15 No.4884130
*fancy mouse sorry
Anonymous 09/27/24(Fri)21:50:58 No.4884583
Find another mouse to keep him company
Anonymous 09/28/24(Sat)11:44:20 No.4884836
that's a great cage setup
Anonymous 09/28/24(Sat)11:53:32 No.4884842
I've never cried this much over rodents. I've had so many hamsters, but this was my first batch of rats, who I went through hell and back to rescue from my research lab. I had to put Tiggy and Wiggy down due to multiple health issues yesterday. The cage feels so empty now. The others seem so confused. They were all bonded for life.
Anonymous 09/28/24(Sat)12:19:01 No.4884852
you gave them wealth beyond measure, outlander
Anonymous 09/28/24(Sat)17:05:15 No.4884981
Their life spans suck but you made it awesome. Having read your old posts, they were the luckiest rats.
They will adjust with a bit of time but treat them well, they have their own little grieving process.
Do you think you'll keep the rat cycle going?
Anonymous 09/28/24(Sat)19:25:03 No.4885020
thank you so much anons :< I'm fairly certain I'm going to keep the cycle going. This time, I'm going to adopt a few non-lab rats that are properly socialized and then introduce more rescue lab rats so they can learn from the socialized ones.
Anonymous 10/01/24(Tue)09:41:36 No.4886484
Holy fuck I know this is rat general but goddamn
I'm in bed reading a book and I hear some scratching noises coming from somewhere in my room
I look up at my desk and there's a tiny mouse on its hind legs helping itself to my scraps from dinner
I get up and it bolts away but it's trapped in a corner between some furniture and a wall now
I gave it a piece of apple which it ate and then it disappeared but when I lifted something from my desk it scampered away again into the corner
I'm shining a light on it and it looks terrified
I've been hearing noises recently and so maybe it's been this mouse all along?
I think I'll just leave the door open and sleep on the couch so it can get out but I'll be interested to see if you have any advice for me besides not being a slob
It's a pretty cute animal and I don't want to hurt it but it's probably full of diseases
If I don't see any shit in my room is it safe to say it isn't trapped?
Also lmao the mouse came to sniff some more apple I threw at it, seemed to not like the smell and then tried to run up to my desk again before hearing me get my phone out to take a photo and running off again
Anonymous 10/01/24(Tue)14:30:22 No.4886646
>Other rodents welcome
Really tho your question is best suited to the stupid question thread on >>>/diy/
First you need to seal off their entry into the building, check for cracks etc out side the building that they can get in through and fill ASAP. Then clear out whoever is left in the house
You can get humane traps but as we see >>4883632 shit happens
>I gave it a piece of apple which it ate
Don't encourage it, you do need to clean up a bit but you know that already
I hate to say it but wild rodents carry disease and you need to get them out quickly
Anonymous 10/04/24(Fri)23:16:09 No.4888501
squash and stretch
Anonymous 10/06/24(Sun)00:20:14 No.4889018
I'm thinking about getting 2 rats sometime later this year and I'm a little stuck on one question. I can't find an answer to what I'm asking so I come to you ratanon. I'm a sperg who likes sleeping with the fan on the highest setting each night because the stimulation and white noise is calming. What Im worried about is if that may bother them during the night. They'll have lots of hidey holes and places to sleep sheltered but I don't want them to be uncomfortable if they sleep in an open part of their enclosure. Should I put a sheet over the cage during the night? Or do they need a little bit of moonlight lest they bump their noggins on something? Any input is greatly appreciated! I don't want to be a rat owner if the environment I can provide doesnt fit my standards tor them.
Anonymous 10/06/24(Sun)03:27:27 No.4889082
I have not heard of any issues. Really if it's a comfortable environment for a human, it will be for a rat.
I run a fan in my rat room on hot days, it's also my home office. The 2 cages are in line of the fan rotating so they get a little blast a couple of times a minute. They will line themselves up in front to get the cool air over them but nest up with draft protection if needed.
I've tried covering them to keep the light off them in the day, they figure out how to take it down. I think they want to know what's going on outside the cage and aren't as bothered by daylight as we might think.
Desu giving them a place to hide was always going to be needed and as long as they have them and nesting materials, they'll be fine with the breeze.
Anonymous 10/07/24(Mon)02:08:08 No.4889491
Anons one of my male rats is beginning to get aggressive with my other one and lunges at you if you try to tickle him or give him treats, he is an albino about 4 months old, the other is like a puppy who loves coming out we got them from a pet shop and not a breeder as there are none near us, we have them separated now and he seems fine on his own but still tries to attack me or my gf , has anyone got any tips on how to reduce aggressive behaviour?
Anonymous 10/07/24(Mon)03:02:42 No.4889503
First off, are they biting hard? I'm concerned they're exuberant in their play and that can be a bit much for some rats. Have you tried pinning & tickling them to remind them who's the top rat? Is the other guy getting injured or showing signs of pain? E.g. Long meeps
Usual advice is short periods of isolation directly after an incident. We just pick them up from the play area, stare at them nose to nose and count to 10 but you might need a small cage so they can watch few roam time happen without them.
Isolation isn't a long term solution.
Anonymous 10/07/24(Mon)04:19:57 No.4889526
They haven't been proper fighting but he does dominate him quite a bit to the point where he tries to avoid him, since we separated them the one that is okay has been happier I suppose their cages are next to each other so they still each other but even trying to swap cages with the albino he bit he twice and was screaming as we were getting him out, we had to use a towel in the end because he bit me
Anonymous 10/07/24(Mon)11:41:31 No.4889659
might have to castrate him if anon's advice >>4889503 doesn't work out
Anonymous 10/07/24(Mon)13:29:14 No.4889702
That's unusually aggressive but can be a phase of adolescence. Give them a little time before any surgery!
Have they any other issues irritating them? E.g. Mite outbreak or signs of pain, will make them irritable.
Anonymous 10/07/24(Mon)14:27:59 No.4889730
We're planning to in the new year
Nah nothing at all, we could tickle him a few months ago he just started to get like this about 2 months ago and they have had no illnesses and are both looked after with lots of treats and a good diet
Anonymous 10/07/24(Mon)21:13:20 No.4889911
how do you know if your rat loves you?
Anonymous 10/08/24(Tue)01:08:37 No.4889988
if they cuddle next to the behemoth that could roll over and crush them without fear
Anonymous 10/08/24(Tue)21:44:38 No.4890493
Anonymous 10/09/24(Wed)07:40:14 No.4890601
is that an obese dwarf rat
Anonymous 10/09/24(Wed)07:41:49 No.4890602
they groom you back
Anonymous 10/09/24(Wed)07:42:52 No.4890603
Anonymous 10/09/24(Wed)10:01:10 No.4890631
love his coat
Anonymous 10/09/24(Wed)10:13:59 No.4890635
Clan pestilence skaven charge
You give medication to these rodents? You must love them. If so, doesn't it suck that they die after just 3 years at most?
Anonymous 10/09/24(Wed)10:30:46 No.4890645
He's schizophrenic
Anonymous 10/09/24(Wed)21:30:14 No.4890870
Definitely not your fault anon, female rats are extremely prone to tumours. Even daily aggressive tickling wouldn’t do that
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)20:19:50 No.4891312
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)22:34:09 No.4891392
little anon
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)22:39:22 No.4891393
now let me answer with another question. what do you do when a dog starts chewing things at random?
Anonymous 10/12/24(Sat)20:47:28 No.4892120
Thanks anons. I think I might try build a barrier and buy them a cat tree or something to climb around on. I saw Friendly Rat Forecast's setup and I think she has one. I'm planning to move to a bigger place at the end of the year so I think it'll be much easier to set aside a designated rat area then.
The problem is also that they are very picky with what they like to chew. They'll chew my books but they won't chew toilet rolls and other cardboard shit I give them. They'll chew my furniture but they won't chew wooden toys. The only thing that I can give them that they actually enjoy is plastic containers and tupperware lids.
I'm not going to rehome them. I might get frustrated but at the end of the day I love them and they are more important to me than material possessions that can be replaced.
I dunno man, I haven't owned a dog.
Anonymous 10/12/24(Sat)21:06:02 No.4892127
>I dunno man, I haven't owned a dog.
what i mean is you should probably give your rats something to chew on like a toy or something.
Anonymous 10/12/24(Sat)21:10:54 No.4892130
But I try. Their cage is full of toys they don't even touch and I'm constantly trying to replace them with new ones only for those to be untouched as well.
Anonymous 10/12/24(Sat)23:47:05 No.4892203
you are a very special and compassionate soul, and i'm glad you own rats to take care of, as belligerent as they are
if i had more income and a good home and a job that could suit their needs more without too much time away, i would take of 'em too, without regrets
Anonymous 10/13/24(Sun)00:24:55 No.4892213
Looked into my cage yesterday, one of my rats is motionless, on his back and legs are up in the air. Start freaking out. Say his name nothing, open cage door and pick him up and hes not moving. Clear the cage door he wakes up and gives me a "wtf are you doing I'm trying to sleep look". Fucker nearly gave me a heart attack.
Anonymous 10/13/24(Sun)00:37:18 No.4892217
Leddit says adult male mice will kill eachother 100% of the time with absolutely zero exceptions and they must be housed completely alone
However medical journals from animal laboratories say that male mice will choose a cagemate who attacks them over isolation as they need companionship that badly, and when properly accommodated, only 14% of all-male groups will fight, and only 2% of all-male groups acquire injuries
According to the labs, if male mice are raised with only male littermates from weaning or earlier, if they are housed in groups of 3 (not 2, not 4+), and if unsoiled nesting material is transferred during cage cleanings, then the males will coexist happily and peacefully minus minor infrequent dominance-securing squabbles such as after cage cleaning
I don't believe leddit over the labs, but it makes me very curious why ledditors are so clueless or adamant that there is no possibility of satisfying the social needs of male mice
I had only kept females before, and they definitely had dominance fighting but not to the point of injury
My last male mouse I heeded their advice and kept him alone, he developed a multisystemic illness out of nowhere and died, I attribute that to the loneliness stressing him out and weakening his immune system
So now I have 3 juvenile males together
2 of them have mild injuries from being kept with larger males at the store
So far they are very happy and peaceable but according to leddit that is temporary and will flip 180 once they hit puberty, resulting in deaths
According to the labs that is a lie
What are /an/'s opinions on the grouping or isolation of male mice? What do you think will happen once they mature?
Anonymous 10/13/24(Sun)04:49:51 No.4892368
20241002_165709 crop
lots of rats by the river these days
Anonymous 10/13/24(Sun)17:19:01 No.4892596
he's cute. i wish wild rats could be our little friends
Anonymous 10/14/24(Mon)03:51:10 No.4892813
Found my rat like this, wtf do I do
Anonymous 10/14/24(Mon)03:54:27 No.4892814
I'm always happy when I see one. I don't see why I should treat them differently from squirrels or deer or something.
Anonymous 10/14/24(Mon)12:10:00 No.4892943
me too, but if you saw one in your home, you know one rat could actually be two rats, and two rats could become a dozen rats, and a dozen rats...
Anonymous 10/14/24(Mon)12:30:12 No.4892947
Damnit, you let him play Hearts of Iron didn't you?
Anonymous 10/14/24(Mon)15:51:37 No.4893014
It's not that hard to keep rats out of your house thoughie
Anonymous 10/15/24(Tue)03:50:27 No.4893249
it's hard enough keeping them in the house!!!
Anonymous 10/15/24(Tue)13:42:06 No.4893464
i work in a lab, reason is simple, its just kinda hard and appears to be super random to the untrained eye, little tip, put a smidge of vanilla sugar in their cage, keeps dominance displays down to a minimum.

also deaths are insanely unlikely, yea theyll get injured and its not ethical or optimal but actual death and killing each other? fuckin one in a thousand
Anonymous 10/15/24(Tue)20:46:07 No.4893635
Tgank you for the advice. Why the vanilla sugar? Does the smell resemble some pheromone or keep them distracted? And rebbit must be full of fucking retards if they're unanimously handling the situation badly enough to assume deaths are the NORM, christ
I just shredded a few filing cabinets worth of paper and tossed a couple handfuls into the cage, they are gleefully building warm comfy nests with it all
Anonymous 10/16/24(Wed)14:47:17 No.4893995
Anonymous 10/16/24(Wed)14:50:07 No.4893997
Damn, he's kicking ass. Now let's see him do Plutonia.
Anonymous 10/16/24(Wed)21:14:37 No.4894158
that rat is in a roll of paper
Anonymous 10/17/24(Thu)22:45:54 No.4894621
Rats tend to like cooler temperatures and I also blast the fan at night and they have zero issues. You should never cover the cage bars, though; they need good ventilation.
Anonymous 10/17/24(Thu)23:14:51 No.4894630
one time on the subway a rat came up to my shoe and was about to start nibbling (I shooed him away before he bit me), it was the high point of my week
Anonymous 10/18/24(Fri)00:49:44 No.4894649
I kept some males together from the same litter and I wouldn't be surprised if they had killed each other if I kept them together for too long. If they are fighting you've gotta separate them. I didn't have enough enclosures at the time, because I wasn't expecting mouse babies. They fought a lot until my sister bought me an extra tank.
A little while after that I accidentally put one of the bullied mice in the wrong tank. When I heard them fighting I realized my mistake and he was so scared. I felt terrible. If you have to house male mice alone it's not ideal but it's not as bad as making them go through that. As long as you give them lots of attention every day it's the least bad option.
Anonymous 10/18/24(Fri)04:30:33 No.4894689
based rat man
Anonymous 10/18/24(Fri)04:51:22 No.4894692
iccho mon jaru
Anonymous 10/18/24(Fri)05:44:45 No.4894699
ugly creature
Anonymous 10/18/24(Fri)05:51:14 No.4894703
rude words against an old man
Anonymous 10/18/24(Fri)18:15:11 No.4894956
i am not sure the exact reason for the vanilla specifically, i think its just an overwhelming scent but i am not quite certain. Can confirm redditors are kinda retarded at time
size issue prolly
Anonymous 10/21/24(Mon)23:14:11 No.4896419
Anonymous 10/22/24(Tue)12:04:34 No.4896602
Anonymous 10/22/24(Tue)13:17:08 No.4896630
Anonymous 10/22/24(Tue)15:04:23 No.4896652
remember to comb your rats
Anonymous 10/24/24(Thu)16:02:41 No.4897587
>obtain just one more rat
>shit and piss production increases tenfold
Anonymous 10/25/24(Fri)12:16:52 No.4897964
>don't want rats chewing my shit
>buy bitrex (most bitter substance ever created) and spray it on my wires
>just spraying it 2 feet away makes me gag
>witness with my own eyes how rats come and casually lick it off
What the fuck. Do these things even have taste buds?
Anonymous 10/25/24(Fri)17:17:58 No.4898071
your rats think bitter is a verb
Anonymous 10/25/24(Fri)18:52:28 No.4898100
they misheard better
Anonymous 10/25/24(Fri)18:58:20 No.4898101
Anonymous 10/25/24(Fri)19:19:09 No.4898106
Anonymous 10/25/24(Fri)19:32:25 No.4898110
Looks like my snake food girl. Got her from some crazy pet hoarder bitch whose snake didn't want the baby rat so she decided to keep it in an empty margarine container and then give it away on facebook marketplace for free. One of the nicest rats I ever had. She was always sick and died suddenly at age 1. Was probably inbred as fuck. Still miss her sometimes.
Anonymous 10/25/24(Fri)19:36:51 No.4898113
the important thing is you made her happy
Anonymous 10/25/24(Fri)20:11:26 No.4898132
I really hope I did. Thank you anon.
Anonymous 10/25/24(Fri)20:16:36 No.4898138
i know you did. any time, anon
Anonymous 10/26/24(Sat)04:59:28 No.4898281
>Looks like my snake food girl
This is not starting well
>One of the nicest rats I ever had
The tale turns
>Still miss her sometimes
You unlocked happy rat ending
>empty margarine container
You rescued her from this, you were a god to her
Even with good breeding they can lose the genetic lottery, under 2 always suck
Anonymous 10/28/24(Mon)02:54:07 No.4899307
zen garden rat
Anonymous 10/28/24(Mon)17:36:57 No.4899706
Anonymous 10/28/24(Mon)17:37:59 No.4899707
Anonymous 10/28/24(Mon)23:47:37 No.4899837
holy smokes!
Anonymous 10/29/24(Tue)15:15:29 No.4900027
big eyes, almost like a dwarf's
Anonymous 10/31/24(Thu)14:45:51 No.4900868
Anyone ever have a rat with no white on their belly?
Anonymous 11/01/24(Fri)16:21:08 No.4901332
Thank you anon. I think she loved me a lot and I guess that says something.
Anonymous 11/01/24(Fri)16:23:32 No.4901333
>took rat for tumor removal surgery, dropped a ton of money
>she had some kind of reaction to the anesthetic and is still not waking up properly 24h later
I'm so scared she's going to die, bros. And it'll be my fault for making her have the surgery. She was happy before.
Anonymous 11/01/24(Fri)17:17:45 No.4901347
Video in the OP is of Dillinger who passed earlier this year. We didn't get treatment because we thought he was too old, when we went to the vet they advised the same but would if we thought it they should and about 6 months after that decision he got a massive abscess in the tumour and had to be put to sleep
I kept wondering if having the surgery would have made a difference but learnt to accept he would pass eventually either way. That tumor was huge and he couldn't move much by himself, I cleaned him twice a day and helped him eat the last 4 weeks.
Really anon, you can't predict all these things at the time and you can't go back.
You did what you believed to be the best, based on the advice of a medical professional. I hope she wakes up soon but don't blame yourself.
Is she home with you? If she is, give her all your love
Anonymous 11/02/24(Sat)13:45:26 No.4901658
She's dead. I tried to do the right thing for her and my actions ended her life.
I'm sorry about your boy, anon. I can see from your posts that you gave him a great life. Thanks for trying to make me feel better.
Anonymous 11/02/24(Sat)14:41:22 No.4901685
Mom just doesn't want to see you with ratussy.
Who could be behind this post?
Anonymous 11/02/24(Sat)15:05:17 No.4901692
Anonymous 11/02/24(Sat)16:43:58 No.4901743
You can't blame yourself, inaction would have lead to her death too. Take time to be sad about it because it fucking sucks and cycle through the stages of grief but you did what a responsible pet owner should do, you did your best to give her the best life too.
My point above really is to try not get bogged down in what if, especially when what you did was a sensible choice.
Anonymous 11/02/24(Sat)17:28:54 No.4901773
Do pets this size even comprehend that that object roughly as big as they are grabbing, feeding, tickling them is an analogue of their somewhat grabby paws?
Do they even make the connection between the giant hand, and that remote round shape further away? Even if they recognize it as a face, do they know it's part of one organism and there is a cause and reaction between them?
Anonymous 11/02/24(Sat)17:45:08 No.4901782
This is a topic that really interests me, especially when it comes to intelligent animals with different anatomies like birds and elephants. Do elephants see our arms as trunks? Do birds see our hands as beaks, or talons?
Anonymous 11/02/24(Sat)18:01:21 No.4901786
When being tickled, one of mine will get on my hand, run up my arm, boop my face with his nose and retreat quickly. I feel like he knows I'm all connected
Others climb up on my shoulders to signal they want to go back to their cage and one who would pull my moustache for cuddles
I don't think they fully understand the differences but definitely know which end is which etc with us
Anonymous 11/03/24(Sun)17:16:09 No.4902365
my newest rat is looking kind of too round and it's making me paranoid as fuck im puking in my mouth and lightheaded from acid reflux, he's eating food and drinking water and playing, his body language doesn't look in pain, the stomach doesn't feel hard or lumpy like tumors, i isolated him for a while and confirmed that he can still shit but i didn't have him in there long enough to see him piss because i had to go to sleep for work, I'm really worried that he has megacolon or a urinary obstruction or something, i don't want to come home from work and find him dead. I'm going to try to get him into a vet tomorrow just to check but I'm broke as fuck because i had to get emergency dental work with shitty insurance that wouldn't cover it so now my savings are drained and my credit cards are maxed out and I've got maybe 150-200 usd free each paycheck until i get things normalized again. I've been working a second job to speed it up but idk if any vet will see an animal if you can't pay up front and i know rat bills are crazy even for simple things. i just want him to be ok, I've only had him for a month and he was already great
Anonymous 11/03/24(Sun)17:23:45 No.4902368
Maybe he's just fat
Anonymous 11/03/24(Sun)17:27:40 No.4902369
it could be but his cagemates eat the same diet and they don't look like this, I'll try to get a picture once I'm at home. he doesn't look anywhere as extreme as the megacolon pictures i see online but it's still unusual and bloatlike especially given he was thin like a girl when i got him. I've been too tired from work to remember how much weight he gained before yesterday when i noticed. hopefully i am just super neurotic and overthinking it, i will try to post a picture when i can
Anonymous 11/03/24(Sun)17:38:59 No.4902372
>Crudux cruo'd
Anonymous 11/03/24(Sun)17:40:48 No.4902374
Anonymous 11/03/24(Sun)18:50:47 No.4902402
either i'm going insane from only getting 4 hours of sleep or he got less bloated today, in any case here he is. he isn't actually asymmetrical he was just mid squirm
Anonymous 11/03/24(Sun)18:51:54 No.4902403
here he is from the top when i was cleaning
Anonymous 11/03/24(Sun)18:56:08 No.4902406
i checked my old pictures too and he's been pear shaped for at least 2 weeks so i think sleep deprivation is just giving me brain damage. whoever says pets are good for anxiety is lying
Anonymous 11/03/24(Sun)19:32:19 No.4902423
Don't blame your pets for your lack of sleep induced retardation, go to bed
Anonymous 11/03/24(Sun)19:41:51 No.4902429
looks like a fine rat to me desu
Anonymous 11/03/24(Sun)23:21:49 No.4902525
looks fine, give him a scritch and try to get some better sleep, shit's important
Anonymous 11/04/24(Mon)01:15:17 No.4902559
Why bitter? Why not add sugar to it?
Anonymous 11/04/24(Mon)03:20:58 No.4902584
I'm more concerned about you than the rat. You're exhibiting the physical symptoms of stress and stress is likely clouding your judgement. 2 jobs isn't helping but you know your budget best. Look after yourself and you can look after your pets better
If in doubt, vet. Talk to them, some do payment plans. Some rats get chonky in their old age and some are more prone to obesity than others but a vet will confirm. I have 2 brothers one with easily 100g over the other and they're fine for their age
Anonymous 11/04/24(Mon)12:45:00 No.4902794
Thank you anon. It just guts me that she spent her last days in pain as a direct result of an action I took. I hope she isn't angry at me for the choice I made.
Anonymous 11/04/24(Mon)16:50:36 No.4902912
>"Uh oh."
Anonymous 11/04/24(Mon)17:01:17 No.4902916
Anonymous 11/04/24(Mon)17:04:01 No.4902917
it looks like a little boar
Anonymous 11/04/24(Mon)17:09:06 No.4902920
Poopy even
Probably the cuddliest boar there is.

By the way, in the wild, these animals generally like their solitude, but in the winter they group together so that they are comfy at night.
Anonymous 11/04/24(Mon)17:10:36 No.4902922
No course of action causes life to extend indifinetelly. You did all you could, you did all you possibly could, and there is no point reflecting back now. Don't use your misfortune as a weapon to beat yourself with. Your Lil ratto would not have approved of that. You cared, you care, you'll always care. You gave her a good life.
Anonymous 11/04/24(Mon)17:10:44 No.4902923
is it a roof rat or something?
Anonymous 11/04/24(Mon)17:11:57 No.4902925
Anonymous 11/04/24(Mon)17:14:12 No.4902928
Forgot pic
Anonymous 11/04/24(Mon)17:17:42 No.4902935
he looks like a cross between a rat and a hamster
Anonymous 11/04/24(Mon)17:23:05 No.4902939
He behaves more like a hamster than a rat, but I assure you that it is a rat.

Cotton rats are completely silent and almost never brux. If they like you then, much like a dog, they will lick, sometimes for 20 minutes or more. They also like holding stuff, including fingers.
Anonymous 11/04/24(Mon)17:39:11 No.4902946
his lil paw pads look like a well done bun, compared to a RAT..
Anonymous 11/04/24(Mon)18:54:18 No.4903004
>>4867062 enchilada
Anonymous 11/05/24(Tue)03:30:28 No.4903188
Anonymous 11/06/24(Wed)00:36:52 No.4903593
I added vanilla extract to the bedding last deep clean, initially it seemed to distract them but later on as it nears time for another cleaning and the bedding is soiled it seems to have worn off.
Anonymous 11/09/24(Sat)00:03:53 No.4904883
Anonymous 11/09/24(Sat)09:11:35 No.4904985
this image goes hard
mind if I save it?
Anonymous 11/09/24(Sat)17:04:03 No.4905132
it's all yours, my friend
Anonymous 11/10/24(Sun)09:04:32 No.4905371
Thoughts on fat rodents?
Anonymous 11/10/24(Sun)14:48:22 No.4905499
fat fuck
Anonymous 11/10/24(Sun)22:57:25 No.4905701
Anonymous 11/10/24(Sun)23:57:58 No.4905718
thats nuts
Anonymous 11/11/24(Mon)00:08:17 No.4905720
he's got lil grey hairs
Anonymous 11/11/24(Mon)06:24:22 No.4905819
fast squirrel
you don't get to see as many squirrels where i live.
Anonymous 11/11/24(Mon)16:13:19 No.4905998
I think I found your youtube channel unless that's another cotton rat with a stubby tail
Anonymous 11/11/24(Mon)18:07:01 No.4906026
He does.
I do not have a YouTube account, but please share, it could be the owner's account, if the owner has one.
Anonymous 11/11/24(Mon)18:22:47 No.4906031
Anonymous 11/12/24(Tue)00:11:39 No.4906135
what a precious little rodent, i love how hyper he was at the start and then went into full trust shutdown mode with scritches
Anonymous 11/13/24(Wed)20:50:19 No.4906855
This little guy behaved just like the one I knew. They love licking and head scratches.
Anonymous 11/13/24(Wed)22:54:50 No.4906902
Anonymous 11/14/24(Thu)08:51:24 No.4906996
Anyone here got their rodents from a lab rescue? How was it?
Anonymous 11/14/24(Thu)09:28:51 No.4907003
hey were all ears
Anonymous 11/15/24(Fri)18:07:00 No.4907612
I named my old mouse tank the Fat Rodent Sanctuary.
Anonymous 11/17/24(Sun)00:31:14 No.4908100
mouse acquired
TO ANY BURGERS: there is an emergency mouse situation at the NH SPCA. Some retard farmed a bunch of mice then surrendered them, and there's hundreds with a lot of them being pregnant. If anyone within travel distance can take some of their mice or help them out, please do so. They may also need volunteers to keep them clean and fed.


Anonymous 11/17/24(Sun)17:08:38 No.4908355
free mice?
Anonymous 11/18/24(Mon)18:28:45 No.4908764
Anonymous 11/18/24(Mon)18:35:49 No.4908766
harley rat?
Anonymous 11/18/24(Mon)18:43:03 No.4908769
i have no clue!! i'm just posting someone else's rat. he certainly looks like he could fit the bill
Anonymous 11/20/24(Wed)12:51:29 No.4909348
cheers, big ears
Anonymous 11/20/24(Wed)13:19:25 No.4909364
his name is netanyahu
Anonymous 11/22/24(Fri)14:53:09 No.4910169
How is this comfortable?!
Anonymous 11/22/24(Fri)19:53:42 No.4910296
you wouldn't get it
Anonymous 11/23/24(Sat)08:29:16 No.4910474
Will my rats be OK with no free roam time for 2 months? I usually let them out daily but I'm being evicted and will be staying in motels for that duration of time so I have to leave my rats with my parents who won't be letting them out. I feel so bad for them...
Anonymous 11/23/24(Sat)08:58:12 No.4910478
It's far from ideal but so is that whole situation. It will stress them a bit but they can adapt.
Try visit and let them out as often as possible. Also, pretty nice of your parents to give them space, I hope you thanked them anon
Anonymous 11/23/24(Sat)22:08:30 No.4910703
I wish I could have a pet rat but
>cat and dog
>living with mum
>not sure I could deal with their short lives
rats are one of my fave animals
Anonymous 11/23/24(Sat)22:21:10 No.4910710
same here, i wouldn't have the heart to just let them live with a tumor or something. i would 100% need to be well off enough to pay for surgeries to extend their short little lives.
Anonymous 11/24/24(Sun)00:04:50 No.4910731
such a conundrum has made me consider becoming an exotic vet, myself. but.. it's not easy to just snap your fingers and make a fleeting fantasy, into reality.
i would love to totally get a job that would help me help rodents and rat owners, while making a reasonable living for myself
Anonymous 11/24/24(Sun)04:11:09 No.4910772
Anonymous 11/24/24(Sun)11:43:10 No.4910900
I see a lot of grey squirrels in my area. I'm in the UK but grey squirrels have replaced reds in much of the country, pic related.
Anonymous 11/25/24(Mon)05:38:51 No.4911231
Anonymous 11/25/24(Mon)06:03:59 No.4911236
Anonymous 11/25/24(Mon)07:34:21 No.4911252
scritches soon, little rodent
Anonymous 11/25/24(Mon)15:43:25 No.4911397
he lost his testicle privileges
Anonymous 11/26/24(Tue)03:18:43 No.4911604
I've thought about getting a rat but I'm so used to animals with long lives that I couldn't handle a pet that wouldn't make it to the next presidential election. How do you guys handle it?
Anonymous 11/27/24(Wed)21:30:59 No.4912272
I should post again.
Anonymous 11/27/24(Wed)21:34:14 No.4912274
please do, I love seeing rats
Anonymous 11/27/24(Wed)21:39:38 No.4912276
He sees you.
Anonymous 11/27/24(Wed)21:41:17 No.4912278
seen by rat!
Anonymous 11/28/24(Thu)21:26:36 No.4912641
Thank you for seeing me, beautiful creature. You are the only, I will cry
Anonymous 11/28/24(Thu)21:30:22 No.4912642
how do you choose between getting boy and girl rats?
Anonymous 11/28/24(Thu)21:37:56 No.4912648
Has anyone had a guinea pig suddenly become more vocal after its buddy dies? Also how quickly do I need to find it a new buddy before it suffers permanent psychological damage from loneliness
Anonymous 11/28/24(Thu)22:00:17 No.4912655
you gotta look up rat owner's 2 cents about it. shadow the rat has a video about taking care of female rats, i'd suggest starting there and reading comments, to make your own decision.
Anonymous 11/28/24(Thu)22:46:57 No.4912664
hmm, basically every animal ive ever owned has been female, even the ones ive randomly found, so i might stick with females when i decide its time to buy a ratto
Anonymous 11/29/24(Fri)18:38:36 No.4913017
My snake could use a few of those
Anonymous 12/01/24(Sun)05:49:21 No.4913542
I went with males as they are a bit more likely to roam out of the cage and be playful, from what I've heard & read, females are more likely to want to curl up & cuddle but will still be a little full
If you get females and you're not breeding, consider neutering them, it reduces cancer risks like ovarian and breast cancer
Anonymous 12/02/24(Mon)03:54:03 No.4913929
Anonymous 12/03/24(Tue)01:35:10 No.4914322
I wish I was a pet rat living my short blissful mindless life spent snuggling with my cagemates. Sapience is a curse
Anonymous 12/04/24(Wed)17:52:36 No.4914950
This picture was taken when I was putting him back on his feet. I find it to be funny.

I tried to avoid showing his cage, because he was very sad before me and is probably sad now. The owners would never play with the little guy and he was never allowed to roam. Sometimes I would be fine for a few days when not working for these people (who were jerks to me and payed me well below minimum wage, at about $0.75/hour) he would always run towards me in his cage and hold the bars, because it was the first time being out of the cage in days. I felt bad for him and I feel like, in leaving my work, I failed him. Sorry guys, I am just not in a good mood today.
Anonymous 12/04/24(Wed)17:54:37 No.4914951
Do you live in romania or something?
Anonymous 12/04/24(Wed)18:08:45 No.4914955
No, my mother told me to get a job, and the off the book, really sketchy job was all I could land. I do not want to like a polfag, but guess what kind of a religious background my mother comes from. Guess who got all $300 of my work too.

I live in Florida, by the way, and I want to sue, but I would have to represent myself in court.

I will show you their other rat, which clearly was neglected, but I tried not handling him as he would his at me a lot. No need to force him into a situation that he does not want to be in. I was and to hold him once, but that was all.
Anonymous 12/04/24(Wed)18:17:07 No.4914957
This was taken with a great deal of zoom. His bedding was a mixture of used bra pads and used paper towels, sometimes single ply toilet paper, but when I first saw him, he had no bedding and slept in the metal bars of his cage.

I want to dox the owner, but this is the wrong board to do it. They were not nice people and I wish I never had met them, but in a sense, I did meet the rat and was and to take care of it at times, as well as take him out of the cage in secret while on a "bathroom break".
Anonymous 12/04/24(Wed)19:28:37 No.4914984
That far below minimum wage seems absolutely ridiculous, don't know what kind of free/cheap legal advice is available but maybe check that out. Also they might be into some other shady stuff, could be interesting to someone or something I don't know.
Anonymous 12/04/24(Wed)21:43:51 No.4915053
Anonymous 12/04/24(Wed)22:22:30 No.4915067
poor guys. i hope the owners get what they deserve
Anonymous 12/04/24(Wed)22:33:26 No.4915074
Yeah, but it was mostly shit like sneaking in alcohol and weapons (knives, hatchets and daggers) into events, though once it was a revolver. I also had to unload a literal crate of Mossberg 715Ps at their place, I am talking a couple dozen pistols here. I would not have been weirded out if it was cheap Chinese/Pakistani knives or even shotguns/lever/bolt action rifles, but pistols, especially in that style just seemed odd.

It was weird with some the requests I was given, for example, one day I was told to do a fairly mundane task (clean their pool). When I finished with the steps, the daughter came out. I will preface this by saying the pool was designed by a retard, so you had to get in it in order to clean the floor. She comes and sits at the edge of the steps, as I am sweeping she calls my name and says that she wanted to go to the steps on the other side of the pool, but did not want to get her hair wet. I agreed her how I would achieve that and she said that I would have to carry her, otherwise, I am not getting paid for the day's work. Well, what choice did I have? I carried her across the pool, with her over my head, as I was completely underwater. I felt utterly humiliated after that. I mean, she was about my age and might have been attracted to me, but still it was more of a humiliation ritual than a job, regardless of the intention.

It was not just low pay, but the mockery too. You can probably guess another board that I browse and sometimes post on just for like a loser, sorry guys.

I will seek legal council, but it might not be until next year, after an internship this summer, which hopefully will pay more. I probably should get my CCW because I am pretty sure they have more guns than some African countries.
Anonymous 12/04/24(Wed)22:39:13 No.4915076
I hope so, the one in that picture was taken in as a wild animal and should have been set free, as it was completely able-bodied, if obese, as in this picture(though it is hard to see, his stomach dragged against the ground while walking.

The cotton rat was again taken in from the wood, but he was injured, with part of the tail missing, so he was unable to stand on his hind legs. It was better for him to be with people to care for him, if only there was more caring.
Anonymous 12/04/24(Wed)23:09:06 No.4915082
Please excuse the lack of rats in this post, have a cheek scratch.
Anonymous 12/04/24(Wed)23:26:26 No.4915085
I give up on posting the image that, tomorrow, I will do it.
Anonymous 12/05/24(Thu)03:33:53 No.4915139
Fk anon, that all sucks. You have to look after yourself, you are worth more than $0.75 an hour. It sucks how they are treating those rats but they're getting fed and are indoors, they're doing better than most rats.
Keep looking for work, there is better shit out there. If you're living at home it's not wild to give parent(s) rent etc but you keep some of that money, that's how that should work. You are not your moms mule.
Keep coming back for rat pics. In time, you'll get better jobs, you'll get your own place and then you get rats.
Anonymous 12/05/24(Thu)05:32:46 No.4915151
Anonymous 12/05/24(Thu)09:58:20 No.4915222
I guess you are right, my work is not worth minimum wage, but under $1.00/hour is low. My mother used the $300 to help pay for her new car. She did not need a new car, but she got one, nevertheless and it has been recalled at least three times.

One day, I will have rats, yes. I look forward to that day, but it might not be until the next decade.
Anonymous 12/05/24(Thu)12:38:29 No.4915267
Anonymous 12/05/24(Thu)12:39:30 No.4915269
Finally it worked, enjoy your cheek scratch.
Anonymous 12/05/24(Thu)17:27:14 No.4915387
She stole your money?
That's illegal.
Anonymous 12/05/24(Thu)23:24:21 No.4915485
We (mother, father and myself) are all under the same roof and she told me to pay up, so I did. I paid for my Christmas gift that she bought me last year too... (I spent $20 for it, whereas, her gift was $0.25, which I know sounds stingy, but really that is what I could afford). For reference, my father's gift cost $0.50.
Anonymous 12/06/24(Fri)06:57:09 No.4915549
Sounds like a very unhealthy situation, get out of it as soon as you can.
Anonymous 12/06/24(Fri)12:55:02 No.4915645
would get a rat but we already have cats who refuse to accept other pets qwq
Anonymous 12/08/24(Sun)05:46:26 No.4916362
perfect mouse
I have a filler mouse.
Anonymous 12/08/24(Sun)17:37:05 No.4916545
so cute
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)08:16:10 No.4917149
EeZ8JdMVoAAjau9.jpg orig
Anonymous 12/10/24(Tue)14:09:27 No.4917235
What a chuuni little critter
Anonymous 12/11/24(Wed)05:26:38 No.4917464
This is my hamster popcorn. We had floor time tonight. He is a very good boy and has never bitten me and I think he looks like a golden possum. He is still skittish but very curious and brave. Overall, I am very happy with him, I wanted a hamster unlike one I've owned before. I love how he's just a blonde puffball
Anonymous 12/13/24(Fri)12:55:10 No.4918472
Preservation bump for pic rel
Anonymous 12/16/24(Mon)01:47:41 No.4919961
Anonymous 12/16/24(Mon)17:51:25 No.4920344
I like going to Petco and saying hi to the swarm of rats there.
Anonymous 12/16/24(Mon)18:16:11 No.4920352
I love him
Anonymous 12/16/24(Mon)22:09:12 No.4920423
i love saying hi to rats in pet shops!
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)00:18:37 No.4920468
i love when rodents stand up
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)02:55:31 No.4920511
post your rarest rat picture.
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)08:09:59 No.4920571
I will show one of the few pictures I have of the black rat in Christmas Eve.
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)08:35:39 No.4920582
hows the rat doing?
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)08:39:39 No.4920586
I have not seen him since the summer. I told my story above in this thread. I hope he is doing alright, but I do not know. Also, I know am anon linked to a YouTube channel with another cotton rat, managed Stuart. There is a new video, which made me smile. The cotton rat I helped that care of loved running in his wheel, which is what happens in the video.
Anonymous 12/19/24(Thu)04:43:38 No.4921467
c8981e38-6072-427b-acb8-2f9d83666440 (1)
me and no one
Anonymous 12/22/24(Sun)09:17:41 No.4923044
Anonymous 12/23/24(Mon)07:12:51 No.4923525
Anonymous 12/23/24(Mon)12:09:26 No.4923644
what a handsome little man
Anonymous 12/24/24(Tue)20:38:27 No.4924453
he has big feet
Anonymous 12/25/24(Wed)05:41:43 No.4924568
Anonymous 12/25/24(Wed)08:06:33 No.4924604
You know what they say about big feet...
Anonymous 12/25/24(Wed)09:42:32 No.4924620
merry ratmas, /an/!
Anonymous 12/25/24(Wed)10:47:51 No.4924640
The promised black rat picture. The daughter still played with Lego at 22. I do chuckle at this, though deep down, I kind of want to buy a model train
Anonymous 12/27/24(Fri)00:25:01 No.4925229
Anonymous 12/27/24(Fri)01:43:41 No.4925250
Fat rat
Anonymous 12/27/24(Fri)18:59:09 No.4925593
so funny how ratlets have huge ears and feet
Anonymous 12/28/24(Sat)12:50:44 No.4925921
they certainly grow into 'em
Anonymous 12/28/24(Sat)14:12:34 No.4925971
my most dominant rat has just reached 6 months and now he's getting more and more aggressive to his cagemates whenever he's out of the cage, the other day he started a fight and scratched the other's ear and made him bleed. there's maybe 3 vets in my city who do rats and none of them have even heard of a suprelorin implant, and I'm extremely nervous about castration. not to mention the fact that they're all quoting me over $400, almost as much as my rent, when it would be maybe 50 bucks for a dog. i have the money if i need to but this just feels like extortion. I've read some people say that sometimes hormonal aggression goes away after a few weeks or months, but I've seen others say that if you don't castrate them early it'll become learned behavior and almost impossible to get rid of, even if you castrate them later. it's kind of making me feel like shit and i can only hope that he remains non-evil when inside the cage until i get things figured out
Anonymous 12/28/24(Sat)16:25:18 No.4926026
Rat castration is more complicated for anaesthetic and the actual surgery than larger animals, requiring exotic pet specialists. Thus the cost
They usually grow out of it but you may need to discipline. Start just pulling them out of play and holding them while counting to ten, if they still act up then remove from the play area for a couple of minutes and if escalates, put them in a small cage for 5 to 10 minutes
Link below is great for putting on cuts after a wash, their disinfectant is great for cleaning the cuts
Anonymous 12/30/24(Mon)13:08:54 No.4926877
Anonymous 01/02/25(Thu)13:19:49 No.4927975
>Buy $5 rats
>Spend hundreds at the vet when they get sick

You fags here don't really do this right?
Just let the little fuckers die and get new ones. It's literally in their biology to live fast, fuck hard and die quick.
Anonymous 01/02/25(Thu)17:26:27 No.4928054
I'm having such a hard time finding rats for sale in my area. :(
Anonymous 01/02/25(Thu)19:21:45 No.4928106
theyre here for a good time, not a long time
Anonymous 01/03/25(Fri)01:18:46 No.4928264
the rats in the woods are free
Anonymous 01/03/25(Fri)01:24:31 No.4928266
Unlike you
Anonymous 01/03/25(Fri)01:52:49 No.4928280
I'm free use
Anonymous 01/03/25(Fri)03:42:45 No.4928312
What's with the tumor?
Anonymous 01/03/25(Fri)06:11:48 No.4928370
He was about 2 years 2 months when it was found and we felt he was to old for surgery. He kept going about 4ish months afterwards until he got an abscess and we had him put to sleep
Anonymous 01/04/25(Sat)13:44:21 No.4929067
Anonymous 01/04/25(Sat)20:02:50 No.4929187
woah rat triforce
Anonymous 01/05/25(Sun)05:36:01 No.4929299
for mine they were sisters but it was almost like they switched bodies in the week or two leading up to her death. normally she didn't really like going up to you, having pats etc. but then suddenly it was like a switch got flipped and she'd walk up to you and happily get petted, while the other one became antisocial. we had to put her down two days ago because she suffered a whole bunch of health problems all at once. I also noticed that normally they stayed apart/minded their own business most of the time, but a day or two prior to her passing, i saw both of them sitting with each other.
It was like she knew her time was coming.
the remaining one seems to just want to be left alone but we do sit outside her cage as much as we can to keep her company and to check up on her, she's been quiet for a while though.
give yours a week or two before introducing a buddy, and do it in a neutral space/cage where it doesn't consider the territory as its own.
Anonymous 01/06/25(Mon)06:24:04 No.4929709
What makes them sit like spheres?
How do we stop them?
Anonymous 01/07/25(Tue)17:45:08 No.4930462
why would you want to stop them?
Anonymous 01/08/25(Wed)00:11:38 No.4930627
First picture of this year. Though These pictures are turning two years old.
Anonymous 01/08/25(Wed)15:17:41 No.4930861
Anonymous 01/08/25(Wed)22:30:48 No.4931026
Pregnant tailless rat gets an egg! She was rescued from being snake food (not my rat)
Anonymous 01/10/25(Fri)21:05:05 No.4931909
please keep posting he's so cute and also sorry that's such a shitty situation
Anonymous 01/10/25(Fri)21:10:38 No.4931911
he is so fkn cute
Anonymous 01/11/25(Sat)02:10:15 No.4931993
I stopped by to check and I see these messages... I am having trouble uploading pictures, so I have to compress them first. I will post one tonight. Rest will be tomorrow.
Anonymous 01/13/25(Mon)17:58:33 No.4933516
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)01:12:53 No.4933647
I just got two new pet store rats.
The lady at the store was nice and seemed to give them a lot of care. She told me that usually when they get rats they're a lot more friendly and enjoy being handled, but she thinks these were mistreated in some way before getting there.
One of them is shy and skittish and the other doesn't mind being touched but is a biter.
Any advice?
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)14:15:27 No.4933858
How long have they been home?
It can take a few days to adjust. Keep interacting with them during free roam, interact like a rat does, tickle their rump, chase a little with your hand and hold food for them to take from your hands.
Desu, pick them up at least once a week to check teeth etc early in makes it easier when they're older and you have to handle them
Make sure the free roam area has a hide and make sure you respect that boundary, they need a safe space
Check youtube, seeing what others do really helps here
Anonymous 01/16/25(Thu)18:50:48 No.4934920
Anonymous 01/17/25(Fri)00:29:36 No.4934991
he just like me :)
Anonymous 01/17/25(Fri)14:04:33 No.4935279
Anonymous 01/18/25(Sat)11:10:26 No.4935795
Anonymous 01/20/25(Mon)00:58:19 No.4936601
Anyone have experience with the giant african pouched rats? They seem based. Bong don't even need a loisence to own one of this big bois
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)04:21:23 No.4937719
popielica gryzoń
>find out about a rodent
>looks really cute
>some even keep them as pets
>read up on them
>>The edible dormouse (Glis glis) was considered a delicacy in ancient Rome, either as a savoury appetizer or as a dessert
that was not something I expected to read today
Anonymous 01/22/25(Wed)04:45:27 No.4937729
you know, he does look a LITTLE tasty... maybe the romans were onto something...